View Full Version : Where do I go from here?

2018-08-10, 03:42 PM
Let me preface this by saying that I never expected our game to hit this level, so...
I have a Druid 2/ Warlock 1/ Eldritch disciple 10. Got Sun domain subbed in over animal companion on the druid so I could enter it (and early entry is a-ok at our table).
So far it is great fun, but as my dual progression ran out, I do not quite know where to go. ET did not have a particularly directive capstone...
I do not believe another legal dual progression class exists, and I am too late to really catch up on wildshape, and I only just got my first greater evocation.
So, really, the choice comes down to druid spells, warlock progression or a funky prestige class. Any ideas?

2018-08-10, 03:47 PM
Obviously your best choice is samurai.

2018-08-10, 03:50 PM
I am away from book right now, but I believe warlock advances some abilities (invocations only, I believe, but maybe blast damage). So maybe try out for an arc/div prc. And if it does lise blast damage and you want a way to boost thay quickly without losing too much cl you could dip a level or two into hellfire warlock. Though you will need a way to heal your ability damage often, though Im sure there are guides around for that

Edit: arcane prcs advance warlock partially, I messed up my worda in original

2018-08-10, 03:55 PM
Look into hellfire warlock (with a level of binder to heal con damage quickly). Another rout could be chameleon for the floating feat for item creation feats.

2018-08-10, 04:03 PM
Mystic Theurge would work if your DM allows you to waive the "able to cast Xth arcane spells" part; if you replaced it with a wizard-equivalent "Arcane Caster Level Yth," you should qualify. You just have to worry about skills then. Personally, I'd just ask if your DM would let you extend the progression on Eldritch Disciple instead. Or you could search for an Eldritch Disciple Handbook and look at end-game prestige class tack-ons.

If you still had your Animal Companion, Arcane Hierophant would work; since you don't, it would need to be altered. Maybe consider taking the Wild Cohort feat to count as your Animal Companion for this prestige class, with DM approval?

2018-08-10, 05:20 PM
I think mystic theurge would work with this build as far as advancing your druid casting and your eldritch blast/invocations otherwise you're probably better off focusing on your druid (either through more class levels or a prc) and use your warlock spiffiness as more utility than anything.

2018-08-10, 07:14 PM
Legacy champion should be able to continue progressing eldritch disciple, since there are class abilities that progress at a regular pace. If there's an epic progression for the class, use that.

2018-08-11, 08:45 PM
Thanks. Finding a way to continue dualing would indeed appear best. As this is no-crafting only-one-magic-item a person game, going thr chameleon route would not work for me, unfortunately. In fact, I picked up VoP...
Coming back to this, is there perhaps a way to increase the versatility of The Dead Walk through a prc? Having temporary minions is neat, but options beyond skeletons and zombies would be great.

2018-08-11, 08:57 PM
Coming back to this, is there perhaps a way to increase the versatility of The Dead Walk through a prc? Having temporary minions is neat, but options beyond skeletons and zombies would be great.You should see if you can use the Corpsecrafter feats to improve your minions. Also Undead Leadership.

Most of the best undead-boosting classes have arcane or divine spellcasting to facilitate it, because spells are the best way, typically.


2018-08-12, 11:36 AM
Coming back to this, is there perhaps a way to increase the versatility of The Dead Walk through a prc? Having temporary minions is neat, but options beyond skeletons and zombies would be great.
Paragnostic Apostle gives you +1 CL for it. The granted power of the Deathbound domain, accessible via Touchstone (Catalogues of Enlightenment), increases the HD cap for controlled undead to triple your CL rather than double. Corpsecrafter feats can buff the undead if your DM allows them to work with SLAs. I don't know of a way to create more different kinds of undead with it, though, outside of using different kinds of creatures as the base.