View Full Version : Which class/multiclass should I play for my second campaign?

2018-08-11, 09:36 PM
Hello, I am new to the Giant in the Playground forums but I have browsed through the threads here on occasion. I decided to finally register and participate in the conversations. I look forward to conversing with all of you at some point in the future.

My first campaign of 5e D&D recently ended prematurely due to issues with players moving away/not having free time to play and so I am going to join another group in my area. My PC was a Half-Orc Barbarian wielding a great axe. We used point-buy and I primarily allocated points to Str/Dex/Con. I enjoyed it, but I felt useless in role-playing situations, except for athletics and intimidation checks (my DM favored RP over combat and even though I had decent intelligence, did not allow me to speak anything other than very simple English because my PC was Half-Orc).

My question is this: Which class/multiclass should I play in the second campaign? It has to be AL legal (PHB +1) but anything else is possible. I would rather play a race that is easier to RP as since I am new to D&D. I do like the idea of playing an Arcane Trickster/Scout Rogue or Sorlock.

2018-08-11, 10:13 PM
Well, a charisma based class (bard, paladin, sorcerer, warlock) would certainly be a nice change of pace since you want your character to be a lot more involved in social situations. Particularly a bard who can apply expertise in social skills if you choose to. Or a swashbuckler, for whom it makes a lot of sense to use expertise in persuasion and to go for a strong charisma score.

But honestly, it does not matter all that much. I mean, having good numbers in social skills surely is nice, but you can make an impact in social situations even if your character is not the best at fast talking, negotiating and the like. Just pick the relevant skills and you are good to go.

Maybe I am reading a bit too much into your post, but I am thinking that you are looking more for a general character concept/idea. Once you've got it, it will be easier to go about building your character as some classes play better with certain concepts than others. Inspiration is usually drawn from books and movies, but never discount just going through the fluff text of the race and class sections in the PHB, as this can sometimes spark good ideas IME.

As for race, well, the ''easier'' race to roleplay is human, for obvious reasons. Though I would advise (and this is my own opinion on this) not to be intimidated by certain clichés and the expectations of others of the non-human races. Not all elves have to be snob, not all dwarves need to have a beard (THOUGH THEY DO HAVE TO LOVE DRINKING BEER, ELSE YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO PLAY A DWARF; fixed), not all halforcs are dumb brutes, not all tieflings or drows are evil, etc etc. Though if your table really buys into these tropes, and you want to play it safe, the human, as apparently the diversity of human personality is not sth that is disputed.

Last but not least, since you are relatively new and since you will be playing with a new group, be sure to discuss your character idea with the other players and with the DM, to make sure you all view your character concept in the same light. For example, if you want to play a leader, then this will only fly if the rest of the group is willing to go along with it. If not, you will most likely not enjoy your character, as he will not be fulfilling the standards you set for him. Or if you want to play a noble, belonging to a very influential family, then be sure the DM is on board, else you will be disappointed. Or if you want to play the comic relief character make sure that the campaign does not have a dark/horror theme, or conversely, if you want to play a very serious character, then make sure the campaign is not a comedy (this last is easier to know if you actually know the DM and players, but at the very least asking the DM about a few details regarding their game world would be enough to put you in the right track).

2018-08-11, 10:43 PM
..Not all elves have to be snob...

I can dig it.

...not all halforcs are dumb brutes

I'm picking up what you're putting down.

...not all tieflings or drows are evil,. .

I'm grokking your jive.

not all dwarves need to like beer....

Wait, what?

Back the truck up, not like beer?!

You mean role-playing not liking beer?

Yeah, that's just a bridge too far.

2018-08-11, 10:54 PM
I would say the half-elf bard should give you a ton of role play options while still being combat ready. If you take performer as a background you have an in at every inn and can easily pick up or spread rumours

2018-08-11, 10:55 PM
Wait, what?

Back the truck up, not like beer?!

You mean role-playing not liking beer?

Yeah, that's just a bridge too far.
Wait wait!!! It was a typo! I will fix it right away!!!:smallbiggrin:

2018-08-11, 11:28 PM
Maybe I am reading a bit too much into your post, but I am thinking that you are looking more for a general character concept/idea. Once you've got it, it will be easier to go about building your character as some classes play better with certain concepts than others. Inspiration is usually drawn from books and movies, but never discount just going through the fluff text of the race and class sections in the PHB, as this can sometimes spark good ideas IME.

That is a great suggestion! I will read the race and class sections in the PHB to look for inspiration on a character concept. I'll plan my character out and, in the near future, post a thread asking for specific build advice. Thank you so much!

Not all elves have to be snob, not all dwarves need to have a beard (THOUGH THEY DO HAVE TO LOVE DRINKING BEER, ELSE YOU ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO PLAY A DWARF; fixed), not all halforcs are dumb brutes, not all tieflings or drows are evil, etc etc.

Haha, it would be fun, if not blasphemous, to play a sober Dwarf who is averse to ale/wine. I imagine that breaking these tropes and making, for example, a LG Tiefling would make for an interesting character, no?

Though if your table really buys into these tropes, and you want to play it safe, the human, as apparently the diversity of human personality is not sth that is disputed.

Unfortunately, they did. My party was a CN Half-Orc Barbarian (myself), a LG Half-Elf Paladin, a CE Human Cleric, a TN Human Wizard, and a CN Half-Elf Bard. They, especially the DM, were convinced that there were no exceptions to the trope. Despite this, I had a lot of fun playing for the first time. The interactions between the LG and CE characters were hilarious and I now understand why there is a reluctance for certain alignments at the table.

2018-08-11, 11:37 PM
I would say the half-elf bard should give you a ton of role play options while still being combat ready. If you take performer as a background you have an in at every inn and can easily pick up or spread rumours

I like that idea as I would prefer to be useful in both combat and skill checks. With that background and the ability to play instruments, I could even use it to make money during downtime. Thank you!

2018-08-12, 07:25 AM
Odd, Half-orcs speak Common and Orc, I am curious why your GM didn't let you speak much. :smallconfused: Even if your table doesn't use Backgrounds, you still should have at least two languages to work with. Especially since one of them being Common. Strange.

Always talk to your GM beforehand about what are the setting conceits (meaning: assumed logics). I personally don't use Common or other races as languages, BUT I will tell you what the dominant languages are. That way players can construct their PC accordingly. They also need to ask my permission if they have zero dominant languages in my campaign region.

Does your new table use Backgrounds? With Backgrounds you should be able to contribute regardless, as it covers usually two skills, and a combination of up to two of either tools & languages. This way you could have run that same Half-Orc Barbarian as a Sage, with Arcana & History skills and two Languages of your choice.

Just a thought! :smallsmile:

2018-08-13, 09:05 AM
Hello, I am new to the Giant in the Playground forums but I have browsed through the threads here on occasion. I decided to finally register and participate in the conversations. I look forward to conversing with all of you at some point in the future.

My first campaign of 5e D&D recently ended prematurely due to issues with players moving away/not having free time to play and so I am going to join another group in my area. My PC was a Half-Orc Barbarian wielding a great axe. We used point-buy and I primarily allocated points to Str/Dex/Con. I enjoyed it, but I felt useless in role-playing situations, except for athletics and intimidation checks (my DM favored RP over combat and even though I had decent intelligence, did not allow me to speak anything other than very simple English because my PC was Half-Orc).

My question is this: Which class/multiclass should I play in the second campaign? It has to be AL legal (PHB +1) but anything else is possible. I would rather play a race that is easier to RP as since I am new to D&D. I do like the idea of playing an Arcane Trickster/Scout Rogue or Sorlock.
Hi, and welcome! ;)

I did not read all thread because little time, sorry for that.
If you are interested in Arcane Trickster, go for it without fear or regret. Just a plain Expertise in a CHA-skill will be enough to make you good in social interactions. And once you get Reliable Talent, party will, well, *rely* on you to get things done involving all kinds of skill checks, provided you're proficient into it of course.

Other single class that may fit are Bard (simplest), Sorcerer (harder) and Warlock (at least as hard or more).

Unless you like complexity or are otherwise familiar with roleplaying I'd give a slight nudge towards "stay single-classed". But hey, if you really want to try things, go for it, we are here around to help as needed. :)
(Few suggestions: Rogue chassis with Knowledge Cleric 2 / Warlock 3 / Sorcerer 3, classic Sorlock, or even a simple Fighter with 2 levels of Rogue and Ritual Caster feat).

2018-08-13, 09:09 AM
Haha, it would be fun, if not blasphemous, to play a sober Dwarf who is averse to ale/wine. I imagine that breaking these tropes and making, for example, a LG Tiefling would make for an interesting character, no?

I actually really like the explanation in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes for dwarf drinking. Leaning into that - drinking is a communal activity that allows dwarves to recall memories from their ancestors - might be more fun than playing a trope-inversion character.

2018-08-13, 09:20 AM
I'm confused, why being an Half-Orc limited your character to ultra-simple English? Half-Orcs aren't linguisticly limited.

Same way there is nothing particularly special to a good Tiefling. Plenty of Tieflings are good.

Dunno what you should play, but personally I would be interested in playing an Half-Orc War Wizard or Sword Bard.

If you want to play a Rogue, maybe go Human or Halfing?

I actually really like the explanation in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes for dwarf drinking. Leaning into that - drinking is a communal activity that allows dwarves to recall memories from their ancestors - might be more fun than playing a trope-inversion character.

And if you see a Dwarf drinking alone, you stay the **** away from them.

2018-08-13, 10:16 AM
If you'd like to keep that schtick, but play a bit wiser, I'd do a barbarian 1 with either a 2 level dip in either Cleric or Paladin. You only need 3 levels to get the core build going.

Refluff your rage to match your combination, and use either the divine smites (paladin, refresh on Long rest) or Channel divinity (cleric, refresh on short rest) and class features (variable based on domain) to give you the abilities while raging, while having full or half casting based on what you pick

Some options:

Zealot - Zealot Barb X / Pal 2 - The most basic and on-the-nose build
Storm Shaman - Storm Herald (sea) Barb X / Tempest Cleric 2
Desert/Fire/Forge Nomad - Storm Herald (Desert) Barb X / Forge Cleric 2
Fiend Hunter - BarBearian X / Arcana Cleric 2
Warmonger - Any Barbarian X / War Cleric 2 (added bonus- Divine Favor can increase damage of thrown/ranged weapons)