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View Full Version : Party Structure Advice

2018-08-08, 11:19 AM
A few of us more indecisive people have gotten together and want to form a solid party but can't decide the classes each of us want to play. But we know the very general style of our characters. The campaign is going from 1-High Level (unknown).

One is going to be the Champion of an Elder Evil. The Champion is Lawful Evil even though the Elder is Chaotic, the fluff is that he's only the champion because he's the last in the line of his family to bear the mark of the Elder, so he remains Lawful Evil, though his actions support the Elder Evil.
This Character is going to be Melee focused with minor casting. The thought is a tank with some battlefield control. The most solid idea brainstormed at the time was Knight 3/Cleric 1/Crusader 1/RKV X Or some type of Paladin/RKV
This character is also going to be an umbragen, redesigned with lesser abilities and LA+0

The second character is going to be some form of elf, and is going to be of good alignment with the vow of peace. A special request from the DM to throw extra conflict around. The group (other than this elf) will be allowed to incapacitate enemies and leave them (edit: incapacitate in a way that doesn't have a short duration)(assumed dead, unless the "area resets" via leaving and coming back or something). And conflicts are to be kept contained, such that the group will not fight each other.
The classes they are thinking of are either Healer, Artificer, or some kind of War Weaver.

Two of us cannot decide which one wants to play an arcane caster or a secondary damage dealer. The caster would be a wizard, and the secondary damage dealer possibly an artificer or some kind of rogue or archer. Their race isn't very important, though LA should be minimized.

2018-08-08, 11:36 AM
I'm really not sure how you're going to have an Exalted PC in the same party as the servitor of an Elder Evil.

Are you looking for more good or evil party members, or do you want some accursed neutrals?

Even when the specifics are vague, Druid is usually a good answer, so consider that.

2018-08-08, 11:58 AM
Well the Servitor of the Elder Evil still has his own will for the most part. His Lawful Evil status is made through his wanting to remake the world in his image with no care for how he gets there. He wants to be a dictator, but he still wants the world to have the qualities he upholds. The other members alignments aren't too important other than the goodness of the human from the DM. I assume the reason he said the alignments don't matter is because the goal of the servitor is to remake the land, so as long as they are willing to follow him in that regard, he will accept them.

2018-08-08, 12:28 PM
There seems to be a good amount of party conflict due to the alignments and interests. That's good for roleplaying.

As party composition, you effectively have a melee-focused character and a support. RKV is a great class for melee Crusaders(I'd even suggest going Crusader 4 instead of Knight), and a Healer would fit someone with Vow of Peace nicely.

Whay you want now is utility and another bruiser. Utility can be given by a Wizard that knows what he's doing(Transmuter specialist fits best), or maybe a Rogue with his bucket of skill points. For a bruiser, you could go Barbarian/Fighter with some nice ACFs from both or a Warblade as you're already using ToB. Depending on wealth and optimization level, a TWF Rogue can work as a nice bruiser(the lower OP the better).
Druid is a class that fits on every role you put him in. His animal companion can work as a melee combatant, a mount or a scout. The player himself can use Wild Shape to fight melee or cast spells as a support and battlefield controller. It's a great whatever-you-need class.