View Full Version : Bless or Divine favor on a ranged Paladin...?

2018-08-03, 08:59 PM
So, I made a ranged Paladin, just cause. It’s actually fun using non-smite spells. But here’s my quandary:

I’m a Vuman devotion Paladin with crossbow expert and sharpshooter. Level 4. Next level I’ll have the extra tax, for 3 attacks per round.
Dex mod +3
Cha mod +3
So, I use channel divinity as an action and have a +8 to hit.

The question is...Divine favor or bless?

Do I use divine favor for +d4 and start attacking on the 2nd round? Or do I use Bless on turn 2 and try and sharpshooter every attack from turn 3 onward(with essentially a d4+3 to hit)?

I think it probably depends on enemy AC, and how many rounds it might go on for.

Also, if I have the time to set up either beforehand, say we’re going to initiate combat and I have a turn or 2 before we run through a door-which is better?

I might need a dnd mathlete for this one.

2018-08-03, 09:03 PM
After writing it out, I think the answer may just be “it depends”.

2018-08-03, 09:10 PM
I'd say regardless of which would get you higher damage personally, Bless is the better option because it also benefits 2 of your party members, and helps you avoid all sorts of nasty stuff by giving a bonus to saving throws.

Divine Favor might be better for combats you don't think are going to last very long, but if a combat seems like it'll be quick you probably shouldn't be blowing your CD and a spell slot on it to begin with.

2018-08-03, 09:13 PM
I'd say regardless of which would get you higher damage personally, Bless is the better option because it also benefits 2 of your party members, and helps you avoid all sorts of nasty stuff by giving a bonus to saving throws.

That’s what I was thinking, except if I need 2 turns to setup, it might just flatly take too long. Eventually I want to go fighter 2 so I can action surge and get setup in 1 turn, haha

2018-08-03, 09:23 PM
If you have a bard or cleric on your team I'd go diving favor so they can use bless or inspiration. Otherwise ide bless everyone

2018-08-03, 09:23 PM
That’s what I was thinking, except if I need 2 turns to setup, it might just flatly take too long. Eventually I want to go fighter 2 so I can action surge and get setup in 1 turn, haha

I think at that point you just gotta judge if you think a combat is going to be over quick, and if it seems like enemies you can beat easily either don't use your Channel Divinity or don't cast a spell (or neither tbh).

2018-08-03, 09:32 PM
Do you know who is on your team?

If so do they have bless, can you ask them to cast it and have you as one of them
If not take bless, it's versatile and useful in a lot of situations.

If they do, and they will, then Divine Favour is a more effective choice.

2018-08-03, 10:06 PM
I’m playing in a West marches game, so the groups are always rotating. But this is all good stuff to keep in mind. I think most people are playing fighters and barbarians, and non-divine casters. I might be the only one with bless actually

2018-08-03, 10:14 PM
I’m playing in a West marches game, so the groups are always rotating. But this is all good stuff to keep in mind. I think most people are playing fighters and barbarians, and non-divine casters. I might be the only one with bless actually

Having Bless then is good, especially as you should be at the back and can hopefully keep concentrating on it.
Your rotating teammates will love you for it as well!