View Full Version : Player Help Thoughts on where to go next - The Backup PC

2018-08-14, 02:16 AM
We are in the middle of a VERY hard fight for my party of l6 in CoS, and we have already lost our sorcerer. I have every suspicion my vengadin5/warlock1 is also about to go in for the long goodnight, as he is on 1hp when we broke off for the night*. So, given I have every expectation of there being at least one more player kill, most likely mine, I'd like some feedback on other possible ideas. I have lots of backup PCs in my mind, but I'm looking for any feedback on what of the following might be the way to go.

1. Kor (from Planeshift: Zendikar) drunken master monk. Would be a lot of fun, she drinks to forget the trauma of the Eldrazi buuuuut we already have a monk (shadow soul), and I don't want to tread on toes.
2. Warforged cleric (using the Deep Magic: Clockwork) 3rd party rules (my DM has approved if I go this way). I have played a warforged before, albeit a knight, and this sounds like a lot of fun - a robopriest who espouses the glories of Primus, may his golden cogs never lock. I even have a name picked out (and it is silly). Downside - we have a dwarven life cleric, and again, don't want to tread on toes.
3. Warforged... something? This is more in keeping with Ravenloft-style mecha - he'd be an abandoned project (when asked, his name is Bort. Because he read it on a diagram of himself**). If my paladin goes down, we don't have any brute force, so maybe a fighter?
4. Dragonborn paladin, oath of conquest (thinking, Lawful Evil). But I just played a paladin, so..
5. UA Eladrin warlock of the fey, heading towards either hexblade or blade pact. This is something we really haven't seen in our party, so it's the most diverse.
6. Planeshift: Dominaria Keldon fighter. Just pure muscle
7. I'm thinking of maybe a fighter/Archer build, but not sure on what race. Maybe tabaxi, for fun? We have a mix of ranged casters

I'm genuinely curious about other people's experiences, or thoughts on these particular builds.

* He's only on that because for his first death save, he nat 20d back to his feet.
** The diagram literally read ABORT PROJECT.

2018-08-14, 03:18 PM
Surprised he doesn't think his last name is project

2018-08-15, 11:20 AM
Bort sounds like fun if you need a tank. :smallsmile:

Eladrin warlocks are always fun at parties. Hexblade seems like a good option.

2018-08-15, 05:41 PM
Warforged Barbarian? Totem or Ancestral Guardian would be most useful for defending the rest for your team but would also make for some really weird and interesting roleplay. Zealot means you never have to worry about making a new character. Berserker is probably the most logical, rp-wise, but may not appeal to you.

2018-08-15, 11:55 PM
Warforged Barbarian? Totem or Ancestral Guardian would be most useful for defending the rest for your team but would also make for some really weird and interesting roleplay. Zealot means you never have to worry about making a new character. Berserker is probably the most logical, rp-wise, but may not appeal to you.

Guardian could be good, his "ancestors" are just divine spirits - modron-beings, or living equations.