View Full Version : [IC] First Supers

2018-08-07, 10:56 PM
This is the IC thread for First Supers.
The OOC thread can be found here. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?565809-OOC-First-Supers)

The city park is crowded, full of ordinary people going through their everyday lives. The towers of apartment buildings surround the small area of greenery. However, all is not as it should be in Jonesville. There have been a rash of disappearances; four people have vanished from their homes in the past week. You are all in the park, likely for various reasons, when you hear screaming. A woman leans out of an apartment window, clad only in a bathrobe. "Someone help me! There's a monster in here!"
There are a number of anachronistic phone booths, dark alleyways, and public restrooms where one could easily change into a costume if they so wished.

2018-08-08, 06:45 AM
Four disappearances in a week? In Jonesville? Ambrose had been on the hunt the moment he was aware of the incidents (Which was after the second disappearance). He found little the rest of the week, but finally it seemed his efforts may have payed off, he just had to act fast enough. Fortunately, Ambrose had prepared for this eventuality: He had already put on his costume, and concealed it underneath a disguise spell. He stepped into an alleyway for just a moment, made sure no one was watching, dropped the spell, and was ready for action.

Stepping to the lip of the alleyway, he readies a teleport spell and quickly gauges distance. If he's close enough to teleport into the women's apartment, he does so. Otherwise, he emerges from the teleportation on the ground and in full sprint, as close to the building as he can.

2018-08-08, 06:47 AM
Take Down

Brian stopped in the middle of his 47th push up as he heard the screams. He jumped up grabbing his near by black gym bag and made way to the men's restroom . He pulled out the black t shirt and the black jeans, putting them over his sweaty work out clothes. He reached inside for his mexican wrestling mask,slipped it on and pulled the laces on the back tight as he tied the string. He slung the bag over his shoulder and sprinted towards the apartment tower. He counted the windows to try and tell which floor the woman lived on . He pushed the door to the building open and ran up thestairs.

2018-08-08, 09:12 AM

Tythe relaxes in the the grass, exhausted from the beginning yoga class. He looks like he should be there, his frail hairless body looks like a cancer victims. The doctor's conversation went about the same way.

"Your vitamin levels are abysmal across the board. And just sitting here your heart rate is way too high."

So, now it is more supplements, more outside time, more fresh air. Nothing really helps, but you can't tell a doctor, "I'm a super, don't care." without some serious personal invasion.

"Someone help me! There's a monster in here!"

The scream breaks Tythe's daydream and he sits up. Already he can feel the pull to go to action like a voice screaming in his head.

He gets up and makes his way to a restroom. He makes sure no one can see, then takes on his new form. He glows a white brilliance and flies out of the restroom and leaves a lingering trail of white plasma. He heads to the window where the lady is screaming.

Grim ranger
2018-08-08, 02:52 PM

Unlike some of the recently appearing supers, Oliver has little in way of social life or work to hold him back as things are...as much as he'd wish for the opposite. Mending fences with his family will require thorough investment in making mundane life to work out, but somehow he doubts that the warriors keeping him company during his heroic jaunts would be too thrilled about the idea. Although his woes of being pulled by needs for two entirely different lifestyles are unlikely to stop anytime soon, his current situation does thankfully mean he has plenty of time to patrol out in costume.

Even in this day and age, people still look up less than they should.

Leaping dexterously across the rooftops in full costume, Legacy listens to the whispers of his mask as he looks over the edge of the building, making sure he knows which window the woman is yelling from, preparing to climb down and enter through the window. It would be only expedient in this case, after all.

2018-08-08, 10:09 PM
Ambrose is the first to arrive, appearing right next to the woman. Tythe soars in the window, and soon after, Legacy swings through behind him and Takedown reaches the door from the hall, which is closed but unlocked. The woman is clearly startled by your swift arrivals, but recovers quickly. "It's in there." She points to the closed bathroom door.

Order is:

2018-08-09, 12:25 PM
Take Down

Taken Down moves quickly passed the others and pushes the door open. He takes a low wrestling crouch, his hands ready to make a quick grab attack.

2018-08-09, 10:06 PM
??? - Slime Monster

When Takedown opens the door, everyone can see two bubbling masses of green slime, one far larger than the other, on the bathroom floor. Takedown grabs at the smaller and nearer of the two.

Attack check [roll0] vs parry 0 (10) Damage Resistance, if necessary [roll1] with dc 15
Degrees of failure: 0

Attempt: [roll2]
Resist: [roll3]

The grab is successful and Takedown gets hold of the smaller slime.

The larger slime bubbles up, strange hard growths within its body looking strangely like bones. A tendril of slime lashes out from it, stretching to strike at Takedown

Attack with damage 6, acid whip.
[roll4] versus Parry 8 (18)
Resistance, if needed [roll5] versus 21

Takedown blocks the attack with ease.

https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/hearthstone_gamepedia/thumb/6/65/Corrosive_Sludge_full.jpg/307px-Corrosive_Sludge_full.jpg?version=32ef6c75e418f7c5 40d593d745cd7c69
https://d1u5p3l4wpay3k.cloudfront.net/hearthstone_gamepedia/thumb/f/fe/Slime_full.png/350px-Slime_full.png?version=eeb3065e2753dad0ef0b47d0b05 739b5

2018-08-11, 08:20 PM
As Takedown rushes to the door and wrenches it open, Ambrose places himself where he can see into the bathroom, and where he is between the door and the woman. Looking over his shoulder at the woman, he quickly speaks to her.

"Go outside, don't come back in until we tell you it is safe, Alright?"

Even as he speaks to the woman, Ambrose has been concentrating magical energy into his right hand. As Takedown wrestles with the smaller slime, Ambrose barks out "Uentis!" and thrusts out his right arm, sending an ever-shifting bolt of orange and purple hurtling towards the larger slime, flying over Takedown and the smaller slime in the process.

2018-08-12, 08:37 AM
To hit: [roll0] against Dodge 4 (14)
Damage resist, if needed [roll1] against Damage 8 (23)

Ambrose's blast hits the slime but seems to have no lasting effect.

2018-08-12, 08:45 AM
Slime Minion

The smaller slime oozes out of Takedown's grip, then lashes out at him.

[roll0] against Parry 8 (18)
Resist, of needed [roll1] against Damage 3 (18)

Takedown easily blocks this attack as well.

2018-08-12, 10:01 AM

Tythe recoils when the slime burst out of the closet.

"It looks like we've found ourselves in a gooey situation!" A white tendril whips out from his body and slashes at the larger creature.

Attack roll: [roll0] vs dodge. Damage DC is 23.

2018-08-12, 11:30 AM
The slime monster is hit by Tythe's tendril.

resistance check [roll0] against 23
2 degrees of failure, slime is dazed and has -2 to damage resistance

It seems like the plasma attack hurt it significantly, and it recoils away from the tendril.

Grim ranger
2018-08-13, 03:59 PM

Seeing that the attacks of the rest of the supers present have put the slime somewhat off-balance, Legacy decides to strike as well to end the matter for once and for all. Pulling from the power coursing through him as the gestalt spirit of the mask responds to his will, he moves in a blur, striking at the dazed slime before suddenly returning to his original position by the window.

Legacy does a move-by action that allows him to move both before and after an attack to hit the slime that has been weakened with his normal unarmed melee attack before moving back to his starting position. The damage DC is 21, or 26 if he triggers critical hit on rolls 16-20.

[roll0] (To hit)

2018-08-14, 09:58 AM
Legacy strikes the slime.

resistance check [roll0] against Damage 6 (21)
Three degrees of failure.
Slime is now staggered and has -5 to damage resistance.

The attack does significant damage to the slime, knocking off several globs of the stuff.

2018-08-15, 08:21 PM
Take Down

Taken Down crouches low once more in a wrestling stance and makes another grab attempt at the smaller slime.1d20+8 grab attempt

2018-08-17, 03:32 PM
Continued resistance

Attack to hit.
Damage resistance [roll2]
New resistance [roll3]

Slime succeeds all saves and is no longer affected by the progressive effect.

The small slime seems to recover from Takedown's ability.

The larger slime tries to flee, flowing from the bathroom along the wall and under the apartment door. It is now out of sight.

2018-08-18, 08:34 PM
Ambrose doesn't think twice about chasing the larger slime. With three people all ganging up on the smaller slime and taking it apart, he could easily afford to go after it's counterpart. And even if they were having more trouble, the memory of the his own words spurs in pursuit. If the slime attacked the woman out their because of his words...

He dashes to the door, wrenches it open, and in less than a second is in the hallway, looking for the run-away jello.

Ambrose follows the slime outside. Opening the door takes a standard action, so Ambrose spends both his Move action and Standard action running outside.

2018-08-19, 09:10 PM
Ambrose spots the slime just down the hall, headed for the nearest elevator.

Slime Minion
The smaller slime also flees, slithering to the bathtub and down the drain pipe.

2018-08-21, 11:45 AM

Tythe flies out the window to see if he can see the slime leave the building.

2018-08-21, 09:50 PM
Tythe cannot see the slimes, both slimes are still in the building. It's a big apartment building, and you were just on the second floor.

2018-08-26, 09:14 PM
As Legacy seeks a way to follow the slime creature, the spirits in his mask rise to attention.

"Nothing escapes my vision, no tiny detail or hidden secret." The voice of a ninja whispers. Another voice chimes in, one Legacy will not have heard often. "I have some skill at tracking. I can help with that, at least."

Legacy gains Enhanced Perception 8 and the Tracking advantage

Grim ranger
2018-08-27, 01:15 PM

Pausing momentarily and tilting his head somewhat to the side as the eyeholes of his mask glow, Legacy moves to examine the tracks left behind by the slimy creatures, his new knowledge in following and spotting tracks guiding him in his search. How hard can it be to find such distinctive enemies in a small building anyhow?

Legacy Tracks the larger slime and moves to catch up with his enhanced Speed.

[roll0] (Perception, for Tracking)

2018-08-27, 08:56 PM
Legacy follows the drops of green slime that fell from the wounded creature and finds his quarry in the hallway, right next to where Ambrose is standing.

2018-09-02, 01:15 PM
Take Down

Take down runs out of the room and into the hallway . He looks for the others or a slime trail.

2018-09-02, 08:21 PM
Takedown sees the slime next to Ambrose and Legacy in the hallway. It shudders at the sight of another attacker and flees, heading toward the center of the building.

2018-09-02, 09:05 PM
As Legacy and Takedown rush out into the hallway, Ambrose spares them a glance over his shoulder. "Where's the other one?"

There's little time for him to hear a response, however, as he soon has to chase after the fleeing slime. As he runs after it, he begins preparing another spell. The first blast hit easily, but didn't do damage. I'll need something stronger...

Finally, Ambrose thrusts out his hand and lets out a shout of "Pax!" The bolt that flies out of his hand is larger but slower then the last, although still fast enough to gain ground on Ambrose's opponent.
Ambrose uses his move action to chase after the slime, and his Standard action to use his Magical Blast attack on the slime. He will also use his Power Attack advantage to modify his Magical Blast, taking a -4 penalty to the attack in order to add +4 to the Effect bonus (Damage 8 to Damage 12).
Rolled in the OOC thread due to an error posting here, rolled 7.

2018-09-02, 09:58 PM
Ambrose's shot barely hits the monster.

Damage Resistance (DC 22) [roll0] -4 prior damage
Degrees of Failure: 1
Additional -1 to damage resistance

It had noticed the shot coming and redistributed its mass, shifting away from the blast and minimizing its affects, but the slime was still visibly wounded.