View Full Version : Hero High: The Seeds of Elysium [IC]

2018-08-13, 10:16 PM
"The Ship", South River Swamp, Freedom City

The long abandoned alien ship sat beneath the swamp on the outside of Freedom City. Hidden from all prying eyes, it has been one of the many hidden headquarters of Freedom City's most notorious team of Supervillains: the Crime League. You don't know the other secret hideouts, but you don't need to. Your "sponsors" brought you here for your special assignment: the inflitration of the Claremont Academy. Needless to say, it's pretty rad.

You currently sit in the legendary Meeting Room of the Ship. There is a U-shaped table atop a dais at one end of the room lined with high backed chairs, each one reserved for a member of the curennt Crime League. Extending directly in front of the table is the long 'entry hall', flanked by clear tubelike pillars with strange green energy arcing through them. As of right now, the chairs at the table sit empty. You all have been here for about a day and a half, and now comes the start of your greatest challenge as supervillains yet.

Your first day of school.

You all arrive at your own pace, while making sure to reach the Meeting Room on time. Before any of you get there, there is another teen there. Another person stood in the 'curve' of the table, a beautiful blue skinned girl with her snow white hair tied in a long braid. She wears an ornate suit of white-gold armor, one that left her navel visible. She seemed to be running through drills with a silvery curved sword held in her hands. She does not seem to notice as you walk in, just continuing with her drills.

This is your chance to introduce your characters, banter between each other, or anything else you want to do in order to 'set the scene'. I know a lot of people haven't gotten to the Discord server yet, so this will give everyone a chance to catch up.

2018-08-13, 11:16 PM
The doors to the main meeting hall slid open with a classic woosh sound, something Jake found very apropos. He strode into the room dressed in his civvies, dark blue jeans, black sneakers and a baseball t-shirt with the logo of the Freedom City Flyers proudly displayed.

He let out a low whistle as he eyed the room. It never failed to impress him. Villains really do get the best stuff. He thought.

He eyed the blue skinned girl as she practiced with her blade, unsure of whether or not to approach her. Fortunately he was saved from that dilemma by the arrival of the other students.

I never bothered to look up what sports teams, if any, we're in Freedom City so if I have to change the name of the team I will.

2018-08-13, 11:53 PM
Atomic is leaning against the wall, arms crossed. He's wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans, his auburn hair cropped short. He might be handsome if not for the scowl he usually wore. Superior had been teaching him to always see himself as above the others, anything they could do, he could do better. And if not, it wasn't anything worth doing anyway. All he had to worry about was biding his time as his abilities developed, and he would be a god among insects.

2018-08-14, 12:46 AM
Miss Alchemy sniffed at the other students. Useless, the lot of them. She could control fundamental forces of reality, what could they do? Punch things? Dressed in her usual hooded dress, she kept her hand on her Alchemy Wand. She could have anything she wanted, and what she wanted was exactly that. Still, they might be useful. Miss Alchemy kept her face from showing any emotion, waiting for the others to arrive.

2018-08-14, 12:37 PM
Karen, admittedly, was a bit overwhelmed by the scale of this... operation, and the League's resources. Of course, her natural reaction for being overwhelmed was to get extra cocky...

"I have to say", she says, entering the meeting room, also dressed in civilian - in her case, pair of sneakers, little shorts and a belly-revealing top, showing off the body formed by years of gymnastics, "I never really understood why Dad keeps hanging out with the League, but... this here is impressive, no questions asked."
Waving to the others, she plops into the chair sideways, with her legs over the armrest, twirling a tennins ball in her hand - a ball that wasn't there a second ago, and that there was really no place to hide in her revealing attire.

2018-08-14, 04:22 PM
Between the mysterious blue skinned girl, the hooded Ms. Alchemy and the revealing civvies of Trickster, Jake was beginning to see another appealing aspect to the supervillain way of life.

He took a seat on the same side of the table as Karen and turned to her, offering his hand.

"I'm Jake. Or Freeweight, either one works." He says."Your dad's in the league? Isn't that kind of dangerous for you? Anybody could look you up and find out who you're related to.

2018-08-14, 05:06 PM
"Eh, they might", Karen shrugs, "and they'll find that I didn't even know he was my dad until several months ago, and I was a model citizen before... 'A daughter learns her father is a supervillain, becomes a hero to stop him and drive him to the right course!'
I mean", she adds after a little pause, "He did try to come straight a couple times, so, with any luck, they'll buy it... and when it comes to luck, well, I might only have inherited half of Dad's power, but it's a good one", she flashed Jake a charming smile and shaked his hand. "Karen. Trickster."

2018-08-14, 05:18 PM
"Well, I guess as long as you can sell it, right?" Jake replies. He tries to size up the other teens in the room, but with only the vaguest knowledge of them it's difficult to make any clear deductions. "So are you into any sports or anything? What about movies? Or music?"

Jake listened carefully to every word, filing it away like he'd been taught by Ms. Scarlett. He was supposed to be friendly with his fellow seeds, but she'd warned him about how treacherous the life of a villain could be.

2018-08-14, 05:44 PM
Miss Alchemy stares at the newcomers icily. "I am Miss Alchemy. Or if you must, Nicole." With a tap of her wand and a rush of air, a glass coalesces, then she swirls the wand around inside of the glass, conjuring liquid water from the surrounding air. She then takes a drink.

2018-08-14, 06:45 PM
Jake watches as Miss Alchemy conjures her glass of ice water.

" I'm afraid I must, Nicole.
So does your wand make pop too? I could really go for a Coke, if you don't mind." The temptation to poke the bear is too much for him to pass up. "Must be nice to be able to pull off a trick like that. Some people have all the luck, don't they?" He asks Trickster with a grin.

Turning to face the scowling young man over in the corner, Jake waves the other boy over. "If you're done being all dark and edgy come on over here and join us. Might as well get to know your teammates, right?"

2018-08-14, 08:04 PM
Atomic pushes off the wall and joins the group, levitating a few inches off the floor rather than walk. "I wouldn't call us a team so soon. I don't know if any of you can do anything useful yet."

2018-08-14, 08:17 PM
"The same could be said about you, Mr. Tall, Dark and Surly." Jake retorted. "I mean, Nicole here made a glass of water appear out of thin air. That's at least as useful as the refrigerator in my apartment."

Ms. Scarlett had warned Jake about this bad habit of his, but even she hadn't managed to beat it out of him despite her brutal training. But with even the little he'd seen so far of the two girls Jake was starting to wonder if he might be in over his head.

Oh well, too late now... he thought to himself.

2018-08-14, 08:28 PM
Arching an eyebrow, Atomic moves closer. "If I thought it wouldn't destroy this place, I might show you."

2018-08-14, 09:39 PM
"Fool." With another tap of the wand, the glass contracts and changes color. "Now it's solid gold. More pure than any mint. I could also turn it into hydrochloric acid, or a radioactive isotope. I am a master of Alchemy."

2018-08-14, 09:57 PM
Somebody wants attention... Jake thinks as Miss Alchemy presents her new solid gold cup.

"Well that's cool Nicole, but I asked for a Coke..." Jake says with an affected pout. " Really though, what's the catch? If you can just make gold, why do you even need to be a villain? You can literally turn one man's trash into treasure."

2018-08-14, 10:26 PM
Miss Alchemy throws the cup at the impudent boy!

"Because the Alchemistress desires things that money can't buy. And so do I."


2018-08-14, 10:34 PM
The cup flies at Jake, who makes no attempt to avoid it. His body shimmers slightly, but noticeably as the cup smacks into his graviton field.

Reaction to activate Protection power. Toughness increases to 12.

DC 15 Toughness check: [roll0]

2018-08-14, 10:41 PM
Arching an eyebrow, Atomic moves closer. "If I thought it wouldn't destroy this place, I might show you."

"Is that what your people call, "Big Talk?" The blue girl asks, finishing her training routine expertly and turning to face Atomic. "You think yourself a great warrior of Earth?" She chuckles smugly, looking Atomic up and down. "I doubt you're anything that I can't deal with."

2018-08-14, 11:04 PM
"Is that what your people call, "Big Talk?" The blue girl asks, finishing her training routine expertly and turning to face Atomic. "You think yourself a great warrior of Earth?" She chuckles smugly, looking Atomic up and down. "I doubt you're anything that I can't deal with."

"Perhaps when we're not beneath a river in a place I would rather not deal with the aftermath of destroying, I might indulge you."

2018-08-14, 11:42 PM
The blue girl just smirks, walking away from Atomic. "Disappointing, to say the least."

2018-08-15, 02:00 AM
"Things money can't buy", Karen nods as Miss Alchemy speaks, "Things like thrill. That's my case as well... I used to do gymnastics", she responds to Jake's earlier question, completely ignoring the flying goblet, "But lately... you could say I've got the taste for something... more risky. Which is why I'm here", she smiles.

Then, she jumps off the chair and cartwheels towards the floating boy and the alien girl, "As for you two, hey, how about introducing yourself, at least? And if you absolutely have to beat one another before talking civilly... let's find a more peaceful way?" she flicks her fingers and produces a small coin, "Heads or tails?"

2018-08-15, 08:30 AM
Spending Hero Point on rerolling my toughness check. If I'm understanding the reroll correctly, it can't be less than an 11 so I automatically pass. Per d20herosrd here (http://www.d20herosrd.com/home/victory-points/).

The golden cup bounces harmlessly off of Jake's shimmering graviton field. He laughs at Miss Alchemy.

"I take it that was supposed to hurt?" He asks her. "I'm not trying to piss you off, I'm just curious. Have you even tried to see how far going legit would get you or Alchemistress? I need to know that you're in this for the long haul. Nobody we work for is going to be okay with us suddenly deciding to switch teams. These are dangerous people we're dealing with."

2018-08-15, 11:36 AM
Johann stumbles into the conference room, stifling a yawn. Deep bags shadow pale blue eyes, and his thin frame - less gymnast, more dancer - isn't done any favors by the nylon backpack and bright red shirt ("Ethics are for humans!") he's wearing. "My apologies," he muttered, "I overslept." The astute may notice he's actually exactly on time.

A single glance takes in the room, and he starts matching names to the biographies he'd been up all night going over. Freeweight. Atomic. Trickster. Alchemy. And...? Eyes narrowed, he looks at the blue-skinned girl and drops the backpack with a solid thud. "You were not in my briefing. Explain." Another glance at the room, and he begrudgingly adds, "Please."

2018-08-15, 01:04 PM
In such a hurry to not be late, Ricki almost collides into Johann's back. For a moment all eyes were on the young latina's awkward entrance. "Whoops! Err...sorry! Um am I the last one here?"

2018-08-15, 01:34 PM
The blue girl gives Johann a dirty look, but seems to calm herself before responding to the question of who he is. "I am Kireena Khan, Heir to the Stellar Imperium, Bearer of the Sword of the Khanate and First Bodyguard to the Star Khan." She glares again at Johann, "And in the future, you will address me as such."

2018-08-15, 02:01 PM
The blue girl gives Johann a dirty look, but seems to calm herself before responding to the question of who he is. "I am Kireena Khan, Heir to the Stellar Imperium, Bearer of the Sword of the Khanate and First Bodyguard to the Star Khan." She glares again at Johann, "And in the future, you will address me as such."

Step-turning quickly away from the new arrival, Johann shakes his head slightly. "Really? We are supposed to be undercover here, though, - or at least most of us are - yes? But, if you insist... Khandi."

2018-08-15, 06:00 PM
In such a hurry to not be late, Ricki almost collides into Johann's back. For a moment all eyes were on the young latina's awkward entrance. "Whoops! Err...sorry! Um am I the last one here?"

"Alright, another one arrives." Jake says as Ricki enters the room. " So who are you?"

2018-08-15, 09:31 PM
"Alright, another one arrives." Jake says as Ricki enters the room. " So who are you?"

The girl waves a 'hi' to the room. "Name is Ricki. Or Ricochet in the field."

2018-08-15, 10:25 PM
The girl waves a 'hi' to the room. "Name is Ricki. Or Ricochet in the field."

"Did you do that on purpose?" Jake replies with a laugh. "Is everyone here yet? Can we get this started already?"

2018-08-15, 11:10 PM
Step-turning quickly away from the new arrival, Johann shakes his head slightly. "Really? We are supposed to be undercover here, though, - or at least most of us are - yes? But, if you insist... Khandi."

Kireena laughs mockingly at the comment, seeming like she'd let it go. But before Legion knew it, her sword was out, blade inches from his throat. "Try to give me a pet name again, and I'll collect your head."

"KIREENA" A booming voice came from the other end of the room.

The source of the voice was a figure in a floating chair. The figure came into view, a large silverback gorilla, wearing what appeared to be some sort of silver and red jumpsuit. You all recognize him immediately, the nefarious Dr. Simian, the current leader of the Crime League.

"Kireena, you were sent as an emissary of the Stellar Imperium," the genius ape said, his chair casually floating and taking it's spot at the 'lead position' of the U-shaped Table. "Is this how your father's Imperium treats allies?

Kireena scowls at Legion one more time, but sheathes her blade, "No, Dr. Simian.....it isn't."

"As I expected," Simian said, a smug smile crossing his face. The other members of the Crime League have made their way into the room. They all sat with Dr. Simian in the center of the table, all of them turned to look down on the heroes. All of your sponsors are there, each one taking their seat. From left to right sat Wildcard, Orion the Hunter, Targette, Miss Scarlet, Dr. Simian, Superior, Dominic Ashe and the Alchemistress. There is a long silence before the gorilla speaks up.

"I trust no one is late for the bus?" Dr. Simian says, chuckling at his own joke while Orion the Hunter sits quietly. Obviously angry even through his face covering mask.

2018-08-15, 11:23 PM
At the sight of Miss Scarlet, Jake immediately straightened up in his chair. His attitude shifted immediately and he seemed to be entirely business. Miss Scarlet smirked at Jake as he looked at her.

He kept a sharp eye on each of the other villains, making his best guess to match each one with their possible protege, if he didn't already know.

2018-08-16, 12:07 AM
The blood drained from Johann's face at the sight of the sword hovering above his adam's apple, and he had to fight back the sudden need to swallow - the sword was close enough that swallowing could be deadly. And all he could think was, Thank god I didn't go with 'Khandi Kane'.

He gives the Doctor a nod of thanks, composing himself. Something will need to be done about her. Later. As their various sponsors file in Dominic spares most of them barely a glance, save for Mr. Ashe whom he greets with a reverential head bow.

2018-08-16, 12:47 AM
Atomic stands up straighter once the Crime League enters the room. He knew these people needed their egos appeased, because for now, he needed them. For now.

2018-08-16, 01:37 AM
Karen, on her turn, waves to Wildcard with a wide smile. There is a wide leeway on the decorum sire when your mentor goes as "Dad"... not that Jake Walker cared much about formalities anyway. For the rest of the League, she shows she same attitude she did to the teachers, back when she was a good girl - casual respect and politeness, without fake kowtowing. Granted, several of the League members command genuine terror by their very presence...

2018-08-16, 08:12 AM
Miss Alchemy grips her wand, ALMOST turning Jake into a pile of dust where he stands... until the Crime League enters - with Alchemistress in tow. She prostrates herself before her creator. "Lady Alchemistress."

2018-08-16, 08:19 AM
Ricki's jaw goes slack. As impressed as she was with Dr. Simian entered, when she saw Superior, she was simply stunned. Superior??? They say he was as powerful as Centurion! Who is HE sponsoring? She wondered to herself and took a glance around the room for the first time to really take in her fellow students' appearences. She then gave her Mom a nod of acknowledgement.

2018-08-20, 12:53 AM
Dr. Simian grunts primally, then leans forward and flips a switch on the table in front of him. "Let's get down to business then." As he flips the switch, the lights in the room dim as a large hologram appears floating above your heads, a depiction of the Claremont Academy and it's grounds.

"You all know, of course, that you will be attending Claremont Academy as upperclassmen, acting as our spies and informants all the while. Your primary mission is simple." The gorilla then flips another switch, and the hologram changes into an image of a middle aged bald man with a thick, brown beard, "Clarance MacLeod of ASTRO Labs has recently accepted a full-time teaching position at Claremont Academy."

"MacLeod is a brilliant scientist. One of ASTRO Labs' top researchers," Superior adds, leaning back and folding his arms across his chest, "The fact that he's resorted to teaching high school chemestry, even at Claremont, is.....suspicious."

"Keep an eye on MacLeod. Find out what he's doing at the Academy and report it back to us as soon as possible." Simian adds before flipping off the holo-projector. He leans back, steepling his fingers as he looks upon the 'students'.

"Remember, you are undercover. Don't go causing chaos unless under our direct orders. Is that understood?"

Kireena quickly brings her fist to her chest and bows, seemingly some sort of salute from her home world.....or home-empire.

2018-08-20, 03:17 AM
"What, no chaos at all?" Trickster opens her eyes wide in surprise, "I mean, no offense, but how many of you actually went to school recently? If we don't break any rules at all, that by itself would look suspicious, you know? I mean, I'm not sure how things are in Claremont, but... that's the point, no? We should see how things are there, and try to fit in... right?"

2018-08-20, 08:37 AM
Jake did his best to suppress a groan of disappointment. Why would you need a half dozen junior supervillains just to spy on one chemistry teacher? A few hidden cameras and a keylogger could probably do just as well. Actually, that probably wasn't such a bad idea... if they could get the resources necessary to set up some actual monitoring equipment, that could free up Jake to do something more interesting.

Jake raised his hand. "Sir, what sort of equipment will we have available or be allowed to requisition for this mission?"

2018-08-20, 12:18 PM
Dr. Simian gives Trickster a silent glare after she asks her question, clearly not used to his authority being questioned, let alone by a teenager. Wildcard, on the other hand, does his best to stifle a laugh.

Miss Scarlet is the one who responds to Jake’s question. “Each if you will receive a commlink in order to communicate with each other, along with a way to contact us if you find something out or things go south. Unfortunately, aside from that We can only send you in with your personal belongings. However, we do have a contact who will be able to supply you to a point.”

As she talks, Kireena takes the commlinks from Dr. Simian and passes them out to the teens.

“If you need tools that aren’t available within Claremont, radio your sponsor and tell them you want to meet with Bernard.” Miss Scarlet finishes.


Your mother flashes you a smile, signing to you as the other villains talk. As far as you know, no one else knows sign language.

<“I know you’ll do great, sweetie! I love you! Have fun! You didn’t forget your toothbrush, did you?””>

2018-08-20, 01:28 PM
Ricochet's cheeks flushed and she was immediately thankful that no one could sign. She signed back <<Yes Mom! I will make sure my teeth don't rot out!>>

2018-08-20, 09:44 PM
Legion's eyes dart back and forth between the two signing to each other. "Note to self: Pick up ASL." He mutters to himself under his breath, before nodding at the talking ape. "That all sounds fine, sir. I hope someone here is halfway-decent at chemistry."

Meanwhile, he takes the commlink from Kireena and pockets it - he already has one in his ear, and he'll need to set up new channels before he transitions to the new one.

2018-08-20, 09:54 PM
Legion's comment draws a small "Hmph!" from Miss Alchemy. She takes the comm-link from Kireena and puts it in her ear, waiting for further instructions.

2018-08-20, 10:21 PM
Jake winks at Kireena as he takes the commlink. He puts it in his school bag. No point in keeping it on his person right now. Better to let one of the other kids risk getting caught with the tech if there were inspections at the school.

"I know we're supposed to ask Bernard about getting supplies, but since you're all here now can we get a keylogger or something to install on the target's computer?" He asked.

2018-08-21, 01:41 AM
Atomic takes a comlink without comment, but Simian does not have his attention, he'd bade no promises to follow the orders of a monkey. He watched Superior, looking at his reaction to Simian's orders.

2018-08-21, 10:43 AM
Ricki took the commlink and turned it over in her hands, inspecting it. For obvious reasons her Mom had not given her any training with such a device, but she was confident it would be easy enough to figure out.

2018-08-21, 01:14 PM
Atomic takes a comlink without comment, but Simian does not have his attention, he'd bade no promises to follow the orders of a monkey. He watched Superior, looking at his reaction to Simian's orders.

Superior looks over at Atomic and gives him a slight nod, indicating to the young hero that he approves of Dr. Simians commands.

Jake winks at Kireena as he takes the commlink. He puts it in his school bag. No point in keeping it on his person right now. Better to let one of the other kids risk getting caught with the tech if there were inspections at the school.

"I know we're supposed to ask Bernard about getting supplies, but since you're all here now can we get a keylogger or something to install on the target's computer?" He asked.

"Very well," Dr. Simian says, tapping a few buttons on his floating chair, "We shall have him make contact with you within the next few days."

2018-08-21, 02:41 PM
Atomic gives a slight nod in return, he'd go along with the monkey's plan.

2018-08-21, 03:38 PM
Jake nodded in response to Dr. Simian, then started formulating plans to get the keylogger into Dr. MacLeod's computer without getting caught.

He absentmindedly wondered which of his companions would be the easiest to manipulate. Khandi and Little Miss Alchemy both had a temper, while Ricochet and Trickster seemed like the free spirited type. Dealing with Superior's wrath was not something Jake was prepared for, so manipulating Atomic was risky at best. Legion seemed like he was all business, a tough read. It was probably best to find a patsy or two who wasn't in their little group all things considered.

"I don't have anything else right now. If there's nothing left to cover can we be dismissed?
I'd like to get started sooner rather than later." Jake said to the Crime League.

2018-08-22, 12:49 AM
"Yeah," Johann drawled, raising an eyebrow at Jake. "Don't want to be late for our first day of school. Truancy is a crime, you know."

2018-08-22, 01:27 AM
"Crime or not", Trickster shrugs, "I'm personally curious anough about how the things are in Claremont enough to not to want to waste time." She takes a comm and palms it with a trained, though slightly awkward, motion. "Oh, and I'm not sure if the standart there is civvies of the uniform, but it seems half of us will have to change either way?"

2018-08-22, 03:47 PM
Dr. Simian taps a button on his chair, which causes a holo screen to pop up displaying the time. "Alright, time to get going! Everyone on the teleporter!" With another flip of a switch on Simian's chair, a small disc flies from a slot on the chair and onto the floor, unfolding and suddenly shining with a blue energy as it opened into a portal.

Kireena is the first one to step through, instantly vanishing in the blue light. The rest of you quickly follow.

There is the brief sensation of falling, before suddenly you find yourself on a paved walkway leading up to a large building. Where the path ended was a large portico-style tower with large double-door gates, now open and letting in a ton of students, some dressed in costumes, others dressed in plain clothes. Next to the large gates was a brass sign that you all could read: The Claremont Academy for the Gifted: Scientia Potentia Est.

Most of the students seemed to be heading through these large double doors, traveling through the tower and to a gate on the other side, which seemed to open up into a large quad in the center of the square shaped main faciluty of the Academy.

2018-08-22, 03:52 PM
With a tap of her wand, Miss Alchemy's costume changes to a fashionable teen outfit. She follows the mass of teens through the double doors, not even looking at the others in her group.

2018-08-22, 05:52 PM
Jake took the time to separate himself from the rest of the group, falling in behind a gaggle of normal looking kids walking into the school. He did his best to remain inconspicuous.

2018-08-22, 07:23 PM
Atomic deigns to set foot on the floor as he teleports, not wanting to give anything away at Claremont that he didn't have to. He had to admit, Miss Alchemy, Kireena and Trickster were attractive enough that working with them wouldn't be all bad. He was completely confident his innate superiority would let him pull ahead of the others, even if this mission was slightly pointless. Let the others worry about the chemistry teacher, he'd learn what secrets he could if presented with the opportunity, but that's not why he's here. Someone at this school, at least one, would be an actual rival for him. Let Superior worry about the current generation of the League, Atomic was concerned with the next one.

2018-08-23, 12:53 AM
Gah. Hate teleportation. Legion grouses, but steps dutifully onto the ape's machine. There's a moment of clarion, humming blue - almost like a visual musical note, clear and pure; a color out of space and time - and he's dumped unceremoniously onto Claremont Academy's driveway. A shiver winds its way up his spine, and he shudders while blinking away the color. Gah.

And then he notices everyone around him, and his eyes go wide. He'd known, of course, how many students were enrolled at Claremont. He'd seen the statistics for metahuman powers in the greater population. But to stand here, and see them all streaming in... before today, he'd met exactly one other super his age. Now he was about to meet dozens. It was... yeah. Intimidating is the right word. And a little sickening.

Unlike the others, Legion makes no move to join the rushing crowd. Instead he just stands there for a few moment, letting them break around him and taking it all in, until someone steps up next to him. Legion nods. Legion nods back. Together, they look at the school's towering arches and pretentious motto for a moment before breaking the silence.

"Anything interesting on your end?"

"Yeah. Yours?"

"Too much. Too much noise to make anything of it yet."

Together, they watch a few students fly over the gates to land on what looks like a dedicated landing pad.

"No kidding. Ready?"


They fistbump, and alone now Legion starts to make his way into the school.

2018-08-23, 03:05 AM
For Karen - Karen, for now, while she's in her civvies - the teleportation is a new experience, but, as she finds not, not an unpleasant one. I think I can get used to that, she smiles to herself, stepping onto the pavement.
Quick look around... is followed by a much, much longer look around, that continues as she starts walking towards the gate, looking everywhere but where she's going, trusting her luck to save her from stumbling on something by accident... and her acrobatic skills to protect her should someone stumble into her intentionally. Besides, there just is too many things to stare at at Claremont; a newbie not doing so would look suspicious.

2018-08-23, 02:23 PM
Ricki gulped as she teleported. Just like Star Trek! she thought. She hurried up to Karen and then matched her pace. "Karen right? I'm Ricki. Pretty amazing isn't it?" she asked, not specifying if she meant the mission, the teleporting, the school or all of the above.

2018-08-24, 01:13 AM
"Oh, totally!" Karen smiles, "Just think of it, just half a year ago, I had no idea that I even had any powers, and now I'm here at Claremont -"

2018-08-25, 08:33 PM
All of you quickly make your way through the gates and onto the quad, where several tables had been set up to help the students get their student IDs, class schedules, textbooks, dorm room keys and other essentials. It's pretty uneventful, despite seeing some of the other students waiting in line with you.


Eventually, you all led out of the quad to just outside the main building (Right around 5 on the map above). There are whole groups of teens either socializing, carrying luggage and textbooks to the dorms or just goofing around. There are several things happening that you all take notice of.

- Just beyond the dormatories and the administration building, you can make out what sort of looks like an obstacle course. Several students seem to be darting through it, and they appear to be under attack by a large robot about 10 feet tall, seemingly covered in the padding that you commonly find on gym equipment. Despite the robot, the students seemed to be having a great time, both the spectators and the ones 'under attack'.

- There is a small zen garden near where you are all standing, complete with a koi pond and rows of beautiful plants that were clearly well kept. Sitting on one of the benches in the zen garden was a handsome young man with an acoustic guitar, his blue hair cascading down to his shoulders. He was strumming a tune on the guitar while a few other students (mostly girls) sat around and listened or talked amongst each other.

- A black man in his twenties stood on the path just outside the school's main building. He wears his long hair in dreadlocks that were neatly tied back in a ponytail, along with a grey suit. He appears to be helping new students find their way around the campus.

- Hurrying along the path towards the dorms is a girl. At least you assume it's a girl, it's hard to tell in the strange green jumpsuit and helmet she wore. She isn't talking with anyone, just hurrying along with her books and simple bag of clothes. The other students seemed to give her a wide berth as well.

2018-08-25, 08:39 PM
Miss Alchemy takes her books and stuff to her dorm. She passes next to the girl(?) in the jumpsuit. "Hey."

2018-08-25, 08:54 PM
Ricki decided to get the lay of the land. What better way then to have a guide? She walked up to the Black Man and did her best to look confused."Hi! I am new here and am terrible with maps. Can you help show me around?"

2018-08-25, 11:26 PM
Atomic watches the students on the obstacle course, as well as the robot that seems to be testing them. He knew it would be a good idea to know the capabilities of potential future adversaries, but to someone who could fly, acrobatics seemed...pointless. After a minute he realizes he's drifted closer to the zen garden, watching the person with the guitar. He felt...envy, that he was not as comfortable socializing with strangers.

2018-08-26, 09:16 AM
Jake was always one for a good competition. Spying the robot and the obstacle course, he wandered over to observe. Looking to his left he saw another student watching as well.

"So what's this thing for?" He asked the other student.

2018-08-26, 08:12 PM
Being Legion has a few perks, and one of them is not having to choose in situations like this. While one of him waits in line for their class schedule - they'd play rock-paper-scissors for the boring duty, but there'd be no winner - two others split to check out Claremont's more interesting features. One makes a beeline for the giant robot (I mean, it's a giant robot! Talking apes and teleporters aside, those kinds of extravagances just didn't come up very often; not in Legion's life. How could he ignore it? Okay, okay, it was also the best chance for him to scope out some of the other student's powers... but that's playing second fiddle to the giant robot.) and there proceeds to completely ignore Jake on the far side of the obstacle course, while the other heads for Mr. Authority in the nice suit. Along the way he passes jumpsuit-girl, but like everyone else seems to be stays well back. Once he reaches the Dread Dreadlocks, he shakes the man's hand and asks, "Um, hi. I didn't see a nurses office or any kind of medical place on the map; could you point me to it? It's just, I don't have super-skin or anything like some students and I'll probably need it at some point."

2018-08-27, 12:55 AM
Trickster joins Jake and one of the Legion by the obstacle course. "What's that?" she asks, "Looks fun!" Which, probably, isn't something a normal person should say, but then a normal person probably wouldn't be in the superhero school at all, let alone for an undercover operation. "What's the rules?"

2018-08-28, 01:36 PM
Miss Alchemy

Jumpsuit-girl jumps in surprise, not noticing Miss Alchemy until she spoke. She drops two of her textbooks on the path, "Oh! Oh sorry, I....I didn't expect anyone to talk.....Ummm, hi." As she crouches down, you see that the suit seems to leave no part of her body exposed. However, the large viewing visor on her helmet allows you to see that she is indeed a girl.


Eventually, the blue-haired boy stops playing. The girls say goodbye and go off towards the obstacle course. The boy looks over at Atomic as he puts the guitar back into it's case, smiles and waves at him.

Ricochet and Legion

The man with dreadlocks gives both students a big smile, "Yeah, no problem. I remember being the new kid at Claremont too. I'm Mr. Phillips, I teach History." Sure enough, he wears a nametag that has "Mr Phillips" written on it in black sharpie. He gives Legion and Ricochet a handshake. "The Nurse's office is in the main building," He points back at the building they just came from, "I wouldn't worry too much, we understand that not everyone has invulnerability here. Aside from that, the dorms are over there, the security office is just behind the zen garden, the administrative building is next to it and....Oh! The grounds also has an atheletic field and a pool just beyond the dormatories. Anything else you two need to find?"

Freeweight and Trickster

"Oh man, you've never played "Save the City" before?" Says the Latino boy standing next to Trickster and Freeweight. He points at the robot, which the two of you can now see the letters "GYM-001" on it's chest in bold orange. "Once you get the obstacle course set up, your team has to go and save the civilians before Gymbot can get to them." That's when the two of you notice the various crash test dummies set up throughout the obstacle course, "The game ends when you get all the civilians to the safe zone, or if you knock out Gymbot." At this moment, Kireena also joins you two, silently watching as the current team of students dart around the course. One student, a very tall very muscular young man, is currently grabbing the robot's arm, attempting to pull it to the ground. His other team-members, a blue haired boy running at incredible speeds, and a black boy who is flying over the obstacle course, are each moving about trying to rescue the dummies while Gymbot is distracted.

2018-08-28, 02:04 PM
Jake nodded along as the boy explained. " That sounds pretty cool. I've never played before, no." He turned to Kireena and Trickster. "Do you two want to give this a try with me?"

2018-08-28, 03:40 PM
Ricki pursed her lips. "Security office? With such a...diverse student body, I'd imagine you'd have to have some kind of special measures for the students who cause problems?"

2018-08-28, 07:13 PM
Atomic walks over, slightly hesitant. Being nervous was not something he was used to, not since gaining his powers, but part of the mission was fitting in, and he had to start somewhere. "Hey, um, I'm new. Name's John, but they call me Atomic. Where'd you learn to play?"

2018-08-29, 01:06 AM
"Sure, why not", Karen nods, dropping her bag to the ground with a shrug. "Fair warning, I'm not good at carrying stuff, so... I take the robot, you take the civilians?"

It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that fighting the giant robot - even if a training one - sounds much more fun than essentially carrying sandbags, no, no.

2018-08-29, 01:33 AM
"History teacher?" Legion's eyebrows shoot up. "Then I'm looking forward to your class the most, Mr. Phillips. I have a lot of questions for you," he glances at the growing crowd looking for directions, "but I'll wait. Thanks for the help!"

Meanwhile, Legion sits with his hand under his chin watching the game. Didn't seem too complicated - the big guy distracts the threat while the quick ones grab what needs grabbing and get. A little inelegant, maybe; swap the dummies for jewels, give the robot a cape, and this was practically a smash and grab. And their strategy... if Mighty Teenage Muscles messes up their whole plan collapses. What's plan B for if he gets punted halfway across the quad?

And what happens if someone hides a... present in a dummy, knowing the team member best equipped to resist it is probably off dealing with the robot?

While all that's going on, Legion also finally manages to collect their textbooks - belatedly wondering if they should've tried to convince the administration that they needed dorm space for every one of them - and starts idly flipping through his history textbook as he hauls stuff towards the dorms.

2018-08-29, 12:56 PM
"Sure, why not", Karen nods, dropping her bag to the ground with a shrug. "Fair warning, I'm not good at carrying stuff, so... I take the robot, you take the civilians?"

It definitely has nothing to do with the fact that fighting the giant robot - even if a training one - sounds much more fun than essentially carrying sandbags, no, no.

Jake sighed. "But I wanted to punch out the giant robot. Khandi can you rescue the civilians while we punch out the robot?"

Jake definitely did not want to get stuck in the role of guy who's only good for lifting heavy objects, even though that's basically what his powers were for. It was way more fun using them to wreck stuff.

2018-08-29, 03:03 PM
Miss Alchemy bends down and helps the poor sap with her books. "Hi, I'm... Nicole. I just started here at Claremont. What's your name?"

2018-09-01, 12:34 AM

"Telemachus, everyone calls me Tel," the blue haired guy says, shaking John's hand. "I had a teacher back home who taught me a lot, plus Youtube does wonders. You play?" He slings his guitar case over his shoulder, "Walk and talk? I was gonna check out the next Save the City game."

Trickster and Freeweight

"Don't waste my time with trivial tasks," Kireena says, shooting a glare at Jake cold enough to freeze lava. "I will fight the machine, you will not steal my glory."

At that moment, the big student brought the robot crashing to the ground with a punch. A cheer rose up from the other students. "Alright, who's got the next round!" the big competitor asks, looking around at the crowd.

"The three of us accept your challenge!!" Kireena calls back, striding forward confidently. All eyes are on you guys now.

Miss Alchemy

"I'm....Charlene," she responds, looking at her feet through the visor of her helmet, "I transferred here last semester...." She stands there awkwardly, holding her books to her chest, "Ummm....I was just gonna head to find my dorm...."

Even as the two of you talk, you can catch many students giving Charlene a wide berth, a few of them giving the two of you questionable looks.


"I mean, it is a school for superpowered teens," Mr. Phillips says with a chuckle, waving goodbye to Legion as he did so"We gotta make sure you kids are safe."


There are two dormitories, one looking signifcantly newer than the other. According to the key and the sheet of paper you got when you first came in, you would be staying on the third floor of the newer building, the Edward Jon Carter Dorm.

The History book appeared to be your standard high school textbook stuff, with a lot of focus on superheroes in the sections on the 20th century. One of the newer chapters even mentions Overthrow, citing it as an "radical leftist terrorist organization".

2018-09-01, 01:32 AM
"Of course they do." Legion mutters under his breath, watching the three of his erstwhile teammates step up to challenge the robot. I guess subtlety wasn't part of the training program. Damn it. Well, at least they're fitting in... wait. They're villains. Which of them is going to be saving the dummies?

He jabs the student next to him with his elbow. "This ought to be interesting."

"Wrong. Wrong. Wrong." Legion mutters under his breath, scanning through the paragraphs and fighting the urge to break out the red pen. "Who writes this junk? Leftist? Forget Marx, these fools could find a way to call Julius Caesar a radical leftist, just for all that property redistribution stuff. This is like Kipling on steroids, just swap 'white' with 'super-powered'..." He goes on muttering like this the whole way into the dorm, utterly blind except for the book he's holding in front of his face.

2018-09-01, 07:35 AM
Jake looked down and shook his head, trying to stifle a laugh. Nobody in their little trio was very heroic right now, but that wasn't about to make him change his mind. Three on one, they could probably take down the robot fast enough not to lose any civilians. He was fairly confident he could take it down himself, as long as the other two didn't get in his way. He readied himself for combat, planning on throwing himself into the robot as soon as the fight started.

Jake took a deep breath and put his fist in the air, in a clear voice he shouted to the gathered crowd "Claremnot High how you doing? I'm Freeweight, and this is the start... of a Revolution! This is the start of a new generation... of Heroes! This is the moment where our time begins! Laugh if you want now, but look back on this day and you'll know I'm right. We are the future of Freedom City, the future of America! Don't let the rules of the past hold you back, because we are the future! Let me hear you say it!"

+2 from Attractive if that applies, +5 from Cool if that applies.

Mystery Persuasion- 13

Speech Persuasion- 21

2018-09-01, 09:19 AM
"Hi, Charlene. I was just heading to the dorms myself. I could walk with you, if you want. ...If you don't mind me asking, what's with the... containment suit?"

2018-09-01, 11:44 AM
Ricki's face took a look of disappointment and then quickly turned to sadness. When she spoke again her voice had a slight tremor to it. "I am sorry to pry Mr. Phillip's. When I was younger, there was people who tried to take me...because I was...you know...special.This being my first real time away from home. I guess it would make me feel safer if I knew what kind of security we had." She looked at the Teacher, her eyes glassy with unwept tears. She then looked away and composed herself.

Booya! 24 Decetion!

2018-09-01, 07:22 PM

"Telemachus, everyone calls me Tel," the blue haired guy says, shaking John's hand. "I had a teacher back home who taught me a lot, plus Youtube does wonders. You play?" He slings his guitar case over his shoulder, "Walk and talk? I was gonna check out the next Save the City game."

John fidgets a little, doing his best not to sound as awkward as he feels. If this mission was just about overpowering someone he'd be all over it, this was...more complicated. "No, no I don't play. I've always wanted to try and learn. Do...girls like guys who can play music?" Oh God that was pathetic... Desperate to change the subject, he pounces on Tel's next statement. "What's Save the City?"

2018-09-03, 03:48 PM
"Oh well", Trickster shaker her head after hearing her teammates' declarations, "In that case... let's just wing it? I mean, what's the worst that could happen?"

2018-09-05, 03:08 PM
Trickster and Freeweight

A few of the students roll their eyes at Freeweight's speech, but the vast majority of the crowd at least applauds and cheers. The robot seems to sense the crowd's excitement and suddenly stands back up, raising it's arms in what could only be a fighting stance. Kireena doesn't seem to react to the crowd, merely turning to the robot and drawing her sword. The blue haired student steps up, raising his hand to get the crowd's attention.

"Take your positions and........Save the City!!!!"

Kireena leaps into action immediately, jumping atop the large blocks that serve as obstacles and running straight towards the giant robot with her sword ready to strike. She into the air and takes two slashes right at the robot's chest. She lands back on the ground, and it's clear from the stuffing falling from the gym pads covering the robot that she struck the robot, but the machine did not seem to falter in the slightest.

The alien princess did not look pleased about this.


Tel seems only slightly put-off by Atomic's awkward sentence before the sound of cheering is heard by the obstacle course. "Well, if you've never played Save the City, now is the perfect time to check it out! Come on!" He starts walking over to where the crowd had gathered, gesturing for Atomic to follow.


A look of genuine concern comes across Mr. Phillips's face. "Oh, it's ok. We have security cameras all over campus, two security guards on duty at all times and we have Mr. Marquez in case supervillains attack the campus. Not to mention that Mr. Summers has a direct line to the Freedom League in his office. Trust me," He says, putting a comforting hand on Ricki's shoulder, "There is no safer place in the Freedom City limits than Claremont Academy."


"Heads up!!!" Legion heard a voice say before a short haired blonde girl wearing sunglasses appears in front of him. She shoves him in the shoulder, "Watch where you're going, you dork. You almost missed the door."

"What kind of loser is reading a textbook today?" Says a blonde haired muscular kid, standing a good head higher than Legion. "Classes don't start 'till Monday, nerd."

"Yeah, at least he can read, Chump." The girl says, taking off her sunglasses and sliding them into the pocket of her denim jacket.

"Chump can read just fine, Jonni," A third kid says to the short haired girl. The third kid is a well dressed Pakastani boy, walking confidently up to Legion. "But his real skill is muscle. How about you, bookworm? What can you do?"

Miss Alchemy

"Oh, I wear the suit because.....Oh crap, It's Cassanova and his friends." Charlene held her textbooks closer as they approached the dorm. From the path, they can see the three kids surrounding Legion. Charlene was looking down at the ground, clearly trying not to make eye contact with any of those kids.

2018-09-05, 09:26 PM

Tel seems only slightly put-off by Atomic's awkward sentence before the sound of cheering is heard by the obstacle course. "Well, if you've never played Save the City, now is the perfect time to check it out! Come on!" He starts walking over to where the crowd had gathered, gesturing for Atomic to follow.

Atomic follows. "So do we fight the robot?"

2018-09-06, 01:19 AM
Karen whistles and shakes her head. Space Princess had a sword and, quite likely, superstrength - lots of aliens had that, for some reason. She had... well... she reached into the bag and pulled out a billard ball. Yes, that has such a great chance of working.

But, hey, that chance wasn't zero, and that was good enough. Karen launches the ball into robot's head, aiming at the cameras or whatever it had in place of... not quite.

2018-09-06, 08:44 AM
Watching his teammates do so well against the robot filled Jake with a sense of... impending doom. He looked over at Trickster and whispered "Go save civilians... please"

Then he made an impressive leap, throwing himself bodily at the robot, swinging a double handed strike. He quickly grabbed the giant robot's leg and did his best to apply a judo grab to it, hoping that the robot was a lot lighter than it looked.

2018-09-06, 10:22 AM
Ricki thanked Mr. Philips as she made a mental note to figure out all the locations of the cameras...and their blind spots!
Suddenly distracted by the roaring crowd she turned her attention to the Robot game.

2018-09-06, 10:12 PM
Legion tilts his head to the side, looking up at the other students. "Chump. Jonni. And... a third." he enunciates carefully, and elsewhere the other two Legions perk up. By the game, Legion stands and half-turns before his earpiece crackles and he slumps back down in his seat. [ETA thirty seconds.] Near Mr. Philips, Legion shuffles around in his pocket for a second before making a beeline for the dorms.

"Right now? Not much, if I'm honest." the accosted Legion says, closing the book and sliding it back into his bag. "We're spread a little thin right now. But I can talk to you three. I can talk to Mr. Philips. And I can watch the game. And, Chump; the kind that hates surprises. What's Jonni short for, anyhow? And what's your name, suit?" He says, indicating the unnamed Pakistani kid.

All the while, Legion's mind is a-turning and a-tumbling. Two near-death encounters would be a little much for one day. Admittedly, these kids weren't likely to kill him - they all supposedly wanted to be heroes someday - but that didn't mean that this couldn't hurt. Or that Chump (really? Chump? His parents must be villains, to be that cruel) couldn't accidentally tap him through a wall. So... keep them talking. For just a few seconds longer...

A bead of sweat rolls down the back of his neck.

2018-09-07, 03:26 AM
"'Cassanova'? Who's that?" Miss Alchemy shrugs. "I'm new."

2018-09-12, 09:32 PM
Freeweight and Trickster (and Everyone in the Audience)

You can feel the Gymbot attempt to struggle against your grip, but despite it's size you are able to hold on and keep it from moving. The robot falls to it's knees, still attempting to struggle against your grip.

Kireena leaps into the air with a war cry, raising her sword above her head and bringing it back down on Gymbot's head. There is a buzz of sparks as a large gash appears on Gymbot's face, a large cheer comes up from the surrounding audience.


Tel points at the robot, "You either have to take down Gymbot, or bring all the dummies to the safe zone," He then points at the large green circle at one end of the course. "Of course, most people try and fight Gymbot cause it's more fun." At that moment, the crowd goes wild as Kireena makes a gash on the robot's head. "Woah! Looks like these guys aren't messing around!!"

Legion (At the Dorms)

"This is Eddie, but everyone calls him Chump," the boy in the suit says as Chump cracks his knuckles in an intimidating manner, "She's Jonni Wade, and I'm Sebastien Shields, but you can call me Cassanova." He says with a almost slimy grin, reaching out a hand to shake his. "Trust me, it's gonna be an important name to remember, I have a lot of pull around here with the staff and the students...." He says, purposefully trying to be cryptic.

"Uggggh, Cass!" Jonni says, rolling her eyes, "Will you quit beating around the bush and just tell him you can do mind control? The whole cryptic thing gets old after you do it eleventy billion times."

Cassanova glares daggers at Jonni, "As I was saying, keep in mind that I'm the kind of person that's good to have on your side....in case you need a little persuasion to get out of trouble, or to get something you desire...."

"God, you're so lame," Jonni says, "I'm going to my dorm." And with a WOOSH of air, Jonni vanishes like a blur through the dorm doors.

Miss Alchemy

"He's just a jerk who always gets his way cause he's can control minds." Charlene says, looking at the ground, "....Let's just go watch them play Save the City, I can bring my books in later...."

2018-09-12, 09:43 PM
"Destroy the robot, got it." Atomic lifts off the ground.

2018-09-13, 02:59 PM
Karen hesitates for a moment. Sensible thing to do was, of course, to concentrate on the hostages while thos with, let's out it this way, more serious weaponry dealt with the robot. Not that Karen signed up for this project to do "sensible" things, of course. So, eyeing the robot, she stands right in front of it, pulls another ball out of her bag and, with the cartoopnishly exaggerated baseball wind-up - including the leg raised straight up - sends it at the robot. Well, towards the robot; what actually gets the ball at the target is a lucky ricoshet from one of the buildings...

31 hit result, DC 19, -2 defence for the round, 2/4 LP left

2018-09-13, 03:13 PM
His arms wrapped tightly around the Gymbot's leg, Freeweight squeezed tighter, putting all the pressure his gravity control could muster onto his target, trying to drag it to the ground as he crushed the gymbot's leg.

"Let's bring this bastard down!" He roared with exertion as he put everything into his attack.

All Out Attack + Power Attack: -2 Dodge and Parry, +2 to Attack DC

Attack Roll: 23

Damage DC: 25
Grapple DC: 18

2018-09-13, 09:00 PM
Ricki tried to blend in with the crowd. She clapped and cheered. But honestly she barely paid attention to the fight. Instead she tried to take in other details. Where security cameras were placed. Any other teachers or older students about and their actions.

Perception? Investigation? GM can roll. I don't like to actually know if I rolled poorly or not in these types of checks.

2018-09-13, 09:02 PM
Cass probably loved the confusion and fear and awe that came when someone finally put all the hints together and figured out his power, probably lived off of it. Well, he was getting plenty of that now. Legion's mouth hung half-open, slack, and he mumbled "Mind control... Faux-causally, while his mind stuttered he reached up and scratched his shoulder - at the signal, the other Legion slowed up and stayed back. "I... ah... um..." he stuttered, looking down at the hand, before taking it in a hopefully not too shaky grim. "So... you can control minds? And..." a little bit of that impish tilt hits Legion's eyes again. "...you called yourself Casanova? That's a little... creepy, dude. Not gonna lie. And, Chump? Was that you as well?"

Now he's thinking again, and not a drop of it shows on his face. Okay, so he's cocky, but with a right to be. He's also a moron. The teachers? Really? He's stupid or he's lying. This one needs to be reported, and soon. So we can save him when he gets himself into trouble. Instead, he's half-scared and half-enthusiastic as he asks, "So how does it work? Do you, like, implant suggestions? Or do you just puppet people around?"

2018-09-16, 07:00 PM
"Sure, that sounds fun. ...What's Save the City?"

2018-09-21, 01:34 AM
Miss Alchemy

"It's really cool. They set up the training robot to spar with the students." Charlene says, a ghost of a smile appearing on her face as they move to the back of the crowd. From here, Miss Alchemy can see her fellow classmates fighting Gymbot.

Trickster, Freeweight and Everyone Watching

CRACK! The baseball sails through the sky.....and bounces off Gymbot's arm, which causes it to ricochet directly into the sparking gash that Kireena's sword had made. There are some loud clangs and clunks as Gymbot seems to twitch. When the noises ceased, the robot was moving more sluggish and slowly than before.

Suddenly, the robot collapsed, the force of Freeweight's grab flinging him to the ground with a large crash. The robot was still moving, but it was clearly struggling to stand up due to Freeweight's mighty grip.

With that, Kireena yelled a war cry again, rushing straight for the robot's face with her sword. There is a flash of the sword in the light and the sound of slicing steel, and suddenly Gymbot collapses, Kireena's sword buried in it's head.

The crowd of students is silent for a moment, just sort of staring at the rather brutal takedown of Gymbot. It only lasts a couple seconds before they suddenly start cheering again.

"Yo, dude! That was awesome!" said the Latino boy in the crowd, having suddenly popped into existence between Freeweight and Trickster. "I'm Noah, but my friends call me Leapfrog. That was so wild, I can't believe you flipped over Gymbot!! And you...." He gestures at Trickster, miming a baseball bat, "Did you plan for that ball to bounce off his arm?? That was so cool!!"

As the crowd starts to disperse, a reddish brown haired boy in a yellow and red striped button down shirt and khakis walks up to Gymbot. "I'll get you fixed in a second. Get you fixed in a second." The boy says, seeming to focus suddenly on Gymbot's head. As he looks at the damage, the young man reaches to remove the sword from the robot's head to continue repairs.

2018-09-21, 05:19 AM
Ricki rolled her eyes when her cohorts drowned the robot. Way to blend in. She immediately thought to herself. Though she supposed there was something to be said with hiding in plain sight. When she saw the boy reach for Kireena's sword she called out. Whoa whoa whoa! DUDE! You never touch a samurai's sword! Especially Aggro Blue Girl Samurais! They have to commit harry carry or something." she called to the kid, immediately trying to preempt any problems.

2018-09-21, 07:59 AM
Freeweight barked out a short laugh. "It's all about leverage, man. I wasn't sure I'd pull it off either. I've never used a take-down on anyone that big before."

Seeing the other boy mumbling to himself about fixing gymbot, Freeweight walked over and squatted beside him to watch. If this kid was a tech wiz of some kind he could be extremely useful in their spy mission, or extremely dangerous. "Hey bud... I'm, uh, sorry about your robot. I guess we went a little overboard? Do you need a hand?"

2018-09-22, 06:00 PM
Watching this, Atomic is glad he didn't get involved. It was a little early to reveal too much about themselves to potential enemies, and Superior had taught him that power must be tempered with wisdom.

2018-09-24, 12:36 AM
"Yo, dude! That was awesome!" said the Latino boy in the crowd, having suddenly popped into existence between Freeweight and Trickster. "I'm Noah, but my friends call me Leapfrog. That was so wild, I can't believe you flipped over Gymbot!! And you...." He gestures at Trickster, miming a baseball bat, "Did you plan for that ball to bounce off his arm?? That was so cool!!"

"Well..." Karen shrugs, "Yes and no. Let's put it this way... I didn't plan on this bounce exactly, I just got lucky. But - I did plan on getting lucky, I usually am", she smiled widely and extended her hand, "Karen. First day here."

2018-09-24, 01:49 AM

"Nuh-uh, Cass gave me that nickname. It's supposed to be.....ironic or something." Chump speaks up, shoving Legion right in the shoulder and looking ready to clock him right in the face. Cass, on the other hand, just stares daggers at Johann, clearly not used to someone talking back to him.

"I'll see you around," Cassanova says, "Just remember people who keep me from getting my way don't have a happy time at Claremont." He turns around and starts walking away, "Chump, we're done here."

Chump's face suddenly goes blank before he turns and runs after his friend, "Right away, Cass!"

Freeweight and Ricochet

Kireena looked ready to rip the boy's head off, but seeing Ricochet get in the way clearly made her stop. She merely walked up to the robot's head, yanking the blade from it's head and sheathing it with reverence. "No one touches the sword but me."

The boy attempting to fix the robot ignores all three of you. He just takes out a selection of tools from his backpack, including what looks like a battery powered soldering iron. He doesn't seem angry or sad about Gymbot being broken, nor frightened by Kireena's agressive snatching of her sword. He just seems....focused, like nothing exists but the robot and himself.

"Just gotta replace some parts. Gotta replace some parts." he mutters, pulling out the soldering iron and expertly rewiring a mainframe in his hand.

Nearby, Leapfrog was still chatting with Trickster. "Really lucky....is that your power? That sounds sick! I can just hop around." He demonstrates by vanishing and reappearing to Trickster's right. "It's not too big a deal, makes it kinda easy to get to class in the morning."

Miss Alchemy

As Charlene and you watch the aftermath of the Save the City game, you notice that even in this crowd the students seem to give Charlene a wide berth. In fact, you're the only student standing anywhere near the hazmat-clad girl.

2018-09-24, 07:55 AM
"Man, Star Princess really needs to learn to chill." Freeweight muttered to himself as he stood up and looked around at the crowd. He missed this, competition, excitement, the cheering crowds. It felt good.

He threw his fists into the air, letting the cheers of the crowd wash over him as he walked off the field. He kept his ears open to hear anything unusual that might be going on in the crowd.

2018-09-24, 04:45 PM
Atomic approaches the crowd, not sure what to do or who to talk to.

2018-09-25, 09:05 AM
"Man, Star Princess really needs to learn to chill."
"I know right? Ricochet whispered back. "If she was a dude I would say she is compensating for something."

He threw his fists into the air, letting the cheers of the crowd wash over him as he walked off the field. He kept his ears open to hear anything unusual that might be going on in the crowd.

Ricki stepped back as Freeweight accepted the crowd's attention.

2018-09-25, 10:26 AM
"I know right? Ricochet whispered back. "If she was a dude I would say she is compensating for something."

"Are you saying women can't try to compensate for something?" Freeweight replies, gesturing to his chest. " Maybe it's because she looks more like a victoria secret model than a warrior..."

He turns back to the crowd, eyes peeled for anything interesting.

2018-09-26, 01:03 AM
Nearby, Leapfrog was still chatting with Trickster. "Really lucky....is that your power? That sounds sick! I can just hop around." He demonstrates by vanishing and reappearing to Trickster's right. "It's not too big a deal, makes it kinda easy to get to class in the morning."
"Heh, that's convenient", Karen chuckled, "And yes, kinda like that... it runs in the family. The lucky thing, I mean. Speaking of not being late to class, mind showing me around? Anything I should know about this place, beyond the obvious? You know, unwritten rules, pecking order, these kinds of things?" In Karen's experience, every high school would have 'these kinds of things', and Claremont should be no exception, superpowers or no.

2018-09-26, 04:33 PM
"Hey, those are my... friends... that won!" Miss Alchemy grabs Charlene's suited arm and drags her over to meet them. "Congrats, guys!"

2018-09-26, 07:38 PM
"Hm." Legion mutters, as the other him walks up to stand shoulder to shoulder and together they watch Cass and Chump walk away. They fistbump, and a lone Legion walks into the dorms.

Meanwhile, the third Legion stands up to clap slowly for his three teammates before making his way down to the pitch. He couldn't help but notice how everyone else seemed to be ignoring the school's resident tech-wizard - in his experience, the technical staff are way too useful to ignore. That kid could probably go anywhere he wanted, any time he wanted, and be virtually invisible.

2018-09-27, 10:56 AM
"Are you saying women can't try to compensate for something?" Freeweight replies, gesturing to his chest. " Maybe it's because she looks more like a victoria secret model than a warrior..."

He turns back to the crowd, eyes peeled for anything interesting.

"I suppose it is possible. But not nearly as common." Ricki retorted with a slight smile.

2018-09-27, 11:39 AM
"Hey, those are my... friends... that won!" Miss Alchemy grabs Charlene's suited arm and drags her over to meet them. "Congrats, guys!"

"Hey Nicole. What'd you think? Pretty good work, am I right?" Freeweight says as the two girls walk over. He holds out his hand to Charlene. "Hey, the name's Jake. Or Freeweight, either one works for me. And you are?"

"I suppose it is possible. But not nearly as common." Ricki retorted with a slight smile.

"When someone acts the way space princess does, you can't rule anything out." Freeweight says with a smirk.

2018-09-30, 07:23 PM
Atomic looks around at all the praise Kireena was receiving. He could have done better, defeated the robot on his own. His desire for recognition was warring with trying to place the mission first...

2018-10-03, 12:51 AM
Freeweight and Miss Alchemy

Charlene seems to freeze up as soon as she’s brought into the crowd and meets eyes with Freeweight. She keeps her hands at her sides, not seeming to notice Freeweight’s extended hand.

“Hi, I’m Ch-Charlene.....I....I gotta go!” Suddenly, she turns around and runs out of the crowd.


“Hey, if you wanna hang out you don’t have to make up an excuse!” Leapfrog says with a smile and a gentle elbow to Karen’s side.

Later that Evening....

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. You all met the headmaster of the school, Mr. Summers, when he gave a speech for the students after gathering them in the school theater. It was your usual inspiring speech, "You're all incredibly special", "With great power", blah blah blah you've heard it all before. Now you all find yourselves on the fifth floor of the Jon Carter Dormatory.

Thanks to the Crime League's manipulation, you are all bunking on the same floor. Currently you all stand in a very nice common room, complete with several tables, couches, a television and even a pool table. Most of you recognize Leapfrog, on the floor behind the TV attempting to hook up a PS4. Legion, you also recognize Jonni (The punk girl who was with Cassanova) lounging on a couch, ears covered by headphones.

You have all been assigned rooms and unfortunately, only Kireena and Karen are the only ones on your "team" who share a room.

There are 6 rooms on this floor, three for boys and three for girls.
They are all connected to a 'common room' in the center, which also has an elevator and staircase to the upper and lower levels. The room assignments are as follows:

501: Kireena Khan, Trickster
502: Atomic, ??????
503: Ricochet, ??????
504: Legion, ????
505: Miss Alchemy, ??????
506: Freeweight, ???????

2018-10-03, 01:03 AM
Atomic tries to gesture to Freeweight to move away from Leapfrog before whispering, "We should talk about a time for everyone to meet later, so we can talk about the mission. Somewhere secure."

2018-10-03, 02:36 AM
Karen is already lounging on the sofa, lying on her back with her legs up on the backrest, watching upside-down as Leapfrog works on the console. Noticing Atomic's signal, she rolls off the couch through a handstand and shrugs, "I mean, why not just look around for now? Let me tell you, as far as high schools go, this dorm is awesome - and that's before we add all the superpowers into account. "

2018-10-03, 08:13 AM
Atomic tries to gesture to Freeweight to move away from Leapfrog before whispering, "We should talk about a time for everyone to meet later, so we can talk about the mission. Somewhere secure."

Freeweight wanders over and leans in. "I agree but, we don't have all the information yet. Let's look around and see what we can find but we need to know who we're rooming with first.
Relax, try and make some friends. If you don't learn to socialize, people are going to get suspicious."

He glanced over at Leapfrog, and calls out. "Hey man, you got FIFA? This guy says he's never played it before. Can you believe that?"

2018-10-04, 01:09 PM
Miss Alchemy, meanwhile, goes back to her room to redecorate. She only sleeps in the finest of beds. Is a solid gold frame TOO ostentatious? Naaaaaah.

2018-10-04, 07:52 PM
Ricki brought her things to her room. As an only child used to her privacy; she wasn't looking forward to bunking with a stranger.

2018-10-04, 09:20 PM
Freeweight wanders over and leans in. "I agree but, we don't have all the information yet. Let's look around and see what we can find but we need to know who we're rooming with first.
Relax, try and make some friends. If you don't learn to socialize, people are going to get suspicious."

He glanced over at Leapfrog, and calls out. "Hey man, you got FIFA? This guy says he's never played it before. Can you believe that?"

John's eyes go wide, and he looks from Freefall to Leapfrog and back again. "I...I mean, it's not that I..."

2018-10-04, 10:40 PM
The Legion stepped into the common room and let out three simultaneous low whistles. Two of them immediately lay claim to the pool table - one of the few games they can play without tying - while the third props his elbows up on the back of the couch Jonni's resting on and waves a hand in front of her face.

"Well, hello again."

2018-10-05, 11:58 AM
John's eyes go wide, and he looks from Freefall to Leapfrog and back again. "I...I mean, it's not that I..."

"Relax dude. It's okay not to know stuff. Just don't break the controller when you lose." Freeweight claps Atomic on the back and laughs.

2018-10-06, 07:27 PM
Atomic, Trickster and Freeweight

"Duuude, you guys play FIFA??" Leapfrog plugs in the PS4, suddenly appearing by the coffee table and tossing a controller at each of you, "You down for a two-on-two game? Dibs on Columbia!" As this is happening, you see Kireena spot her room, carrying her bags over to the door and heading inside, shutting the door behind her.


Jonni lifts the headphones off her ears, looking over at his clones playing pool, "Playing with yourself in front of all your floormates? Gross, dude." She cackles at her own joke, letting the headphones fall around her neck. "I see that you couldn't have pissed Cass off too much, since Eddy didn't punch you up here." She waits a beat before explaining, "Eddy is Chump's real name." Suddenly, she looks past Legion for a moment, "Oh, hang on a second." And suddenly she zips to her room, getting across the room and to her doorway almost instantly.

Miss Alchemy

One side of the room had bare walls and a simple bed (until Miss Alchemy worked her magic). The other side had posters on the walls, and a zebra print comforter and red sheets put onto the mattress. There were three posters that dominated the walls next to the bed. One depicted a lot of celtic imagery for a band known as "Albion". The other was for the rap rock group Crossbones, and it depicted the band members as voodoo dolls all held on a string. The final poster depicted a neon pink cartoon bunny drawn in a style similar to Hello Kitty. However, the pink bunny's angry eyes and his pink paws held up like fists showed this bunny had more attitude than Hello Kitty. Underneath the rabbit was the name "Joy Bunnies", written in English and what Alchemy assumed to be Japanese.

"Hey nerd," says the punk girl on the couch, now in the doorframe, "I'm you're roommate, just don't do something stupid like touch my stuff." With that, she is gone as soon as she appeared.

Legion (again)

Suddenly, Jonni was at the pool table, talking to another of the Legions, "What'd I miss?"


Ricki finds a black girl with a mess of wild frizzy hair. Her room was decorated with large transparent curtains that reminded Ricki of a fortune teller's tent. The only thing out of place was the large blue Chicago Cubs blanket on her mattress and the Cubs hat hanging on her bedpost. She looked up from the book she was reading, sitting cross legged on the mattress.

"Oh hi," she says with a smile and putting aside her book, "I'm Angel, you must be my roommate."

2018-10-06, 07:45 PM
Atomic, Trickster and Freeweight

"Duuude, you guys play FIFA??" Leapfrog plugs in the PS4, suddenly appearing by the coffee table and tossing a controller at each of you, "You down for a two-on-two game? Dibs on Columbia!" As this is happening, you see Kireena spot her room, carrying her bags over to the door and heading inside, shutting the door behind her.

" I'm down." Freeweight replied. "How are we picking partners? Actually... Want to put a little wager on it? Losers have to do a dare."

2018-10-06, 08:57 PM
" I'm down." Freeweight replied. "How are we picking partners? Actually... Want to put a little wager on it? Losers have to do a dare."

"Wait, hold on. I'm not betting on a game I haven't played before!"

2018-10-06, 09:43 PM
"Wait, hold on. I'm not betting on a game I haven't played before!"

"Soooo yooouu're chicken?" Freeweight couldn't resist the opportunity to tease his teammate. He was starting to get a sense for his fellow teens. Atomic, aloof as he appeared, wanted to be part of the crowd. " It's fine, we don't have to bet anything. It was just a thought."

2018-10-06, 11:12 PM
"I'm in!" Trickster raises her hand the moment she hears about the dare. She doesn't have that much experience with FIFA either, to be honest, but, well, she can always get lucky. And if not... well, a risk of the unknown is what makes life fun, isn't it?

2018-10-07, 07:58 PM
"Hmmph." Miss Alchemy continues setting up her side of the room how SHE liked it, but left the goth's alone like a good little girl. She'll get her due in time. A replica of the Emerald Tablet (in emerald, of course) would be a fine counterpoint. And then a minor miracle to turn water into wine (her own her mother's concoction, though comparing favorably to Le Musigny's finest Pinot Noirs), she went out to watch the others.

2018-10-08, 10:23 PM
"Hm?" the two Legions playing pool grunted in eerie unison, as one promptly scratched.
"No idea, we weren't listening. Keep zipping back and forth between us and you'll wind up repeating yourself a lot."
"No idea, we weren't listening. Keep zipping back and forth between us and you'll wind up repeating yourself a lot."

The third Legion wanders over to join them. "Didn't seem too pissed, but Chump wasn't who worried me. Not sure how Cass would affect..." he gestures at the three of them, "...us. Merging can be hard enough as is."

2018-10-09, 09:59 AM

Ricki finds a black girl with a mess of wild frizzy hair. Her room was decorated with large transparent curtains that reminded Ricki of a fortune teller's tent. The only thing out of place was the large blue Chicago Cubs blanket on her mattress and the Cubs hat hanging on her bedpost. She looked up from the book she was reading, sitting cross legged on the mattress.

"Oh hi," she says with a smile and putting aside her book, "I'm Angel, you must be my roommate."

Ricki put on a smile that was as precticed as it was fake. "Heyyy. I am Ricki. Yep! Guess you're stuck with me." Ricki hefted her bag onto the unclaimed bed. "Big Baseball Fan?" she asked in an attempt to intiatiate small talk.

2018-10-11, 03:59 AM
"Soooo yooouu're chicken?" Freeweight couldn't resist the opportunity to tease his teammate. He was starting to get a sense for his fellow teens. Atomic, aloof as he appeared, wanted to be part of the crowd. " It's fine, we don't have to bet anything. It was just a thought."

Atomic inhales sharply, his hands almost clenching. "I...am...not...chicken. Gimme the controller."

2018-10-11, 11:57 PM

Angel looks over at the hat on her bedpost and smiles. "Chicago Cubs fan, born and raised!" With that, she twirls her finger a bit. Suddenly, the hat hops off of the bedpost and onto her head. "My grandma flipped when they won the series a few years ago. How about you? You got a home team?"

Atomic, Trickster, Freeweight

"Hey, we can start betting on games once we all get a feel for it." Leapfrog says, setting up the game. "I call the lucky girl on my team!" As they start the game, the elevator opens up, allowing another student into the common room. At least, you assume it's a student. It is a large figure about seven feet tall and apparently made out of reddish stone. It has a simple face carved into it's head, complete with two eyes that seem to glow with a blue inner light. The stone man carries several pieces of luggage in it's arms and had a chalkboard draped around it's neck like a pendant. It looks around the room at everyone, raising it's hand and waving silently.


"I wouldn't worry that much." Jonni says, sitting on the edge of the pool table, "Cass's mind control isn't too long lasting, and he really just uses it for petty crap. And Mr. Marquez keeps a pretty close eye on him." She grabs a pool cue and takes a shot in a matter of seconds, knocking three balls into the pockets. She smiles smugly after her shot.

Miss Alchemy

You also notice most of this unfold as you stand in the doorway of your room. You also notice a Middle Eastern boy walk in behind the stone man. He was dressed in a button down shirt and a sweater vest, his hair combed neatly. Most of the common room is too distracted by conversation, video games and the stone man to notice the student. The boy doesn't seem to mind, and starts heading to his room, which happens to be a few doors from where Miss Alchemy stood.

2018-10-12, 10:22 AM

Angel looks over at the hat on her bedpost and smiles. "Chicago Cubs fan, born and raised!" With that, she twirls her finger a bit. Suddenly, the hat hops off of the bedpost and onto her head. "My grandma flipped when they won the series a few years ago. How about you? You got a home team?"


"Freedom Comets of course! I am a hometown girl...I still have a Pop fly I caught from a Comets/Ospreys game my Moms took me to when I was 12." Ricki looked around the rooms decorations, wishing she had brought something more personal with her. "So that hat trick? Your power Telekinesis or something?"

2018-10-12, 12:20 PM
Atomic, Trickster, Freeweight

"Hey, we can start betting on games once we all get a feel for it." Leapfrog says, setting up the game. "I call the lucky girl on my team!" As they start the game, the elevator opens up, allowing another student into the common room. At least, you assume it's a student. It is a large figure about seven feet tall and apparently made out of reddish stone. It has a simple face carved into it's head, complete with two eyes that seem to glow with a blue inner light. The stone man carries several pieces of luggage in it's arms and had a chalkboard draped around it's neck like a pendant. It looks around the room at everyone, raising it's hand and waving silently.

Freeweight raises an eyebrow at the golem but otherwise doesn't react. In a school like this it's hard to be surprised by anything. He grabs a controller and sits down on the couch.

"So I guess we get to find out if it's better to be lucky or good. C'mon let's get started." he says.

2018-10-12, 01:38 PM
Miss Alchemy focuses on the stone boy. He seems to want to make friends, and is odd enough no one would really try to. "Hi, I'm Nicole. And you are?"

2018-10-12, 04:29 PM
Atomic, Trickster, Freeweight

"Hey, we can start betting on games once we all get a feel for it." Leapfrog says, setting up the game. "I call the lucky girl on my team!" As they start the game, the elevator opens up, allowing another student into the common room. At least, you assume it's a student. It is a large figure about seven feet tall and apparently made out of reddish stone. It has a simple face carved into it's head, complete with two eyes that seem to glow with a blue inner light. The stone man carries several pieces of luggage in it's arms and had a chalkboard draped around it's neck like a pendant. It looks around the room at everyone, raising it's hand and waving silently.

Freeweight raises an eyebrow at the golem but otherwise doesn't react. In a school like this it's hard to be surprised by anything. He grabs a controller and sits down on the couch.

"So I guess we get to find out if it's better to be lucky or good. C'mon let's get started." he says.

"Bring it on", Trickster replies enthusiastically, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the couch. "Hm, I'm used to the stick and the cross being the other way around... eh, whatever!"

2018-10-12, 11:36 PM
Miss Alchemy

The golem says nothing, but calmly grabs the slate around his neck. Turning it around, he starts to scribble something on it with his finger. He turns it around, revealing what he wrote: I'm Emmet, nice to meet you.


"Magic, actually!" Angel says, "My grandma taught me back home. I can do this too!" She waves her hand in front of her face, and suddenly she vanishes into thin air!

2018-10-13, 12:43 AM
Atomic, Trickster, Freeweight

"Hey, we can start betting on games once we all get a feel for it." Leapfrog says, setting up the game. "I call the lucky girl on my team!" As they start the game, the elevator opens up, allowing another student into the common room. At least, you assume it's a student. It is a large figure about seven feet tall and apparently made out of reddish stone. It has a simple face carved into it's head, complete with two eyes that seem to glow with a blue inner light. The stone man carries several pieces of luggage in it's arms and had a chalkboard draped around it's neck like a pendant. It looks around the room at everyone, raising it's hand and waving silently.

Atomic reaches for a controller, then freezes when the stone giant walks in. When it waves, he slowly waves back. "...kay..."

2018-10-14, 08:27 PM
The three become two as one Legion claps another on the shoulder, and then leans down to take his shot.

"See, now this is why I don't make bets with supers. You never know what their powers will let them do." He makes his shot, only to miss again.

Meanwhile, the other Legion steps away to find his own room and to start setting up. A whole pile of books, mostly histories and biographies Ashe had assigned him, gets dumped onto his desk and on the wall beside his bed a large plain red flag gets hung on the wall. Otherwise, he busies himself squaring away all the random little things that you need when you move house - it's not a big list, he's done this before.

2018-10-14, 09:44 PM
"Hi, Emmet. I'm new here at Claremont, too. Which room is yours?"

2018-10-15, 06:50 AM

"Magic, actually!" Angel says, "My grandma taught me back home. I can do this too!" She waves her hand in front of her face, and suddenly she vanishes into thin air!

"Oh cool...my roommate can turn invisible." Ricki said flatly. The prospect of an invisible roommate was a bit unnerving. "So magic? As in you're a witch or something?"

2018-10-25, 10:35 PM
Miss Alchemy

Emmet slowly raised his hand and pointed to one of the rooms. Freeweight, you overhear this conversation and you realize that Emmet is pointing at your room.


Your comment about Angel's invisibility seems to shock her, "Oh! Oh no, I'm sorry. I'd never spy on you or anything! I just....it's one of the things I can do."


Shortly after you start to set up your side of the dorm room, someone enters. A Middle Eastern boy with neatly combed hair and a sweater vest with a button down shirt. He extends a hand, "Nice to meet you. I'm Adnan." Adnan spoke with an Arabic accent. He looks past at the stack of books, "Are all those for one class?"

Atomic, Freeweight and Trickster

The game was neck and neck almost the entire time, so close that you had to go into a shootout. However, at the very last second Trickster was able to kick past Freeweight's goalie and ending the game.

"Hooooly crap, that was close!" Leapfrog says, tossing the controller up in the air in excitement, then 'poofing' on top of the coffee table to catch the tossed controller. "You're right, you are crazy lucky!!" He raises his hand to give Karen a high five.

2018-10-25, 10:41 PM
Miss Alchemy gave Emmet a hug, then retired to her own room. Time to make some plans...

2018-10-26, 06:14 AM
"Heh, thanks!" Karen slaps Leapfrog's hand, "So, a dare, eh? I'll think about it. For now, though, well, let's get settled, I guess... powers or not, school starts tomorrow, and I don't want to be sloppy on the first day! Did anyone see our alien princess, by the way? I wonder how she will set up her half of the room..."

2018-10-26, 07:19 AM
"Ah man!" Freeweight groans. He puts the controller down and stands up. "That was a good game. I'll have to get you next time then. Damn it's late. I think I'm going to have to turn in."

Freeweight waves goodnight to everyone and walks to his dorm room to put his stuff away.

2018-10-26, 07:37 PM
Atomic manages to not break the controller when he doesn't win, but he's very silent for a few moments. "Yeah, good game. I should turn in too." He heads for his dorm.

2018-10-26, 09:06 PM
Oh...I'm not worried. she lied behind a big smile. All the while trying to gauge if Angel was being truthful.
She then began to empty her gym bag carrying her clothes.

Ooc: rolled a 20 insight

2018-10-26, 09:47 PM
Legion takes the offered hand and shakes, a grin spreading across his face. "Oh, I love when I get to do this." And then there were three of them, and they speak in one voice:

"My name is Legion, for we are many."
"My name is Legion, for we are many."
"My name is Legion, for we are many."

"...but Johann works too." he finishes, alone again. "Nah, these aren't for class. I have a bit more free-time than most, and my folks like to keep me occupied. Idle hands and all that. Nice to meet you and all, but I need to go find some food and then crash. My clock's a little off."

2018-11-10, 09:32 PM
Claremont Academy, 7:30 AM, First Day of Classes

The sun had risen a little bit ago. Some of the students were already getting ready, others hadn't even woken up yet. Whether or not they had decided to wake up early, classes begin at 8:30 sharp. Right now, the first rays of sunlight were shining on the campus, surprisngly peaceful this early in the morning, since most of the students weren't out and about yet.


You were awoken right at sunrise by a quiet wooshing sound in your room. In the center of the room, Kireena was already awake, practicing with her sword. Aside from the slight noise of the sword cutting through air, she seemed was hardly making muchn noise.


You weren't really sure if Emmet (your stone golem roommate) ever actually went to sleep. He just laid down on the stone slab on his side of the room and lay motionless for the whole night. When you are awoken this morning, he was still laying completely still. You are awoken this morning not by your alarm but by a different sound. You nearly jump out of your bed when you realize that it is your commlink that Dr. Simian gave you. Someone was trying to contact you!

Miss Alchemy

At 7 in the morning, your roommate Jonni was still asleep. Dressed in pajama pants and an old tshirt, she currently slept with her face buried in her pillows, looking like the Terminus Invasion itself wouldn't wake her up. Must be one of the luxuries of being a speedster.


Your roommate Adnan was out of bed and had left the room by the time you had awoken. However, you're thinking he might not have gone far, considering a large stack of textbooks was still on his desk. You also notice that at some point after you went to bed, Adnan had hung up a large Syrian flag on his side of the room.


Leapfrog's alarm went off at 7:30 and suddenly his blankets collapsed, suddenly empty. Leapfrog was suddenly standing in the center of the room, yawning. "Hey man, you up yet? Ya got an hour until classes start."


Angel is in her pajamas still, looking at her mirror and trying to choose between a purple dress or a white tank top red skirt combo. In the end, she goes with the tank top and skirt and with a snap of her fingers, the clothes are suddenly on her body. She smiles at herself in the mirror, then goes back to getting ready, humming a song that you don't recognize.

2018-11-10, 10:11 PM
Atomic sits up, having been enjoying laying in bed half asleep. "Yeah...yeah I'm up." He gets out of bed and stretches, trying to feel more human, then rummages around for his shower stuff.

2018-11-11, 06:46 AM
Karen, in her t-shirt and shorts, climbs out of the bed, looks at the alien princess, shrugs and starts stretching. "You don't happen to have superstrength, do you?" she suddenly asks, as she lowers herself in a split between the two beds.

2018-11-12, 04:26 PM
Freeweight eyes the silent stone giant that was his roommate as he slipped the earbud in. He grabs his phone and holds it up to his ear to cover up the earpiece before he answers.

"Hey Dad, how's it going? Yeah I got all my stuff moved into the dorm just fine." He says as he waits for a reply from the ear piece.

2018-11-12, 06:10 PM
Miss Alchemy readied herself quietly, using the Alchemy Wand to get EXTRA clean. She prepares to be a "good" student, getting everything ready before classes start. She will be the BEST student.

2018-11-12, 11:00 PM
Legion stumbled back into consciousness, blinking groggily at the alarm slowly pinging away from his phone. He fumbled it off with a few muttered grunts, and crawled his way out of bed. First order of business; shower and a shave.

Legion's a fast showerer; he's back in his room and sitting in his chair inside of ten minutes. Once there, one of them goes to work shaving the other; sharpening sideburns and neatening up the neckline with clippers before swapping the clippers and repeating the whole process. They did take a moment to muse on the new addition to the room - interesting, definitely, and full of potential. Nationalistic supers were useful, if misguided. What did nation states mean any more, after all, except allegiance to whichever bankers were currently yanking on the purse strings.

Finally, he grabbed some jeans and his body armor. No point not wearing the stuff - you could barely see it under a t-shirt anyhow.

2018-11-20, 02:56 PM

You could swear you see Kireena grit her teeth as she moves through her technique like some terribly beautiful dance. "I was not gifted with great power," she nearly whispers, though still audible over the hum of her sword cutting through the air, "When my father chose me as the heir to his Imperium, it was because I had prepared for it since birth. Because I took it for myself." She spins around, Karen feeling the rush of air as the sword moved past her. Kireena hardly seems to blink.


"I'm not your dad," a thin reedy voice says on the other end, "The hell are yo-.....Oh! Right!" He clears his throat, "Yeah, this is Pa-eurrrr.....Bernard! This is Bernard! Simian told me to contact you about picking up "school supplies"." Freeweight can practically hear the air quotes around 'school supplies'. "I got a brief window today. I need you at the pick-up location exactly at 1:15. At 1:20, I'll be gone. Ya got it?"

2018-11-20, 04:59 PM
Freeweight nods, and tries to place the voice, wondering if it was familiar. "Sure thing dad, just text me the location or whatever. I'll be there."

2018-11-21, 01:33 AM
"Oh, great!" Karen replies enthusiastically. "Look, when you're done, could you help me with stretching a bit? I just was worried whether you can break my spine by accident..."

2018-11-27, 11:24 AM

Once you hang up with your "Dad", you notice Emmet has sat up. There is a split second where you think the golem has figured you out, but that changes when he waves at you, turning around the slate on his neck to reveal the words Good Morning!


Kireena stops her practicing, sheathing her sword expertly before turning to face Trickster, "I won't break your spine, you have my word." She offers a hand to help Trickster up to help her properly stretch.

All of You, A little later

It is now 8:00, and you all find yourselves in the floor's common room. Your roommates have either already left for class or were in the bathrooms getting ready for the day. The only exception is Miss Alchemy's roommate: Jonni is still sound asleep. Nevertheless, the room appears to be safe for discussing 'private matters.'

2018-11-28, 10:10 PM
Atomic looks around to make sure no one's nearby before speaking. "Okay, it's a long shot but does anyone have anything so far?"

2018-11-28, 11:46 PM
"Oh, I have something interesting." Legion says, while another him flips idly through a textbook. "We have ourselves a mind-controller here; and he's an arrogant bastard if I've ever met one. He'll get himself into trouble, just you wait. And when he does, we can extend a helping hand and make him ours. Even better if we can nudge him into trouble along the way."

2018-11-29, 01:28 AM
"Oh, I have something interesting." Legion says, while another him flips idly through a textbook. "We have ourselves a mind-controller here; and he's an arrogant bastard if I've ever met one. He'll get himself into trouble, just you wait. And when he does, we can extend a helping hand and make him ours. Even better if we can nudge him into trouble along the way."

"Too much of a risk. We should eliminate him. It'd be easy enough to get him expelled..."

2018-11-29, 03:01 AM
"But a life without risk is boring!" Karen jumps to her feet, "I say we try to use him - and at the same time, keep some blackmail on him... shouldn't be too hard!" She turns to the Legion, "Who's our dude? I could check him out, at least?"

2018-11-29, 01:36 PM
Freeweight lounges in one of the chairs, his leg draped over the overstuffed arm.

"Mind control? That's a no go for me. I like my head to stay just the way it is. I vote we are him." he says. "I got a call from Bernard. I need to make a pickup today at 1:15. Can you all cover for me?"

2018-12-01, 01:33 AM
Atomic thinks for a second. "Maybe the best option is to hold off on doing either until we get a better feel for how this mind controller thinks and operates. If it seems like we can use him, we'll go from there. But getting him expelled isn't something we can undo."

2018-12-02, 10:48 PM
The Legion waves their hands dismissively, the one still not looking up from his textbook. "Blah blah risk, blah blah expulsion. This whole ordeal is a risk; if anything this makes the rest of our lives safer: he's a convenient scapegoat if we're caught. And, yeah, Karen, he goes by 'Cass' - short for 'Casanova' -" and here Legion can't help but roll his eyes, "but no. They're right to be freaked, you all have actual powers - he already has one heavy hitter under his thumb, he doesn't need another. It's probably safest if you all limit contact. Cass tries messing with one of me, all he gets is one of me - alone, we're only human."

"Well, unless you're feeling lucky. Actually, Speedy Gonzalez in there - her name's Jonnie - seems to be at least copacetic with him. You could try talking to her. And, hey, maybe talk me up a little? She's kinda cute."

"Oh, no worries Freeweight, what's your schedule look like? I can spare a fork to take notes."

2018-12-03, 08:14 AM
"I've got algebra then, which is gonna suck. I need a decent out though." Freeweight looks at Miss Alchemy. "Say Chemistry Queen, how'd you like to make me throw up so I can get out of class?"

2018-12-03, 03:47 PM
"Should be simple enough. I'll need a few minutes to properly synthesize it."

2018-12-16, 03:54 PM
"There is another issue," Kireena speaks up, looking over at Freeweight, "You know how to get out of class, but what about getting aroud security?" She points out the window where even now the grounds are flooded with kids walking, running, flying and skating on ice bridges to their first classes. "I didn't spot too many, but the faculty is still watching the grounds with cameras. If we don't avoid them, it might draw unnecessary attention to us."

Suddenly, there is a PING sound as Leapfrog suddenly appears in the lounge, wearing a pair of shorts and a purple tshirt. "Crap, I forgot my textbook," He says as he starts heading to his room, but stops to look at everyone gathered, "You guys....are going to class, right?"

Miss Alchemy

Standing close to your room, you can still hear the light snoring of your roommate.

2018-12-17, 10:58 PM
"Yeah, we should get going..." Atomic grabs his bag and heads out.

2018-12-18, 07:59 PM
"Eh. A few of us were thinking about skipping, actually - it's not like more than one of me needs to be in class anyway." Legion says with a smile. "Interested?"

2019-01-13, 08:54 PM
"Eh. A few of us were thinking about skipping, actually - it's not like more than one of me needs to be in class anyway." Legion says with a smile. "Interested?"

"It's the first day of class, dude," He says, PINGing into his room and pinging back with a textbook, "And I can't be in two places at once. And I don't wanna get in trouble in case Old Man Summers is watching. He's picking new members of Next-Gen this semester, you know!" And with that, Leapfrog vanishes again.

2019-01-13, 10:49 PM
"Oh, goodie." Legion drawled. "Next-Gen. Feh. Not even old enough to vote, and they're already buying into the Agenda."

2019-01-14, 01:55 AM
"Hey, we need to at the very least see what do they teach here", Trickster grabs her own bag, "Besides..." she leans towards the present Legion and whispers into his ear, "don't want to draw teachers' bad attention too early, do we?"

2019-01-16, 09:02 PM
"Being on an official team means trust, trust means people lower their guard. One of us getting in Next-Gen could be very useful."

2019-01-16, 09:17 PM
"Doubt I'll be all that useful if I'm retching every third sentence. And I will be attending class. Just not with all of me."

2019-01-17, 09:50 AM
" I'd do it, but I doubt they'll be happy to have me on the team if I'm going to be ducking class all the time to get pick ups." Freeweight muses. He glances up at the clock. "We should probably get going, shouldn't we?"

2019-01-20, 10:22 PM
You arrive at the main building of Claremont Academy with time to spare. From the inside, Claremont Academy looks more like a mansion than it does a school. The walls are partially paneled with cherrywood and the floors are maple panels. Needless to say, it was pretty fancy.

Upon arriving, you all realized that by some twist of fate (or the machinations of your sponsors) that you all have the same schedule. The class is listed with the teacher next to it:

Calculus- Darien Skyler
English- Jesse Perry
History- Lemar Phillips
Superhero History and Ethics- Leroy Hawke
Gym- Alan Archer
Art- Alexis Milo
Physics- Clarence Macleod

You arrive in a simple classroom, a series of desks facing a large white board. It was surprisingly sparse in terms of decoration, no educational posters or motivational messages. You don't see your Calculus teacher, but you recognize a few of the students.

- Charlene was sitting at her desk, wearing a zip-up hoodie over her strange hazmat suit and burying her face in a book. It looked like she was deliberately trying to avoid eye contact, and her desk seemed like an island among the ocean of other seats.

- Jonni (Miss Alchemy's roommate) had a desk in a back corner, fully dressed and lounging back in her chair. Her black boots kicked up on the desk, she smirked and nodded at Miss Alchemy as she walked in, blowing a bubble with her pink gum. Jonni had been asleep in her bed when you left.

-Near the front was Sebastien Shields (Cassanova), laughing with Eddie Fell (Chump) and a third student none of you had seen before: A black haired Japanese girl dressed in black and purple. You can't tell what they are talking about.

You have about two minutes before the Start Bell goes off.

2019-01-20, 11:58 PM
John takes a seat in the front row. Being a model student seemed like a good opener, and easy to stop if it turned out to be pointless.

2019-01-21, 08:35 PM
Two of the Legion walk into the room, shoulder to shoulder. One sits in the front row, notebook open and pen at the ready, the other wanders into the back row and collapses into the desk next to Jonni. "Howdy." he drawls in what no-one in their right mind would confuse for a real Texas accent. It's clear that this one could not care less about class.

As for where the third one is, well - that's always the question, isn't it?

2019-01-22, 03:10 AM
Trickster enters the class and heads to... last seat by the window, why not? Not like she expects to do particularly good in calculus, so what's the point in trying? Multiple choice questions in the test she can usually lucky guess, as for the rest... eh, it'll work out one way or another.

Looking at her, one could thing Karen had changed for PE already, but shorts and a short top were pretty much her everyday choice of outfit (when out of costume, anyway) - Karen knew years of gymnastics gave her a body worth gazing at, at didn't really mind... if anything, that made it easier to get her way.

2019-01-24, 07:11 AM
Jake waltzed into class just before the bell rang and grabbed whatever seat was left open. He had an image to maintain (or so he thought) after his stunt on the first day. It wouldn't do to look like he actually cared about school. He looked around the room for potential victims, someone smart looking and unassuming that he could rely on to "help" with his homework. It was always better to make friends than enemies, at least until the time came to betray them.

2019-02-14, 07:41 PM
Miss Alchemy takes out her supplies and organizes them on her desk, ready to learn. Or whatever.