View Full Version : Good Zombie one shots?

2018-08-11, 04:26 PM
I’m going to be live steaming a set of Halloween one shots for a group of live streamers this year and as all of them are resident evil fans I’d love to have one of the one shots be zombie themed! Anyone know of any good zombie adventures? I’m happy to do conversions to fifth so any edition will be fine.

I know It’s an option to make my own, but I like to play other people’s material, too.

2018-09-24, 10:40 PM
Zombiecide looks fun, but I haven't played it.

But there was another game I caught wind of a couple of years back. The players are each playing a high school student when zombies attack. As the game begins, the students are rolling d4s and the zombies are rolling d10s, but with each new act the dice change, so at the end, the kids are rolling d10s and the zombies d4s. I can't remember the name of this game (sorry). I tried Googling, but I didn't come up with anything. But maybe your Google-fu is stronger than mine.

2018-09-24, 11:20 PM
Zombiecide looks fun, but I haven't played it.

But there was another game I caught wind of a couple of years back. The players are each playing a high school student when zombies attack. As the game begins, the students are rolling d4s and the zombies are rolling d10s, but with each new act the dice change, so at the end, the kids are rolling d10s and the zombies d4s. I can't remember the name of this game (sorry). I tried Googling, but I didn't come up with anything. But maybe your Google-fu is stronger than mine.

1. Zombicide is more a boardgame than a tabletop rpg, but the quest in it (especially green horde and probably black plague too for a fantasy setting, although I did not play the second) can be a great source of inspiration for purpose the protagonist could have.

2. If a Google-Sensei find the game you are referring to, I would like to know.

My two cents: Live streaming for live streamers sounds dangerous for people who does not swim. I already did a survival campaign based on a zombiecalypse using the World of Darkness system. It was easy enough to improvise whatever came to my mind, but the main flaw it had was my story arc and it is the case for most long-term zombie themed TV shows. Survival has to be part of it to keep the tension of the zombie apocalypse, but you need a bigger purpose. Finding love ones in another town maybe? Delivering a bunch of documents that could be the formula for a cure? Trying to find a safe haven while taking care of your injured pet? Whatever is the goal, it has to get you moving to keep it interesting (in my opinion at least). For a one shot, you could manage a fun defense-style survival with encounters such as a flooding that menaces your basement greenhouse, a breech in your fences/walls that let the Zeds in, a conflict between survivors regarding a coughing old man... Otherwise, if you are on the go, it's easier to introduce ambiguous humans that cross your path, or rabid animals that hunts you down barking your position away when a horde is nearby, falling into abandoned traps or that one reason why all that military tech couldn't take care of a bunch of walking drool makers.

Long story short, I would keep it simple for a one-shot. Choose a clear goal for the PCs, a variety of possible encounters, including a struggling with the infected (could be because they block the path and forces you to improvise a zip-line to safe yourself or because they managed to surround a cabin you were scavenging without you noticing when an escape would have been easy) to set the tone and the danger of the world.

Disclaimer: I'm tired. Big time. Add the fact that English is not my strong suit on top of that and that explains the occasional odd verb time used here and there. Should still be understandable though.

2018-09-25, 02:17 AM
Anything that starts with ''You are entering the abandoned city of X'' and finally ends with the PC's entering the half ruined colosseum, you pulling out an admiral Akbar printed photo and throwing at them waves of undead of increasing difficulty, would be a good one-shot IMO. If the players don't know it's a zombie campaign and if you could pull off a little mystery (at least until the first zombie encounter (for example, the PC's could have been sent there to investigate why that city was lost) would make it even more interesting.

2018-09-25, 05:34 AM
2. If a Google-Sensei find the game you are referring to, I would like to know.

I found this (https://rpg.rem.uz/_Collections/Spectrum%20Games/RPZ%20-%20A%20Universal%20Zombie%20RPG%20Add-On.pdf). This (http://www.allflesh.com/flesh.html)might be fun also. There's lots. Haven't played any of them though.

Edit: I found a reference to a Savage World add-on named War of the Dead on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/rpg/comments/2z70ri/any_good_zombie_apocalypse_rpgs/). That might be what you remember. Lot's of other games named there to.