View Full Version : (3.P) A Psicrystal That Propels Itself?

2018-08-08, 06:05 PM
I want a psicrystal buddy that's more independent than the authors insist that it is, like a (not-so-)imaginary best friend that wants to stay with me but can function on its own somewhat better than normal.

According to the SRD:

Self-Propulsion (Su): As a standard action, its owner can will a psicrystal to form spidery, ectoplasmic legs that grant the psicrystal a land speed of 30 feet and a climb speed of 20 feet. The legs fade into nothingness after one day (or sooner, if the owner desires).
Flight (Su): If the owner is 9th level or higher, he can, as a standard action, will his psicrystal to fly at a speed of 50 feet (poor). The psicrystal drifts gently to the ground after one day (or sooner, if the owner desires).

Is there some way to allow the psicrystal to do these things by RAW? It should be able to at least move around of its own volition, if nothing else.

Sure, giving it a psychoactive skin of proteus (my favorite "magic" item) or an at-will item of alter self or polymorph would allow it to turn into something that could move on its own, or casting polymorph any object for a more permanent solution could work. but these things are fairly expensive, and I'd rather give my pet rock autonomy a bit earlier than that. And soulmelds just don't work at all, due to no Con and the construct (not undead) type. This is one problem that familiars just don't have.

Any ideas?

2018-08-08, 06:09 PM
Give your psicrystal a collar of perpetual attendance (adapted however it must for the psicrystal's body) and let it use an unseen servant to carry it around.

2018-08-08, 06:12 PM
Give your psicrystal a collar of perpetual attendance (adapted however it must for the psicrystal's body) and let it use an unseen servant to carry it around.Interesting idea. I think I like it.

The item would have to surround much of the psicrystal's form to stay on (as a "necklace" slot just doesn't work for something without a neck). I suppose you could make it out of riverine and convince the DM to let it act as impenetrable armor. Leave some gaps to allow the psicrystal to use its ecto-legs, when necessary.

2018-08-08, 07:52 PM
In the Pathfinder book Psionics Augmented - Psicrystals Expanded, the feat Superior Psicrystal can be used to bond your psicrystal to a creature making it more autonomous (rather large list of options too). The only pre-requisite for the feat is Psicrystal Affinity so you can gain access to it at level 1 if you have the feats available.

2018-08-09, 11:14 AM
I want a psicrystal buddy that's more independent than the authors insist that it is, like a (not-so-)imaginary best friend that wants to stay with me but can function on its own somewhat better than normal.

According to the SRD:

Is there some way to allow the psicrystal to do these things by RAW? It should be able to at least move around of its own volition, if nothing else.

Sure, giving it a psychoactive skin of proteus (my favorite "magic" item) or an at-will item of alter self or polymorph would allow it to turn into something that could move on its own, or casting polymorph any object for a more permanent solution could work. but these things are fairly expensive, and I'd rather give my pet rock autonomy a bit earlier than that. And soulmelds just don't work at all, due to no Con and the construct (not undead) type. This is one problem that familiars just don't have.

Any ideas?
The way I've always read those abilities is that it takes a standard action to give the psicrystal the movement modes, but it can then move on its own for the rest of the day.

2018-08-09, 11:19 AM
I want a psicrystal buddy that's more independent than the authors insist that it is, like a (not-so-)imaginary best friend that wants to stay with me but can function on its own somewhat better than normal.

According to the SRD:

Is there some way to allow the psicrystal to do these things by RAW? It should be able to at least move around of its own volition, if nothing else.

Sure, giving it a psychoactive skin of proteus (my favorite "magic" item) or an at-will item of alter self or polymorph would allow it to turn into something that could move on its own, or casting polymorph any object for a more permanent solution could work. but these things are fairly expensive, and I'd rather give my pet rock autonomy a bit earlier than that. And soulmelds just don't work at all, due to no Con and the construct (not undead) type. This is one problem that familiars just don't have.

Any ideas?

The way I've always read those abilities is that it takes a standard action to give the psicrystal the movement modes, but it can then move on its own for the rest of the day.
Celestia's got it right. The listed powers require the Psion to spend the action to create the legs or give it the power to fly, but it explicitly retains them for a full day, and nothing in the powers indicates that the Psion actually controls the legs or the flight.

It's similar to casting fly on an ally; the caster doesn't then control how the ally moves...the ally does.

2018-08-09, 11:33 AM
For like 50k gold, you can get that yuan ti arms magic item to give your psi crystal little arms, and then it can use tiny weapons. That cuteness basically pays for itself

2018-08-09, 11:36 AM
The way I've always read those abilities is that it takes a standard action to give the psicrystal the movement modes, but it can then move on its own for the rest of the day.

Celestia's got it right. The listed powers require the Psion to spend the action to create the legs or give it the power to fly, but it explicitly retains them for a full day, and nothing in the powers indicates that the Psion actually controls the legs or the flight.

It's similar to casting fly on an ally; the caster doesn't then control how the ally moves...the ally does.I get that, but it requires me to spend actions each day to enable it to move around. What if I get knocked unconscious for a few days, or it gets sent to a fast-time plane somewhere? I'd much rather it be able to care for itself (and stand watch over me, if it comes down to it) than to just be sitting there, helpless.

For like 50k gold, you can get that yuan ti arms magic item to give your psi crystal little arms, and then it can use tiny weapons. That cuteness basically pays for itselfSince when are snake arms "cute"?

2018-08-09, 11:45 AM
Since when are snake arms "cute"?

Everyone knows that Cuteness is inversely proportional to a creatures magnitude of body size. I once worked on a fishing boat where we caught hundreds of tiny little marble-sized Cannonball jellyfish in our trawl. the consensus was that they were cute. Tiny little Eyeless Blobs of jelly: cute.

Diminutive crystal walking on spider legs wielding a tiny broadsword with little strapped on arms: cute.

2018-08-09, 12:30 PM
I get that, but it requires me to spend actions each day to enable it to move around. What if I get knocked unconscious for a few days, or it gets sent to a fast-time plane somewhere? I'd much rather it be able to care for itself (and stand watch over me, if it comes down to it) than to just be sitting there, helpless.

Ah, fair enough. An item of on-command unseen servant is 1800 gp if it's slotted. 3600 unslotted. There's something hilarious about a custom Ioun Stone hovering around your psicrystal.