View Full Version : DM Help Need Some Random Monster Help

2018-08-13, 02:19 PM
So the party has finally reached the long abandoned dwarven city. It was (has) been taken over by Xvarts and giant rats/bats.
but i need some other random encounters for these guys as they sneak around. now i am looking to avoid other sentient races (like drow) and any above ground foes.
also nothing cavern related like ropers or piercers, i have used up undead and ghosts previously as well as a mimic and an animated table (hilarious).

anyways i will take all ideas and put them into the wheel of pain for the players (cr doesnt matter as i can adjust)

2018-08-13, 02:27 PM
avoid... any above ground foes.
also nothing cavern related

So... underground, but not too far underground? :smallconfused: Not humanoid, not undead, not a mimic.

*searches back catalogue* I must have something for this...

I think these (https://78.media.tumblr.com/6b4ce7cce027ceb81c3706bbac44ffde/tumblr_oy6amkGezV1w946k6o1_500.png) three (https://78.media.tumblr.com/d65caefed185587325b7798e4a3f0628/tumblr_p7ufnmMptu1w946k6o1_500.png) (or four (https://78.media.tumblr.com/5bed463b5322f0dc964cfed7cac1a490/tumblr_p7ufnmMptu1w946k6o2_500.png)) monsters (https://78.media.tumblr.com/34ef8b7235f3f9d7c4bfe07c17db54c6/tumblr_orqx9fGgRB1w946k6o1_500.png) are the best fits I've got. Any hits?

2018-08-13, 02:32 PM
great thanks, a good start. thank you

2018-08-13, 04:01 PM
What level is the party and how many of them are there? I assume low to mid tier.