View Full Version : Looking for music to set the theme

2018-08-08, 02:37 PM
A little background: It's a Curse of Strahd game but the pc's play as a music band advventuring for the fame. The tone set ends up comedic. Party consists of A Half-Elf Whisper and Stout Halfling Lore Bard, a Wood Elf Elemental Monk, a Hill Dearf Champion Fighter, a Stout Halfling Thief Rogue, V.Human Hexblade Warlock.

Whisper bard: Band Manager, falls in love with every pretty face.

Lore bard: Wields a bass drum bigger than themselves, chucks javelins when mad.

Monk: The random idea pc, their shenanigans have culminated in much hilarity. Backup vocals and shwam player

Champion: Very much meat shield absolute best friend to the monk and lead screamer and carries name of the band.

Rogue: Band Hype man. Found the Sun sword. Not his first time in Barovia.

Hexblade: Guide the party hired, only wants to get drunk, yet is too hardy to succumb even to explicit alcohol poisoning.

Alright with all that out of the way, they are defending a position at Van-Richten's tower, their reading from Madame Eva came up so that Zuleika is their ally in the fight vs Strahd however she's asked for their help against her former alpha and pack. We often use music in the background keeping in theme with party concept. So I'm just asking for music suggestions for the background that can be both spooky and still comedic. Thank you all ahead of time for this.

Apologies for no spoilers, hastily posted from my phone.

2018-08-08, 03:19 PM
the pc's play as a music band advventuring for the fame. The tone set ends up comedic.

Ooh ooh ooh, have you considered using... this (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2017/08/musical-adventuring.html)?!

2018-08-08, 03:47 PM
Ooh ooh ooh, have you considered using... this (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2017/08/musical-adventuring.html)?!

Nice, that sounds awesome