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2018-08-07, 11:49 AM
Circle of Blight

Unnatural Secrets

Your delve into forbidden secrets and knowledge that the other Circles abhor. Starting at 2nd level, you can prepare one extra spell of each level of 1st level and higher to which you have access from any other class list, as long as it is a spell of the Necromancy school. These spells are considered Druid spells for you while they are prepared. Additionally, you learn the Chill Touch cantrip. For you, Chill Touch is a Druid cantrip, and does not count against your total cantrips known (as-per the druid table)

Undead Wildshape

Also at 2nd level, your delving into the darker arts of magic has warped your ability to wildshape. Whenever you use wildshape, the following effects occur:

Instead of changing to the beast type, you change to the undead type
You gain resistance to Necrotic damage
You gain immunity to Poison damage and the Poisoned condition
You choose if your wildshape is Rotting or Skeletal. If it is Rotting, you have disadvantage on all Dextarity saves and checks, but you gain Undead Fortitude. If you choose Skeletal, you gain resistance to piercing weapons but vulnerability to bludgeoning weapons. If you have the ability to cast spells while wildshaped, that ability only applies to spells of the Necromancy school.
Rotting Minions

At 6th level, you learn how to raise undead to serve you. You add Animate Dead to the Druid Spell list, and can prepare and cast it as a Druid spell. When you cast Animate Dead it can target one additional corpse or bone pile and create one additional skeleton or zombie (as-applicable). Additionally, when you summon, raise or create undead with a necromancy spell (such as Animate Dead) they gain the following additional benefits:

They add your druid level to their hit point maximums
They add your proficiency bonus to their weapon damage rolls.
Undead Wildshape Improvement

At level 10, the corruption that took hold of you further empowers your undead wildshape. When you wildshape, you can now choose up to beasts of CR 4 or lower (the rules for Undead Wildshape still apply) and you gain the options of making your undead shape Ghoulish or Mummified. If you choose Ghoulish, whenever you attack a creature with your one of your undead shape’s natural attacks, they must make a Constitution saving throw against your Druid spell DC or be paralyzed for 1 minute, or until you lose concentration (as-if concentrating on a spell.) They may re-attempt this saving throw at the start of their tuns to end this effect. If you choose Mummified, once in each of your turns you can force a creature you can see within 30 feet of you to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Druid spell save DC. (No action required) On a failed save, they are frightened for 1 round.

Decaying Strike

At 14th level, you have learned to enhance your attacks with the unnatural corruption welling within you. When you successfully land an attack while in your undead wildshape, your target must make a Constitution saving throw against your Druid spell save DC. On a successful save, they take half damage and suffer no additional effects. On a failed save, they take 6d6 necrotic damage. Additionally, they take 2d6 necrotic damage at the start of their turn every round for 1 minute, and you gain half of the damage dealt as temporary hit points. They also have disadvantage on all saving throws for the duration. The target may make additional Constitution save at the end of every round, and on a successful save the effect ends.


Macabre Secrets

As a Pale Master, you can learn necromantic magics outside the scope of traditional sorcery. Starting at 1st level, whenever your spellcasting feature lets you select a Sorcerer cantrip or Sorcerer spell known of 1st level or higher, that spell can be chosen from all necromancy spells of levels to which you have access (from any spell list), or the Sorcerer list. Spells not normally on the Sorcerer list become Sorcerer spells for you when you select them. You can cast any necromancy spell you know with the [ritual] tag as a ritual, as-if you had the ritual caster feature. You also gain Cause Fear as a bonus spell known. At 5th level, you can exchange this spell for Animate Dead. Any bonus spells you gain through this feature count as Sorcerer spells for you, and do not count against your total spells known.

Bone Skin

You fascination with the undying has led you to conduct horrible experiments on yourself, toughening your skin to a bone-like texture. Starting at 1st level, your AC equals 13 + your Constitution modifier as long as you are wearing no armor and carrying no shield.

Lord of the Dead

At 6th level you become a true master of undead, able to raise empowered undead and exert control over more minions than any other spellcaster. When you cast the spell Animate Dead or Create Undead to reassert control over undead, you can expend a number of sorcery points to cast it as if using a spell slot of one level higher for each point expended. Additionally, undead you summon, raise or create with necromancy spells (such as Animate Dead, Create Undead or Dance Macabre) gain the following additional benefits:

They increase their hit point maximums by your Sorcerer level.
They add your proficiency bonus to their weapon damage rolls.
Undead Graft

At 14th level you give into your morbid urges and undergo a horrific procedure that replaces one of your arms with an undead graft. This graft’s appearance can be skeletal, rotting, or mummified (your choice). This graft also grants you a special touch attack. As an action, you can make a melee spell attack with your undead arm, using your Sorcerer spell attack modifier. If the attack hits, it deals Necrotic damage equal to ½ your Sorcerer level level of d6’s + Charisma modifier. Any size medium humanoid that dies as a result of this touch attack rises as a zombie under your control. Once you use this feature, you cannot do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Undead Cohort

At 18th level, you may perform a special ritual that takes 8 hours to complete and requires 50 gp worth of components (incense and special gravedust) that summons a powerful undead minion. Once completed, a loyal undead cohort appears to serve you. The cohort follows your orders to the best of its abilities and has its own initiative. The undead cohort can be any undead you can create. The cohort gains the following benefits:

Your undead cohort gains additional hit dice equal to 1/2 your Sorcerer level
Your cohort adds your proficiency bonus to its saving throws, attack, and damage rolls
Your cohort gains the Turn Resistance feature if it didn’t already
You can increase all of its ability scores by 1, three of its ability scores by 2, or two of its ability scores by 3.
Additionally, your cohort can use its reaction to inflict disadvantage on a foe that targeted you or it for an attack on its last turn. You may only have one cohort at any given time, and your undead cohort consumes an attunement slot as-if it was a magic item. If you summon a cohort and have no open attunement slots, you must relinquish attunement to one of your magic items or it is summoned uncontrolled and hostile towards you.. If you raise another cohort while you have a functioning one, then it vanishes and reappears in the spot you’ve finished the ritual in at full health, and consumes the attunemet slot the previous one did. If your cohort is destroyed, you can perform the same ritual for half of the time and for half of the cost, and it rises in a space next to you at full health after you complete the ritual. (and consumes the attunement slot it did while alive, as normal)

2018-08-07, 08:15 PM
I had a Dancing Dead warlock invocation as well:

Dancing Dead
Prerequisite: Warlock Level 5
You can cast Animate Dead using a Warlock spell slot. You cannot do so again until you complete a long rest.