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2018-08-09, 07:29 AM
What 3.x spells would be fun on a PF wizard? (Esp. at lower levels?)
Am looking for stuff that's fun or powerful. Definitely does not have to be similar to what's already listed.

I have a monstrous PF character who is taking their first level of wizard.
The GM has okayed the research of brand 3.x spells as custom PF spells.
Had the idea that maybe ALL this character's spells could be custom spells.

The character is an aberration made by ancient wizards for magical espionage. The idea is that he's learned from his job and is headed down the path to arcane power.

The higher spell levels are easy, Awaken Sand, Smokey Confinement, etc.
But what about the lower spell levels?

Researching new spells costs 1 week and 1,000gp per level of the spell plus a Spellcraft or Knowledge Arcana check DC 10+ spell level.
(some non arcane spells have been assigned a +1 higher spell level on the below lists)

Caltrops (Spell Compendium, p. 42)
Create Element (source?)
Nurturing Seeds (source?)

Aberrate (Book of Vile Darkness)
Arrow Mind (Spell Compendium, p. 15)
Benign Transposition (Spell Compendium, p. 27)
Blockade (Complete Scoundrel)
Blood Wind (Spell Compendium, p. 33)
Ebon Eyes (Spell Compendium, p. 77)
Fist of Stone (Spell Compendium, p. 94)
Golem Strike (Spell Compendium, p. 106)
Hoard Gullet (Dragon Magic)
Locate City (RoD)
Slide (Spell Compendium, p. 191)
Stand (Player's Handbook II)
True Casting (Complete Mage, p. 121)

Acorn of Far Travel (Far Corners of the World (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040710a))
Celerity, Lesser (Player's Handbook II)
Cloud of Bewilderment (Spell Compendium, p. 48)
Dimension Hop (Player's Handbook II)
Dimension Leap (Magic of Eberron, p. 95)
Essence of the Dragon (Races of the Dragon)
Fly, Swift (Spell Compendium, p. 96)
Glorytongue (Wyrms of the North (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/wn/20020925a))
Heart of Air (Complete Mage, p. 106)
Heroics (Spell Compendium, p. 113)
Insight of Good Fortune (Player's Handbook II)
Kelgore's Grave Mist (Player's Handbook II)
Master's Touch (Player's Handbook II)
Slide, Greater (Spell Compendium, p. 192)
Spymaster's Coin (Complete Scoundrel)
Whispercast (Lords of Madness, p. 129)
Wraithstrike (Complete Adventurer, p. 158)

Anticipate Teleportation (Spell Compendium, p. 13)
Augment Object (SBG)
Bite of the Wererat (Spell Compendium, p. 28)
Change Size (as PF efreeti (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary/genie.html))
Control Sand (Sandstorm)
Create Crawling Claw (MC:MoF)
Distilled Joy (BoED)
Elation (BoED)
Evard's Menacing Tentacles (Player's Handbook II)
Guidance of the Avatar (WotC archives (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/article.asp?x=dnd/sb/sb20010504a))
Heart of Water (Complete Mage)
Sudden Aegis (The Forge of War, p. 117)
Vision of the Omniscient Eye (Dragon Magic)
Water to Acid (St)

Bite of the Werewolf (Spell Compendium, p. 29)
Celerity (Player's Handbook II)
Dream Walk (Heroes of Horror)
Dust to Dust (Races of the Wild)
Heart of Earth (Complete Mage)
Mirror Image, Greater (Player's Handbook II, p. 120)

Dimension Shuffle (Player's Handbook II)
Etherealness, Swift (Player's Handbook II)
Focal Stone(Wyrms of the North: Valamaradace)
Heart of Fire (Complete Mage, p. 107)
Lay of the Land (SC131)
Minor Servitor (SS)

Ashen Union (Sandstorm)
Awaken Sand (Sa)
Haze of Smoldering Stone (Dragon Magic)
Nybor's Psychic Imprint (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20041215a) (WotC archives)
Shalantha's Delicate Disk (Lost Empires of Faerun )
Smoky Confinement (CMa117)
Superior Resistance (Spell Compendium, p. 174)

Greater Humanoid Essence (RoE186)
Great Thunderclap (Magic of Faerûn 98)
Master Earth (Spell Compendium 139)
Mirror Walking (Manual of the Planes)
Teleport Object (Player's Handbook v.3.5, p. 293)

Awaken Ooze (Dragon Magazine 304, page 38)
Blackfire (Spell Compendium, p. 29)
Celerity, Greater (Player's Handbook II)
Dream Travel (Manual of the Planes)
Fiendform (Complete Arcane)
Mind of the Labyrinth (Dragon Magic)
Veil of Undeath (Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead)

Awaken Magical Beast (Dragon Magazine 304, page 38)
Black Blade of Disaster (Spell Compendium, p. 29)
Burst of Glacial Wrath (Dragon Magic)
Energy Transformation Field (SC80)
Invoke Magic (Lords of Madness)
Monstrous Thrall (Draconomicon 114)
Programmed Amnesia (SC)
Sphere of Ultimate Destruction (Complete Arcane)

Combo of Slay Living and Fabricate that kills and automatically, instantly turns corpse into Taxidermied construct body ready to be animated.

And here's a selection provided by Coidzor that could be of interest.

You might not still be playing the character after a bit over a year, but I stumbled upon one of your threads due to a discussion on reddit about storing and transporting constructs discreetly.

So I was inspired to spend a little time looking through my favorite school and subschool of magic, Conjuration (Creation) for spells that seemed interesting, good, or did something that just didn't happen in PF 1E (as far as I could recall offhand).

They're not all Wizard spells, though, and I probably didn't sort through all the Conjuration (Creation) spells, just the ones that imarvintpa listed with either instantaneous durations or long durations.

I didn't want to necro the thread and get it locked, but maybe some of these will be interesting enough to edit in for posterity.

Acid Breath (Spell Compendium[SpC])- Sor/Wiz 3 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instantaneous duration creating acid. Compare with Acidic Spray and other similar PF 1E spells.

Acid Splash (PHB) - Sor/Wiz, Duskblade, Warmage 0th - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instantaneous duration creating acid, lacks the caveat that it disappears that the PF 1E version added.

Apocalypse from the Sky (Book of Vile Darkness ) - Corrupt 9 - Conjuration (Creation) spell that "levels forests" and "sends mountains tumbling down" across a massive 170+ mile radius. Great for just destroying an area and everything in it. Expensive due to costing an artifact. OTOH, great for destroying artifacts.

[B]Beget Bogun (SpC) - Druid 1 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instantaneous duration that creates an intelligent, homunculus-like construct for 25 XP (125 gp converted to Pathfinder). Retrain them to have the Gunsmithing feat and each one pays for 3.2 more of themselves every day they work.

Black Bag (BoVD) - Assassin, Sor/Wiz 1 - Conjuration (Creation) [Evil] spell that creates torture implements that last for 24 hours. Can be used as a temporary Bag of Holding for evil magic items.

Blast of Flame (SpC) - Sor/Wiz 4 - Conjuration (Creation) spell that pseudo-replicates Fireball as a Cone, but with no SR.

Blast of Sand (Sandstorm) - Druid, Sor/Wiz, Sand 4 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instantaneous duration that creates sand. Also a Cone-shaped AoE blast with no SR that's good against objects, too.

Bombardment (SpC) - Druid 8 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instantaneous duration creating boulders that turn into 5-ft deep dense rubble. Also a decent damage, small-radius AoE blast + control spell with no SR.

Column of Ice (Frostburn) - Druid 3, Sor/Wiz 4 - Conjuration (Creation) [Cold] spell with Permanent duration that creates a column of ice. Compare with the PF 1E spell Ice Spears. This is thicker and taller, though.

Cometfall (SpC) - Druid, Cleric 6 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instananeous duration that creates 400 pounds of rock and ice that become dense rubble after dealing OK damage in a small AoE blast with no SR.

Create Crossroads and Backroad (Magic of Faerun) - Druid 7 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instantaneous duration that basically creates two linked portals. Expensive at 3500 XP cost (17,500 gp if converted).

Create Magic Tattoo (SpC) - Sor/Wiz 2 - Creates a 24 hour tattoo conferring a variety of effects at a cost of 100 gp.

Deadfall (SpC) - Druid 8 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instananeous duration, creates a large amount of dead wood ("a huge tower of logs and branches") in addition to being a decent-sized AoE blast with no SR.

Death by Thorns (BoVD) - Corrupt 7 - [Death, Evil] spell that acts as a delayed Save or Die for up to 3 creatures.

Drown (BoVD) - Sor/Wiz 3 - Save or suck that becomes a Save or Die if they fail several saving throws. Unlike other spells that offer multiple saves, though, they're staggered to every 2 rounds instead of every round. Also permanently creates the water. Compare with Aboleth's Lung.

Drown (SpC) - Druid 6 - Save or die that gives other creatures 1-2 rounds to intervene to save it. Compare with Aboleth's Lung.

Extract Drug (BoVD) - Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sor/Wiz 1 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Permanent duration that creates 1 dose of a drug.

Frostbite (Frostburn) - Cleric 5 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instantaneous duration that chills the air in an area. It's a not that great multi-target blast with Dex damage, but it is interesting for the possibilities it raises for climate control, especially in items.

Genesis (SRD) - Sor/Wiz, Creation 9 - Create a demiplane that's larger and has more customization than the 3 Create Demiplane spells in PF 1E. The 5000 XP cost is expensive when converted to 25,000 gp, though.

Grasping Wall (Complete Scoundrel) - Sor/Wiz 3 - Hands burst forth from a wall that help allies climb and entangle enemies. Dual-purpose Control and Utility spell.

Hail of Stone (SpC) - Sor/Wiz, Warmage, Wujen 1 - Conjuration (Creation) spell with Instantaneous duration that creates stones as a weak damage, small radius AoE blast with no saving throw and no SR. Compare with PF 1E's Stone Call and Expeditious Construction spells.

(Leomund's) Hidden Lodge (SpC) - Bard, Sor/Wiz 5 - (Leomund's) Secure Shelter but camouflaged and with a 24 hour duration. Can't be seen from further away than 30 feet.

Hurtling Stone (Heroes of Battle) - Druid 4 - Permanently creates a 50-pound stone and uses it as a sort of meh blasting spell with a Line shape and no SR.

Ice Castle (Frostburn) - Sor/Wiz 7 - Creates a castle of ice and snow that lasts for 24 hours. Also includes some additional magical defenses. Will melt away if ambient temperatures are above freezing, though.

Ice Darts (Frostburn) - Bard, Sor/Wiz 2 - Conjuration (Creation) [Cold] spell with instantaneous duration. Ranged touch attacks dealing OK damage with no save and no SR.

Ice Knife (SpC) - Assassin, Sor/Wiz, Wu Jen, Warmage 2 - As Ice Darts except a single projectile, has a save and SR works against it.

Icelance (SpC) - Druid, Sor/Wiz 3 - Also creates permanent ice, but more than either Ice Darts or Ice Knife. Better damage with a good bonus to hit with a ranged attack roll. Compare with Ice Spears which should still create more ice as well as Ice Slick, both from PF 1E.

Laogzed's Breath (Serpent Kingdoms) - Cleric, Sor/Wiz 3 - Stinking Cloud but Instantaneous Conjuration (Creation) and effective for 10 rounds, so double the duration at minimum CL, but doesn't scale with increased caster level.

Lava Missile (Serpent Kingdoms) - Cleric, Druid 2 - Conjuration (Creation) [Fire] variation on Magic Missile that permanently creates lava (though it won't stay lava).

Lava Splash (Serpent Kingdoms) - Druid 4, Cleric 5 - Instantaneous Conjuration (Creation) spell. AoE lava blast with weak damage but no SR.

(Leomund's) Billet (Heroes of Battle) - Bard, Sor/Wiz 5 - A simple barracks, heating, and the minimum requirements of food (bread & gruel) for 40 people(Enough for 8 of the 5-man Teams of Soldiers from the Downtime system). A modification of Secure Shelter.

Magnetic Pulse (Far Corners of the World: Mountains) - Druid 4, Sor/Wiz 4 - weak AoE blast with a good radius that also disarms metal weapons, trips metal armor users, bull rushes metal creatures, etc.

Malevolent Miasma (SpC) - Sor/Wiz 2 - Weak, OK-radius AoE blast that deals nonlethal damage with no SR, but does have a saving throw. Compare with Admonishing Ray.

(Mordenkainen's) Capable Caravel (Stormwrack) - Sor/Wiz 8 - Creates a ship with extradimensional space for 1 day per 2 CL. Compare with PF 1E's Summon Ship + Magnificent Mansion + Unseen Crew.

Mudslide (Stormwrack) - Druid, Sor/Wiz 6 - Instantaneous Conjuration (Creation) spell that permanently creates mud & water and is explicitly compatible with Transmute Mud to Rock. Also a no SR AoE blast with weak damage and control.

Nauseating Breath (SpC) - Cleric, Sor/Wiz 3 - Cone AoE debuff spell with no SR that semi-replicates Stinking Cloud, but doesn't deny that terrain to allies on their turns.

Node Genesis (Champions of Ruin) - Sor/Wiz 9 - Permanently creates a Node of power of one of various types that increases in power as it expands over the course of several years. Is part of its own little subsystem with the Node Spellcasting feat, though. Also expensive at 5000 XP cost (25,000 gp converted).

Obedient Avalanche (SpC) - Cold, Sor/Wiz 9 - Instantaneous Conjuration (Creation) spell that creates an avalanche of snow that persists indefinitely and will melt and become permanent water. Also a moderate combination AoE blasting spell and control spell with a good radius.

Orb of Acid/Cold/Fire/Force/Sound (SpC)- Sor/Wiz, Warmage 4 - Single target, ranged touch attack, no SR blast spells with decent to good damage. All of them except for Force also carry a debuff rider effect. Due to their nature as Instantaneous duration Conjuration (Creation) spells, they can be cast outside of an Antimagic Field and then thrown into it and still work.

Lesser Orb of Acid/Cold/Fire/Sound (SpC)- Sor/Wiz, Warmage 1 - As the Orb spells, except with slower scaling of damage and no debuff rider effects.

Otyugh Swarm (SpC) - Pestilence 9 - A 7 days or 7 months of minions spell, but with Otyughs.

Pavilion of Grandeur (SpC) - Creation 9 - Creates a large extradimensional space with prodigious quantities of food for the better part of a month. Compare with Magnificent Mansion.

Quill Blast (SpC) - Druid 5 - AoE blast + weak debuff that increases in damage the larger the enemies are. Also permanently creates quills.

Raise Ice Forest (Frostburn) - Druid 7 - Permanently create trees made of ice, but only within areas of frostfell (basically permafrost regions, IIRC).

Raise Volcano (Far Corners of the World: Volcano) - Druid 9 - An expensive, Concentration-based spell with an increasingly large AoE blast and control effects. I believe the magma and ash produced by it will persist after the spell's duration ends, but it's probably ambiguous enough to be GM call territory.

Runic Marker (Champions of Valor) - Cleric 4 - Creates a small stone pillar with a message on it and a glyph of warding that lasts until the glyph of warding is discharged.

Sarcophagus of Stone (SpC) - Cleric 6 - Control spell that is also a save or die spell for creatures unable to escape it. Also permanently creates a sealed stone sarcophagus.

(Shalantha's) Delicate Disk (Lost Empires of Faerun) - Sor/Wiz 6 - Creates a disk that stores a spell of up to 5th level indefinitely for 200 gp.

Slime Hurl (Champions of Ruin) - Initiate of Gahunadaur 5 - Permanently creates green slime in the form of 3 ranged touch attacks. Compare with Touch of Slime from PF 1E, which does not persist.

Stonehold (SpC) - Druid 6 - Creates a decentish magic trap (that can't be disarmed!) that lasts for days and covers a fairly large area.

Sudden Stalagmite (SpC) - Druid 4 - Creates a permanent Stalagmite that could become a small column or pillar depending upon ceiling height. Combination (usually) single target blast and control spell with no SR. Compare with Ice Spears, which can similarly be used to create a sort of palisade over time, but only in cold environments, and also causes damage in a similar way.

Swamp Lung (SpC) - Druid 7 - Compare with the versions of Drown. Can't kill on its own, but it is a Save or Lose and a way to use disease.

Tunnel Swallow (SpC) - Sor/Wiz 6 - An AoE blast and control spell designed for relatively narrow tunnels and corridors.

Unseen Crafter (Races of Eberron) - Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sor/Wiz 2 - Makes a crafter that lasts for days and uses the caster's ranks and spellcasting ability modifier. I believe it can also be used to create assistants that will be very likely to succeed at using Aid Another to boost a Craft check, too. Compare with Unseen Servant + the Magic Trick feat. Also just straight up casting Fabricate.

Wall of Eyes (BoVD) - Sor/Wiz 7 - Permanently creates a wall of eyes that the caster can see through at-will. Also has a Hold Monster rider effect on creatures that touch it that basically acts as a Save or Die.

Wall of Salt (Sandstorm) - Cleric, Druid, Sor/Wiz 4 - Permanently create a wall of rock salt. Basically a weaker Wall of Stone that's vulnerable to water and lower level, aside from using it to break WBL by producing thousands of gold pieces worth of salt even at minimum CL. http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?514122-Applications-of-Wall-of-Money-I-mean-Salt-Wall-of-Salt

(Zajimarn's) Avalanche (Magic of Faerun) - Sor/Wiz 9 - A combination blast and forced movement spell with a customizable AoE. Also notable for having a CL cap that is over 20 by default. Also creates ice, snow, and slush that persists after the spell ends.

2018-08-09, 08:18 AM
I would pick up non-core BFC or save-or-lose spells. PF nerfed core versions of those spells (e.g. glitterdust gives a save each round), but they didn't and couldn't nerf non-core ones (e.g. cloud of bewilderment was competitive with 3.5 glitterdust and is totally unchanged). That means you can get a substantial power buff by the simple expedient of using more obscure spells. Since PF buffed the Wizard's class abilities substantially, this works out to an increase in power compared to 3.5.

2018-08-15, 10:24 AM
I would pick up non-core BFC or save-or-lose spells. PF nerfed core versions of those spells (e.g. glitterdust gives a save each round), but they didn't and couldn't nerf non-core ones (e.g. cloud of bewilderment was competitive with 3.5 glitterdust and is totally unchanged). That means you can get a substantial power buff by the simple expedient of using more obscure spells. Since PF buffed the Wizard's class abilities substantially, this works out to an increase in power compared to 3.5.
An interesting idea but less what I'm looking for.

Though as my character hails from an ancient past filled with more powerful spellcaster's than can be found in the modern era I'll still float this by my GM.

2018-08-15, 12:53 PM
I'd go the other way and pick up buffs, unresistable spells and spells that affect monsters even when they pass the save - Kelgore's Grave Mist is free Fatigue in an area, Bite of the WereX is great for melees, Benign Transposition/Dimension Shuffle is a battleground rearranger to get the most out of positioning, and Great Thunderclap forces all 3 saves for a different effect each. Pick up the Spell Compendium, most of the spells there don't have a PF counterpart.

2018-08-16, 03:45 AM
I'm loving these spells from the WotC archives. So many of them are just so freaking odd. It's delightful.

2018-08-16, 10:03 AM
Resize(if you are an aberration, a tweaked version could be used to actually wear things meant for other body types), Create Element(creative application is a must, can be insanely powerful if immune to a book to the head), Nurturing Seeds(variable usefulness, not very wizardy, but very potent). AFB I think they nerfed Prestidigitation creation in PF as well, 3.5 the creations are indefinite and can cover a good many useful items, some of which you can Nurture.

2018-08-16, 08:07 PM
Resize(if you are an aberration, a tweaked version could be used to actually wear things meant for other body types), Create Element(creative application is a must, can be insanely powerful if immune to a book to the head), Nurturing Seeds(variable usefulness, not very wizardy, but very potent). AFB I think they nerfed Prestidigitation creation in PF as well, 3.5 the creations are indefinite and can cover a good many useful items, some of which you can Nurture.

Could you please elaborate? I'm not quite getting how these interact favorably.
Also am away from books at work till morning so cross referencing is hard for me for 12 hours or so.

2018-08-17, 01:13 AM
3.5 magic has a lot of types of effect that do not exist in pathfinder.
some of them are stronger but mostly the effects are either cool or useful to niche builds.

Without knowing your build I cannot recommend anything overly specific so I'll just go through some of the more interesting options:

First we have spells from dragon magic that grant a benefit just for KNOWING the spell. Put such a spell into your spellbook and you get a permanent buff.

at low(ish) levels you have Vision of the Omniscient Eye and Mind of the Labyrinth granting +1 to spot and bluff respectively. At much higher levels you have Burst of Glacial Wrath and Haze of Smoldering Stone granting cold and fire resistance.

There are a few other spells that work that way but they are not as good. A cool idea that to my knowledge exists only in that Dragon Magic and was sadly never expanded on.

Next we have immunities, pathfinder doesn't have them while 3.5 does. This is more the clerics thing but wizard has a few good options.

ray deflection and friendly fire provide defence against anything that comes from range and requires a roll to hit.
veil of undeath grants a long and specific list of potent immunities
shadowphase grants hard to ignore resistance to damage
superior resistance grants a casual +6 on all saves

On the utility side of things 3.5 grants a LOT of interesting mobility and extra action options:
the celerity line of spells grant out of turn actions (or flat out extra actions if you can deal with daze)
Stand lets you or someone else stand up for an immediate action and a 1st level spell
dimension hop and dimension leap grant low level tactical teleport options
the slide line lets you move people around
truecasting lets you ignore (effectively) SR
swift etherealness let's you walk through the dungeon walls at a level where no one expects it

Finally, 3.5 spells can shore up a lot of niche builds that are hard to pull off in pathfinder
spells like wraith strike, arrow mind, golemstrike, bloodwind, heroics and so on are often the difference between a mediocre build and something competitive.

2018-08-17, 01:43 AM

Without knowing your build I cannot recommend anything overly specific so I'll just go through some of the more interesting options:

So far it's just a Doppelganger with the Amalgam template squishing it together with a Mimic. Character level equal to CR, CR gets bought off some as you level. Gaining its first level of vanilla Wizard at level 4 or 5, sorry am AFB and dont remember.

Sneaking, shapechanging, and the party not knowing it's true nature seem to be its roles so far.
Oh, and it took a feat to make its claws deal greatsword damage. That's been fun.

2018-08-17, 11:19 AM
Sneaking, Tricking people, Shape changing and mixing it up in melee with claws. And you will be 4 to 5 CL behind.

Alright, lets break this down by level.

Lvl 1
Ebon eyes lets you see through magical darkness. That + permanencied darkness on an item is a poor mans greater invis
Fist of stone - +6 to strength and a slam attack
Bloodwind - let’s you throw your natural attacks at people

Lvl 2
Alter self - the 3.5 version is quite strong especially if your type isn’t humanoid
Fly, swift - one round of flight
Whispercast - remove somatic components and reduce verbal components to a whisper
Insight of good fortune - 5e style advantage when you need it
masters touch - boost to a skill check
Wraithstrike - your melee attacks ignore armour

Lvl 3
Greater mirror image - keeps you alive
Shadow phase - keeps you alive
Ray deflection / friendly fire - keeps you alive
Evards menacing tentacles - grow a pair of tentacles out of the back of your neck. They punch on their own.
Sudden aegis - DR 10 for a round
Bite of the wererat - gives you stat boosts, natural armour, weapon finesse and a bite attack

Lvl 4
Bite of the werewolf - gives you stat boosts, natural armour and a bite attack

2018-08-17, 12:41 PM
Anticipate Teleportation.
Heart of Air/Earth/Water/Fire
Greater Mirror Image

And if we can go back another edition, I want old Feather Fall. 10' cube, had a duration, and specifically stopped missile weapons.

2018-08-17, 06:09 PM
“Resize(if you are an aberration, a tweaked version could be used to actually wear things meant for other body types), Create Element(creative application is a must, can be insanely powerful if immune to a book to the head), Nurturing Seeds(variable usefulness, not very wizardy, but very potent). AFB I think they nerfed Prestidigitation creation in PF as well, 3.5 the creations are indefinite and can cover a good many useful items, some of which you can Nurture.”

Could you please elaborate? I'm not quite getting how these interact favorably.
Also am away from books at work till morning so cross referencing is hard for me for 12 hours or so.

Resize lets you make items fit your size and technically could be stretched to shape if you squint. From the OP I was taking into account that you might not have a humanoid body type, but a doppelganger doesn’t really have that problem.

Create Element doesn’t put a limit on the types of stone and earth created. While I’m unaware of all the PF special materials, in 3.5 this can technically include things like Temporal, Shape, and Black Sand as well as Pure Elemental Earth, Lava Stones, and even Stones of Anihilation. Hence why you must be willing to take a book to the face from the GM.

Nurturing Seeds makes plants you designate immune to everything except defilement, magic, and direct creature intervention. This normally would cover disease and death by drought or lack of nutrition, but technically covers planar effects, salient divine abilities and natural disasters such as wildfires or tsunamis. Niche use but very potent especially for a 0 level spell.

I was incorrect about Prestidigitation(barring clarification on the PF forms) and it can technically make non-weapon Alchemy and living seeds that can be nurtured to remove their fragile nature from mattering. In 3.5 at least there are a slew of potent plants that are wonderful to be able to grow or just plain sell the seeds for. Fey Cherry Trees and wish flowers are the biggest I can recall off the top of my head, but there were elemental ones that had neat effects like a continuous create water if placed in a pool of something like 100 or 1000 gal(can’t recall).

2018-08-17, 11:09 PM
My 3.PF wizard found Spymaster's Coin+Teleport object a very handy combo.

2018-09-25, 01:24 PM
The character these are for is ever so slowly learning them.

Am planning ahead for as much shenaniganery as we can manage. :smallsmile:

2018-11-09, 10:01 AM
Just added Mirror Walking and Dream Travel spells from MotP to the list.

That these spells potentially allow a Golarion resident to extraplanar dimensions alien to their home setting amuses both myself and the GM.

Esp since Lucid Dreaming is not a skill they can learn.

Any other cosmology breaking spells we could find?

2018-11-09, 11:01 AM
Resize(if you are an aberration, a tweaked version could be used to actually wear things meant for other body types),

Where is this Resize spell from? My google-fu is failing me, and I've never heard of it

2018-11-09, 01:16 PM
Where is this Resize spell from? My google-fu is failing me, and I've never heard of it

Pretty sure they're referring to Resize Item (https://www.archivesofnethys.com/SpellDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Resize%20Item) or something similar.

2018-11-09, 03:46 PM
The character these are for is ever so slowly learning them.

Am planning ahead for as much shenaniganery as we can manage. :smallsmile:

Just added Mirror Walking and Dream Travel spells from MotP to the list.

That these spells potentially allow a Golarion resident to extraplanar dimensions alien to their home setting amuses both myself and the GM.

Esp since Lucid Dreaming is not a skill they can learn.

Any other cosmology breaking spells we could find?

So, I don't know about all that, nor do I know Pathfinder, but I will ask if 3.0 Haste or 3.0 Gate are on the table.

2018-11-09, 04:15 PM
So, I don't know about all that, nor do I know Pathfinder, but I will ask if 3.0 Haste or 3.0 Gate are on the table.

Doubtful at present. Less looking to un-Nerf things more looking for uniquely 3.x effects PF doesnt have conversions for.