View Full Version : Best Permanent Emanation options for a Lich Wizard?

2018-08-08, 11:01 PM
I'm working on an epic lich at the moment, and one of the feats that's caught my eyes is Permanent Emanation. There was an earlier thread which inspired me, but I have a few problems.

First, Greater Consumptive Field and its parent spell are both Cleric-only spells. Wizards can't cast them. And Extra Spell has been ruled over and over to not grant you any cross-class spells. So RAW, I cannot give the lich this ability, despite how nice it would be.

Second, while Antimagic Field is a wizard spell, I want the lich to be able to cast offensive spells while the emanation is up. The lich is proud of his magical prowess, and while a Sculpted Antimagic Field can give him his defensive spells, he's not willing to give up his offensive casting capabilities.

Are there any good options for a wizard for a Permanent Emanation, besides Antimagic Field?

Silva Stormrage
2018-08-08, 11:42 PM
Well obviously since it's an epic feat the best option for permanent emanation is any particular epic spell your Lich wizard knows that would be effective. Assuming thats not an option due to epic spellcasting being off the table.

An End to Strife is actually kinda interesting since you could set it to non lethal damage and just be immune to it's effects via Lich.

Planar Bubble works as well if you can get it to apply to an interesting plane so you can steal those effects (Something with enhanced magic trait or similar).

Kiss of Draconic Defiance is a more obscure option (Dragon Magic) but that could be very interesting. It forces people who enter the area to have to make a save in order to cast spells plus it allows immediate action counter spelling for free. I am not sure how it works if made permanent though it's duration is concentration + 1 round or until expended. Read the spell and see what your DM/You think.

Last option which I can think of is Antilife shell. Just outright prevents creatures from getting near you if they are alive. Casting anticipate teleport with it and enemies can't bypass it via teleportation either.

2018-08-08, 11:42 PM
Globe of invulnerability is listed as an emanation centered on you. Granted, the globe doesn't follow you as you move, but it still appears to technically qualify for the feat...

2018-08-09, 12:09 AM
Maybe Pulse of Hate (PH2) if you can apply feats to a permanent emanation spell, such as Snowcasting, Energy Substitution: Electric, Born of the Three Thunders, Explosive Spell, and Widen Spell.

Seed of Undeath, Greater (CM) automatically affects any living creature that comes within 40 ft. (Fort negates), causing those creatures to rise as zombies under your control one round after they're killed.

If you can say he acquired his permanent emanation prior to becoming a Lich, and if you give him levels in Dread Witch (HoH), then Aura of Terror (SC) would be an amazing choice. Combine that with (Persistent) Fell Frighten Fire Shield (twice, hot and cold), Fell Frighten Death Armor (SC), etc. and even opponents immune to fear and mind-affecting will be sent fleeing in terror. If he uses Aura of Terror as a Lich it just improves his natural fear aura, but it's still worthless.

Antimagic Field if you can combine it with Selective Spell (Shining South), but that's extremely cheesy. You could also use this with three levels of (Cloistered) Cleric and Initiate of Mystra (PGtF), or just Shadow Weave Magic (PGtF).

2018-08-09, 06:10 AM
Can your lich cast Wish? If so, maybe use Wish to duplicate Greater Consumptive Field and go that route? That's how I would approach that particular spell.

2018-08-09, 07:00 AM
Unhallow is not the worst idea, if you meet anyone turn-happy.

2018-08-09, 08:49 AM
If you're the DM, and this Lich is an NPC, then you're allowed to let the Lich research any spell effect you think is fair.

An effect similar to Greater Consumptive Field seems pretty reasonable for a Lich who is interested in that particular Epic feat.

Anyway, other options include:
- Otiluke's Suppressing Field
- Control Temperature (make everything 5 bands colder when you're nearby)
- Adoration of the Frightful