View Full Version : Thirteen Blades of the Necromancer: Team Evil

2018-08-10, 04:54 PM
Throne of the Emperor

It all starts in a tavern.

Or on a street corner. Or in one of the many churches dotted around Ironkeep. Maybe it even starts in a castle. But it starts something like this:

Wanted: Dead or Alive
By order of the most venerable Emperor Morcah I

For any of the bandits who are attacking trade caravans from Nezu, whose crimes include banditry, murder and theft, the Imperial Watch hereby offer to any citizen or free company the sum of:

25 Gold Coins Per Head Taken or Prisoner Seized

It's a decent sum: A week's work with luck and skill alike, two with a deal less of each. Plus, it's probably not even that dangerous: the main reason the Watch can't do it themselves is more likely to be political than anything else. The main guard post would probably be your best bet for more information... if you wanted more information, of course.

(OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?566209-Thirteen-Blades-Team-Evil-OOC))

The Harrowing
2018-08-10, 06:22 PM
Brushing long black hair back absently from the pale golden skin of his face, the lean elf (as far as anyone here knows) known as 'Fade's eyes finish reading the poster in his hand and looks up at the two others reading similar missives.

Considering briefly, he nods and speaks in a calm polite tone. "Seems like an easy enough way to get decent money for a small group of competent people..." He glances at the armored guard dog at his side and amends, "...people and war-trained animals. What do you two think?"

Fade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1667100)
Male N/E Fey'Ri Warlock, Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/6, Speed 30' Land & 40' Fly (Poor)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 0, Ref 4, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Ranged Touch) Eldritch Blast (1d6)
Studded Leather Armor, Dastana (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition None

Shiba (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1668088)
Female N Dog , Level , Init 3, HP 20/20, Speed 50'
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 7, Ref 6, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +5 (1d4+3, x2)
Leather Barding (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition None

2018-08-10, 11:19 PM
Jamgreator had just signed off of his shift for the day when he had seen not for the first time this day the flyer detailing bandits being wanted captured. However unlike before he was not in the guard barracks where the others would joke around about how that was more then two weeks worth of salary and do nothing about it. No as the heavily armored human saw lean elf with black hair, as well as the seemingly well trained dog from what his eyes could see his interest was peaked. Even more so when the gentleman addressed him.

His piercing blue eyes slowly looked over the words as if it was the first time he had seen them this day before rubbing his clean shaven chin. "Anything is possible given competent help, however given the town guard is not taking care of this themselves it must mean something is out of the ordinary about these bandits." he notes, confidently though it is clear from his expression he is unsure of the two people standing near the missive. "Why don't we all get to know each other a little bit before we agree to something like this?" Jamgreator suggests pointing to a sign that was in fact the nearest watering hole to them. "Inside is a small tavern, not many people go to it for its reputation meaning we should be able to speak privately and get to know one another before agreeing to anything. However from the looks of it I believe we could do this, then again I have seen many fall before from their glass houses. The name Is Jamgreator by the way." he offers, not saying anything unkindly, but very reserved and almost militaristic.

The Harrowing
2018-08-11, 10:16 AM
Considering the man's words, the lean elf glances at the dog. With low growling whines and a nod of his head towards the establishment the man pointed to, the dog grunts and gives a low ruff and walks over to it and takes a guard position on his haunches next to the door and begins scanning the streets alertly.

Fade tells Shiba to have a seat by the door, but be alert for anyone skulking about like a cat trying to steal food, or anyone that smells like blood. Since 'Guard' is an engrained command for guard-trained dogs, this shouldn't be an issue?

"Sounds fine to me. That's Shiba, by the way. You can call me...Fade." Flashing a pearly white smile, the elf sweeps his hand towards the establishment and looks to the other person present. "Care to join us...?" He pauses to let the woman introduce herself.

Fade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1667100)
Male N/E Fey'Ri Warlock, Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/6, Speed 30' Land & 40' Fly (Poor)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 0, Ref 4, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Ranged Touch) Eldritch Blast (1d6)
Studded Leather Armor, Dastana (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition None

Shiba (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1668088)
Female N Dog , Level , Init 3, HP 20/20, Speed 50'
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 7, Ref 6, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +5 (1d4+3, x2)
Leather Barding (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition None

2018-08-11, 04:11 PM
Zara was caught a bit off guard when she was addressed by the others nearby reading the bulletin. She considered ignoring them, as she preferred to work alone, but she was short on coin and the job seemed a bit outside of her reach without help. Upon being asked a second question, she decided to at least humor the possibility of working together and join the meeting.

The cloaked elf, who had been avoiding facing the others directly until now, turned and began walking toward them. It was clear now that she had dark grey skin and white hair, but her eyes where obscured by strange black lensed goggles. "I think I will. I am not from around here and both allies and information would valuable right now. As much as I might like to, I cannot face a bandit troupe alone."

2018-08-11, 10:15 PM
Jamgreator watches impressed at the elves display with his pet dog he introduced as Shiba. "It is rare to see such devotion between master and pet Fade, if this is any example of what to expect I do not believe I will have a problem serving besides you." the young town guard says respectfully to him as the third figure finally turns around to acknowledge the rest of them.

Immediately the tell tale signs of a drow give pause to the cautious human guard, like tieflings they were known to cause trouble wherever they went. However as he looks upon her appearance and simple attire he thinks that she would be of very little threat and relaxes his guard slightly. "It is always good to meet new people, though depending on the type of contacts you wish to make will determine if we can get along." he explains before making his way into the pub and finding a corner table away from most others so they could talk in peace.

"So why is it the two of you wish to stop the bandits? As you can see not a great deal of people are lining up for such a challenge, and given the amount of money almost anyone with a good sword hand would in theory be trying." Jamgreator says relaxing in the pub he often visited when off duty. "From what I have heard all of this doesn't add up, why the call is being sent out. You see bandits from Nezu during a time of war is almost unheard of. And well the crown going into no-mans land may send the wrong message adding our own forces to this ongoing war. So send a few random travelers and see what happens, nice clean and no connections to the government." the rather large human says as a waiter comes up to the table and he asks for a cold glass of water. After all he was discussing business, the typical drink of choice would not do if he were to keep a clear head.

The Harrowing
2018-08-11, 11:04 PM
Once inside, Fade hooks a chair leg with his foot and spins it around and straddles it, leaning against the wall and facing the door, he leans on the back of the chair with his forearms as he continues introducing himself.

"As I said earlier, you can call me Fade. I talk to all animals, not just Shiba out there - animals are more trustworthy than people, as a general rule. Except for cats. Cats are ***holes. Oh, and so are seagulls. Hellish winged sea rats." He snorts with derision as he mumbles the last sentence before continuing. "As for why I want to hunt bandits....they're bandits. So hunting them is usually not frowned on, and more importantly...someone is paying for them to be hunted. That's enough reason for me." He shrugs his slender shoulders with a 'what can you do?' expression flashing across his face. "Man..." he pauses, considers, and continues, "and dog, have to eat, after all."

Turning to the woman, he continues. "I can always ask any local wildlife more info about the bandits. Would help if one of you had a loaf of bread or a few bits of dried meat, depending on what we come across. Bribes are surprisingly helpful when asking for simple animal intel like 'where are more animals like us?' and 'where is the nearest dangerous territory?'." He shakes his head at the server with a polite smile, declining an order.

He hesitates. Cocking a head, he seems to come to a decision and speaks more. "I do most of my fighting at range when possible. Shiba is more of a 'stay here and guard this' kind of dog, but would at least prevent anyone from easily sneaking up behind to flank us or catch us sleeping. What do you two bring to the table, so to speak?"

Fade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1667100)
Male N/E Fey'Ri Warlock, Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/6, Speed 30' Land & 40' Fly (Poor)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 0, Ref 4, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Ranged Touch) Eldritch Blast (1d6)
Studded Leather Armor, Dastana (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition None

Shiba (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1668088)
Female N Dog , Level , Init 3, HP 20/20, Speed 50'
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 7, Ref 6, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +5 (1d4+3, x2)
Leather Barding (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition None

2018-08-11, 11:57 PM
Jamgreator had meet a great many people in his short life between traders passing through the villages, and random adventures, however none had claimed to be able to speak to animals that could prove it. The elf's remark on cats did get a good laugh out of him however. " I have always been a dog person myself. My family has a tradition of buying their children dogs at the age of five. It is to teach us discipline, companionship, and most importantly loyalty. So I can agree with you on your assessments on cats, though seagulls seem a bit odd, they often help sailors find land when lost at sea after all." the town guard says respectful of Fade's views.

"Simple, honest, and straightforward I can respect that." Jamgreator says when given the answer to why Fade wished to seek out and face these bandits. "I myself am going for more personal reasons if we are being honest with one another." he says as he takes a sip from his cup of water before continuing. "These bandits are stopping trade in my nation with their antics meaning they are causing a great deal of problems for my community. With caravans not making it to the individual villages along the way food and other materials will not be moved around. And when food starts to run low people tend to get violent and commit crimes they normally wouldn't. And that means my family could eventually become in danger because of these bandits. So I'm mostly doing this to protect my family, but also my friends and community as well." the man answers honestly, hoping they could follow his reasoning.

"That sounds like a very logical and useful tool to have at our advantage Fade. If we do set out on this I would not oppose going in on buying a loaf of bread and some extra rations for our joint efforts." Jamgretor says simply, seeing the value in such information far outweighing the few lost silver pieces.

Placing his hand on his flail by his side as his other hand removes his heavy shield from his back, placing it on the wooden table, its large spike sticking straight up in the air, he smiles. "Just like Akakaris I am a protector of those who consider me their ally. I am the wall that holds back the army, the damn that stops the water. So long as you stay behind me I will protect you as best I can until I fall in combat myself. And to this day I have not once left a fellow soldier behind in battle." Jamgreator says, slipping up that he had at the very least some military training.

2018-08-12, 02:22 AM
Zara gracefully makes her way into the pub and takes a seat across from the others. She lowered her hood and removed her goggles, allowing them to hang around her neck. She crossed her legs and waved the waitress away silently as the others spoke. Their conversation wasn't missing a beat and Zara didn't mind waiting for her turn to speak. As she listened, Zara tried to judge the trust worthiness of each party.

The human, Jamgreator as he is apparently known, seemed rather open and friendly. He appears to enjoy conversation, but takes these types of things seriously, and values straight forwardness. He also possessed knowledge of the area and it's politics. He was looking like a potential ally Zara could work with, not to mention he seemed trained for a fight. The elf on the other hand, seemed off. First of all, he was an elf. If nothing else, that meant Zara was keeping a close eye on Fade. His attitude was laid back and rather casual. Zara couldn't decide if that meant he was unreliable or uninterested, then again he didn't have nearly as much at stake in this as Jamgreator, but his answers seemed honest enough.

When the conversation slowed down a bit, Zara cut in. "Zara." She said, leaning forward a bit as she did. "My name is Zara." She paused for a moment and shifted her gaze between the others at the table before continuing. "As you might have noticed, I'm a drow elf. I've run low on supplies and this job pays well. I'm really only in it for the money. Though I must say Jamgreator, your motivation in this is quite admirable. Your community is lucky to have one such as you. I'd be happy to assist you in this effort. I hadn't considered that this bounty could have been politically motivated, I'd be very interested in learning more about the local politics of the region during our travel."

Zara shifted her weight and crossed her arms, then glared at the elf. "I've always been partial to spiders, though I suppose your talent sounds useful. As for what I bring to the table? Well, I prefer to operate at night and eliminate targets one at a time if possible. I'm good at remaining hidden and supporting others in ranged or melee combat, though I am no solider. I am also adept as seeing things others may not." She let her final words linger at bit as she silently dug her gaze into Fade.

Only a moment later Zara's expression lightened. "It seems to me like we can do business together. We split the gold equal ways, no matter what, and watch each other's back until we all get paid. Sound good?"

2018-08-12, 04:49 AM
As you converse, some heavily-bandaged Nezumi pass you, carrying with them a wagon full of expensive-looking technological gear, and carrying enough of it themselves. Even so, they carry two wounded companions on the back of the wagon, and are escorted by a few watchmen. One of the Nezumi takes an interest in your conversation, and wanders towards you. "Kyza, co marre... I mean, you folk are looking to help with bandits, right? Here." The Nezumi hands Jamgreator a hand-drawn map of the small no-man's-land, clearly a sketched copy of another map, which indicates a camp on the map. "The bandits were here when we last saw, though they could have moved. They've set up camp, though, so it's unlikely." The ratfolk speaks in squeaky, hissing Common, clearly over-used to speaking Nezumi - presumably, they don't trade with common folk, instead sending shipments which are checked off by some administrator for a high-and-mighty business owner. Still, comprehensible enough.

"Jix, come on!"

The rat-kin nods to you, and scurries off to join the other trader.

The Harrowing
2018-08-12, 06:17 PM
Nodding at the words of the others, seeming content. "Sounds good!" Standing and stretching, he looks with interest as the Nezumi gives Jamgreator the map. "Seems lady fate desires our success. We shouldn't keep her waiting long!" Flashing a grin, Fade runs a hand through his hair and heads outside, collecting Shiba with a few low yelping barks as he does so. Seeming happy to be off guard duty, Shiba's tail wags from below her leather barding as she takes up position behind the elf.

Fade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1667100)
Male N/E Fey'Ri Warlock, Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/6, Speed 30' Land & 40' Fly (Poor)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 0, Ref 4, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Ranged Touch) Eldritch Blast (1d6)
Studded Leather Armor, Dastana (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition None

Shiba (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1668088)
Female N Dog , Level , Init 3, HP 20/20, Speed 50'
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 7, Ref 6, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +5 (1d4+3, x2)
Leather Barding (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition None

Ready to head out for bandit country at any time, if the DM wants to 'fast-forward' at all.

2018-08-12, 10:28 PM
Jamgreator nods as the drow elf introduced herself as Zara while he sat back in his chair drinking from his cup of water. Nothing she said seemed out of the ordinary, and she showed a general respect for and interest in his community. Even if it was only after he had mentioned why he himself was going on the bounty hunt. Money was a simple motivator and one that could potentially lead to a risk further down the road, however if he could gain her trust or at least her bearings on the road perhaps he could persuade her to do things for more than just wealth like a common thug.

Placing his cup down gently as she finished explaining what she could and could not do, "Splitting the reward equally seems fair, however a word of caution I doubt we will encounter the bandits at night unless we find their camp and take out whatever they have for guard duty first. If you are willing to take the night watch saying your eyes see better than others as you put it Zara I will take the early morning shift. This will give me time to train and get my armor on as well." the town guard said thinking about rotating shifts before they even left. Between the dog, Zara, and himself they should be able to stay safe at night on the road from what he had heard at least. And if no one else had more to add Jamgreator agreed to the verbal contract between the three, four of them he thought as he remembered Shiba outside.

As the ratfolk creatures addresses the group and hands them a map of where they had encountered the bandits the town guard stands, looking over the gear they had with them before looking back to the ratfolk. "I take it they did this to you? If so do you at least have an idea of their number or the tactics they used against you?" he asked kindly, patiently waiting for the Nezumi to reply before looking to the watchmen with them. Giving a military solute he addresses them. "Make sure they are well taken care of and let the captain know I should be out of town for a few days." Jamgreator says, expecting them to know who he was as he himself was a member of the town guard before nodding to Fade and Zara who had been looking at the map.

"Only a fool believes in chance like that." Jamgreator says once they are outside and out of earshot of the traders. "I have no doubt this map is at least semi accurate however look at how this is not the original but a copy of another." he says pointing out the small signs to Fade and Zara. "Either we were just given a fake map by the bandits so they can ambush us, or they truly are traders and simply wish to be avenged. Either way I would advise extreme caution once we get within a few miles of the indicator." he says looking to see if the others agreed with his assessment or had their own views they wished to voice as they walked towards the gate leading outside the city limits.

As I do not have Geography as a class skill I am using Survival to see if I know the rough area on the map to go personally [roll0] and to see what the weather will be like the next day

2018-08-13, 02:35 PM
Zara gives tilts her head to one side as she considers what Jamgreator has just said. "I believe the bandit camp will be in the same spot, day or night, and if we choose to move while it's dark, I don't see why there should be any problem finding it. As far as your proposition suggesting I take night watch, I decline. I won't waste the prime hours for action on guard duty, and I suggest you don't either."

Afterward, Zara follows the others outside. She hadnt expected them to head out right away, but she was prepared. She made a quick mental check of her gear as she gently patted each item through her cloak. Everything was ready to go.

As they examined the map, Zara responded to Jamgreator's concerns. "I think you're over thinking things. Very few people are cartographers and almost all maps are copied from another, especially simple maps used by traveling traders that only need to be vaguely accurate. I also think you give those thugs too much credit. I doubt they have the foresight to anticipate a bounty against them and then manipulate events so that a forged map leading to a trap makes it's way into the hands of the same people who are after the bounty." She runs her hand though her hair, brushing it toward the back of her head, then let out an obvious sigh. "Traveling with caution should always be practiced. It's perfectly possible to find ourselves in a bad situation, even if there is not yet a plot against us."

2018-08-13, 04:01 PM
Jix has already returned to the other trader by the time Jamgreator has a chance to ask his questions - the ratfolk puts their hands behind their back and walks onwards, trying not to anger the other nezumi by dallying.

Jix holds up 6 fingers, then mimes someone pulling something apart and then releasing it with one hand while continuing to grip with the other.Jix is a genuine trader and is telling the truthThe entire area is mostly-flat grasslands, and while you don't exactly know it perfectly, there are a few ridges and ditches to hide in and the odd tree. The weather seems like it should be clear all day.

It would take a few hours to reach the area indicated on the map - theoretically, you could go out to attack the bandit camp and still get home today.

2018-08-13, 08:44 PM
Before Zara's conversation

Jamgreator can not help but smile as he watches the Nezumi place six fingers behind his back before splitting them into two groups, one group of three seeming to stick together while the rest split apart. Looking to the others he firsts asks if they had seen what the trader had done before adding. "If I am interpreting his signal correctly their are six bandits total, thats one hundred and fifty gold pieces if we capture all of them. However while three of them stay close together, no doubt those who are at camp, and the rest scouts so that they can notice any traders coming. If I had to guess they have some kind of signal whistle or similar as well given how organized he has made them sound as well as the pamphlet." Jamgreator explains calmly taking a calculated guess at what the trader could have meant.

"The area we are looking at though," he says pointing it out on the map, "For the most part is flat grasslands. Perfect for bandits to see traders from miles away, but very few places to hide their camp. If I remember correctly their are a few ridges, and thus ditches in the area. If your lucky you can find a tree, if I was a scout I would make camp close to one of these trees to use for it's height to always have a clear view of the land miles around, while keeping the camp hidden behind one of the ridges. They would also need a steady water supply if they wished to stay there for any amount of time." the soldier says looking at the map, though in truth while he was aware of these things, geography was not his strong suit and looking at the map he could not tell where such things were indicated. "On the plus side it does seem like we should be able to make it to the indicated area and back before nightfall if we are lucky." the guard says, thinking he may only lose a single days pay at most, and that would equate to very little if they were able to capture all the bandits.

Listening to the drow elf he looks at her goggles around her neck that she had been wearing outside before back to her face. "The element of surprise would be great indeed if we could all see in the dark, I suspect even Fade here can see better than I. However if you want to travel with a human you should know, we can not see in the dark, and while we can move around in it. That is with a light source which defeats the purpose of what you are proposing. Unless you have a way for me to be able to see as you do your plan of action seems ill thought out. Though no doubt because you have not had to work with humans often, I am not against this plan mind you just I wear heavier armor then the two of you, and can not see in the dark. Meaning the bandits will see and hear us before we have a chance to sneak upon them. If the two of you go at it alone in the middle of the night, Jamgreator says stopping to look at Fade as well so the elf knew he was not being forgotten, "You would be alone and unprotected against three to six bandits until I was able to catch up to you. And thats only if I was not being attacked by those who heard and saw me coming a mile away with my torch." the town guard says showing the holes in the current plan of action as they walked.

Nodding his head in agreement about the map the soldier lifts his hand to ruffle his blonde hair slightly. "In truth I can look at a map and tell the area it is if it is around the town, but besides that this thing," he says lifting the map into the air before rolling it back up carefully and placing it in a scroll case. "Is about as useful to me as a book is to an orc. I can tell it means something, but what I have very little idea." he explains as he makes lines in the air that squiggle around one another hoping Zara would get what he meant. "As for over estimating the bandits, my family has a motto that has stuck with me and saved our lives more than once. Always respect your enemy and expect them to be at the very least as smart as you are. Failure to do so shows you believe yourself better than they are which leads to pride. Pride gets you killed in a battle, caution keeps you alive." he replies as they walk. "Do not the drow respect their enemies when they go into battle? Expecting any possible situation so they can counter it?"

The Harrowing
2018-08-18, 10:52 AM
Shrugging, Fade seems fairly nonplussed with the nezumi's antics. "It's something to go on, at any rate." Shouldering his backpack, he barks at Shiba who follows along after him. "I say we go to the area, and have a look before we worry about strategizing. Zara and I can see in the dark, but if we can get there before nightfall, maybe we can just push through. I like sleeping in a bed, when possible."

Fade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1667100)
Male N/E Fey'Ri Warlock, Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/6, Speed 30' Land & 40' Fly (Poor)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 0, Ref 4, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Ranged Touch) Eldritch Blast (1d6)
Studded Leather Armor, Dastana (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition None

Shiba (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1668088)
Female N Dog , Level , Init 3, HP 20/20, Speed 50'
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 7, Ref 6, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +5 (1d4+3, x2)
Leather Barding (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition None

Spot: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2018-08-18, 02:29 PM
"And I would feel much safer resting inside the walls of a town then out in the open where bandits are known to be attacking." Jamgreator adds to Fade's statement. "Let us just stop off at my house really quickly, I need to pick up Petuna my donkey this way she can carry our gear for this expedition and we can be off." Jamgreator says leading the two of them to his house where he picks up Petuna, and says goodbye to his mother (https://goo.gl/images/hA3r2p) and father (https://goo.gl/images/rEhd98) before leading his companions, with Petuna in tow, out into the unknown world, to the area bandits were said to be attacking people.

Yes I did just use two Dragon age characters for pictures of his parents lol

2018-08-18, 03:10 PM
Putting a bandit camp at on the other side of a ridge is a great idea if you want to put it somewhere that no-one would think to look, and a terrible idea if you suspect that someone will know to look for you there - which is to say, after poking around for a while, you find what is definitely a nezumi camp of some sort, with one of the ratfolk standing watch as the others, presumably, sleep. If the nezumi has noticed you, there's no indication; you assume that they're armed but can't see a weapon about their person from this distance: no darkvision avails you at this distance so you rely on dim moonlight under which details can hardly be discerned.

Three simple tents comprise the camp, all of them with entrances facing towards the guard.

2018-08-18, 08:30 PM
It was way past the time in which Jamgreator had expected to find the bandit camp when Fade and Zara hold up their hands to him signaling to stop moving around. "Do you see something?" the guard asks looking around in the moonlight barely able to see anything in this darkness. However with no small amount of guidance from his two allies the warrior eventually saw the camp, and thus the reason they had stopped. The vague image of three triangles was visible to him, and what was the vague outline of a humanoid shape, however from this distance, and his human eyes there was little he could see besides what he assumed was the camp.

Speaking softly to his two allies he looks at the camp before whispering, "So how do you want to do this now? Is their a guard watching the camp, I think I can see something but I am not sure really." he points out, clearly not happy about this rather large disadvantage he was in at the moment. "Are you two going to do your sneaking thing? And if so what kind of signal should I wait for before moving up to the camp? Or should I wait a few minutes after you leave before charging it?" the warrior says, taking his spiked metal shield off of his back and slipping his arm into place, while his other hand moves to his belt where he retrieves his Flail.

2018-08-19, 06:06 PM
As the two remain silent by his side, the town guard kicks Fade in the shin. "Well come on, what do you see? That Nazumi in town said there were six of them, three of them together, and the other three acting as lookouts or scouts. Do you see all six, whats going on." Jamgreator says fustratedly in a hushed voice. Had they listened to him and attack during the day they wouldn't be suffering this problem as they were now.

The Harrowing
2018-08-20, 10:51 AM
After the kick to Fade's shin, Shiba growls low in her throat, though the elf waves her off and glares at the town guard briefly. Keeping his voice low, Fade lays out what he sees. "As I'm relying on simple low-light vision all can say from this distance is that it is definitely a nezumi camp of some sort, with one of the ratfolk standing watch as the others, presumably, sleep. If the nezumi has noticed us, there's no indication; I assume that they're armed but can't see a weapon about their person from this distance."

Looking thoughtful at the moon above, Fade frowns. "Because I can see such, it's a good bet that the Nezumi have similar sight as well. Unless either of you have anything that could set one or more of the tents on fire, I think our best bet would be to rush the camp from opposite sides. If you two would like to approach from the sides - preferably keeping one of the tents between yourself and the guard to minimize the chance you'll be seen, Shiba will stay here to guard your mule." Turning and giving the dog a few low yips and growls, the dog takes up position next to the mule and sits, eyes already scanning the area.

That being said, the elf shrugs, and his cloak writhes as two black bat-like wings unfurl from underneath it through two slits in his shirt even as a long slender tail with a spade tip slithers out from under it as well. His amber eyes darken to a ruddy rose gold color and he smiles, flashing slightly pointed teeth and gestures at his wings. "I'll take the sky approach."

Fade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1667100)
Male N/E Fey'Ri Warlock, Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/6, Speed 30' Land & 40' Fly (Poor)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 0, Ref 4, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Ranged Touch) Eldritch Blast (1d6)
Studded Leather Armor, Dastana (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition None

Shiba (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1668088)
Female N Dog , Level , Init 3, HP 20/20, Speed 50'
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 7, Ref 6, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +5 (1d4+3, x2)
Leather Barding (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition None

Alter Self - Natural Form (Fey'Ri)

2018-08-20, 09:32 PM
As Fade informs him of what the camp looks like Jamgreator nods, though not in agreement with the observation. "From what we were told three stay together, while the other three split off. What if there are only three here? Two tents full, and the last empty due to someone always being on watch?" the town guard says scanning the surrounding area to see if anything had a vantage point of the camp. "I could be paranoid, however if I was the other three who split off I would make sure I was close enough to camp each night that I could keep an eye on it and be able to help if it was attacked. Can either of you see anything out of the ordinary that could be where the others of this band lay in wait? If so perhaps attacking there first would give us an edge as our enemies if we do so quietly would be expecting reinforcements to arrive when we attack the main camp." the town guard says using his military mind that his parents had instilled in him to look at the battlefield as a whole off of the information they had at the moment and make the best, in his eyes, strategic plan of attack.

"They would hear me coming before I ever got close enough to sneak on them. My armor is to heavy for such tactics, though I could try. It seems unwise however unless we know that attacking the camp is not a trap itself." Jamgreator says before adding. "Plus they can see me, and you can see them, I can see what is in front of my face and little more. The victor in most wars is the one who choose's and prepares his battlefield so that all the odds are in his favor. At the moment we are at a very obvious disadvantage if they can see at night like the two of you. Nor can we sleep now because we only have eyes on one of six possible bandits in reality the tents could be a decoy." Jamgreator says wishing he had argued more against this plan, he was not even sure why he had agreed to it in the first place to be honest. He had no problem risking life and limb for his friends and allies. Even his country he was willing to die for if it was required, however this seemed foolish and clearly not thought out.

As Fade unfurls his wings the town guard smiles, now that was an advantage that they could use to perhaps change the tide in their favor. "Fade do you mind doing a quick overpass say a few hundred feet around the campsite, see if you can notice any of their allies. If not we can proceed with your plan." the town guard asks, waiting to see what he had to say as he tied Petunia to Shiba's leash.

The Harrowing
2018-08-20, 09:54 PM
Nodding Fade stretches his wings carefully before retracting them and folding them over his collar bone like a second cloak. It'll need to be a wide circle and pretty high up if we're hoping they'll think I'm a bat or something. If their eyes are as good as mine, they'll have the advantage, as I'll be in open sky, while they'll have plenty of ground and tree cover. But I can look for trails, paths, and such. Maybe we'll get lucky."

Nodding to the others, and patting Shiba on the head, he begins to backtrack and calls over his shoulder softly "I'll take off a bit back so the camp guard hopefully doesn't spot me immediately. If I start getting shot at or someone calls an alarm of some sort, leave the mule with Shiba and head in with blades ready while I try to distract them."

Fade (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1667100)
Male N/E Fey'Ri Warlock, Level 1, Init 4, HP 6/6, Speed 30' Land & 40' Fly (Poor)
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 0, Ref 4, Will 2, Base Attack Bonus 0
(Ranged Touch) Eldritch Blast (1d6)
Studded Leather Armor, Dastana (+3 Armor, +1 Shield, +4 Dex)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition None

Shiba (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1668088)
Female N Dog , Level , Init 3, HP 20/20, Speed 50'
AC 17, Touch 14, Flat-footed 14, Fort 7, Ref 6, Will 3, Base Attack Bonus 1
Bite +5 (1d4+3, x2)
Leather Barding (+2 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Size, +1 Natural)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 17, Con 18, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition None

Diplomacy Check: [roll0] - to see if I can convince/bribe any woodland critters I pass (as I look for a good place to take to the skies) to spy on the camp/surrounding area, or give any relevent information about the bandits.
Spot Check: [roll1] - to see if I can spot any signs from above.
Listen Check: [roll2] - to see if I can hear any signs from above.

2018-08-20, 10:25 PM
"If the enemy spots you I promise I will give them a much more immediate threat to worry about Fade." the proud warrior promises as he watches his ally walk back the way they had come so he could with luck take to the skies without being spotted.

While they waited Jamgreator looked to Zara who had been rather silent this entire time even though it had mostly been her plan to try and attack the bandits at night. "So what do you make of this Zara, you have been silent much of the journey and even now you offered no opinion on what we should do." the town guard notes, curious of her actions thus far. So far Fade had proven to be a loyal ally, even with his new appearance that held similarities with the tiefling in the village, however Zara had offered very little to the group so far which unnerved the guard slightly, after all it was her suggestion they attack at night when the enemy would have the advantage, what was to say she was not working with them? He thought as he eyed the drow suspiciously.

The Harrowing
2018-08-29, 11:42 AM
(OOC: Has this game been abandoned?)

The Harrowing
2018-09-11, 10:34 PM
Three weeks of silence, so I guess so. Sad face. Take care, peeps!