View Full Version : Kingdom of Loathing: The Thread

2018-08-10, 09:40 PM
I can’t find a thread about KoL, so I decided to make one. I’m fairly early game, been playing less than a year with a few ascensions accomplished, but I spend a lot of time trawling the wiki, so I know some things. If anyone has questions or comments, wants to make predictions, has suggestions to give to other players, or just wants to tell everyone their favorite joke/reference, go to town.

Now I can’t find anything in the rules against making a super open ended thread like this, but to cover my bases I’m going to ask a question of my own: what is the biggest facepalm you’ve ever had playing the game? Mine is perming Advanced Saucecraft instead of The Way Of Sauce and then promptly starting a normal Ed run when what I wanted was a Hardcore run.