View Full Version : Campaign of Chaos [5e] — IC

2018-08-08, 11:51 AM

The Beginning

The party is casually making their way along a well-traveled road to the northeast. It's afternoon on a bright spring day in Faerun. To the right, in the distance, is a small but energetic river flowing back the way you came.

Based on the directions given to you by the friends you made at the tavern in the previous town, you estimate you're just a few hours away from your destination. Those same friends had shared rumors of trouble of the Goblinoid kind at a nearby Keep, and where there's trouble, there's opportunity.

Though your feet are tired, you keep a steady pace, anticipating the relief of food and shelter at day's end.

2018-08-08, 07:21 PM
Vakein takes the lead of the group, scouting twenty or thirty feet ahead of the rest of the party. He is more keeping an eye out for prey than enemies, knowing that a river would draw wildlife, even if there was heavy traffic on the road. In his hands, he held a shortbow, though large enough to be a longbow for a smaller man, arrow knocked but not drawn. Even someone with his strength could not hold a draw bow for long, and the sinews and string of his bow were taut and ready for action.

Vakein is a towering figure, two heads taller than any of those he was traveling with. His head was covered in long white hair, gathered back from his face with a braided leather cord. His eyes shone golden, even in the bright day. As impressive as his height was his barrel chest, covered in tattoos depicting storms and lightning. Across his back was the largest of them, depicting a small figure on a cliffside being struck by a large black bolt, though, now, that tattoo was covered by a simple leather pack. Besides the simple pack, and an armory of weapons, the goliath also bore what looked like a large leather sack with hollowed bones sticking out of it. When questioned about it, Vakein would just laugh and say it was for 'Battle Music.'

"Minstrel!" He growled back to Zemzelett "How far away was this ruin? My axe is thirsty."

Vakein is keeping an eye out, but is not being particularly stealthy or anything. Perception: [roll0] PP: 11

2018-08-08, 09:37 PM
Immeral brings up the rear, watching for anything unusual as they approach. "I do believe it would be more appreciated if you would call us by our names."

2018-08-08, 11:22 PM
"Why? Do you forget your name if not reminded of it regularly? Where I grew up you were called by nicknames or generalizations until you had done something worthy of everyone knowing who you were. There could be no question who you were then, and no confusion as to who was being referred to. Doesn't that make sense, SneakThief?"

2018-08-09, 03:01 AM
"Minstrel!" He growled back to Zemzelett "How far away was this ruin? My axe is thirsty."

Having stuck mostly close to the elf Immerel, the scrawny fourteen-year-old half-elf nearly jumps out of his skin upon being addressed by the hulking mass of manly muscle.

"M-m-me, sir?" he squeaked out. "Um, l-let m-m-me check the map." The half-elf looked like he had almost pissed his pants, as he hastily fishes a map out of his pack and starts studying it.

[roll0]. Can Zem read maps?

"Um, Mr. Goliath sir, I think we'll r-reach there b-by suns-set, sir!"

2018-08-09, 01:21 PM
"Unless we want to explore it in the dark, perhaps we should find a campsite before then. Lizard man? Orc? You've both been quiet."

2018-08-09, 07:31 PM
Jazzar quickly snaps his head to towards Vakein, his attention previously caught by the way the light was glittering off of the river. Just from his appearance alone, you can tell he's not quite a typical lizardfolk, with bumpy orange scales, a flat and wide head, and of course his full-figured frame which is quite unusual of his species.

"A chance to rest would be welcome!" His lips part in what could be considered a smile "A warm meal and rest is the best start to a job in my eyes."

2018-08-11, 09:45 PM
You continue on. The forest on the left often comes up to the edge of the road, then occasionally recedes, sometimes revealing a farm with the farmhouse set back a great distance.

The party is passing by a forested section when you suddenly hear shouts in the distance. It sounds ahead of you, but to the side, from within the forest. The shouts rapidly rise in volume as their source gets nearer, and then two men emerge onto the road, running furiously away from you with swords in hand. You don't think they saw you.

You recognize their uniforms as belonging to the militia of the local ruler, but are distracted as two orcs emerge onto the road from where the men came, obviously in pursuit. They also don't seem to have noticed you.

Party: [roll0]
Guards: [roll1]
Enemies: [roll2]

2018-08-11, 09:50 PM
The party got lowest initiative, but I'll let everyone take one action before we official start the first round. (Not a full turn.) I'll try to get a map up soon, but for now, you're all about 40' from where the Orcs are now.

2018-08-11, 09:54 PM
Zemzelett's face drains of blood as he sees the orcs. Turning to the high elf beside him, he asks in a quivering whisper, "Sir Siannodel, do we engage?"

2018-08-11, 11:12 PM
Strike now! A voice shouted in the back of Vakein's head. With practiced grace, he drew back the bowstring, aimed down the shaft, and loosed at the trailing orc. Not even waiting to see if it struck, he stowed his bow, and reached for his axe, a grin spreading on his lips.

Action: ranged attack with my shortbow on the farthest orc. [roll0] [roll1]

Item Interaction: stow shortbow (and draw greataxe if allowed as one interaction, otherwise I will do that next turn).

2018-08-12, 08:26 AM
Immeral quickly tries to get out of sight, dashing to the side of the road to hide in bushes or behind trees. He draws his bow and prepares for combat.


2018-08-12, 08:37 AM
Zemzelett watches with dismay as the elder elf dashes away to hide. Not actually having any meaningful ranged attack, the boy reverts to what he learned about avoiding orcs. These creatures don't have the best reasoning ability, and Zemzelett's little ruse just might work.

With a flick of the wrist holding a piece of fleece, a really large boulder, which was totally there all along, appears where the young bard was a moment ago.

Action: Cast Minor Illusion, create a boulder the size of a five-foot cube centered around Zemzelett. He will be crouching at the center. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion. An orc can can use its action to make an Investigation check (DC 13) on the boulder. If it discerns the illusion for what it is, the boulder becomes faint to it.

2018-08-12, 01:21 PM
Jazzar draws his mace and with a small hissing word both the mace and his hand glow with a soft golden light. He touches the head of the mace gently on Vakein's back.

"Strike true stoneman."

Cast Guidance on Vakein

2018-08-12, 04:35 PM
Vakein's arrow lands past the orcs, catching their attention. They glance behind them and growl at Vakein and Jazzar, then barked something incomprehensible at the forest before turning their attention back to the guards. The two orcs charge forward at remarkable speed, closing the last 60' and swinging their greataxes at the guards...

Orc 1 attacks Guard 1: [roll0], [roll1]
Orc 2 attacks Guard 2: [roll2], [roll3]

In the meantime, three goblins appear at the end of the forest, shortbows in hand, and immediately take shots at whoever they see...

Goblin 1 attacks Jazzar: [roll4], [roll5]
Goblin 2 attacks Vakein: [roll6], [roll7]
Goblin 3 attacks Vakein: [roll8], [roll9]

They don't seem to have noticed Immeral or Zem.

2018-08-12, 04:40 PM
The struck guard screams in pain, but is still standing. Both turn to fight off the Orcs...

Guard 1 attacks Orc 1: [roll0], [roll1]
Guard 2 attacks Orc 2: [roll2], [roll3]

Jazzar was grazed by a goblin's arrow, but the rest of the party remains unharmed.

2018-08-12, 06:18 PM
The roar of thunder and blood pounded in Vakein's ears. Bow shouldered, he rushes forward, focusing on the nearby goblins. One arrow snaps wide, while the other shatters against his chest. He doesn't even feel the splinters that pepper his chest. His greataxe is in his hands, and is an extension of him as he aims to decapitate the first goblin with one, executioner's stroke.

Bonus: Enter Rage
Move: move to J30
Object Interaction: Draw greataxe
Attack: goblin 1 [roll0] [roll1] slashing

2018-08-12, 08:58 PM
Immeral peeks out from around the tree and fires an arrow at the lead orc, hoping he wasn't noticed.

[roll0] to hit
[roll1] if advantage
[roll2] piercing damage and [roll3] sneak attack damage on hit.

2018-08-12, 09:55 PM
Out of the blue, someone appears to be saying something in a sing song voice. While the timbre is pleasant enough, the contents are most decidedly not. For the voice seems to be singing about how unsuitable goblins are as a source of sustenance even for maggots due to a rather strong body odor.

The voice seems to be coming from a rather prominent boulder in the middle of the road, but rocks don't talk. How mysterious! Is there someone hiding behind the rock?

Action: Vicious Mockery on Goblin 3. DC 13 Wisdom [roll0] save to avoid [roll1] psychic damage and have its next attack be made at disadvantage.

2018-08-13, 08:28 AM
Jazzar swings his mace in an arc, the golden glow intensifying to a brilliant shine as a similar one appears around the goblin that struck him.

Casting Sacred Flame on that goblin for [roll0] damage

Dex save of DC 13

2018-08-13, 09:04 AM
Vakein's axe goes straight through the middle of the goblin, sending his top half and a spray of blood onto his startled cohorts. Immeral's arrow is deflected off the leather armor of the second one sinks deep into the back of the lead orc, who falls to the ground. You see the third goblin briefly put his hands to his ears and shriek from the voices in his head. The second goblin briefly glows...

Goblin 2 Dex save: [roll0] vs DC13

...and appears to burn in the light, yelping in pain.

Immeral was technically not hidden, since the pre-battle action was spent on dash, plus you had to move back onto the road to get a clear shot on the goblin. I re-aimed him at goblin 2 since Vakein killed the first.
I re-aimed Jazzar's attack to goblin 2 for the same reason.

2018-08-13, 09:10 AM
The remaining orc continues their assault on the poor guards.

Orc 1 attacks Guard 1: [roll0], [roll1]
Orc 2 attacks Guard 2: [roll2], [roll3]

The two remaining goblins are injured and freaked out, but drop their bows and draw their scimitars to try to carve up the giant standing over them.

Goblin 2 attacks Vakein: [roll4], [roll5]
Goblin 3 attacks Vakein: [roll6], [roll7]

You see one of the guards go down in a bloody heap. The other turns and continues running.

Guard 1 disengages and moves 30' up the road.

2018-08-13, 10:03 AM
The sing-song voice from nowhere continues to assault the goblin, this time casting aspersions on its ability to hit a huge hulking enemy so very close to it...

Vicious Mockery vs. Goblin 3. DC13 Wisdom save [roll0] to avoid [roll1] of psychic damage, and have its next attack roll be made at disadvantage.

Pretty sure a natural 20 succeeds.

Without missing a beat, the curious voice suddenly changes its focus. What was once laced with a tremendous amount of ennui now carries vigorous elvish words of innervation.

Bonus Action. Immeral gets a d6 bardic inspiration die to use within the next 10 minutes to add to any d20 roll

2018-08-13, 11:28 AM
Splattered in goblin blood, Vakein is completely lost in battlelust. He brings his axe down on the next goblin in line, trying to cleave this one in two vertically instead of horizontally.

Action: Attack vs Goblin 2 [roll0] [roll1]

If I kill the goblin:
Move: to K24 (avoiding getting within 5ft of goblin 3)
Item Interaction: Stow greataxe

Rage has 8 rounds remaining

2018-08-13, 01:39 PM
With another wave of his mace the light streams over to the third goblin as Jazzar quickly glances over to the downed guard hoping to catch any signs of life.

Casting another Sacred Flame on Goblin 3, [roll0] Dex Save 13

And if there's time I'll make a perception/medicine check on the downed guard (whichever you think is more appropriate) [roll1]

2018-08-13, 04:53 PM
From behind the party comes the cry, "LAWBREAKERS!!!", and a tall man comes barreling past to hack at the remaining orc with a two handed blow of his long sword.

Wielding the longsword two-handed [roll0], Damage from hitting Orc [roll1]

2018-08-14, 10:38 PM
Immeral ducks back amongst the trees, trying to take cover behind the leaves and branches.

Taking the Hide action

2018-08-15, 09:31 PM
Vakein's second attack is nearly as devastating as the first, taking down another goblin. The third goblin barely has time to react before he withers and dies in the light of Jazzar's holy fire.

Then suddenly out of nowhere comes Kras Vold, denouncing these criminals as he charges and swings at the remaining orc, slicing through its armor and drawing blood.

The orc, seeing nothing left but death and glory, embraces his last chance to down his foe...

Orc 2 attacks Kras: [roll0], [roll1]

...and screams in frustration as Kras easily sidesteps the swing.

The remaining guard turns his head to see what's happening behind him, trips, and falls to the ground. He pulls himself up to a seated position in the middle of the dirt road, leaning back on his hands facing the fight. You can tell he's out of breath and still bleeding.

2018-08-15, 10:02 PM
His heartbeat thundering in his ears, Vakein runs down the road, going wide of Kras. A javelin comes to his hand, and he hurls it with all his strength at the last orc.

Move: To L18
Item Interaction: Draw Javelin
Action: Attack O2 with the javelin [roll0] [roll1]

Rage: 7 rounds remain

2018-08-15, 10:12 PM
The last orc falls to the ground dead, a javelin sticking straight up from its chest.

You are out of initiative.

2018-08-15, 10:13 PM
With the felling of the last orc, Zemzelett dismisses the illusion. Approaching the guard, he calls out, " Sir, are you all right?"

2018-08-15, 10:29 PM
With no enemies left alive, Vakein shakes his head to clear his thoughts. Wiping the foamy spittle from his lips, he steps up and grabs his javelin. He twists it to ensure the orc is dead before removing it, and wiping the bloody shaft on the dead orc's clothing to clean it before stowing the weapon. He begins searching the two bodies, letting the others talk with the guards.

Investigate if needed: [roll0]
Perception if needed: [roll1]

2018-08-16, 10:37 AM
The glow fades from his hands as Jazzar stows his mace, hurrying over to the soldier. His rasping voices trying to sound as soothing as he can.

"Don't strain yourself my friend, Jazzar is here to help"

Let's try a nice medicine check 1d20+5

2018-08-16, 02:50 PM
Vakein finds a handful of silver and copper hidden on the orcs (5sp, 12cp), along with misc filthy items of no value, like bones and fangs.

The guard looks up at Zem and Jazzar, seeing their concern. He clutches his side in pain, but gruffly says, "I'll be fine." You can see his eyes are wet as he looks over at his fallen comrade. "I need help getting him back to the keep, and..." He stares back at the forest, then down. "There are two others, in there. Maybe... can you run ahead and tell them to bring a cart? I can't leave him here alone," he says, nodding to the other guard's unmoving form.

2018-08-16, 04:18 PM
Kras wipes his blade off and then sheathes his sword. He heads back and picks up his spear and holds it in his hand, while he surveys the scene.

Proudly, he calls out "LEX VULT!!! The LAW was Victorious this day!"

2018-08-16, 06:02 PM
"Yes, Sir, I can do that. Who should I say sent me?"

Before he actually delves into the forest, the half elf gives the orcs and goblins a cursory examination on whether he would be able to reuse any of their ranged weapons.

2018-08-16, 06:32 PM
Before he actually delves into the forest, the half elf gives the orcs and goblins a cursory examination on whether he would be able to reuse any of their ranged weapons.

The weapons used by creatures like this are generally of poor make and repulsive to boot.

The guard points up the road in the direction you were heading before this incident. "The keep's that way, maybe twenty minutes if you can run that far. Tell them Ranger Samuelson says three have fallen, and to bring the cart." He pulls himself to his feet, still clutching his side, and addresses the rest of the group. "Thanks for stepping in. I'd have surely died if you hadn't, and I hate to press you for more, but would any of you be willing to help me fetch the others? They fell not far into the forest, and I want to get to them before any animals do." He pauses. "One was married."

2018-08-16, 06:37 PM
Shaking his head at the crude workmanship, Zemzelett picks up the best looking shortbow he could see, along with a bundle of arrows, hoping that the whole thing doesn't fall off the first time he uses it.

Disgusting or not, a weapon was a weapon. And having spent heavily on a rapier for the mission, the half elf didn't quite have enough to equip himself with a ranged weapon.

"Mr. Samuelson sir, he's gone. I think you should come with us to the keep. Even if you are not wounded, it is not safe for you to remain here by yourself."

2018-08-16, 07:01 PM
Jazzar looks down sadly

"Of course my friend, I'm sure we'll be able to make sure they get a proper burial"

He looks expectantly up towards the others.

2018-08-16, 08:51 PM
Vakein, without saying a word or offering to help the remaining guard recover the bodies of his friends, drags the orc bodies to the side of the road near the goblins. He arranges the bodies, facing their feet towards the road. Using one of the orc's greataxes, he lops off the heads of each of the orcs and goblins in turn, and places the heads at their feet, facing the road. Now, likely covered in all kinds of blood, Vakein tosses the axe aside, and leans against one of the trees, taking a deep swig from his waterskin, and pouring some of it over his head.

"Is it usual for orcs and goblins to work together here? Where I am from, they squabbled and fought over territory more than anything else....when the tribes weren't crushing them to dust."

2018-08-16, 08:55 PM
Zemzelett's eyes nearly fall out of his head as the hulking Goliath goes about hacking off the heads of defeated enemies. Part of him wants to cheer for getting some measure of revenge on orcs in general, but this was considerably more visceral than the half-elf was accustomed to.

CON save not to vomit: [roll0]

2018-08-16, 11:08 PM
Immeral takes this time to leave the forest behind the party and strolls up to them. He watches the goliath's acts with particular disgust. "Barbaric. We should probably be moving on as soon as possible." He pauses as he thinks. "While you're at it, you might as well get the corpses of the guards from the forest."

2018-08-17, 11:56 PM
"Why? Do you want me to set them up as scarecrows too?" Vakein gives Immeral a toothy grin before heading into the forest. After finding the bodies of the two guards, he hefts one over each shoulder, and returns to the road.

2018-08-18, 03:25 AM
Kras will keep watch for any other possible lawbreakers to smite.

2018-08-18, 06:41 AM
Jazzar follows after Vakein, doing his best to drag the other body back onto the road.

2018-08-18, 08:45 PM
After Vakein dumps the first body, he returns to where Jazzar is struggling before shouldering him aside and picking up the other body and taking it to the road.

2018-08-18, 09:04 PM
While the others were gathering up the bodies, Zemzelett tries to start a conversation.

"Sir, if I may ask, what happened? Were you patrolling and got ambushed? Are the orcs here in number, working with the goblins?"

2018-08-19, 07:43 PM
Zemzelett finds a shortbow and about a dozen arrows on each of the goblins. He can use them, but when fired, one will break on a roll of 1-2.

The guard, seeing that Vakein can easily carry two bodies himself, gives up on the cart and just hoists the third uniformed corpse onto his shoulders and starts walking slowly back to the keep. As the funereal march continues, he explains to Zem that there have been increasing attacks by creatures of this kind in this area recently, on both travelers and farms, but that the keep is perfectly secure. It's quickly become the primary concern of commander.

2018-08-19, 09:43 PM
Zemzelett is saddened although not surprised at the shoddy craftsmanship of the goblins. News of the creatures' incursion alarms him however. Having witnessed the brutality of the orcs first hand, it is a fate he would not wish on anybody.

And so the half elf tries to probe further.

"Any idea on why is this happening, sir? It would be really bad if they get close to the towns and villages."

2018-08-19, 10:40 PM
"To keep these tribes at bay you must show strength and strike fear into them. If a small war party comes across my....barbarism..." Vakein glances at Immeral with a grin. "They will either be enraged, and act recklessly, or they will gather reinforcements before seeking combat. In either case, you buy time to prepare. Every body you mutilate saps their will to fight and they'll seek easier prey. Or we could just strike them directly and scatter the survivors to the winds."

Vakein barely seems to be exerting himself carrying the bodies. "Matching strength against strength sometimes works, but it's far easier to rip the heart out of the enemy. Remove their will to fight you, and you've already won before you bring them to battle." He smiles inwardly, as if reveling in a memory.

2018-08-20, 12:21 AM
"Mr. Vakein, sir," Zemzelett blurts out, " Maybe that works with goblins. But orcs? They're going to consider that a challenge and come in force! That would be very bad since there is only one of you."

2018-08-20, 05:25 AM
Vakein snorts. "Then the orcs will have me outnumbered, the poor bastards.
That's the difference between a pup like you and a killer like me. There only needs to be one if me to break a mob like the orc will bring."

2018-08-20, 08:25 AM
"I believe the most important thing is faith. We are made strong by ours and they by theirs."

Jazzar turns towards both of them as he speaks.

"Between just the stoneman and myself? We have faith to spare."

2018-08-20, 05:15 PM
"I have faith....faith in my strength of arms and malevolent soul."

2018-08-20, 10:11 PM
"Knowledge is most important. If you know how your enemy thinks, what he knows, how he acts, then you can strike with impunity at his weakest points." The well educated elf speaks up.

2018-08-20, 11:05 PM
"M-malevolent s-soul?" Zemzelett stammers out, his eyes widening in shock as he starts to seriously ask himself what he has gotten himself into.

2018-08-21, 06:37 AM
"It means i like killing thing."

2018-08-21, 05:42 PM
Ranger Samuelson stayed silent, letting the discussion play out as he steadily trudged forward under his burdens. Soon a large stone structure appeared in the distance above the trees which shortly after receded from the road, exposing open green land to your view. More farms dotted the forest's edge, far enough away from the road to not be disturbed by traffic. A small herd of cows grazed a ways off in the field, under the watchful eye of a woman in a straw hat. Up the road, an older boy carrying a fishing pole crosses the road, presumably heading back to one of them. He notices the group, squints, then darts off home,

Further up, the road branches to the left before ending at the keep. You can see that years of people and carts heading to and from the keep have beaten the area into a wide dirt triangle, and a collection of simple wooden booths were scattered around the edges, like a permanent open market. The vendors - mostly human, with a few outliers - were busy preparing to close for the day. In the center of the triangle was a small circle of dead grass. A few children played there, ignoring a beggar who sat behind a bowl strumming a chipped and weathered lute.

Samuelson led the group left at the fork and as the party drew close enough to make out the two guards at the gate, they jogged forward to help carry the casualties in, occasionally sparing a glance of curiosity at the party.

Guard 1: "Gods, what happened?"

Samuelson: "We were ambushed during patrol in the forest."

Guard 2: "The sun has not even set!"

Guard 1: "This is deeply troubling..."

The guards looked at the strangers and back to Samuelson, the question obvious in their eyes.

Samuelson: "Finrick and Tam went down when they fell upon us. They pursued Tormund and I to the road and would have surely taken us if these brave folk had not been there at the right time. They slew the beasts and helped me bring our men home."

The guards offer their sincere thanks, and welcome you to Rockhold, which they tell you is the keep's unofficial name. After passing through the gate, the guards gently lay the bodies on the ground by the wall and resume their posts, alert for more danger.

Samuelson says, "thank you again, my friends, but I must leave you now to report what has happened and arrange for the bodies to be cared for properly. You are welcome here, and I will make sure to pass along word of the great deeds you've performed for us. I hope I get the chance to drink with you before you depart again." And with that, he runs off.

2018-08-22, 10:52 AM
Zemzelett finds himself drawn to the sound of music. Trying to be inconspicuous, the young bard tries to find a place nearby where he could listen to the beggar's strumming without drawing too much attention to himself.

How good is the beggar's performance? And, does Zemzelett recognize the song?

2018-08-22, 11:57 AM
"I need a drink." Vakein says to the group. "The dead orcs are buying, at least the first." He heads off in search of a tavern to quench his thirst.

I am also looking for any priest or cleric who looks like a worshiper of Talos.

2018-08-23, 12:04 AM
Kras will inquire a guard for information about the area, such as shops, inns, other places. He will inquire about getting a map.

2018-08-23, 03:58 PM
Immeral goes to look for somewhere to stay the night.

2018-08-24, 12:05 PM
And Jazzar will tag along with Vakein, hopefully finding some somewhere serving food.

2018-08-25, 06:08 PM
The keep is basically a square, about the size of a small town. The stone walls are lined with wooden structures for housing, shops and work areas. More rows of structures stand free apart from the walls, leaving narrow avenues between them. There are barracks and a manor built into the rear wall. A handful of uniformed guards patrol the wall. A large well ringed by a sort of dais sits in the open space near the gate.

After poking around for a bit, you determine that while basic services exist, the community isn't large enough to support competition. There's one smithy, one general store, one chapel (not for Talos), etc. Most are closed or closing for the night. The local inn and tavern is clearly visible from the gate, and from it hangs a faded sign that says "The Pick & Shovel" with appropriate iconography. There are two tables outside against the front wall, covered by an awning. One is occupied by an old man stooped over a board with stones on it. A small dog sits next to him, sipping water from a bowl.

You didn't recognize what the beggar was playing, or attempting to. He doesn't appear to have anything in the way of training or talent. You're not even sure it's a song.

2018-08-25, 08:52 PM
The young bard smiles to himself and shakes his head sadly. That wasn't quite the rousing performance he hoped for, not even close to it.

Though talentless the man might be, he at least made an effort to entertain. An attempt that Zemzelett acknowledges by digging into his pouch and dropping a few (5) copper coins into the man's outstretched hands, before he turns away to rejoin his companions.

Most likely they would have sought out a place to eat and sleep, and so the half elf plots a direct close for the tavern and inn.

2018-08-26, 03:55 PM
Vakein heads for the Pick and Shovel, ordering whatever cheap ale or rotgut they have available.

2018-08-28, 10:00 PM
Immeral makes his way to the inn to meet up with everyone else.

2018-08-30, 01:16 AM
The beggar's eyes widen in response to your generosity, and he gives you the best full bow he can from his seated position.

You enter the Pick and Shovel which looks like a pretty typical inn and tavern. There's a bar on the side with a half-elven woman behind it, a common area with tables, small stage opposite the bar, and a few doors in back you suspect go to kitchens or rooms. You did notice it was a two-story building before walking in.

A decent crowd of people are there - guards getting drinks after their shift, locals having dinner, a few that look more like travelers than locals.

The bartender tells you her name is Cacea, and answers your questions. The house ale is 1cp/mug, and rooms are 1sp per night and have two beds each. During the conversation, you see a gnome man enter through the front door wearing a strange metal hat with multiple lines dangling from the rim with freshly caught fish who walks through one of the rear doors which swings shut behind him.

She finishes with, "...and we'll have a fish stew dinner special coming up shortly."

2018-08-30, 01:56 AM
Not quite confident enough to drink an entire mug of ale, Zemzelett orders a mug of juice instead.

The bard in training notes the staid atmosphere, and decides to enliven up the atmosphere with a festive little ditty. Taking up his flute, young Zemzelett utilizes illusory sounds to provide himself with a suitable background accompaniment.

How it sounds like:

Utilize background feature.

By Popular Demand. You can always find a place to perform, usually in an inn or tavern but possibly with a circus, at a theater, or even in a noble’s court. At such a place, you receive free lodging and food of a modest or comfortable standard (depending on the quality of the establishment), as long as you perform each night. In addition, your performance makes you something of a local figure. When strangers recognize you in a town where you have performed, they typically take a liking to you.

2018-08-30, 10:52 PM
Immeral settles down at a table, not drinking anything for now, just waiting and watching.

2018-09-01, 11:27 AM
"I'll bet a silver against any man or woman here that I can outdrink them, and win or lose, I'll cover the ale." Vekein thunders, staring at the off duty soldiers with a menacing grin.

2018-09-02, 09:39 PM
Not quite confident enough to drink an entire mug of ale, Zemzelett orders a mug of juice instead.

Cacea, noting your age and stature (she's also a half-elf), tries to hide a smile while filling a mug with juice made from a local berry, normally used as mixer.

The bard in training notes the staid atmosphere, and decides to enliven up the atmosphere with a festive little ditty. Taking up his flute, young Zemzelett utilizes illusory sounds to provide himself with a suitable background accompaniment.

(I'm assuming you went to the stage.)

As your unexpected music fills the air, heads and eventually chairs turn to you, and a few start clapping along. It may not be the most virtuosic performance they've seen in their lives, but it's better than they normally get, and they appreciate the uplifting distraction as a break from recent grim tidings.

(If you stay up there for a while, Cacea will eventually send a full mug to replace your empty one.)

Immeral settles down at a table, not drinking anything for now, just waiting and watching.

Having chosen the table, I assume the rest of the party will join you and settle in unless they specify otherwise, so you won't draw undue attention as some sort of loner.

Since you're focused on your surroundings, you probably take in more details about the occupants that don't seem like residents. You see one simple looking middle-aged man in a straw hat and overalls nursing a mug of ale at a small table, watching Zem's performance. At another table is seated a middle-aged halfling woman with quarterstaff leaning against the table beside her, and a young looking halfling lad seated across from her who's clapping along. A lone elven male sits at a third table, decked in leather armor, short sword and short bow, sipping a wine glass.

After a time, a Dwarven man in an apron starts bringing bowls of stew out of the kitchen to the tables that requested them - which is most of them.

"I'll bet a silver against any man or woman here that I can outdrink them, and win or lose, I'll cover the ale." Vekein thunders, staring at the off duty soldiers with a menacing grin.

It goes without saying that everyone initially stared at Vakein when he walked in, and anyone with who presents such a visceral threat is going to put a uniformed man on edge. The boast effectively breaks the ice and elicits a few laughs from the guards at the bar. Cacea, always on point, immediately produces two full mugs and places them on the bar, then waits with a smile.

One of the guard pipes up, "I work hard my silver, but perhaps if you even the odds a bit by letting us drink in shifts," inspiring more laughter.

At this point, the guard you know as Samuelson walks in. He's cleaned himself up and changed his uniform, though his movement still betrays his injury. He spots the party, but stops at the bar to have a brief word with Cacea before approaching the table Immeral secured.

"Friends, it is good to see you again. I wish I could join you, but alas, we are... short-handed tonight, and the watch must be kept. Rest-assured, I have let matron know of the great service you've performed for Rockhold today, and informed her that she should show you all the hospitality the Pick and Shovel is famous for, on the Commander's personal tab. He would be here to thank you personally, but as I said..."

2018-09-03, 01:48 AM
As Samuelson talks about being short-handed, Zemzelett plays an elegy to the departed before once again resuming a more cheery performance.


2018-09-03, 03:37 PM
Kras: Will inquire of Caeca for information, passing over a gold coin, and will spend up to 5gp to hear everything (rumors, etc) and then will discreetly greet the others in the place, inquiring after their names and professions, what brings them to the Keep. Kras will jot down the information in his journal for future reference, and hear any rumors etc that the others can say. He will also spend time to learn as much as he can about the keep from the guard.

2018-09-03, 07:44 PM
"Shifts?" Vakein lets out a thunderous laugh. "That might be interesting. I'll take you and any two of your friends on, then. My three silver against one from each of you." He puts on a raucous grin. "After all, it's not even my coin....it belongs to a pair of very dead orc who decided to try to kill your Ranger Samuelson. We taught them the error of their ways."

2018-09-05, 05:42 PM
Kras: Will inquire of Caeca for information, passing over a gold coin, and will spend up to 5gp to hear everything (rumors, etc) and then will discreetly greet the others in the place, inquiring after their names and professions, what brings them to the Keep. Kras will jot down the information in his journal for future reference, and hear any rumors etc that the others can say. He will also spend time to learn as much as he can about the keep from the guard.

Cacea will wave off the coin, and both her and the guards will happily share what they know about the recent raids, which is that the first one happened about two months ago, and that there have been about a half a dozen encounters so far - sometimes a keep patrol runs into, sometimes they attack travelers on the road, and sometimes they raid a solitary farm. All sightings were of lowly humanoids like the ones you've already faced.

"Shifts?" Vakein lets out a thunderous laugh. "That might be interesting. I'll take you and any two of your friends on, then. My three silver against one from each of you."

Cacea will pull the 6sp together in a pile, then produce two more mugs for Vakein and two more for the two other participating guards.

First round of Con checks:

Vakein: [roll0] (counting 3 drinks as 1 due to size)
Guard 1: [roll1]
Guard 2: [roll2]
Guard 3: [roll3]

2018-09-05, 07:41 PM
Vakein turns to the second guard. "You look a little green, my friend....maybe you should lie down before we start drinking something harder than this water." He patiently waits for the refills. "Your commander seems mighty worried about these raids. The orc and goblins we killed didn't seem that tough....why not just go in and wipe them out?"

2018-09-07, 01:28 AM
"Your commander seems mighty worried about these raids. The orc and goblins we killed didn't seem that tough....why not just go in and wipe them out?"

Before you get too drunk, you learn that they're not sure where the raids are coming from, or if they even have a nearby base.

Speaking of drunk... to save time, let's wrap up the contest with a single roll:

Vakein: [roll0]
Guards: [roll1]

Between all three guards taking turns drinking, they just barely manage to stay on their feet long enough for Vakein to fall loudly to the floor with a thump where he remains till morning since no one can (or is willing to) move him.

2018-09-07, 01:40 AM
A new day has broken!

Refreshed from the previous day's exertions, and energized by the reception to his entertainment, the young half-elf has a slight spring to his step. A spring that disappears when he sees the sleeping Goliath, still knocked out cold from his ill-advised challenge.

And so, the bard starts poking timidly at Vakein with a ten-foot pole. "Sir, Sir Vakein. Time to wake up, sir."

2018-09-07, 05:55 PM
After a few minutes of poking, Vakein sits bolt upright. "Did I win? Hmmm....guess not. Oh well." He slowly stands up, still a little buzzed. "What do I owe for the drinks last night? I imagine the soldiers already claimed their silver." His stomach makes a very loud rumble, sounding reminiscent of a bear. "And another mug of ale and two plates or bowls of whatever you have cooking for breakfast." He glances over to the bard, still holding the ten foot pole. "Two mugs of ale and three of the breakfast, the extra for the runty one."

I've deducted the 3 sp from my inventory already. Waiting to see what else I need to deduct.

2018-09-10, 08:36 PM
Zemzelett ordered another mug of fruit juice from the half elf barkeep, smiling sheepishly in mild embarrassment over his inability to hold down any kind of alcohol. It is certainly a disadvantage for a bard in training to not be able to drink and schmooze.

Over breakfast, he tries to engage her in conversation in Elvish, attempting to get a glimpse of life in the keep and what sort of challenges the local fauna such as the orcs and goblins pose towards the settlement. Does she fear for her safety, or are the orcs more nuisance than existential threat?

2018-09-10, 11:14 PM
"I will be very insulted if you dont drink that, minstrel."

2018-09-10, 11:22 PM
Zemzelett starts to panic and looks pleadingly at the barkeep. Maybe she can switch glasses if the mountain man isn't looking?

2018-09-11, 10:53 AM
Immeral approaches Valkein from behind, tapping his shoulder lightly. "I, however, will be insulted if you try to force the child to drink it."

2018-09-11, 05:26 PM
Kras will explore the keep and try to get a map made of it. He will also record what he finds/see/observes. Then he carefully visit each shop/place to see what and who is there.

2018-09-11, 06:56 PM
"Who is forcing anyone to do anything? He can accept the gift and drink it or not and risk angering me. Not like I am holding a blade to his throat." Vakein responds, shoveling most of a bowl of food into his mouth as he talks. He drains one of the mugs in one swallow before starting on his second helping.