View Full Version : D&D 3.x Other Bullywug Feat - Lethal Mucus [3.5]

2018-08-05, 01:17 PM
Hey, I'm working on a couple of bullywug feats, and I wanted to run something by more people, just to get a few extra eyes in on it to make sure nothing is tremendously wonky and that the rules text seems legitimate, before I finalize.

Does this feat look reasonable to you? Does the rules text look appropriate and in line with official rules text? On one hand, I was thinking that the damage might be wild, but given the range and the averages, I actually think it looks reasonable at a glance, considering most enemies will not be attacked with it twice.

Lethal Mucus (Racial)
Your skin secretes a deadly biotoxin.
Prerequisite: Bullywug.

Benefit: You are a rare aberration in bullywug biology and almost certainly an outcast, instinctually hated by most other bullywugs. You were born with a skin of bright colors, most often yellows, reds, blues, or combinations thereof, interspersed with black, immediately setting you apart from other bullywugs. You secrete a protective mucus like any other bullywug, but yours contain a deadly toxin. When someone comes into contact with your skin, such as during a grapple or as subject to a melee touch attack from you (assuming at least part of your hand is uncovered), they must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your HD + your Con modifier) or be poisoned. Both the initial and secondary damage of the poison increases as you increase in level, see table. This poison can only affect a living being once every 10 minutes, even if they save, and a bullywug with lethal mucus is always immune to it's own poison. The bullywug poison can be harvested like any other poison, but quickly loses it's potency, degrading by one step for every hour since it was harvested. Excessive harvesting may have detrimental effects as determined by the DM. You lose any racial bonuses to Hide that you may have had.
Normal: Bullywugs are normally not poisonous, and have a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks when in marshes & swampland.
Special: Unlike most feats, this feat must be taken at 1st level, during character creation.

Table: Bullywug Lethal Mucus Progression

Hit Dice
Initial Damage
Secondary Damage

1d4 Con
1d4 hp

1d6 Con
2d6 hp

1d8 Con
3d8 hp

1d10 Con
4d10 hp

1d12 Con
5d12 hp

2018-08-08, 01:41 PM
Haha this is marvellous - Poison Arrow Tree Bullywugs :D

Some suggestions:

1) In keeping with the flavour, add "must be selected at character creation" to the prerequisites. Or maybe you spontaneously mutate upon taking the feat at higher levels, it's fine either way.

2) The feat entails a lot of rolling. I'd simplify it to replace the standard poison initial & secondary damage with something along the lines of the wounding magic weapon property - "your natural weapons (including unarmed strikes) deal 1d4 points of Constitution damage. Any creature you grapple, that hits you with a bite attack, or that swallows you (e.g. through the Swallow Whole special attack) takes 1d4 points of Constitution damage per round or per attack as well."

3) Add a hallucinogenic variant that does Wis damage instead of Con.

However it's tremendous fun as it is, no need to alter it either way. Good work!