View Full Version : Looking for terrain for my games

2018-08-09, 07:11 AM
I'm running 2 games ones a pirate like, and a oriental with dinos. Those are just very very vague.

Should I try and buy things or should I craft them? I've done some crafting but I'm a little lazy sometimes. So I'm thinking of going with craft what I can and buying what I cant.

So what should I buy and where? Any advice ect.

2018-08-09, 07:38 AM
Maybe try the arts & crafts subforum?

I've heard that model railway people are good at making terrain. Maybe have a nose around a model shop? Games Workshop do terrain as well, but it'll cost twice what it's worth...

2018-08-09, 08:22 AM
It really depends on what type of terrain you want, and what you'll allow to show to the table.

I had picked up the Magic: The Gathering Arena of the Planeswalkers Board game (and expansions) on sale, and I've used their hex grids and terrain from time to time, typically when the people were on beaches, deserts, and near the edges of civilization

A quick way to make terrain and buildings is something like Legos. That gives you a huge range of possibilities - heck just google image search "Lego Tree" and see the VAST variations on something as simple as a tree - from a single brick, to hundreds.

2018-08-09, 08:46 AM
It really depends on what type of terrain you want, and what you'll allow to show to the table.

This is the big question. You can be minimalistic quickly and cheaply or go all out Warhammer 40k and make that a hobby unto itself.

For quick and cheap: foam board, a metal ruler, a cutting edge, and spray paint can be used for an infinite variety of modular terrain. Wooden blocks used as objects for interaction.

Vogie's suggestion about the Planeswalker game is also great. I lucked into finding an old set of Heroscape that I use. Thrift stores, yard sales, and flea markets can be your friend. Look through the kids toys and aquarium decorations. This is a very cost effective approach.

If you are going all out, you will end up paying for it. Model railroad enthusiasts have tons of resources as to how to do it up with a "wow" factor.