View Full Version : Optimization Blood Hunter/Blood Cleric Multiclass

2018-08-11, 11:03 AM
Hey! I will be playing in a new campaign in a month or so and I am creating my new character. So, I will definilty be playing a blood hunter (Matt Mercers homebrew class), however im not sure which path to go. I really like the idea of Mutant, but it seems kinda bland. Everything is just simple stat increases and minor buffs. I do think the idea is really cool though. I also really think ghostslayer has awesome mechanics and is extremely flavorful, but sadly it lacks the choices that Mutant comes with. What have you guys played and or seen and what do you think about the two classes? Oh, and I will definitly be going melee, but I'm not sure on strength or dexterity.
Secondly, I was thinking about multiclassing into Blood Cleric (Mercers other homebrew class), to full embrace the blood feeling. I'm not really sure how far I would go though. I was thinking about going 2 levels to get blood puppet, but then I though about how good spiritual weapon would be because of the bonus damage. That would require me to get too level 3, slowing my blood hunter path down a good bit. Thoughts?

2018-08-11, 11:14 AM
I've always been a fan of the Order of the Lycan. However neither class particularly benefits from multiclassing.

2018-08-11, 11:21 AM
I've always been a fan of the Order of the Lycan. However neither class particularly benefits from multiclassing.

Yeah, I have kinda noticed that. I dont really like Lycan to be honest.

2018-08-11, 11:34 AM
I've always been a fan of the Order of the Lycan. However neither class particularly benefits from multiclassing.
Looking more into it, Lycan seems like it would do a good bit of damage. Is that what you have found?

2018-08-11, 01:20 PM
I mainly played it for theme, and playing as a WereCroc. We all later got some Magic Items, and mine granted me non Conc Enlarge whenever I shifted, which was excellent.

I played very similar to a Frenzy Barbarian I found, the rider damage, bonus attacks, and HP cost making it often unsustainable. If anything I fouznd it a little undertuned, but enjoyable. If it dies, meh. It'll be sad, but then you can try a Blood cleric. :)