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2018-08-04, 09:05 AM

It is the last days of a very warm and damp summer. The port of Castilé Huelva is busy as ever being middle of the trading season. The docks are preparing for the upcoming harvest to be shipped to other major cities in Iberis. Currently tools are in high demand, as is Iberis' very own trading monopol: Black powder. Revolutionizing mining and warfare alike, the country of Iberis is target of international fame and envy.


It is the early afternoon in the Steadfast Soldier Inn. Diego, the barkeeper is entertaining the three guests that honor his establishment on this fine but slow afternoon. One of the guests keeps claiming that the king is an actual demon that drains the lands of wealth in order to lure people into contracts. His accomplice claims the actual evil contracting creatures are known as lawyers. Both nod, drink and sit silently in the inn.


The burly man in his late 40s is not the silent type. He has fought many pirates, even seen more lands and claims he has made love to even more women.

Devon Fairwind:
You step into the harbor area, your belongings shouldered on a haversack on your back. The fresh salt water breeze mixes with the smell of woodworking, exotic spices and actual cooking. A certain kind of musk rounds out the olfactory sensations. You haven't bathed in about four months you reckon. Thankfully the ship's mage took pity on you and helped you out with his magic from time to time, at least enough to stave off disease.

Where would this inn be? Does this city have agents of Kiva? What are your primary concerns?

Aneya Faye:
The day has started boring. After last night's tavern brawl, today seems so boring. You stayed up late to help Diego clean up, and even though he hasn't officially made you his security, he is deeply thankful for deescalating the brawl simply by being present. You sit by your meal, simple and plain and think what you want to do today. People disagreed because there still are loyalists amongst even the workers. One side claimed the king knows what he is doing and the royalty always did what was best for the country. The other one claims that old King Cyran has gone mad with power.

What was Aneya's stance towards that topic? How did you help deescalate the conflict, or did you join one of the sides? What are your goals for today?

Thélei Kalosýni Dimiourgós:
Mother and daughter are busy brewing their enhancing concoctions from the early sunrise. They take turns stirring though the majority of work should be done by now. You have shopped for all ingredients and your potions that Diego lovingly calls "Stallion's stamina shots" are almost finished. Your mother heavily protests the name because the main ingredient is actually mandragora. Her scientific remarks aside, a taven brawl yesterday has actually destroyed a cabinet full of the elixir. You should probably bring the first batch to Diego before the sun sets fully.

Describe your mother please (is she tiefling?). Where is your hut because Diego wouldn't allow a brewery near his inn. The merchantile district is close to the Steadfast Soldier and to the harbor, where you might have gotten a place, but neighbors will not welcome a witch brewing her brews unless they get some. If you want a more secluded shop, you could have set up in the harbor area.

Vigo of Alcencon
Last night was a desaster. One of the merchant's who frequents the Steadfast Soldier regularly happened to notice Vigo's rapier. Obviously drunk he insulted Vigo that he was a wimp and unable to fight with that 'toothpick' if his life depended on it and he should try to fight like a real man, with his fists. You quickly humiliated the man cutting through his belt, dropping his trousers in the process. He fled the building and returned with a few thugs ready to push your face in. A big half-orc woman intervened on Diego's behalf and stopped until bigger damage could be done. Diego won't hold you responsible for the damage, but he hinted at needing a 'small job' done in repayment of said damages.

What is Vigo doing this fine day? Did you join Aneya? What did you say to Diego?

2018-08-04, 02:35 PM
Thélei hummed a short tune, swaying back and forth as she worked. Reaching the end of the tune her tail darted into the cabinet above her and deposited two pinches of dried squid beak into the frothing cauldron she was stirring. She frowned concentrating on the bubble growth, waiting for just the right moment to pour in the cold baboon blood... now! Happily she started up the tune again, only to jolt as a sharp voice came from behind her.

Her mother clapped her hands gently, the tall blue grey woman with light grey hair and backswept reddish horns, already with a full twist in them. Her beautiful face had a harsh, aristocratic demeanor nearly always except when alone with her children.

"Thélei. enough!" Apelpisía huffed. "Please, sing something else. You've been humming the same song a dozen times now!"

"Sorry mama," Thélei said sheepishly. "I'll try. It's a new song I heard at the harbour today. Supposed to come from the old empire to the south of Serir. It's been stuck in my head ever since. I wish I could hear it with the dance they say it is supposed to accompany..."

"Ah," her mother sighed. "Any word from Anóteros's ship?"


"Captain Alonso hasn't lost a ship in a decade, I'm sure he'll get back fine. Probably just had to go out of his way to shelter from that storm."

"Or pirates, or Gotha, or the king's 'anti piracy' ships" Thelei muttered darkly.

Apelpisia shook her head and ran her fingers through Thelei's long hair "Don't worry so τα μάτια μου (*my eyes), leave that for us old folk. Now, time for you to make the deliveries. And feel free to tarry, I'll be busy, and the twins have double studies with Monseur Pedregon this afternoon."

She had one more obstacle to pass on the way out the door.
"Thelei, Thelei, take us to the beach, Valery and Delfina said there's fruit ices today!" The twins were six now, (and 3/4, they loudly insisted). Hypatia was a deep aquamarine with light blue hair, and Hyperion a greyish purple with tinges of red around his hands. Both had large, soulful sea green eyes, that were now expertly pleading with her.

"Sorry Gatákia (*kittens). I need to make deliveries now, and you have studies with the old man." Thelei laughed, tail tickling Hyperion's side before darting away to hist sister's armpit. She expertly danced away from their vengeful grabs, giggling madly.

As she bounced out of the shop, her gait suddenly stuttered and became trodding, eyes flickering to both sides, then up. The shop front was very narrow, perhaps 6 feet wide, though it widened as it went back. It was 3 stories tall, dark wood and plaster with a carved and dyed sign "Double Bubble: Charms, Potions, Fetichs, Ungeants, expert consultation re. Jinx and Malison quandaries." Each story overhung the previous by a few feet. The sides had a mere foot between the adjacent shops. The first floor was the shop area, while the second was their living space, and the third housed their brewing and ingredients. From the top several ramshackle chimneys lazily jettisoned rings of oddly colored smoke.

She made various small deliveries. Fortunately all the customer's this time were at a minimum willing to be coldly polite, but she had saved the best and largest delivery for last. Diego was tied for her favorite customer, not to mention their most lucrative by a wide margin. He had bargained for exclusive access to enhancement drops, and was their biggest buyer of anti chaffing rubs and sexual disease cures and preventatives. He was also always courteous, though gruff, and never showed a hint of fear or distrust given her ancestry, or even (surprisingly given his profession) desire. She entered the Steadfast Soldier carefully, keeping her eye out for any of the more rowdy patrons. Fortunately she seemed in luck. Diego saw her enter, and gave a wide wave towards the back, before finishing the complicated drink the man in front of him ordered. She skirted around the customers, eyeing those who had looked at her as she entered. She slipped behind the counter and began carefully arranging the potions and ungeants in the new cabinet Diego had gestured to.

"Miss Dimiourgós!" Diego boomed as he strode over "Always glad to see you lass, got everything I asked for cooked up?"

"Yes sir, we managed."

"My thanks! It was a desperate night without your lovely mixes, and I wasn't looking forward to another one. I think some of our regulars are addicted to being stallions, instead of mere men!"

"It's not addictive..." She quickly muttered.

"No, no, just an expression." He rumbled gently. "Well how about you stick around for a bit once you are done. We've got a load of ice in from the north, and peaches from the orchards. First one on the house."

She hesitated, but remembering her mother's words, nodded. After she had explained a few of the more esoteric interactions between the potions (red haired men should not take 5 doses of enhancement drops and rub female ungeant on their private parts) she found the most secluded spot and nursed a peach smoothy with just a tiny bit of schnapps to spice it up.

*Perhaps she meets another of the party here?

2018-08-04, 07:33 PM
Vigo woke up in his room in the Steadfast Soldier, head pounding. Groaning, he covered his eyes, grimacing angrily at the sunlight streaming into the window. He sat up, still cradling his head in his hands. "Gah, why did I drink so much last night? Hell, what did I do last night?" He remembered... something. Some sort of trouble.

He glanced up at his sword belt resting at the side of the room. Ah. Right. He chuckled, remembering the look on that pompous merchant's face as his pants dropped off of him--the drunk fool hadn't seen it coming. And the way he'd staggered out of the inn, pants around his ankles... Of course, what had happened after was far less amusing. In the moment, Vigo fully believed he could have taken the men--looking back on it, he'd been a bit tipsy already himself, and there were quite a few of them. There certainly would've been more damage to the inn. It was probably for the best that that big half-orc had stepped in and diffused things--Aneya, was it? She hadn't worked there when he'd first met Diego. Vigo, that temper of yours is going to get you in trouble one day. Hell, it already has.

He sat up and waited for the room to mostly stabilize before climbing to his feet. His stomach growled. Pulling on a set of simple clothing, he tramped downstairs to the inn.

He pauses at the bottom of the steps, blinking to clear his vision. "Morning, Diego," he calls over to the bartender as he moves over toward the bar. "You got any of that hangover cure? Could sure use some after last night."

"Sure thing, lad. In fact, you can thank the one who makes 'em. She's right over there." He indicated the corner where Thélei was sipping her drink. Vigo gave the tiefling a friendly smile and wave, and accepted the fizzing tonic from Diego gratefully, taking a long gulp. It will take some time, he knew, for it to take effect, so in the meantime he took a plate of food and wandered over to where Aneya sat. "Thanks for the help last night," he offered. "One or two of those thugs, and I'd have taken them no problem. As many as there were, well, it would have gotten messy. I appreciate that you had my back. I'm Vigo." He extends a hand to the half-orc in greeting.

2018-08-05, 08:59 AM
She would always be grateful for prestidigitation and those mages, like Ferion, back on the ship, that could cast it. In fact, that spell was the one thing that made Devon wonder if she should have studied arcane magic, rather than divine - but there was no way. She knew she had found her calling with Kiva, and now, her calling had led her here, to this giant city the likes of which she had never seen. She was glad, at least, for smelling decent - thanks to said mage with said spell - because while she knew that this was a port city, and that the people would be used to the smell of sailors, she did want to make good first impressions on anyone she met here. Who knew how necessary they could be, in her quest for change?

But the city! It was so gigantic, so many odd smells and sights. She had of course, been in cities before, briefly when the ship made port. But this would be the first time she'd ever be staying in one for any extended period of time. They had always intimidated her, to some degree. Growing up in a small town, she was used to a certain pace of life that just seemed completely overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of cities. Though it had certainly been no less busy on the ship, some days, at least on the ship she knew what she was supposed to do, and where she was supposed to go, and at least had passing familiarity with all those aboard. Being on a ship at sea was like living in a microcosmic world of its own, and one could get used to that. But here! So many strange faces, so many people, so many places, and she had no idea where to begin.

Perhaps, she thought, at the bottom?

Because Devon knew, that if anyone wanted things to change, it would have to be the people who were constantly taken advantage of in this world. She still hadn't a clue where to find people like this, though... but she headed into the city with this in mind, eyes sharp as she looked around for potential allies in her cause.

Eventually, she found the Steadfast Soldier Inn. She recognized the place - not the inn itself, but what it was. She had seen places like this before, and though she had never entered one, not having any interest herself in what was being offered (and somewhat worried that she'd be mistaken for one of the workers - having passes made at her while on the ship was quite enough, thank you) she decided this was as good a place as any to begin. She stepped inside, blinking a few times to let her eyes adjust to the dim lighting in comparison to the bright sun outside. It surprised her a bit, how crowded the place was considering the hour. Early afternoon does not seem like the time to come to a place like this, she would have figured it was a nighttime only establishment... but the six people clustered around different tables tell a different story. She figures she should talk to the proprietor of the establishment before anything else, but on her way to the bar, someone else catches her full attention.

Is that... a tiefling? she wonders silently, gaze quickly turning to the young woman perched at a table, alone. She doesn't seem to be doing much, just sipping at a drink. It makes Devon wonder if she's one of the workers here, or just a visitor. But then again, what reason would a woman have in coming to a place like this, if they weren't a worker?

...now, now, you can't think that. Just look at yourself!

Still, curiosity gets the better of her. She approaches the empty table, and takes a seat across from the woman. While it takes her a moment to speak, trying to decide on the best way to start a conversation, eventually, she does. She gestures around the place, to the others seated nearby. "Typical afternoon, here?" she asks, figuring it's a safe enough question.

2018-08-05, 11:06 AM
Thélei nursed her melting sweet peach drink, carefully averting her face while keeping her eyes on the human who had jauntily waved to her. He seemed familiar, and not in a bad way. He was handsome with a dashing air, something she doubted she'd forget easily. She ran through her memories, like flipping through the pages of a book. Yes, a man who matched his build and dress very closely had been here twice before, months ago, though she had not gotten a look at his face. He was availing himself of a hangover eye drops. A relatively new innovation from her mother. A sympathetic extraction from a fruit in the south, it cleared your eyes of redness and head of tiredness (and aches), and gave a nice fresh energy to counter the Melancholic detritus left over from the alcohol. Partaking of this cure meant the man was likely a drunkard (or admittedly simply liked a kick in the pants in the morning). Thélei narrowed her golden eyes, drunkards were common enough, but decidedly more likely to lack self control in other matters. He had the look of a man who enjoyed danger, and men who liked danger were a bad combination with lack of self control. Though Diego seemed to like him well enough, and sometimes the worst threats were those that looked cute and friendly on the outside.

Like the half elf winding her way to Thélei's table. She had weather worn, but still somehow elegant and natural green silks.

As the woman's target became more obvious, Thélei poked a finger through a hole in the small satchel over her shoulder and whispered: "Keep an eye out on the others Ko-Ko, I'll be watching this one." She got an affectionate nibble in confirmation. Whispering a quick spell to guide her actions Guidance Thélei inspected the woman carefully.

The woman was a little bit taller than Thélei, and looked about the same age as her, for all that meant to even a half elf. The smell of sea, sweat, wood and lack of proper baths should have been off-putting, but instead it reminded Thélei of her brother's returns from the sea. Always joyous events, she couldn't help but feel more relaxed.

Elves, always elegant, Thélei thought with a mixture of admiration and jealousy, they could make sunburn and sackcloth look like it was the new fashion from the old empire.

Oops. She realized she had been staring, instead of responding. What had the woman said? Oh yes, "Typical afternoon, here?" A fairly standard greeting, normal for when a stranger might sit down. Okay, be friendly, but not too friendly. Don't act weird.

"Umm, yes, pretty typical. It'll pick up a lot later on." There, she sounded knowledgeable. Like she belonged here, and would notice any tricks, and would be sought for if she went missing after being dragged away by a Fae in the form of a pretty half-elven girl.

Okay, people liked to talk about themselves, "Who are you? Which ship did you come in on, have you heard any news about captain Alonso's Numancia?" She bit her tongue hiding a wince. That was too fast.

As they talk Thélei tries to tease out who the woman is, and what the woman's real motivations are.

*She'll provide her name, the basics of her job and arrangement with Diego. She might be prodded to gush about her brother, but tries to conceal her past travails, though they might become apparent to a moderately skilled interlocutor.

Sense Motive: (+1 from guidance)
Bluff: [roll0]

*Edit: for some reason it made both same roll (roll0)... sense motive should be +10. I'll try reroll both since it was a good roll to start with.

Sense motive[roll]1d20+10
Bluff 1d20+3

Edit2: Hmm. maybe I need a new post?

DM Masterson
2018-08-05, 12:02 PM
Aneya Faye - At the Steadfast Soldier

While not exceptionally large, especially for a half-orc, Aneya does convey a sense of power with her lithe, athletic build. The weapons she carries help in that regard as well. She keeps her falchion on her left hip, chakrams sheathed on her right, the hilt of a dagger sticks out of her boot and a wicked looking kukri at her waistband. She wears a loose fitting linen tunic over some sort of armor. Sitting at the bar she is finishing up her hearty, yet plain breakfast as she sips at a small cup of rum. While not much of a drinker, she learned to appreciate, and eventually love the sweet burn of a good rum. The taste brings back fond memories of her time on the Santa Clara.

Hearing stories about the mad king, Aneya smiles. Her father taught her years ago that there are three sides to every story; his side, her side, and the truth. When it comes to the crown Aneya ascribed to that same thought. With so many stories of the king being mad, there had to be some truth to it... after all where there is smoke, there is typically fire. That being said, rulers did not stay in power by making poor decision after poor decision. Of course, its possible this discontent was the result of those bad choices. Nonetheless, Aneya was a sailor, and what difference could her opinion ever make on the political landscape of Iberis?

Aneya has been keeping an eye on everyone as they entered the bar. Diego, or course, but also the tiefling, the half-elf, and the human. They all looked as if they could be particularly dangerous if that were to be their intentions.

Aneya has a large smile when Vigo mentions the "brawl" from the night before. Giving a quick chuckle she extends a hand to the man. "No worries, the alcohol in the stomach wanted the fight, their hearts did not." She finishes the last of the rum in her cup before continuing. "I'm Aneya, and 'tis a pleasure to meet you Vigo... what's your story?"

2018-08-05, 02:05 PM
Diego appeared with a large tablet carrying four shot glasses, a small bottle of rum and four larger tankards of a weaker ale, likely more to combat thirst than to get drunk. The burly man smiles and laughs heartily. Hahaha, oh yes. Adventurers meeting in a tavern. The beginning of any good ballad starts here. Be my guests for today and tonight. I have some of the best dancers in the city, no matter if you're interested in their choreography on stage or in the sheets. On one condition: No barfights tonight. Diego's fist hits Vigo's shoulder rather hard. You're new here, aren't you? the barkeep greets the half-elf. Castilé Huelva looks like a large city but once you have lived here for a while you know regular customers from sailors. Your skin and the faint smell of salt water tells me you came by ship. If you want something else, come over to the bar. My girls usually don't start a shift before sundown. And I have got to install a new cupboard. Anyway, first round's on me!

Diego goes back to his bar and vanishes in a backroom before reappearing with tools and a few planks of wood. The Steadfast Soldier doesn't give off the look like it was built by professional carpenters. The building looks stable enough so that you don't have to fear random driftwood pieces fall into your drink. But once you check the ceiling and some corners, you see that Diego has strategically positioned decorations to hide the worst mistakes while repairing the inn.

2018-08-05, 04:11 PM
Vigo laughs heartily, taking Aneya's hand. "An excellent sentiment. Strong ale makes fighters out of many. As for my story, well..." he laughs again, more soberly this time, and takes another swig of the pungent concotion Diego had given him. "This stuff really is excellent, isn't it? Ten minutes ago it felt like something was trying to kick its way out of my skull, and now I'm right as rain!" He finishes the drink off, pushing the empty glass back toward Diego. "As for me, well... I found myself needing to lay low for a bit, if you know what I mean. Got on the bad side of someone with the means to push grudges. I know Diego here, used to be a regular years back." He smiles and nods at the old barkeep. He turns back to the tavern at large, glancing over the other patrons. The half-elf catches her eye--she's talking with that tiefling. Maybe she's interested in some of those remedies herself?

Vigo gives Diego a half-grimace, half-smile at the "no barfights" admonishment. "I won't start one, Diego. You have my word on that."

2018-08-05, 05:49 PM
Devon smiles slightly as the other woman makes polite conversation with her. She thinks it's fairly obvious that she's caught the woman off guard, but she supposes it's all right, based on the tiefling's reply. "I've called the Falconeer home for the past few years," Devon answers. "But I don't think I'll be sailing out of port with them this time. I think I've found a different calling for myself, and it needs me to be on land," she says. She looks as though she is going to continue, but instead startles a little bit as Diego comes over and places a tankard down in front of her. Thoughts of continuing the conversation with Thélei momentarily swept away, she scoops up the drink and lifts it in a slight, grateful toast towards the proprietor. She doesn't have the chance to say very much before he wanders off, but that's fine - Devon's returning her attention to Thélei by that point, anyways. "My name is Devon Fairwind," she introduces herself properly now, a warm smile on her face. Behind her eyes, she's wondering if this woman would be useful to her cause. She certainly seems smart, even from the few sentences Devon has spoken with her.

DM Masterson
2018-08-05, 07:20 PM
Aneya Faye - At the Steadfast Soldier

Aneya graciously accepts the small bottle of rum and pours herself a bit more into her small cup. While doing so she can't help but think of what was said. Adventurers? Is that what she is? She had always considered herself a sailor, but found her self wanting some more. Adventure one might even say. Perhaps she was... though she never quite thought of herself in that way. It felt oddly, empowering. While listening to Vigo she glances over at the exotic looking half-elf and tiefling pair. Upon seeing Vigo eyeing them as well she speaks up.

"Perhaps we should go introduce ourselves to the two over there" she says motioning towards the tiefling and half-elf. As she makes her way over she hears one speak of the ship the Falconeer. That's a ship name she had heard before. If nothing else, it would be a good ice-breaker.

As she and Vigo approach she begins. "Well met, I am Aneya, and this is my friend Vigo. Forgive me for the intrusion, but I heard you were on the Falconeer for a time. I've heard of the ship. I spent years aboard the Santa Clara myself."

2018-08-05, 09:04 PM
"I am..." Thélei began, before suddenly standing up to respond. Unfortunately she seemed to lose steam half-way when her chair bumped against the back wall interrupting. Nonetheless she gave a curtsy as best she could while half standing, tail holding the edge of her skirt. Her voice shifted to a formal, nearly arrogant tone: "I am Thélei Kalosýni Dimiourgós, daughter of Apelpisía Sofós Dimiourgós, and Parálogos... " her voice dropped to inaudibility, before quietly continuing "...unsworn and unaffiliated. Apprentice witch and brewer." She sat back down, reddening slightly. Mama always said to do a proper introduction when meeting strangers, but she had botched it. Besides it was probably too much for a bar or brothel. Though Mama had said some of the most important political decisions of our times were brokered in brothels.

Seeing the Half orc woman and the dangerous man from before had approached her table while she was introducing herself, Thélei kicked herself even harder, taking a drink from the beer Diego had set down to hide her embarrassment.

Recalling what Diego had said about being an adventurer, she choked on the beer she was hiding behind. "No, I'm no adventurer. Sure, I've been on adventures.... not on purpose though, so I don't think I count as an adventurer."

Still she couldn't help but be flattered that Diego had thought her worthy of calling an adventurer. Not that she wanted to be. Fights were dangerous and scary. Of course she wasn't afraid when she was fighting, no indeed not. She was having Fun. Which was rather wicked of her, wasn't it? Probably best to avoid it then.

A little later into the conversation, after having used the beer as a shield a few times more than she was used to she mused quietly "It does sound just like the stories Mama and Papa used to tell. A mismatched group, meeting in a tavern, sharing a drink, then suddenly, a monster attacks! With their diverse skills they slay the monster... I'm talking about you folk, of course, not me. Not that I want a monster to attack you. But I'm sure you could slay it if it did."

2018-08-06, 03:43 PM
Vigo follows Aneya over--he had intended to compliment the tiefling on the hangover cure, anyway. He lifts his drink in greeting as Aneya introduces him, and to begin with simply listens as the sailors swap their stories. Without sailing experience of his own, he just sips his drink and absorbs the banter, occasionally jumping in with a comment or a laugh.

At Thélei's comment, Vigo chuckles. "Monsters aren't my specialty, I'm afraid. But if one were to attack, I'd certainly do what I could to protect such fine folk as yourselves. By the way, Diego tells me you are responsible for that fine hangover cure? If that's so, my compliments. Works like a charm. Had a bit of a rough time last night, and your little concoction cleared things right up."

Vigo converses with the others, apparently at ease, but he's turning over the situation in his head. Adventurers? He certainly wasn't one, at least not by choice. He considered himself a businessman, no more, no less. Of course, I'm out of business at the moment. At a break in the conversation, Vigo leans in and interjects. "Say, Diego mentioned something about having a job that needs doing. Anyone have any idea what that might be?"

2018-08-06, 09:03 PM
Devon smiles warmly at the other two that approach the table, giving them a nod and motioning generally for them to sit down. However, before she speaks to what Aneya's said, she does take the time to listen to Thélei's rather... comprehensive introduction. "Wow," she hums. "You just took away all my ice-breaker questions right there!" she chirps, tone more playful and lightly teasing than anything else. "It's a pleasure. And same to you two. I'm Devon," she says, turning her attention to the human and half-orc that have approached. "I've heard of the Santa Clara. Beautiful ship. Is it true you guys stumbled on the lair of a Dragon Turtle? I know you came into port heavily damaged a few years back, it was all the gossip on the docks for a while."

When Vigo mentions work, Devon perks up a little more. "I haven't heard anything of the sort - but I just arrived no more than an hour ago. I do intend to stay here a while, though, and so any means of providing for that would be most useful."

2018-08-06, 10:44 PM
"Say, Diego mentioned something about having a job that needs doing. Anyone have any idea what that might be?"

Diego - being the ever entertaining salesman - just mentioned that interesting people enter his tavern. They're usually identified by not womanizing and drinking moderately, basically the opposite of any normal sailor. Because of their more obvious appearance, they usually either appear later at night or have a private room booked. Of course Diego wouldn't disclose such delicate details of which room is owned by whom. After all, influential merchants, guild masters and captains use his etablissement to get away from their wives, husbands and occasionally gay lovers. Disclosing that would ruin Diego's reputation and contrary to other people in town, he seems to have enough integrity to not be purchasable.

More or a second post will follow in a few hours...feel free to continue your RP.

DM Masterson
2018-08-07, 02:17 PM
Aneya smiles at the question of the Dragon Turtle. "Just like all legends, there is a bit of truth to it." Trying not to chuckle at the memory. "We stopped in a rarely used and mostly desolate port to load up on fruit. Some of us had a hike around the island and found a gigantic turtle shell. The turtle was long since dead, and the shell was all that remained. We loaded it up on the ship and were making our way back to port. We hit a large ice chunk that drifted too far south out of the northern seas and that's what caused all of the damage to our hull. We joked with the Captain that we should tell them the turtle attacked us and we had to kill it or sink. Somehow, the story stuck."

At the mention of a job and adventuring Aneya shrugs. "I have nothing better going on... adventuring or a job... I'm at least interested".

2018-08-07, 06:38 PM
Thélei's smile had a note of confusion at Devon's comments. Wasn't it good to get all the personal questions out of the way? For instance: "What calling?" she asked softly, perhaps unheard between other questions.

Thélei brightened at the praise of her work: "Yes, it's my own variant, I added some purified honeycomb. Removes the thaumaturgic properties since those would interfere, but it still adds sweetness, and keeps the ashanti down."

"A job? Diego has asked me for assistance with some difficult clients before, maybe... umm, but... nothing you'd be interested in." She finished lamely after. Idiot! Dangerous men with swords wouldn't be asked to provide a spice mixture for a rare fish or diagnose the results of a noble customer drinking a dozen potions at once, and would be insulted to have it implied that they might.

After a moment for the other's reactions to seep in the blood shot back into her face as she realized the possible implications. "Not like that!" she stammered. Quickly she thought of a question to distract Vigo. Mama said fighting men always like talking about their sword. "That's a beautiful sword, what's it's name? How many people has it killed?"

"A dragon turtle?" She breathed in wonder at the half-elf's question and began listening intently. Her face slipped a little at the anti-climatic revelation, but perked up again shortly. "That's a great prank! They must have treated you all as mighty heroes." She sighed. "I wish I could see a dragon turtle, even if it was already dead."

2018-08-08, 12:46 AM
Vigo chuckles affably at Thélei's question. "It is a finely crafted blade, isn't it?" He doesn't draw the weapon at the table, but pats the hilt. "Excellent balance, good strong steel, just enough spring. Made by one of the best damn smiths in Iberis. It doesn't have a name, though--never felt it needed one. And actually, I haven't killed many people with this. I don't fight to the death, unless someone refuses to yield. I have won fourteen duels with this blade, though," he finishes proudly. Of course, that one time was arguable, but he counted it as a win. And there were seven more he'd lost. Well, eight. But no need to bore them with extra details.

DM Masterson
2018-08-08, 02:54 AM
Aneya smiles, but notes the dip in Thelei's face when it was revealed she had not actually fought a Dragon Turtle. "Remind me one day, and I will tell you the "official story" of Santa Clara and the Lair of the Dragon Turtle. It is quite the story, and I am quite good at telling it. It tends to get me a free drink or two wherever I go."

2018-08-08, 07:54 AM
When Thélei's question came about her calling, Devon hesitated for a moment. She didn't spend all that time studying and worshiping Kiva to not have learned the value of discretion. And so, she doesn't answer immediately - and then, thankfully, she doesn't have to, because the other two at the table have spoken up with their own stories. Devon hopes that the question which was asked to her will be forgotten, for now.

2018-08-09, 11:28 AM
The afternoon flies by as you talk about pleasantries, small talk or personal things. Diego supplies you with everything you need including a small dinner. As the evening progresses the Steadfast Soldier fills up. Most sailors cannot or will not pay for a prostitute. But the Steadfast Soldier has entertainment provided. A small band is playing, exotic dancers try to animate the guests to 'entertain' themselves with a girl in the séparées. Everyone drinks, many girls and a few attractive boys serve themselves and the drinks. The air in the pub gets damp and stifling from all the sweat and people. As the night envelops the land in its dark blanket, Diego opens windows and drapes to improve circulation.

Most people know Thelei and avoid Aneya but a rather pushy customer tries to land with Aneya. Hey, my green beauty. Your body is amazing, almost breath... he burps ...taking. You want to get with a real man? He checks his groin with his right hand and tries to push Aneya's hand down there.

There are a few more interesting people around, and if you want to check out the prostitutes, who might hold information AND entertainment, you can as well.

Maria and Melisa are two blonde girls advertised as twins though you can quickly tell the differing facial features. They usually stay close to each other unless a guest only requests one. Melisa, the taller one has a slight limp going on. They're dressed in flowing white dresses that show a fair bit of detail. You think the dresses are made of the finest Serian silk. But it might be drow spider silk, even more expensive since drow are raiders and privateers and do not trade with the lower races. Nor do they bring their expensive dresses on their ships.

Eduardo is the chef waiter and one of Diego's most expensive male prostitutes. He usually takes one customer per night who has to pay for the whole night. His upper body is oiled up and reveals a more wiry frame. His trousers are of Serian balloon trousers and his skin has a slight red tint.

Editha is the oldest of the girls. Her skin is slightly greyish, and Thelei knows that she prefers the night to the day. Dressed in a short black dress, her face is almost white. You assume she used much make-up but people who know her know it better. She has been called a witch and a demon and a vampire before. And she works with those stories. Giving her suitors the cold shoulder until she finally leaves with a few lucky guys. Usually not the ugliest ones either.

Durothil is the last prostitute. Androgyn in appearance the sorcerer practices a bit of illusion magic that helps the elf to appear as whatever the customer desires. Rumors say the sex worker can really transform but no one can confirm or deny that.

DM Masterson
2018-08-09, 10:33 PM
Aneya is slightly annoyed with the man and encourages him to find one of the girls a little more willing. "I don't won't to take the working girls jobs, maybe you should try them." However, her strategy changes when he grabs her hand pushing it downward. Rather than fight against him, she lets her hand be place where he wishes before grabbing... as tightly as she can. She quickly puts a hand over the mans mouth so he can't scream, spins him around so she can control him and then whispers into his ear as menacingly as she can. "IF YOU EVER... EVER... TOUCH SOMEONE WITHOUT THEIR EXPRESS PERMISSION, I WILL PERSONALLY REMOVE YOUR FAMILY JEWELS WITH MY BARE HANDS. DO WE UNDERSTAND?" Assuming he agrees she releases him and quietly says. "Now leave."

Assuming no need to roll an attack since he placed her hand there anyway. Feel free to roll a grapple if needed or damage. Otherwise I'll go with intimidate.

Intimidate: [roll0] (not sure if I get any modifiers for having such a GRIP on the SITUATION if you know what I mean.)

2018-08-10, 12:12 PM
Thelei started to chastise the man, but stopped when it became clear Aneya had it very under control.

She gave a wincing smirk as the man's face went white. Any sympathy for men like that had been thoroughly burnt out after frequenting the Steadfast Soldier, but the squeaking noise he made was a little disturbing. Still, she marked his face for future price increase.

"Sorry about that." She felt oddly responsible for the woman's impression of the place, given that Diego had introduced her so admiringly. "Good job. You have to take a firm hand with men like that."

2018-08-10, 03:16 PM
Aneya stares the merchant down. I usually get what I want, darling. he mumbles. His curses involve comments about the half-orc's prude nature among emphasizing on her more masculine features. As he leaves he walks in exaggerated steps, as if something was wrong with his legs.

Diego sees the situation and promptly "escorts" the man outside. As the barkeep returns, he returns with another round of drinks. The gentleman you just met has offered to pay for your evening, ladies and gentlemen. His name is Vincenzo Fiore, a married and influential merchant dealing with spices from Serir. I convinced him to leave by simply mentioning his wife. What a coincidence. Diego half-smirks. Have a wonderful evening.

What are your goals tonight?

DM Masterson
2018-08-11, 01:48 AM
Aneya smiles warmly to Thelei to show that she is not concerned by what occurred. "I appreciate the gesture. You obviously have a very good, and compassionate heart. Thank you. But never, ever, apologize for the actions of someone else. He made a poor choice, not you."

Upon hearing Diego mention that her new found friends evening would be on "poor Vincenzo" she wonders out loud. "I wonder how much Diego would charge for a fine rack of seasoned lamb chops and some top shelf rum?" Aneya adds a laugh in at the end as she is only halfway joking. "I'll be honest friends, after time aboard the Santa Clara, I am looking for... something. I'm not sure what exactly, but after hearing the talk of being an adventurer, it does have a nice ring to it. What do each of you think?"

Aneya's goals are simple, have an enjoyable time with her new found friends while maybe finding a new adventurer to undertake.

2018-08-13, 06:41 PM
The night advances and the fun really starts. Eduardo is busy coordinating the dancers, girls and flirting with a few guys on the side, including Vigo. The girls find their suitors but the drinking only commences. Diego once again brings drinks to your table. This time he hands Devon a note. A fine gentleman has offered to pay for your whole night. In exchange he needs to ask you all something, in private. His room is the one with the red double doors. He looks serious, you might not want to keep him waiting. Maybe one of the king's men, or an important merchant.

Eduardo has offered you half-price off this night. You should best hurry because he said a Senor de Adelar was also offering. The price is negotiable, and you know what he does love even more than sex is rumor-mongering. His information is best taken with a grain of salt.

The note says: Do not delay!

As you know, in order to avoid mix-ups Diego has colored his séparées with colors because many of his clients are unable to read. The red room is his biggest and best one though it is still not worthy. It contains a double bed along with a table and a lavatory.

You assume this merchant is another one than the one you hurt because he invites you all together instead of catching you alone. Your sixth sense however tells you to be careful since merchants deal with each other and know each other as well.

2018-08-14, 10:39 AM
Devon takes a look at the note, then around the table to her newfound friends. She stands up and stretches, then lets out a sigh. "I think I'll call it an early night," she tells the others. "Hopefully, I'll see you all in the morning. Don't be strangers!" she insists, before moving off. She takes a while before heading to the doorway that Diego indicated, and knocks on the door twice before slipping inside.

2018-08-14, 04:52 PM
Inside the room you only see darkness. The windows are closed and nothing but a single candle illuminates the room from a small table on the left. A hooded figure sits next to it. His voice is oddly soothing and immediately familiar to you. I greet you, migrant*. I greet you in the name of liberty. He points to a simple stool on the other side of the small table. The door behind you closes. You see a fairly burly man close the door. He doesn't look threatening. He looks like a professional guard. Do not feel threatened by my helper over there. He is here to make sure no one disturbs us. Are you willing to risk everything for the freedom of this country? Will you aid us in liberating this land like we did before?** When you accept, you will need allies. Bring anyone you deem trustworthy to the old shipyard outside of the city's walls. Further details will be discussed with you there. If you have questions now, ask. But I cannot tell you details yet.
*Migrant is what the cult of Kiva calls their acolytes as they are travelling much
** Kiva liberated parts of the ancient kingdom of Amentes from the theocracy of the pharao Gamal-Shekmet III. After he died his son Gamal-Shekmet IV. announced the mandatory veneration of his father as a god. Due to his nature Nalithara made him the arch demon of envy.

2018-08-14, 10:51 PM
Thélei smiled awkwardly at Aneya's compliment and directive. "Umm, thanks. I'll... I'll try." It was good advice, but it was difficult not to feel responsible. She had seen the man coming, after all, having felt Ko's gentle nudge, and having an eye out for rowdy patrons. She had just stopped paying attention when it became clear he wasn't heading for her. She couldn't bring herself to explain this to Aneya though, and she did apologize for things that weren't really her fault. Of course if she could be confident enough to follow Aneya's advice, she probably wouldn't need to nearly as often. I could be that confident. The thought rose unbidden. She shook her head. That wouldn't be any good.

She watched Devon leave. She was a curious about the note, and Devon's arrangement with Diego, but felt it was a bit rude to speculate. She soon missed Devon, the girl had sought her out, and doubtless her presence was what led to the other's interest. The swordsman Vigo had quite a way with words, in fact they all did, quite unlike Thélei, but none of them commented on her lack. It was harder to keep up her end of the conversation with only three people though.

2018-08-15, 08:35 AM
Devon listens to the man's words, a curious sort of light in her eyes. She seems eager to begin doing as he suggests, but she isn't without questions. "How did you find me so quickly?" she asks. "I've only just arrived." A beat passes, before she presses forward with another question. "What sort of meeting should I be prepared for? Should I come in disguise, make sure I'm not seen?" she asks.

2018-08-15, 10:05 PM
Do you really think a ship such as the Falconeer isn't in our service too? the cultist says in an almost disappointed voice. You don't need a disguise. They don't know you are their downfall. Yet. Just join us tomorrow evening. Just make sure you are not followed. Actually scratch that. We will make sure you are not followed. The hooded figure takes your hand and flicks back the hood. You look into a dwarven face. He is blinded on one eye. Maybe a dock worker, or a craftsman that cannot work with the needed precision anymore. Your actions tomorrow will decide if this country spirals into its downfall. Or whether the masses will be able to rise up and take what is rightfully theirs.


It was harder to keep up her end of the conversation with only three people though.

As the night progresses and more and more patrons leave the inn or meet their concubines in their respective rooms, Diego visits you again and sits down. Finally! I thought I'd had to endure yet another of Miguel's stories about how great it was in the Empire. Damn Raanite, then he should go back where he came from! Diego spits out. The Raanite Empire was a theocracy just on the other side of the Serir desert. While better organized than Iberis, it was a tyranny and is slowly loosing their old ways after their religion was reformed when heroes purged an evil entity from their one god Raan. Maybe the Empire was a better place to live right now. So, what are you beauties doing tonight? He winks at the girls. Vigo? Neither a bar fight nor a flirt going on? What is wrong? The barkeep smiles.

2018-08-16, 11:14 AM
Devon gives the man's features a hard look-over, seeming to try and judge whether he's trustworthy or not. Whatever her conclusion, she gives a quiet nod. She's intrigued enough to at least be in the area of the meeting tomorrow night. "I'll see you then," she assures, before quietly getting up and leaving the room. She returns to the table with the rest of her friends, offering them a jovial smile. "Impossible to get any rest here," she hums. "This place is too loud. Hey, you guys want to duck out for a minute with me? Fresh air, quieter, give your ears a break?"


2018-08-16, 11:20 AM
Vigo chuckles. "I thought you didn't want me picking another fight, Diego? Might knock down another of your cupboards. And who needs to flirt when you've got fine company such as this?" He indicates the table at large. In actuality, he's been somewhat more reserved during the conversation, trying to hide some of his nervousness--he was realizing that the fight yesterday had been incredibly stupid. Chances are that merchant didn't have a direct link with any of the people who were after him, folks in those circles tended to gossip. There was an outside chance that word would get back to certain nobles--and he might not be as lucky a second time. Nothing for it now. Just have to stay on guard.

He glances up as Devon returns to the table. He furrows his brow a bit at the request, then shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, I could use some fresh air." He lifts his mug, finishing his drink in one long pull, and gets up from the table, ready to follow Devon.

2018-08-16, 04:12 PM
Thélei's lips twitched at Diego's gentle flirting. "We've been enjoying your drinks, thank you, and they," she gestured at her companions, as well as vaguely in the direction Devon had left, "have been telling great stories. They've had some amazing adventures. Did you know Aneya killed a dragon turtle?" She winked a little over exaggeratedly at Aneya.

To be honest she was wondering how Diego decided who to introduce to each other. She had seen how he ushered guests to form little groups, particularly when someone (like her) was alone at a table. He had a deft hand at it, seeming to barely do anything. Though in this case Devon had approached her before even talking to Diego. Why was that? She certainly stood out, being a Tiefling, but while that had lead to attention many times in the past it was almost never positive attention, and one time it had been still gave her goosebumps. Had Diego sent Aneya and Vigo here for Devon or her? Certainly talking with them was surprisingly un-stressful. With a start she realized she had zoned out, drink and recollection making her lapse from the conversation. "How did you know we would like each other?" She blurted. Yep, definitely too much drink.

As Devon made her way back to the table and made her offer Thélei stood up quickly. weren't the rooms pretty quiet when she had been in them?. Still, she was feeling a bit woozy, and could definitely use some air. Should be safe enough as long as they didn't try to take her out of earshot from the inn or something. That really didn't seem like the half elf, but Thélei knew better than to trust based on one chat.

2018-08-16, 08:50 PM
Devon gives the man's features a hard look-over, seeming to try and judge whether he's trustworthy or not. Whatever her conclusion, she gives a quiet nod. She's intrigued enough to at least be in the area of the meeting tomorrow night. "I'll see you then," she assures, before quietly getting up and leaving the room. She returns to the table with the rest of her friends, offering them a jovial smile. "Impossible to get any rest here," she hums. "This place is too loud. Hey, you guys want to duck out for a minute with me? Fresh air, quieter, give your ears a break?"


The dwarf seems sincere. In fact he seems kind of desperate. Like he wasn't even sure if you would accept, and what to do if you would decline. Just as you wander out behind the dwarf you don't see a dwarf but a shorter more slender kid-sized person exit. The brute is gone too.

Vigo chuckles. "I thought you didn't want me picking another fight, Diego? Might knock down another of your cupboards. And who needs to flirt when you've got fine company such as this?" He indicates the table at large. In actuality, he's been somewhat more reserved during the conversation, trying to hide some of his nervousness--he was realizing that the fight yesterday had been incredibly stupid. Chances are that merchant didn't have a direct link with any of the people who were after him, folks in those circles tended to gossip. There was an outside chance that word would get back to certain nobles--and he might not be as lucky a second time. Nothing for it now. Just have to stay on guard.

He glances up as Devon returns to the table. He furrows his brow a bit at the request, then shrugs his shoulders. "Sure, I could use some fresh air." He lifts his mug, finishing his drink in one long pull, and gets up from the table, ready to follow Devon.

I may be an old and boring barkeep now but in my chest there is the heart of a warrior. I think I love fighting too much and cleaning up after other's fights a little less. He looks serious for a short bit. Why else would you think I would house all these girls? I mean besides the obvious view. Diego has seen his girls often and should have a professional outlook on them. But even he sometimes gets lost in the curves of them. Well, I guess it is a bit until I close the bar. It is not gonna clean itself. you know? With these words Diego leaves again.

Thélei's lips twitched at Diego's gentle flirting. "We've been enjoying your drinks, thank you, and they," she gestured at her companions, as well as vaguely in the direction Devon had left, "have been telling great stories. They've had some amazing adventures. Did you know Aneya killed a dragon turtle?" She winked a little over exaggeratedly at Aneya.

To be honest she was wondering how Diego decided who to introduce to each other. She had seen how he ushered guests to form little groups, particularly when someone (like her) was alone at a table. He had a deft hand at it, seeming to barely do anything. Though in this case Devon had approached her before even talking to Diego. Why was that? She certainly stood out, being a Tiefling, but while that had lead to attention many times in the past it was almost never positive attention, and one time it had been still gave her goosebumps. Had Diego sent Aneya and Vigo here for Devon or her? Certainly talking with them was surprisingly un-stressful. With a start she realized she had zoned out, drink and recollection making her lapse from the conversation. "How did you know we would like each other?" She blurted. Yep, definitely too much drink.

As Devon made her way back to the table and made her offer Thélei stood up quickly. weren't the rooms pretty quiet when she had been in them?. Still, she was feeling a bit woozy, and could definitely use some air. Should be safe enough as long as they didn't try to take her out of earshot from the inn or something. That really didn't seem like the half elf, but Thélei knew better than to trust based on one chat.

As Thelei blurts out her phrase, Diego turns around and touches Thelei's shoulders in an assuring fatherly manner. I didn't know. You either get along, or these guys would have gotten a few bruises from the old D. Well, that or you could've turned them into frogs.

2018-08-19, 09:41 AM
Devon smiles when the others agree to come outside with her. She leads the way, stepping not far away from the inn, but far enough that the secret meeting won't immediately be overheard if they keep quiet. "Sorry for dragging you all out like this. It's just... I don't really know anyone here in the city. You all are the first ones I've met, and you seem all right," she hums. Shaking her head, she gets more directly to the point. "The note - I'm sure all of you saw it handed over to me. The man I spoke with... made me an offer. He wants to meet in the shipyard outside town tomorrow night," she says. "I... don't particularly want to go alone, if I can help it."

2018-08-19, 11:13 AM
Vigo lifts an eyebrow. Bodyguard work? That's something he's no stranger to. "Do you think there will be trouble? I am willing to go, but I like to know what I'm getting into." Also whether to ask for something in return--or how much.

2018-08-20, 12:49 AM
Thélei laughed at Diego's joke, "I'm afraid that's a bit beyond me for now. Well maybe with Mama's help and some time to brew... Hmm." She smiled as her tail tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Thank you Diego, it means a lot to me." She said quietly, just for Diego.

Thélei hung back a little bit on their little trek outside, concentrating on keeping her tail from stealing a drink or tapping a waitress on the shoulder. The alcohol seemed to go straight to her tail sometimes. After listening to Devon's little pitch Thélei stepped a little closer. "How did this guy know about you?" They all seemed trustworthy, but even if she was wrong, as she had been before, one advantage of such a disparate group was how unlikely it would be for them all to be conspiring. There was safety in numbers. Of course she could just walk away, but safety in numbers only worked when there were numbers, for herself as well as the half elf girl asking her aid. She wasn't helpless in a fight, after all. After mulling it over for a second longer she spoke again more slowly. "None of us have anything of great value, and if he can afford the red room I doubt he's trying to mug us. Have you any enemies you think might try to trick you into a secluded area after dark? Even if not I agree it is best we lend our presence, and perhaps more if it should come to that." Her tail took the opportunity to grab her dagger and make a dramatic enguard position. Blushing she swiftly put it away. "Ahem, like that. Yes."

2018-08-20, 08:13 AM
"I'm not sure how he knew about me," Devon confesses when the tiefling's question comes. "He said his agents had eyes and ears everywhere, even on the ship I just disembarked. But that was not something I knew about," she said, shifting in place. She looks over to Vigo. "He didn't seem... dangerous. It much more seemed like he was trying to ask me for help. But he said I didn't have to come alone, if I didn't want to."

2018-08-23, 07:57 PM
Thélei glanced at the sky, muttering "I need to go back home before Mama gets worried. I'll meet you here tomorrow night?" Her voice lilted in a half question at the end. She walked a short distance away, then turned back, eyes darting between at Devon, Vigo, and Aneya, before breaking eye contact with a slight bow. "Umm, it was great talking with you." Then she left, tail darting out from under her cloak to wave goodbye.

2018-08-24, 11:14 AM
Vigo narrows his eyes a bit, but shrugs. He would have reservations about this situation if he were in Devo's place, but it was her choice to make whether to get involved. "Sure, I'll come along. Better than sitting around the bar humiliating drunkards, eh?" He pushes aside his reservations for the moment. It'll be good to get out a bit. I'll go stir crazy if I'm stuck in that tavern all the time. If things go too badly, we bail and do our best to get the girl out as well. He glances at the others with him. Thélei doesn't seem to have much experience, but he figures she has a few tricks up her sleeve, and he'd be glad to have Aenya at his back during a fight any day. Devon doesn't seem incapable of defending herself, for that matter. Certainly not the worst group I've worked with.

2018-08-25, 01:17 AM
Well, time skip it is.

Thélei glanced at the sky, muttering "I need to go back home before Mama gets worried. I'll meet you here tomorrow night?" Her voice lilted in a half question at the end. She walked a short distance away, then turned back, eyes darting between at Devon, Vigo, and Aneya, before breaking eye contact with a slight bow. "Umm, it was great talking with you." Then she left, tail darting out from under her cloak to wave goodbye.

As you enter your hut, only the glow of remaining embers illuminate the room. Of course this is no problem for you and you see your mother sound asleep. She lies in her favorite rocking chair. Considering the tall order Diego made today she probably brewed potions in overtime. Flasks that are still warm to the touch stand uncorked in the corner on the laboratory table. They make the whole room smell weirdly welcoming. After all you are used to the smell. While not knocking people out, these potions pull a thick veil over someone's mind, emulating the intoxication of alcohol while curing its effect on the male genitalia.

Just as you enter you move to that ONE creaking floor board, you wake her up: Is that you, Gatákia? How was your evening?

Meanwhile at the Steadfast Soldier, business is dying down. You occasionally hear a few doors opening, closing, rhythmic pounding on some walls and the usual sights. A few men still cannot get enough, or cannot pay for a girl and beg them, command them or even threaten them to serve them. Diego usually handles these situations themselves. Understandably Diego does not like city guards in his pub, so he has to manage this alone. One last guy, a tall and old bearded man, obviously hailing from the Serir, sits in the corner, surrounded by at least ten mugs, refusing to leave.


Normally Diego would not tell someone to leave before it is absolutely necessary but it is late and he wants to close down. He refuses to pay for a room as he'd rather sleep under the stars which is a bad idea in Castilé as thieving has reached an all-time high. He is not finished drinking yet anyway. Diego approaches you, mainly looking at Aneya: Would you - you know - do what you do best? Make him leave, and don't make this ugly. He was well-mannered the whole evening. But I want my beauty sleep.

2018-08-25, 01:38 PM
A flash of guilt ran across Thélei's face on seeing that her mother had fallen asleep in the rocking chair. "Oh Mama, you didn't need to wait for me. You didn't get much sleep last night either!"

Apelpisía, just shook her head with a slow amusement "Now, now, a child shouldn't steal their poor mother's role. I'm supposed to be the one worrying about you! So sit here and tell your Mama about your evening." She gestured at the plush stool in front of the rocking chair. As Thélei sat and began reciting the events of the day, Apelpisía waved her hand, a small cross shaped piece of wood with strings trailing from the ends dancing between her fingers for a second. Shortly thereafter a brush sailed through the air into her hand, and a kettle was put on the still hot stove.

As her mother began carefully brushing out her long white hair Thélei shrugged off her shoes and leant back: "It was good Mama. I met some people too. Diego had the most delicious frozen peach schnapp, and wanted me to stay for a while, and then he introduced Vigo, he's a scary swordsman, but not the angry type, and Aneya she's a half orc with some great stories. I think Diego hired her for security, and before that Devon introduced herself, she's a cute half elf, and just got off a ship." Thélei babbled as her mother hummed at appropriate times, and stroked her hair. "Maybe she was lonely, because she wanted to talk to me, but they all seemed nice, none of them said anything weird or stared at my horns or anything. Oh, and there was a thing tomorrow and Devon didn't want to go alone..."

2018-08-26, 05:49 AM
Oh sweetie. You finally decided to come out of your turtle shell and met new friends? A placid smile envelops her tired face. Just tell me you will be careful. There are so many that want to hurt you. You know she tries to not be overprotective but she has seen her share of racial abuse herself. I could not bear to loose you. she whispers. You can see no tears in her face but a wrinkle on her forehead is more than enough to tell that she is suffering from that thought.

2018-08-28, 04:03 AM
You decide to leave Diego with the guy alone. Both exchange war stories as it turns out the black pirate is a war hero too, just for the opposing side. The men drink until the sunrise.

Meanwhile at the brewery, mother and daughter decide to go to bed and sleep in. Both women have a slightly different understanding of sleeping in however and newly brewed potions waft around the cabin at the third hour after sunrise.

Do you want to shop for the upcoming meeting?

2018-08-28, 05:28 AM
"Don't worry Mama. I'm not going to let anyone take advantage of me." Thélei whispered as her mother's strokes slowed and stopped. She helped her mother to her bed and then curled up in her own cot, eyes taking a long time to close.

Nothing I can really afford atm.

2018-08-29, 10:00 AM
Diego Vigo listens to the two swap stories for a while, not that inclined to kick out someone just minding their own business, and then turns in for bed himself. He does sleep in that morning, spending the day around the Steadfast Soldier, waiting to meet up with Devon and the others.

Vigo has a little money, but I don't think there's anything I want him to spend it on at the moment. I think I'm ready to go for the meeting.

Also, I totally know the name of my character. I promise.

2018-08-29, 06:39 PM
I assume you meant Vigo, didn't you? Also everyone roll Perception once to start things off.

As the night comes you scurry off to the old shipyard. You decide not to leave the city as a group late at night because that would attract possibly too much attention. You think it is a good thing to pack all the things you would need to defend yourself and get quickly in and out of dangerous situations. You know, just in case.

Thelei, your mother has given you three vials with a glowing blue-semitransparent liquid*. She said you should keep one and give two to those who would need them the most.

As you approach the shipyard, you hear the yell of a hawk**. After some searching those with improved vision can see it sitting at the gables of the decrepit old building. Its look is very attentive and fixates you, as if it was waiting for you. As you enter you cannot shake the feeling of being watched***.

The building is a large brick and mortar building, with its building style distinctly dwarven, though you can spot a few flourishes of elven or gnomish origin. As most buildings in the city and around, this mix of building styles is characteristic for Castilé Huelva****. As you meet in the largest wharft where the incoming tides start to slosh at the docks, you wonder how this building was ever used to build ships when the incoming tides set everything under water.

The migrant approaches. A familiar voice welcomes you. The speaker shrouds himself in darkness. And he is decidedly smaller than the person you encountered yesterday. It is a halfling, with his feet barren. He wears a proper shirt and a leather vest emblazoned with arcane runes. On his hat, he wears a green tricorne with a white feather. On his hip there is a simple small rapier and he carries a flintlock pistol along a bandolier on his chest. His demeanor is almost regal. You have brought allies, I presume? The halfling bows and steps into the light. Normally I would start off by introducing myself. But one has to be careful in these times, and unless I know you are loyal to our cause, I cannot risk it. he says with a sad smile. This is your last possibility to leave. Only you, my dear migrant. he focusses Devon. you will have to help us. You had your chance to bow out. If you have questions now is the time.

* Roll Knowledge Alchemy, Perception (if you want to sample the potions) or Spellcraft (with Detect Magic).
** Roll Knowledge Nature, Religion or Planes to get a grip on the creature.
*** Roll Perception (and/or Stealth if you wish to stay hidden and act as hidden reinforcement)
**** If you want to know why the wharft was abandoned roll anything appropriate. From Local to History to Nature to a Crafting roll, many things are possible.

2018-08-29, 10:11 PM
Vigo meets the others at the Steadfast Soldier, dressed in plain garb with weapons secured close at hand. His rapier and belt dagger were well enough in sight, hopefully enough to deter any troublemakers, and a second dagger and small pistol well hidden in the folds of his cloak--best not to show up with all of your cards on the table. "Evening, ladies," he says with a bow and a flourish. "Everything ready to go?" He rests one hand on the hilt of his rapier, outwardly relaxed but ready to react to danger, and falls into step behind Devon. He keeps close, eyes roving for potential trouble. They were safer in a group rather than alone, but there was still the possibility of an attempted robbery--or worse.

When they reach the wharf, Vigo debates slipping into a shadow and attempting to observe unseen, but that unsettling feeling of being watched makes him think that whoever Devon is meeting has already taken note of them. Instead, he stands a respectable distance back from her, as a bodyguard should--just far enough not to seem intruding, but close enough to respond to a potential threat. He takes note of the halfling and listens to him as he glances around the area for any others who might be watching them.

Cause? 'Migrant'? What's Devon gotten herself--gotten us--into? he thinks to himself, brow furrowing. He isn't sure if that request for questions is meant for them all or just for Devon, so he holds his tongue for the moment.

Perception: [roll0]
Knowledge (History) regarding the wharf being out of use:[roll1]

2018-08-30, 05:23 AM
Your mortal eyes cannot pinpoint the movement exactly. But Vigo is sure there are more figures hidden than the one person you clearly saw and the two shadows that hid at the last possible second.

You know of the old warft. Officially you have heard that it was used to build warships back when the situation with the Raanite Empire was still unstable. Now that the situation has settled the king has no money to support it anymore. Other people say the place is cursed and that any vessels built here will sink in due time. Of course sailors are nothing if not superstitious. But you also know a ship without a mage or a priest on board is exposed to anything the sea throws at them, so you can explain a bit of it.

2018-08-30, 10:29 AM
Casts: Mage armor (2hr) and Unseen servant (2hr) shortly before approaching.

perception to start: [roll0]

spellcraft with guidance [roll1]

knowledge nature for hawk [roll2]

Perception: [roll3]
Stealth (with guidance): [roll4]

knowledge history for wharf [roll5]

2018-08-30, 02:48 PM
Thélei clutched her mother's gift with a slightly guilty smile. "Thank you Mama, I'm sure we won't need them. Tell the twins I'll see them later! Though I don't know how long this will take."

After spending a moment to figure out what exactly the potions were. She focussed on the magical aura surrounding the shimmering liquid. She kicked herself for not just asking when she didn't immediately recognize it, but she had been afraid the the answer would be embarrassingly simple. She collected her gear, scritched Komodo behind his neck frill, put him in his carrier, and set out.

She showed the potions and explained their use, before distributing the two potions between her companions, based on who she thought would benefit the most. "And, umm, if it comes to a fight. Well..." She averted her eyes, fingers twisting a piece of thread. "Well, don't worry about me... I mean... never mind, I'm sure it won't come to that."

Right before they entered the potentially dangerous area she took a deep breath and cast her spells, thousands of lines of invisible force snaking over her body, weaving together into an impossibly light and strong armor. Then her hands danced once again, manipulating a wooden cross until the strings pulled taut, binding an invisible puppet to her will. It felt like it had been a long time since she had felt the need for such prep work. Then she set out, moving from shadow to shadow, stomach tightening and breath quickening. Just the nerves, perfectly normal.

2018-08-30, 04:28 PM
The vials are potions that cure small wounds. They work like any other potion, however due to your mother's unorthodox brewing techniques, they cannot be sold as easily without convincing the buyer they're worth their price.

The hawk you see is eerily close to your little lizard. Its eyes show some sort of sentience that is not normal for animals. Furthermore its coloring is absolutely off for ANY hawk you know of. Its eyes are golden and the whole creature almost glows despite there being no sunlight or light around. You assume the hawk is not of this world but rather bound to the planes.

Thelei sees no one around but the one guy who hid away too slowly. You are however hiding yourself so well that you almost bump into your friends when they slowed down. You pick up a spot close to the exit, behind a stack of fire wood left to rot. The harsh sea water has left the wood dried out but not easily flammable. There the water does not reach, rot and decay has taken its roots.

You know the same about the wharf as Vigo. As you are longer in the city than Vigo however, you too have been accused of cursing sailors and their ships. You remember that the church of Khalkru, the kraken god is responsible for curses on the sea. You however do not know if they were involved in the building or consecration of the wharf.

2018-08-30, 07:53 PM
"This is your last possibility to leave." at that comment Thélei tail darted into her robes, wrapping around her dagger, then crossbow. Her golden eyes narrowed. That was a ominous turn of phrase, and not one that engendered much trust. She was suddenly quite glad to be hidden from this halfling. Questions leapt to her tongue, but were swallowed bashfully. And that was the downside of hiding. She watched the halfling's response carefully, hoping her comrades would ask the necessary questions, and that the answers would be good.

Gave a potion to Vigo and to Devon

Sense motive on Halfling, if appropriate: [roll0]

2018-08-31, 02:35 PM
The halfling has a friendly demeanor and as his acquaintances have not really moved in the last few moments, you are sure they are there to protect him rather than to cut off your escape.

You notice the halfling has very regal mannerisms. You find it odd that someone that deals with royalty or is noble himself would work actively against it. On second thought there are a thousand reasons why such a person would do this.

2018-09-05, 11:58 AM
Devon takes a deep breath, and looks around at the group she's brought with her. She knows she really has no reason to trust them, they've only just met, but still, she is glad to not be alone. "I cannot speak for if the others want to stay," she says, looking back to the halfling. "But this is the reason I came here. I'm ready to assist in any way I can."

2018-09-06, 09:54 PM
Vigo glances to Devon, then back to the halfling, carefully avoiding looking toward where the others are hiding. "I'm afraid I'm not entirely clear on what this 'cause' is. My friend here"--he nods to Devon--"said she wanted some trustworthy folks to come along with her. So if you could enlighten me as to what we seem to be signing up for, I'd appreciate it."

2018-09-09, 04:38 PM
Thélei leaned forward slightly in her hiding place to better hear the answer to Vigo's question, her curiosity burning. She had been wondering more and more what was going on, though her worry had waned when she saw the understandably defensive posture of the guards and halfling. The secrecy, watching eagle, hidden guards, the strangely regal halfling (and wasn't it interesting that a noble would be here). Most irritatingly how he seemed to assume that anyone here already knew what was going on. Of course as the secrecy built, the possible reasons for such secrecy diminished, so perhaps he was already answering her unspoken questions...