View Full Version : Dungeon ecology

2018-08-06, 05:05 AM
Hey guys,

So, I have this dungeon, within which a summoning portal appeared. A similar item in Abyss is catching and teleporting low tier demons into Material plane, where dungeon exists.

Most summoned demons (summon duration is infinite) are manes, dretch and quasit. But a few stronger demons got summoned too - a few shadow demons and a barlghura.

Now what I'm wondering, is, do these demons have any interest in forming any kind of hierarchical structure in this dungeon? Would barlghura intimidate and subdue dozens of dretch, manes and quasits to serve her? What would be barlghura's goals? Outside the dungeon, there are dozens of miles of grassy plains with rare animal or two. Not much to loot or corrupt.

Is there any point for these demons to not just depart the dungeon in search of things to corrupt, torture and kill? Only plan I can imagine of is barlghura building the manpower with which she intends to strike out.

I'm also rather lost ob shadow demon's agenda.


2018-08-06, 05:45 AM
Well, most demons like to have underlings and people to tell them they're the center of the universe, so yes, the barlghura would probably try to become the local boss.

On the other hand, if it's just an empty dungeon with nothing of interest around, the Demons are more likely to leave for a more interesting place.

Or possibly, the barlghura is trying to eat all the demons to get stronger.