View Full Version : Cleric Domains for a Troglodyte

A Fat Dragon
2018-08-06, 10:06 AM
Hiya! My party is currently playing through a campaign, and slog the way we were met with Troglodytes. Troglodytes are a creature I’ve never really looked into before, and so I was curious about them, and decided to do some research. After doing so, I was rather intrigued by them, as their religion is so strange, compared to them. That got me thinking about possibly making a Troglodyte Cleric, just for the fun of it, and I’m curious about which Domain is best. I would say War Domain, but it doesn’t really fit in with their religion.

2018-08-06, 10:12 AM
The Troglodyte's god is Laogzed god of hunger and has the death domain so you could go with that. I could also see grave and war with being a god of hunger. War being the aspect of fighting for food against other tribes.

A Fat Dragon
2018-08-06, 10:15 AM
I didn’t realize Laogzod had a Domain in the books. Even still, I think Nature might work? To kind of take a more natural view on hunger: “Everything hungers. Everything eats. I will eat more.”

2018-08-06, 10:37 AM
Are you the DM? If so, you shouldn't worry too much about the domain. Just add Juiblex's demonic boons from MToF (page 30) to a fat troglodyte.

Now, if you're the player I don't think there's a domain that will really fit an aspect of Laogzed. Death and maybe Destruction (Mike Mearls' homebrew) might suffice. To me, being the follower of a god that does not care for your following and just want to get fat as he slowly rots away is more a case of roleplaying than anything else.

2018-08-06, 10:53 AM
Are we talking about a Cleric of Laogzed specifically, or just a Troglodyte who managed to get chosen by a deity?

There is a Troglodyte Champion of Laogzed in Out of the Abyss, if you want, but I'm not quite sure Laogzed has any interest spending his powers on Clerics (assuming he's able to).

A Fat Dragon
2018-08-06, 10:53 AM
That is actually a really good way of thinking about it. I am indeed a player, and I think that you putting it that way is very interesting. I also will check out Mike Mearl’s destruction Domain, and see how that fares.

Thanks everybody, for all the advice!

A Fat Dragon
2018-08-06, 10:55 AM
I was talking about a Cleric. Laogzod as a Patron would fit the Fiend very wel, although I would change Hurl Through Hell to be more fitting fluffwise.

2018-08-06, 10:57 AM
I was talking about a Cleric. Laogzod as a Patron would fit the Fiend very wel, although I would change Hurl Through Hell to be more fitting fluffwise.

Call it Belly of the Beast, you get disgested by Laogzed instead.

A Fat Dragon
2018-08-06, 11:01 AM
Exactly what I was thinking.

2018-08-06, 11:41 AM
Honestly, after thinking about it, I think that the Domain of Ambition (from Planeshift: Amonkhet) would make the more sense.

Ambition is the one virtue Laogzed teaches, and the power it grants are perfectly fitting for the way the Troglodytes live and fight.

A Fat Dragon
2018-08-06, 12:05 PM
Guess you’re right about that... but, are there any domains that encompass the more ‘feasting’ part about Loagzod? Just curious if one was ever created, as my friend wanted to try something like that, as do I.