View Full Version : Roleplaying [Town Setting] Necros - Land of the Dead

2018-08-03, 10:16 PM
"Live fast, and leave a beautiful corpse."

Necros - a town oft lauded as the Land of the Dead, and for good reason. Death, and the Dead, are worshipped and exalted. A fair few do take to worshipping gods of death, though many see this as too indirect, and doesn't properly respect the Dead as they should be. Should a citizen die outside of Necros, or be dragged out by one of the many monstrous beasts and dragons that plague the lands, recovering the body is seen as a holy task for others of the town. It has even been recorded that, for particularly notable individuals, a small army of people and animated dead would be found marching upon the offenders. More often than not, however, it is the task of the body-heir and their compatriots.

Most citizens have body-heirs for when they die. Once funerary rights are completed, they body would be put to use as the heir saw fit. Some lineages even have a tradition of sewing flesh and bone from the dead to the living to embody the strength and courage of those that gave their life. This is done with a painful mixture of mundane and magical techniques. Should the citizen die without declaring an heir, they default to either their closest living relative or, failing that, to the ruling body. In such a case, the body is often buried in the sanctified grounds with their weapons and armour to be raised should the town once again need to call upon their aid.

The most heinous of crimes, such as unwarranted destruction/burning of the dead, or torture of the living, among others, is not met met with death but life - cruel and harsh life. They are put to grueling work, and to die of exhaustion absolves them of their crime as their ashes are spread to the winds. Those that refuse such generous offers - often outsiders - are detained and have their life sustained, if barely, for an appropriate amount of time for penance and exiled.