View Full Version : Fortunes of Tancred - ICC

2018-08-11, 11:01 AM
Your vessel idles in orbit of the decrepit world of Tancred. Once the crown jewel of the mighty Conrad Rogue Trader Dynasty, Tancred stood as a trading hub through which fortunes sufficient to purchase entire planets flowed. Crusades were launched against now-forgotten foes from her staging fields and orbital docks and the plunder wrested from the grasp of the enemies of the Imperium of Man and brought from hundreds of worlds returned to the Emperor’s Light made Tancred and her patrons mighty and prosperous.

Until fickle Fate turned her back on the world.

It was not swift or merciful, but rather the slow, agonizing death of a million cuts. Over the course of centuries, Warp storms rose up to sever the distant trade lanes. First the Diadem Worlds and then the the entire Androlet Sector went silent. The Illexus Cluster followed, along with the Borault Marches. These routes and a dozen more remain only as myths to the Tancredi, reminders of what has been lost.

In cruel irony, the routes to the Calixis Sector and the greater Imperium beyond appear to have somehow become more stable and the tithe ships have continued to arrive unabated, the bureaucracies slow to note, let along respond to, the dwindling of Tancred’s fortunes.

Hope, frail and untrustworthy, kept the Dynasty from deserting the world to it’s fate. They poured resources into trying to find other routes, other resources to revitalize their trade hub. Dozens of expeditions were launched into the planet’s wastes or deep into the world’s hive-cities in search of a lost cache of archeotech or untapped veins of valuable minerals. Scores of ships were sent into the void, some to search for stable passage to old trading partners while others sought new ones in the tractless expanse of deep space.

And so the Dynasty shared Tancred’s fate, slowly bleeding itself dry to maintain the facade of prosperity. Every year, fewer ships returned and more expeditions failed to report back.

Despite everything, even alliances with the unholy xenos and a handful of the family turning to the Dark Gods in search of power, the Conrad Dynasty has fallen from grace and from its high seat of power and fortune.

Below you, Tancred spins. It’s clouds the deep, sluggish grey of industrial pollutants shot through with static lightning. It is a ball of ash rather than the green and blue of legend. The last members of House Conrad and their retainers stalk, ghost-like, through the decaying remnants of their power, despondent in the knowledge that their last hope for a return to wealth will now be delivered to the black sheep.

The lighter carrying the newest holder of the Conrad Warrant, Victor Conrad, and the senior ship officers soars above the miasma of the atmosphere and passes a derelict construction slip. The skeletal frame of an unfinished battleship bears mute testimony to how far Tancred has fallen, a testimony underscored by the firefly lights of salvage tenders as they cut and gouge the frame into more manageable chunks for use elsewhere.

Beyond the picked-over battleship lies the Knave's Miscellany and you are soon aboard.

2018-08-11, 12:19 PM
After a brief arrival ceremony, you are led to the bridge.
“Lord-Captain,” a minor officer says from the communications pit even before you are able to settle into the captain’s throne. “We are receiving a vox signal from Tancred for you, by name. It began transmitting even before your lighter broke free of the atmosphere.”

2018-08-11, 12:46 PM
Ooooo, better get all up and alert, the captain's here! I bet I'll be impressed! Is that a she? It looks like a she. Or is a he? Bah, you crazy people all look alike what with your flabby appendages hanging everywhere, mutters Kurrack sarcastically in his native tongue. He takes another sip of brandy, one of the few pleasant things he had found humans had.

After his little soliloquy, he elbows Jilael, points at the aforementioned minor officer, and asks in her native tongue, Is that one a male or a female, I can't make heads or tails of it?

2018-08-11, 03:50 PM
Jilael herself waits patiently through the arrival ceremony, doing her best to remain as inconspicuous as a xeno on board an imperial vessel could. She accompanies the trader and the rest of his retinue to the bridge, fiddling self-consciously with the settings on her armour.

She replies to Kurrack tersely in Tau, "It's a male, not that it makes much difference. Now hush, this communication could be important." She then turns and nods apologetically to Conrad, hoping that he's not the sort of man to take their whispered conversation as an issue.

2018-08-12, 06:04 AM
Ralosen watches the proceedings with quiet intensity. For the moment, he hangs back near the captain, though his servo skull is already whirring around command, documenting the positions of different seats and where would best suit him.

He casts a long glance at the whispering xenos. He wonders how their skulls differ from mutants, and why Conrad was allowing them on board in the first place. He averts his eyes. It wasn't his greatest priority. For now, he would establish himself.

He waits for the captain to speak.

2018-08-12, 06:31 PM
Gustav stood in a far corner of the room, he didn't bother speaking; it wasn't what he was paid to do and even a faltering dynasty could drown any one man in money.

It was easy for him to stay silent regarding the Xenos as well, out in the fringe past even the iron fist of the Inperium there were worlds that didn't have the same...zeal towards aliens. Gustav would often have to see aliens that weren't on the other side of a scope, it made this particular ship easier on him than some of the others. He could use that, show them that even surrounded by aliens he wasn't afraid.

There was the Ork though, Gustav tapped his arm pondering where it went, he knew some Traders were willing to hire greenskin mercenaries, but he could've sworn it was the same Ork he ran into in the past...

2018-08-12, 07:21 PM
Malavar meditated, opening his third eye to the Warp, His unnaturally thin fingers steepled in front of the bridge of his nose.

This appeared to be a safe haven, at least for the moment, albeit one with its own risks.

2018-08-12, 07:54 PM
The ork picks at his teeth with his choppa. One of the squigs from his last meal was still running around in there. After removing the squig and munching it, he looked around the room. A birdie, a tin can without his suit, one of those umies with a ton a bioniks and...a familiar looking umie! It was the digganob from when he got picked up. Teaching this lot to Waagh would now be much easier since he had assistance. He goes up to greet him in traditional ork style (smacking him on the back and comparing DAKKA)

2018-08-14, 01:00 PM
Victor Conrad would walk to his captains chair with a regal air about him that almost seemed misplaced. He'd take his seat ignoring the officer seemingly. Digging around in his captain's jacket he fish out a flask and drink from it. Savoring the alcohol hed turn to Karrack and Jilael. "if you're gonna speak within my earshot. Then use a language I understand. Victor would turn to his other officer. "Put them through. I'm probably too sober for this but let's see whose hailing me."

2018-08-14, 01:08 PM
“Thought you had heard the last of me, cousin?”

The voice is one you recognize well, too well, for some of you. You last saw her at the Night of the Duel, Vaisae Talkova-Conrad. She was the favorite of the family to take up the Mantle of Rogue Trader and hold the Warrant of Trade, defeated in the final, championship bout by Victor, she chose not to be present at the ceremony that bestowed the Warrant upon him.

“We both know that you are not worthy to hold the Warrant,” Vaisae snarls, the vox popping with her anger. “You cheated, you and I both know it. And I will take the Miscellany from you!”

2018-08-14, 04:52 PM
Victor would roll his eyes, take another drink from his flask, and turn to his officers, And look at that. I am too sober for this." he would comment dryly. Turning back to the vox. "Knave's Miscellany, if you are going to talk about my ship. Use her proper name. Now, what do you want? Or did you contact me to throw baseless accusations my way. Because if that is all, I have a new ship and warrant of trade that is calling my name. I'm a very busy man now." By the end of Victor's comment, the devilish smirk on his face could be heard in his voice.

2018-08-15, 09:06 AM
'Use a language I understand' uptight human naval speaker, Kurrack mocked, then he crossed his arms and frowned. How he frowns with a beak is beyond me, but he frowns nonetheless.

2018-08-15, 11:38 AM
Gustav doesn't pay much mind to drunken ramblings, but he is quick to show off his custom rifle to the Ork - at least someone appreciates art.

2018-08-15, 11:35 PM
“You have all of those for now,” Vaisae agrees. “But our family cannot afford to be patient, waiting for a recovery of our fortunes. We’ll see how long you last. I’ll be here, when the ship returns again to deliver your body and requires another to take your place. We’re watching.”

2018-08-16, 06:21 AM
Kurrack finally noticed the vox transmission, and sniffed in disgust. He turned to the Rogue Trader, Victor Conrad, and said in terse tones, Put me in a room with that pesky nuisance with nothing but some nutmeg and pepper, and I'll make sure he makes no more threats against you. Could go for something with nutmeg. By my Ancestors, you humans grow some tasty spices...

It was all Kurrack could do not to lick his lips, er, beak, but some drool made its way from his mouth to the floor.

2018-08-16, 08:55 AM
Victor would snicker at Vaisae and Kurrack. He'd turn to Kurrack, "First off, that's a female, and second, sorry I can't let you eat my cousin. This is a personal matter." Victor would then turn back to vox. "You know if you ask nicely, I'll let you come work for me. I'm sure theres something you can do on this ship" Victor would take another sip from his flask, grinning in anticipation for his cousin's retort.

2018-08-16, 09:19 AM
Gustav doesn't pay much mind to drunken ramblings, but he is quick to show off his custom rifle to the Ork - at least someone appreciates art."Dats some nice Dakka roight there. Bit smalla den wat id go fer but nice. How many teef waz it" he's surprisingly articulate (for an ork) but his grammer and pronouciation were horrible like most orks. He unslings his own Big Shoota. It's about the size of an astartes heavy bolter but longer. "Diz iz my own piece. Got it offa Bad Moon trader by da fish head place. Cost me a bit but nothin muggin a few Otha moons couldn't fix," he turns its barrels lovingly.

2018-08-17, 10:53 AM
“You think I would work for you?! You are even more foolish, or drunk than I thought you were! I suppose that you had the whole flight up to drink yourself stupid. Don’t scratch up my ship too much pulling out of dock.”
“Vox link terminated at the source,” the vox-officer murmurs.

2018-08-17, 11:25 AM
Victor would burst out laughing loudly. When he finished he'd take another sip. "She was right about one thing. I should have drunk myself stupid, it's a shame I missed that opportunity. Anyways, what's on our agenda? I wanna make some money people!" He'd clasp his hands together in greedy anticipation.

2018-08-17, 01:24 PM
"Be gentle and respectful with the vessel." Ralosen sidles up to the captain's throne and speaks. "The ship will provide if we are respectful."

2018-08-17, 02:33 PM
Kurrack mumbles something about how humans don't let him eat anyone. Kurrack then wanders near the Ork and the Militant, and pulls out his own rifle.

You sapiens always think that a larger gun with more bullets is the answer, no no no, not the case at all. You need a gun that can do both long and short range, a versatile weapon for any situation. That's where the Kroot excel!

2018-08-17, 05:05 PM
“Lord-Captain, your grandfather was in the process of some rather… delicate negotiations with Duke Severus the Thirteenth, of Karacallia,” the duty-yeoman tells you as she skims the text of the ship’s Registrar situated on the back of a hunched, mono-task servitor. “It is a minor world on the spinward edge of the Sector but quite a bit of old wealth remains there and there are several established trade routes that have shown consistent dividends to the bonded Charterist Captains. The specificities of the negotiations were omitted from the Registrar on his order but-”

“Warp emergence!” one of the ratings at the augur station cries out. “Range, eighty-thousand kilometers (8 VU)! The ship is small, no larger than a sloop or a corvette. It’s a miracle she’s intact, emerging so close to the planet!”
You have a sudden, splitting headache as a piercing psychic scream crashes into your mind. You always have to steel yourself when a ship transitions to or from the Warp, but this psychic impact isn’t mitigated in any way by a Gellar Field.
You see a Warp flare in your third eye, like you might see if another ship entered or exited the Immaterium in close proximity to your vessel, but the flare is more... ragged than you would see from a normal Warp transition.
For an instant HER face comes to mind along with sultry, You’re welcome.
“Captain, vox nets are capturing the signal of the automated saviour beacon!” an officer says from the communications pit.The ship’s conomen identifier reads as the Sylph, of… the Conrad Rogue Trader House.”

2018-08-17, 05:14 PM
Kurrack drops his gun and clutches his head, seething in sheer agony.


2018-08-17, 05:34 PM
Malavar rushes to an communication tube. Captain, there is a Warp Flare. Something may be coming into space near us. Be wary!

2018-08-18, 07:56 AM
Victor would cringe a little but calmly sip from his flask. "Take us over to the vessel. " Victor would turn to Malavar, "Something other than that small ship?"

2018-08-18, 08:36 AM
Kurrack mumbles something about how humans don't let him eat anyone. Kurrack then wanders near the Ork and the Militant, and pulls out his own rifle.

You sapiens always think that a larger gun with more bullets is the answer, no no no, not the case at all. You need a gun that can do both long and short range, a versatile weapon for any situation. That's where the Kroot excel! "Wut's a sapien? Iz an Ork! My dakkas good in choppa range too! jus gotta wop da git over da head wit it. But iz got mah choppa fer dat. Beat dis Beakie," He slings his Shoota and takes out his choppa. It's slathered in red paint (to make it go faster!) and is massive. He's about to show it to the beakie but that's when the kroot begins screaming. "Oy birdie. You shut yer trap first. Wez bein quiet loik and youz da one yelling," he hits him across the back incase he was doing that thing umies do when dey eat too much. Choking!

2018-08-18, 11:20 AM
Gustav slings his rifle and heads closer to the bridge, he sensed trouble; and he knew he was being paid to keep the captain alive.

2018-08-18, 06:43 PM
Victor would cringe a little but calmly sip from his flask. "Take us over to the vessel. " Victor would turn to Malavar, "Something other than that small ship?"

Unknown, mi'lord -- the warp breach is ragged... irregular. Caution is called for, in my opinion.

2018-08-18, 08:21 PM
Your vessel edges closer to the Sylph and the augur arrays begin to report a bit more detail. The ship is tiny by Imperial standards, but mounts an overlarge drive section. Even as you approach she begins to tumble in the void as her drive cones are cold and dark with only the faint light of emergency luminens leaking from the ship evidencing any power remaining. She's slowly drifting away from the planet leaking air and leaving debris in its wake.

2018-08-19, 06:48 PM
I'm fine you oversized fungal bundle of joy, I'm fine. Just not used to the warp's screams... Hey, that ship looks dead in the metaphorical water, Kurrack comments as he picks up his gun.

2018-08-20, 09:56 PM
“The Sylph was the last expedition launched by your family to pierce the old trade routes,” the yeoman volunteers, a new ledger having taken the place of the Registrar on her servitor. “She’s… non-standard, with sections taken from several of the old construction projects that were in orbit. A great uncle of the family was assigned command, I believe, and swore to find a way through the warp storms or die in the attempt.”

The Knave's Miscellany slides closer to the Sylph and the strategium table is taken over by a augur-map of the tumbling ship. Damaged sections are so common on the display that the handful of hopeful, green sections stand out against a crimson background. Either something massive struck the drive section or detonated within it to cause a gaping wound on the port side and her dorsal gun battery has been entirely stripped off. On the whole, the ship is no longer structurally sound. However, the primary bridge and Navigator blister above it seem to be more intact than the rest of the ship and capable of supporting a boarding party.

2018-08-21, 03:05 PM
Ralosen bends over the display and studies it for a few moments. His voice then grates out, slightly metallic and tinny. "The bridge is intact for the most part. Perhaps I can learn what happened to the ship if I gain access to it. I could commune with the remainder of the machine spirit... Transfer any survivors or corpses to the medicae deck. We will study them more extensively there."

2018-08-23, 06:40 AM
Kurrack nods, rather stiffly as nodding was a human custom, but says, That ship to me looks like a Gellar Field failure, or at least some degree of warp ****ery. You want friends to come with you... techpriest? That's what they call you I think.

Kurrack slings his gun over his shoulder, seeming like he's almost eager to go.

2018-08-26, 04:58 PM
Once again in the void, your lighter quickly bridges the distance between the Knave's Miscellany and the Sylph. Automated guide beacons illuminate the landing bay ingress hatch as it grinds open to reveal the launch bay.
As your lighter edges through the atmosphere shield and comes to a halt in the launch bay, you note that all of the primary docking positions are filled with standard pattern personnel lighters and shuttles still secured in their berths. There’s barely room for your own craft to land close to the egress doors. The next thing you notice is that the bay crew is also still present but they’re all dead. They lay scattered wherever they fell, black blood pooling around them or dried where it struck the walls or the spacecraft under their charge.
I’m trying to move forward since it’s been a while, unless you specifically state differently, you are all on the lighter as part of the boarding party to capture whatever data may be available on the Sylph’s bridge and Navigator blister.

2018-08-27, 06:37 PM
Ralosen looks over Kurrack silently for a long awkward moment before he replies, his eyes freely searching the alien body.
"Yes. Techpriest is appropriate. Come along."

The red robed man pulls a gun out of his robes and readies it, his servoskull whirring closer to one of the bodies to inspect it before hovering near his shoulder obediently.
"What warped the dead here..?"

2018-08-29, 01:01 PM
Gustav has his gun ready, keeping an eye out while others look at bodies.

2018-08-29, 04:54 PM
Gustav has his gun ready, keeping an eye out while others look at bodies.

Malavar attempted to settle into his position on the bridge, his eyes closed, watching the Warp.

2018-08-30, 02:28 AM
Knave's Miscellany

Malavar attempted to settle into his position on the bridge, his eyes closed, watching the Warp.
Safely within your own Navigation blister you begin to catch the merest glimpse of a Navigator coordinate code, likely etched to the interior of the Sylph's blister by her Navigator with his or her third eye. It would not be in visible writing or the bridge datastacks.
You may make a Psyniscience Test to attempt to gather more data, but it will be Arduous(-40) given your distance from it

The bodies of the dead are actually remarkably well preserved, with little to no decomposition having set in. They are gathered together near the exit hatch, as if caught while trying to escape further into the ship, though none actually reached the hatch itself. Even a cursory examination shows that none died to bullet, las, or bolt wounds but cuts or stabs with some form of blade.
A Medicae or Psyniscience Test (difficulty withheld at the moment) will be required to gain more information from the bodies.

2018-08-30, 02:58 AM
Jilael narrows her eyes behind her helmet, and unslings her pulse rifle from her back into a ready position. She speaks quietly to the rest of the boarding party. "Looks like they were trying to get back into the ship. Means that whatever did this to them might still be in the bay."

She covers the area as best she can with her scope, trying to discern any movement or other oddities in the rest of the area.

2018-08-31, 06:54 AM
Deres Muckery about. I seez dat kleer a day. Deres no holes from dakka or choppa smaks.
Drazzwhakka turns his big shootas barrels thoughtfully. He had it out in case anything attacked any a da gits in is new WAAAGH!.

2018-09-02, 07:32 PM
Besides the cursory checks, Ralosen is stumped on the specifics of death. He quietly orders for a few crew members to be fetched to further investigate the bodies in the medicae deck, before turning to his crewmates."No signs of damage at all, like the ork says. I don't suppose you... xenos have any idea how this came about?

2018-09-02, 07:56 PM
"Mebbe ah weirdboy gottem? Drazzwhakka takes out his choppa and bisects one of the crews heads to check if they were WAAAGHed.

2018-09-05, 03:59 AM
The poorly-lit bay contains four shuttles in addition to your own with room for still another pair of visiting craft. There are approximately forty deck personnel, enginseers, lay tech adepts, loading servitors, and pilots slain. They were killed by some form of blade or blades via cuts or thrusts.

The personnel egress hatch does not open easily, the hatch's power now gone along with most of the ship's systems, but the manual locking wheel spins with some effort on your part. Beyond the hatch is the cramped passageway, running directly away from the hanger as well as to the left and right. None of the directions are well lit but the passageway directly before you seems to get brighter in the distance, where it also appears to widen.

2018-09-08, 05:54 AM
We'z going dat way roight?
Drazzwhakka begins walking down the hallway first. He is completely aware that this is a perfect spot for an ambush (And half hopes that there is one so they can get to krumpin)

2018-09-08, 01:13 PM
Feeling confident that there is no immediate danger, Gustav follows the Ork, but not too close...
If these people were killed by blade, he wanted to keep some distance.

2018-09-09, 01:27 PM
The light ahead is orange and unsteady, unlike the pale, emergency lumen strips. Approaching the halfway point, a figure appears in the passageway, bearing a massive sword wreathed in flames. Perhaps a trick of the firelight, but the whole figure appears blood red and its head is horned while its posture is hunched in a permanent fighting crouch.

The light glints off of malevolent eyes and the thing gives a wordless shout and sprints towards you.

The passageway is approximately 6 meters wide and about 40 meters separate our favorite greenskin from the creature.

2018-09-10, 05:59 AM
((I almost forgot this existed, sorry XD ))

Kurrack had been wandering silently, most likely because he had a hangover.

2018-09-10, 11:48 AM
Drazzwhakka puts his Choppa aside and draws his Big Shoota. He yells out WAAAAAGH as he opens fire.
[roll0] v TN 55 (base 25 + 30 Full auto)
Damage (I, Pen 1) :

2018-09-10, 01:28 PM
Kurrack, noticing the horrid thing, drew his sword, and moved in front of the Ork to interject the daemon.

Half action draw weapon, half action move in front of the ork. I'm gonna parry this daemon f**ker.

2018-09-10, 07:46 PM
Already on edge, Ralosen is quick to whip out his Boltgun at the noise, firing twice from his safe range. There was no time for shouting or warnings. Gunfire should be more than enough to alert the rest.

Full auto, max 2 hits. Tearing property [roll0] vs 70 (40+30)
Hit 1[roll1]
[roll2] reroll
Hit 2 [roll3]
[roll4] reroll

2018-09-12, 12:22 AM
As I mentioned in the OOC thread, I need Initiative and Willpower Tests from everyone before all of these actions go down.

2018-09-14, 12:38 PM
Drazzwhakka, the visage before you is one of wrath and pain, such that even an ork cannot stand. You begin to flee in abject fear.
Gustav drops to his knees a vomits in terror. He may only take Half Actions for this Encounter until he can rest for a few moments.
Drazzwhakka gains [roll0] Insanity Points
Gustav gains [roll1] Insanity PointsThe Bloodletter advances down the passageway, nearing where Gustav is momentarily occupied emptying his stomach.
Raolsen's bolt rounds explode in the thing tearing gouges in it's flesh that leak tainted warp ichor to the deck.

2018-09-24, 06:32 PM
An unnatural cold grips Gustav's stomach as he peers at the unreal; he heaves and vomits, an appropriate response for prey to lose weight before they flee a predator.
Being gripped by terror, Gustav moves away from the monster as quickly as his shaking body will let him.

2018-09-25, 09:38 AM
"Da WAAGH! Why can't I feel it? Iz WAAGHs wrong!" Drazzwhakka stumbles off clearly perturbed by his "Wrong WAAAGH!" whatever that meant.

2018-09-30, 11:33 PM
The Bloodletter laughs as Gustav scrambles away. It seems unconcerned by the wounds caused by Raolsen's boltgun and continues its advance before drawing back its flaming sword for a strike.

2018-09-30, 11:38 PM
Guatav takes [roll0] damage (Pen 4) at the blow lands on his left shoulder!
Drazzwhakka's turn, then Raolsen's turn
Anyone who hasn't yet may roll their Initiative and Willpower Save to enter the combat at any time

2018-10-08, 07:50 AM
Drazzwhakka suddenly rushes back at the Demon. His tiny brain had figured something out. The demon made the WAAAGH wrong. So if he killed it, it would be right again![roll0]: Attack
[roll2]: Tearing

2018-10-11, 01:42 PM
Ralosen backs away as he continues firing, trying desperately to cause damage to the creature. It was his most effective mechanism at dishing out damage, but with the way the entire crew looked - he suspected it could quickly turn futile. They needed more.

Full auto, max 2 hits. Tearing property [roll0] vs 70 (40+30)
Hit 1 [roll1]
[roll2] reroll
Hit 2 [roll3]
[roll4] reroll

2018-10-13, 05:50 AM
The bloodletter flinches as Raolsen's round strike it and more glowing ichor leaks from its wounds.

2018-10-15, 03:42 PM
Gustav yelps in pain as the sword drives into his arm, with much effort he tries to take some steps away as the others tried to shoot the monster.

Half action: move

2018-10-22, 06:56 PM
'Leave it to her to pick a fight with such weak prey,' the being snarls, it's tone mocking and it's voice like razor blades to your ears. Another two steps brings Gustav back into the reach of it's sword and it swings to bring the flaming blade down on his neck.

Attack vs 55 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Gustav may attempt to Dodge if this hits

2018-11-05, 09:14 PM
Ralosen continues his assault, trying to wear the enemy down before the damage gets worse. His mechanical voice is poor at conveying emotion, and seems uncannily calm despite the situation. "Hold! Hold and we can defeat it."

Full auto, max 2 hits. Tearing property (1d100)[57] vs 70 (40+30)
Hit 1 [roll0]
[roll1] reroll
Hit 2 [roll2]
[roll3] reroll

2018-11-05, 09:24 PM
One bolt round hits the bloodthirster in the thigh and it growls as the bolt detonates.
'You will regret that, Martian Priest.'

2018-11-06, 03:24 AM
Drazzwhakka forcefully brings his blade down upon the daemon. [roll0] v 62 (42 base +20 All out attack)
Damage: [roll1]+5
Extra Dice: [roll2]
18 damage pen 2

2018-11-09, 03:26 AM
A smile touches the bloodthirster's lips as Darzzwhakka's choppa strikes true.

"Interesting," it murmurs. Dirty, crimson light spills from the chest and it tips it's head to one side. "You aren't the same... you're too similar to notice... but you're different. This is interesting."

A silent implosion along the blade of the choppa drags the bloodthirster back the the Warp. The corridor is again empty of the terror it spawned. Flickering emergency lumens are once more the only illumination.

2018-11-09, 06:31 AM
Where'd e go? e'z not dead yet! Drazzwhakka is extremely confused to the whereabouts of the Daemon.

2018-11-12, 02:48 PM
*cough* "Is it - is it dead?"

2018-11-28, 05:02 AM
Save for yourselves, the corridor is now empty, with only Gustav's injuries and a few dimly glowing cuts to the steel of the bulkheads and deck to show that the bloodthirster was ever there.

You can now see that there is a large room, possibly the sloop's bridge, at the far end of the corridor, approximately 20 meters away. The passageway arrives in the room at a corner so you can only see a slice of the room. It is still lit by flickering, unsteady light like you would see from a campfire or torches and you can hear voices that sound human, though you cannot make out what they are saying.

2018-11-29, 09:59 AM
Gustav tries his best to stand and catch his breath, leaning against a wall he tries to stop the room from spinning. "What, what was that?", he stammers out.