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View Full Version : PF: how many weapon properties can you cram on to one attack?

2018-08-11, 11:10 AM
Basically what it says in the title: how many enhancement bonuses and weapon properties can you fit onto a single attack? Specifically looking for magic weapon properties, enhancement bonuses and abilites that add them, but spells feats and items that boost weapon damage/add rider effects are of some interest. Not planning to use this for anything specific, costs and sources would be appreciated
What i have so far: Iroran Paladin (Enlightened Paladin on the SRD) 20 with Divine Body (basically weapon bond) gives +6 worth of properties from a list, and lets your unarmed strike count as both natural and manufactured (and lets you spend ki to overcome DR vs your not!Smite target). VMC Magus gets arcane pool for another +5 worth of properties. CL 20 GMF gets a +5 enhancement bonus, 1500gp for a scroll, and is eligble for permanancy (costs at least 7500 gp if a party member or cohort cast it, 8,875 gp for a scroll means it's not available to buy by default). Amulet of Mighty Fists provides another +5 worth of properties for 100,000 gp. Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes provides effectively +6 of weapon properties for 147,000 gp (you have to get a +1 enhancement bonus that doesnt stack with GMF), Deliquescent Gloves add Corrosive for 8,000 gp (as long as you attack with your hand).
So when you activate your Divine Body and your Arcane Pool your unarmed strikes would hit as +5 weapons with +23 worth of weapon properties (for 4 attacks a round, because the BWoMS is a weird item). Soooo what can we add to this mess? Am i missing some reason this doesn't work? And what would you do with all these weapon properties? Im thinking grab Bane Blade with one of the Arcanas you get from VMC magus, but what properties would you get from the Arcane pool, the Divine Body weapon bond, and the items?