View Full Version : The Headless Goddess IC: Chapter I-They killed each other

2018-08-17, 08:26 PM
War. A messy affair. And coming back home after a long absence is never easy.

Izhtar: Your men are tired. Black shadows under their eyes. They have seen too many things, killed too many. Now the sharp coast to the west and the steel colored sea should bring memories of home. The smell of familiar food. The hope of the warmth of a lover's bosom.

But is not like that.

Five years you have been gone. The land is changed. The spoils of war are barely seen in this grim region. Famous for it's tinder and it's masons. The best church builders in the Empire. But famous too for it's supertitions and heathens.

Reports talk about a band of marauders who have grown restless in the past years, while the war took place. The heathens from the mountanous areas around the coast have organized and taken advantage of the lack of soldiers. Most men over 14 had been recruited for war. And the holds were left behind by the glory seeking knights.

The men with you all hail from this land. And they are eager to hunt the maraudes down.

Lori: This has become a lawless land. The war started when you were only 13. It became a full fledged affair by your 15th birthday. You were spared, because of your gender. So is this Empire. Women don't go to war. But theirs is the hardest work: protecting their homes from the vultures who remain behind: Heathen marauders, wild as beasts, and the wealthy lords who dont go to the battlefront. A collection of degenerated sloths, the heirarchy of the church, the nobility. Scum.

You learnt to live. Snatching what you needed. But yesterday you got caught by a small army while you tried to loot some marauder's bodies. Days death.

From your encampent, you spotted the black smoke in the distance two days ago. The old hermit, most probably. It lied on your way.

Aragh's messenger was clear. Something was wrong. Among the decadence of the port city, something arose that now was spreading it's perversion to the fields. Aragh went to the old groove. She asked you to meet her there.

The smoke died off.

Then, you spot the army. 20 men in chainmail, with a banner of House Karlstein and the Symbol of the Enlighted One in it's more despitfull incarnation. The immobile order of law.

They have seen you. You were a little to arrogant standing on that rock.

2018-08-18, 08:31 PM
Spotting an elven figure Ihztar calls out to his soldiers: Stand ready men! Years of battle and skirmish taught him never to ignore the possibility of an ambush. But as the column rides closer to the figure, something about the elf sparks his memory. He holds up his fist in a signal to stop the march.

Raising his voice to be heard above the noises of clanking armor and stopping horses he says: Blessings, stranger. You remind me of a good elfkin I once knew... I am Ihztar, loyal sword of house Karlstein and faithful servant to the Enlightened One; What is your name, master elf?

2018-08-19, 05:50 PM
Visible as a fey figure with a leather messenger bag and a woodpecker-red tuft of hair, Jargangal tenses up when she first notices The One's current brand of heraldry. She was told by the human authorities that she was to rendezvous with such an outfit for bandit-related reasons, but she was really hoping she'd have time to meet Aragh first. If those scouts did anything to her...

Wait. The unit's coat of arms also looks familiar. "...Izhtar?"

The wild elf has a good view of the commander from her vantage point, but that doesn't make it a lot easier to identify him. Besides having been to war and back, he seems to have grown a beard and dyed some of his hair gray. It is definitely Izhtar, though. What other human of that rank would believe for an instant that a bronze-blooded elf could be their friend?

"Izhtar, don't you dare pretend you don't recognize me. I'm not the one who ages fifty years for every five."

It's about at this point that she remembers that she's still wearing her normal clothes, a problem which becomes more apparent to the soldiers as they approach. To a human city-dweller, it's basically underwear and so not quite appropriate for an Imperial Sage who's supposed to be on the clock. Izhtar has probably never seen her without her blue robe.

"To the rest of you, I am Jargangal, an officially recognized scholar of the imperial order or whatever it is you're calling it now." Once the men finally put their weapons away, she returns her attention to Izhtar. "Excuse my manners. I really am happy to see you again, but I was going to meet someone near those smoke signals earlier and your scouts apparently beat me there. Did you happen to run into her?"

2018-08-20, 01:14 AM
Time is different for elves and humans, as Jargangal sees Izhtar that becomes palpable. War has turned his hair white even in patches around the beard. He looks somehow more imposing.

The smoke you saw did not look like smoke signals, more like something burning out, black thick smoke.

You notice the young woman, tied and with a wary look. Waiting for an opportunity.

2018-08-20, 06:04 PM
Already being acquainted with the elf's odd lifestyle, Ihztar is not put off by her relative lack of garments. It's been a grim war Jarg, and a long road; besides... His mouth curves into a teasing grin as his serious face relaxes slightly. If I spent as much time as you sitting down with my nose in a book I bet I'd look ten years younger.

His small attempt at humour washes away quickly, his face grows stern as his thoughts come back to the task at hand. These lands have become dangerous, friend. I'm glad you remain unharmed but you should not travel alone; the army has been absent from these parts for long, and some folk think they can take advantage of their neighbors without consequence. Lord Karlstein gave me his leave to bring these men back from the frontlines and make a show of his lordship's authority. We left the bulk of the army just before last moon, though we haven't met another of your kin on our journey. You are welcome to join us, in fact I hope you do, 'tis a fine thing to have a fellow sharp as you around. And we can help find whoever it is you were looking for.

2018-08-20, 09:57 PM
It takes this long for Jarg to realize that she can probably just reach into her messenger bag and throw on her cloak right now. When she does, it kind of conveys the feeling of showing up to work in a bathrobe, but it nonetheless relieves her self-consciousness. She takes the jokes at her expense in good humor.

"Frankly, not running into my kin is probably good news for all involved. I would be shooting at you myself if I hadn't watched you grow up with my own eyes." She glances at the sky as though searching for something for a moment. "Those brigands that have been, 'taking advantage,' certainly aren't helping your reputation, either. I will gladly help bring them to justice, but I fear that there is something behind it more insidious than simple opportunism. That is what I was meeting Miko Aragh about." She looks up again and starts to look impatient. "Where is he? You didn't instruct your scouts to shoot down stray eagles, did you?"

This is kind of a weird question until Izhtar remembers Jargangal's weird elven equivalent of a wizard's familiar. She had sent Jinka ahead to take a quick look at the burned-out pyre and report back.

2018-08-21, 10:25 AM
Jargangal, you cover your almost naked body with a shrug. Some of Izhtar men shift uncomfortably in their horses. A few are boys barely leaving their teens behind, but they look like the hardened warriors.

You'll never understand the wars between humans. Their desire for expansion, the ways they use their religion to fuel and justify their conflicts. They weren't out hunting orcs (there are so few left) or pushing back hordes of giants (if there are any left), Nah. They were slaughtering other humans in the name of their god and the laws of the Emperor.

Even if House Karlstein has been one of the few honorable houses, the human idea of honor is too slippery for an elf.


Your sense of honor makes you speak about your father using his noble title: Lord Karlstein. One day you will be called so, who knows when though, the old man is healthy as an oak three and hearty as a dwarf.

While you are talking, Jargangal's eagle friend comes back; it circles your group a few times conspicuously, then it swipes down to Jargangal's arm.

It tries to convey information trough creaks and squeaks, and only Jargangal seems to make out anything from that.

Corpses, vultures, and flies

2018-08-21, 04:42 PM
looking about at her surroundings and captors trying to see if there was a way out without them knowing it until it was far to late

listen [roll0] spot [roll1] search [roll2] gather information [roll3]

2018-08-21, 04:56 PM
spotting at a chance to escape and grab her stuff Escape Artist [roll0] ...

2018-08-21, 05:03 PM
Lori is not very interested in the elf and the eagle. But she knows people that go to the hermit they are talking about, and who were supossed to celebrate a religious thing two days ago there. Mostly old folks and some young women who go there to thank the Enlighted one for the Autum pumpkins, the figs and the accorns.

She manages to untie herself pretty easily, and she could grab her gear if she wanted... but it is risky with 17 soldiers behind her... DC 25

2018-08-21, 05:13 PM
mentally noting the soldiers behind her, walking ever so cautiously (move silently [roll0] ) up to Jargangal: Excuse me but I might know something about people and a hermit if your interested?

2018-08-21, 05:22 PM

When you speak there's a loud gasp coming from the soldiers... just as one who has seen you, shouts a "stop!"

There you are, free and holding your bag in your hand and a smug smile on your face...

2018-08-21, 09:30 PM
"Already? Oh no, no no no-"

Jargangal is about to take off running and yell at Izhtar to keep up, when a voice behind her interrupts her already-sputtering train of thought. If she noticed the human untying herself and dismounting, she apparently didn't care until this moment.

"You! What do you know? What happened to her?!"

2018-08-21, 11:58 PM
His training kicking in instantly, Ihztar's hand flies to Balance's pommel, a single inch of steel glints over his shoulder before he regains composure, without looking away from the former captive he addresses her overseers: Baedn! Joshell! Latrines. Three days. His voice neutral but loud enough to be heard by the whole company. As punishments went, it was not taxing on the men, just on their egos.

Still your feet or be struck down, whench. The woman is clearly trained in unsavory skills, and her credibility is unknown. At best she's trying to create an escape window, at worst she'll lead them to a band of waiting brigands. His men better have bows ready, there's only so many latrines twenty-odd men can make use of.

Readied action to attack if she comes within range.

2018-08-22, 04:33 PM
Looking at the pair (Spot [roll0] : Sense Motive [roll1]) Hold your blade for I would hate to have your blood spilled this day. (Bluff [roll2]) I have seen people that go to this hermit you were talking about, I believe they were going to a religious thing two days ago. Mostly old folks and some young ones were there also..

2018-08-22, 09:29 PM
Jarg narrows her eyes. "'Mostly old folks, but some young ones also.' You must truly be a master of observation." She turns her back on the rogue, having determined that she can be safely ignored. "Come on, we need to investigate! My companion saw nothing but corpses at our meeting place, but the attackers may have taken prisoners!"

2018-08-23, 12:42 AM
Reading into Jargangal's distress, Ihztar chooses to prioritize the hermit and rescinds his grip on Balance as he issues an ultimatum to the fugitive in the form of an hymn As he creates, so he destroys, preserving only that which adds to his glory... fingers spread to reveal the three interwoven rings carved in his proffered gauntlet he continues Know that I won't hesitate to destroy that which threatens the peace of the empire; or the authority of house Karlstein. If you don't stand on my side, stay well out of my way.

He then extends the arm towards the elf Will you ride on my back or did one of your tomes mention how to outrun a warhorse?

Intimidate check as part of dialogue. Ride check to aid another if Jarg gets on (no idea if she has her own mount or the batallion has any more to spare). Knowledge: religion check to recall information about religious events close to current date

2018-08-23, 04:56 PM
Well then as you put it that way I have no ill will towards you, your house or at the moment the empire. So if you have no other objections I would travel with you. Who knows you may find my talents useful.

2018-08-24, 03:02 AM
"Depends on the horse," says the sage as the warrior readies his mount. She's so worried that she doesn't even stop to consider that he may have been joking.

She reluctantly looks at the rogue again. "Great, fine. Your commander says there is room on his back. Now let us go."

Without further ado, she begins the quick march to the de-smoked site, leaving the other two and the rest of the humans to catch up with her walking pace. A heavy warhorse can just barely match her.

2018-08-24, 04:52 AM
The columns advance quickly, these roads were built in the ancient times of the empire when there still was a central administration and a sense of unity. Before the houses started warring and the emperor became an empty figure. Good old fashioned roads.

The deterioration is obvious, with grass and roots breaking through the stones here and there and the mud of the recent rain season muffles the hoof of the horses, but the underlying road is of the highest quality.

A stream flows parallel to the road, down the valley to the nearby coast. Over the hills you can actually see the bay an the imposing rock. It looks closer that it is.

After two hours or so your group spots the scouts, they are coming your way.

Jargangal may be fast as a horse, but roll and Endurance check.

Every body else, roll spot

2018-08-24, 10:15 AM
Proud Jargangal tries to keep up with the horses. However, This breed is a strong one, trained to fight and travel long distances. Most are very light and lean, Izhtar's is an imponent mare. Wartrained and powerful.

Jargangal starts to get tired, exhausted from running after them...

2018-08-24, 01:24 PM
lori riding along looking about (spot [roll0])

2018-08-24, 01:41 PM
As the riders come closer, over a slope about 200mt you can see they ride with urgency, undisciplined. Pushing their horses.

2018-08-24, 05:21 PM
Hey riders are coming in fast might be trouble:

2018-08-25, 01:47 PM
You catch up with the riders.

They stare at the elf. They look at each other. Then they talk to Izhtar.

"It's a massacre, sir. Some twenty peasants seem to be dead. We didn't go further inside. There are some tents and somekind of market. Probably they were celebrating something around the hermit. The Hermit roof has been burnt down."

2018-08-25, 04:52 PM
Recognizing the scouts, Ihztar doesn't slow his mare. The three riders turn their mounts and let the rest of the company catch up to them.

After hearing their report. Ihztar questions the men: Did you find signs of struggle? Hoofs? Tracks? Any thrashed fences or doors rammed down?

2018-08-25, 05:14 PM
"There's only one building sir, the hermit. The peasants were scattered around a bonfire and some tents and a couple of wagons. The mud and rain made looking for tracks complicated, we didn't go inside the building. As is standard not to risk the scouts, sir."

They doubt and look at each other...

"There was something sir... Some of them seemed to be laughing... their faces... they had an expression of joy sir..."

2018-08-26, 12:16 PM
Ihztar grunts in acknowledgement and waits for the others to ask the scouts their questions before dismissing them; as the three riders fall back to formation, the veteran tries to recall the superstitions of the faithless that populate the neighboring area.

Knowledge Local or Religion, either check made untrained with a +0 bonus [roll0]

2018-08-26, 06:18 PM
It takes this long for the elf to catch her breath, secretly grateful for an excuse to take a break.

"So, either they are some kind of cult, or whoever did this did it so quickly and suddenly that everyone was dead before they knew." She takes another few breaths. She's going to have to put her pride on hold for the rest of the walk. "I can't say which would be worse. The house itself, was it intact?"

Their answer really doesn't matter. We'll be seeing it ourselves in a moment. Jargangal approaches and looks up at Ihztar. "Um. I hope your offer of a ride is still good? I think I overestimated my new walking boots."

2018-08-26, 06:47 PM
You go on riding up to the hermit


It is an ancient hermit on a hill.

The roof is mostly gone, eaten by fire. In the grass in front of the hermit there are 5 tents, forming a circle, 3 of them are crumbled.

There are bodies everywhere. About 20 of them, mostly old women and young people.

and there's the remains of a large bonfire.

the hermit doors are open.

Roll spots and listen and search if you are going to go for tracks.

2018-08-26, 11:32 PM
Giving a short tirade of commands, Ihztar directs five pairs of soldiers to investigate the tents and corpses while the rest of his men guard the horses.

The commander himself dismounts and offers a silent prayer for the defunct.

Spot [roll0]
Search [roll1]
Listen [roll2]
Detect Evil SLA

2018-08-27, 02:02 AM
Jargangal, you are in disbelief as all the soldiers start plodding around the muddy surface, possibly destroying clues and tracks with their heavy boots... Izthar maybe is a great warrior, but his hunting skills are all over the place.

Izhtar, you give a short practical pray. Then you concentrate your inner powers and faith...

the place has a lingering aura of evil. The remains of a strong presence, it grows stronger towards the hermit.


The bodies...

There's evil in the bodies.

A moderate aura emanates from the distorted faces.

One of you soldiers screams

Sir, this one is alive, she is moving.


2018-08-27, 01:04 PM
dismounting from the back of the horse Lori begins investigating the area for any sign of what may have caused this.
Knowledge Local [roll0] Gather information [roll1] Listen [roll2] Search [roll3] Spot [roll4]

2018-08-27, 01:29 PM
dismounting from the back of the horse Lori begins investigating the area for any sign of what may have caused this.
Knowledge Local [roll0] Gather information [roll1] Listen [roll2] Search [roll3] Spot [roll4]

Three things catch your attention immediately.

The expression of a few of this people's faces they seem excited even in death.

You know some of this people, there are a few who were relatively close to you and your family. Most have crossed you path at least once. They come every fall to the hermit, to pray for the pumpkins and the figs to be ripe before winter.
This is highly abnormal.

then there's the obvious element. If this was a marauder's attack, they must be terrible marauders, as every single object that could have any value is here.

Lastly, you realize that some of them show no sign of decomposition and that the crows and the vultures that circle the place have not touch some of the bodies.

2018-08-27, 01:56 PM
Lori will tell the others of her observations

2018-08-27, 06:01 PM
Arms ready men! Evil is afoot! Ihztar bellows to his company as he draws his own blade.

Walking up to the closest of the bodies, O Lord above all, preserve the souls of these ill-fated folk; and lend me the courage to bring about your will he whispers to himself before stabbing down the tip of Balance on a limb.

2018-08-27, 11:39 PM
Jargangal sighs. "Must you all tromp and shuffle like you are making a nest? I am trying to find where these people came from."


Spot!: [roll0]
Listen!: [roll1]

Survival (to possibly find the path of any tracks): [roll2]

Search (once inside the hermit house): [roll3]

Jarg nods in respect to Izhtar's prayer - he has a healthy hatred of necromancy, so if anything of the sort rears its gross half-rotten head, he'll be all over it. Of course, Jarg's biggest concern is with the hermit herself. She proceeds to the open doors to look for clues before the clumsy humans take out a wall or something.

2018-08-28, 02:29 AM

You move around the camp, ordering these fools to be careful and taking over the search for tracks. It is difficult, your expertise tells you there was great disorder, the tents are broken, and there are hurried footsteps everywhere... finding tracks would probably require a more thorough search.

However, you see the particular pattern of more recent footsteps, mixed with the track of a dragged body over the mud.

It leads into the Hermit...


It is a stone building, almost 20 meters long and with a high tower. The heavy wooden doors are unhinged and partially burnt, from the outside you can see the sunlight going in through the burnt out roof. You move closer to inspect the place.

Stepping inside you see two rows of praying benches and an altar, the roof is mostly missing, and there are a few more bodies inside.

You hear a noise of crunching bones to your left. As you turn your head, your elven eyes reveal them: under the shadow provided by two large stone arches there are four figures hunched over and eating a body. One of them turns and sees you.

Initiatives and Knowledge...

Izhtar and Lori

You give a blessing and then poke a body on the leg, one of the bodies Lori thinks are not decomposing. Nothing happens.

A few yards away, two soldiers try to check on the one that is apparently alive, an old woman, she revolves, and one of the soldiers falls on his back then the woman bites one of the soldiers in the neck almost ripping his throat out!

A blue hue and a hissing sound emerge from her face as the sunlight comes through a cloud...


2018-08-28, 10:49 AM
Initiative: [roll0]
Free Action: Screaming They have turned!

2018-08-28, 09:16 PM
Jarg has kind of a big mouth when it comes to humans. She is quick to condemn them and generally complains a lot.

Ghouls, though? Ghouls aren't even worth wasting her breath. She just unsnaps her bow and summons a proper carnivore to break down the corrupted flesh.

Initiative: [roll0]

Action: Blow a 3rd-level spell slot on Summon Nature's Ally. Her conjurer training lets her cast summon spells as a standard action and auto-buff her Dire Wolf with Augment Summoning. I've accounted for this in the stat block below.

Move Action: Retrieve bow. Just in case.


An enormous saber-toothed wolf appears in between Jargangal and the scavengers, much too big to have slipped in unnoticed without magic. It fills the ruined premises with a low growl as it awaits its instructions.

"An offering. Kill and eat!"

Size/Type: Large Animal
Hit Dice: 6d8+30 (57 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +3 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+15
Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d8+13)
Full Attack: Bite +13 melee (1d8+13)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Trip (Free trip attempt on hit with a bite. Gets +13 on the check.)
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 29, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Hide +0, Listen +7, Move Silently +4, Spot +7, Survival +2*
Feats: Alertness, Run, Track(B), Weapon Focus (bite)
Alignment: Neutral

Wolf Attack! Let's say... the one on the left? [roll1]
Mega Wolf Damage! [roll2]

If the ghoul survives, it might trip and fall over anyway: [roll3]

2018-08-30, 11:10 AM

Your summoned wolf pounces one of the creatures and they roll together in the floor.

The other ignores them and moves swiftly towards you, deadly intelligence sparking in its eyes.

It reaches out with a mercurial slam

It moves 40' and slams you

[roll0] damage [roll1]

If hit, make a fort save DC14 or take one negative level

The other is fighting with the wolf

Trip check, [roll2]

[roll3] damage [roll4]

If hit, make a fort save DC14 or take one negative level


The creature is latched to the soldiers' neck,

[roll5] Con damage

No other bodies move

2018-08-30, 11:46 AM


It's not really the wolf's fault. Had she thought to tell it to protect her rather than just attack, it might have taken its attack of opportunity and tripped it before she had her life drained. Also, she really should have cast her armor spell before coming in here. Ah, well. Hindsight.


That other monster probably isn't having a good time.

Jargangal disengages and heads outside. "Two undead in the hermitage! One is right behind me."

Disengage and effectively move 100 feet through the exit.

2018-08-30, 02:13 PM
Jargangal, as you leave through the door you sense a shadow flying over towards the summoned wolf.

2018-08-30, 03:26 PM
Jarg tersely explains that to whoever responds to her call on their initiative. Meanwhile, the wolf keeps on chomping the ghouls. Vampire spawn. Wights? Whatever. They're meat.

Wolf Attack #2, go!
Damage: [roll1]

Re-trip: [roll2]

2018-08-30, 03:47 PM
You hear another roar coming from inside the building. Your wolf is fighting something bigger.

[roll0] [roll1]


2018-08-30, 03:52 PM
Lori's Turn:
IF she can see a moving undead that is outside. she will move keeping the undead between her and the house.
Attack: PH: [roll0] 18-20 OH: [roll1] 18-20, [roll2] 19-20
Damage: PH [roll3] OH: [roll4], [roll5]
if Crit: PH [roll6] OH: [roll7], [roll8]

IF NOT she will otherwise will maintain at least 60ft distance from the house

2018-08-30, 04:51 PM
Lori is pretty close to the bitting creature whose skin is now hissing under the sunlight and who doesn't let go of the dying soldier.

She moves in and stabs the creature twice. The wounds are made larger by the sun and the creature let go of the soldier and tries to flee in agony.

A few men go to aid Jargangal, drawing swords and donning shields.

A few other keep an eye on the bodies, but these don't move... for now.

Two try to stabilize the wounded soldier, whose face has a terrible expression of fear.

2018-08-30, 05:45 PM
Izhtar gives orders to his soldiers and moves in to turn the undead inside the church.

Sorry, I'm Spanish and I was under the assumption that the word Hermit was both a person who lived alone and the place where such person lives and that is also used for a secluded small church. I will use church from now on.

Then he calls forth the powers of the divinity, but his attempt falls short. He can hear the growlings of the two beast fighting.

2018-08-30, 10:09 PM
This time we have to earn our survival. Men! Show our creator we have the will to be preserved. The captain calls to his troops, rallying their courage.

Then he turns to his friend: Just like old times, right Jarg? Always forgetting which of us is the vanguard.

On my next turn, Ihztar casts Bless for the entire company and moves to defend Jarg, provoking AoO if unavoidable.

2018-08-31, 12:43 PM
Inside the dire wolf and the sabretooth wolf fight relentlessly.

The creature that attacked Jargangal attempts to follow her, but stops short at the entrance right were the sun shines on the stonefloor. It hisses and runs into the shadows of the church along the wall towards the priest's room.

your turn. Jarg, your wolf has taken more damage= 12

2018-08-31, 12:44 PM
“Yeah, yeah. (Mage Armor.)” Jarg is too old to get all defensive about making a dumb mistake. It’s happened before, it’ll probably happen again, and it’ll keep happening until she finally learns to work properly with a team.

As the humans take point in front of her, she gets a better look at the shadow wolf. Some kind of undead copycat?

[roll0] for her trained knowledge skills

[roll1] for untrained ones, with an added +2 for undead or +4 for humans.

Jarg’s beefy wolf keeps fighting whatever it’s fighting. Jargangal is trusting the animal to do its thing based on its own instinctive judgement.

2018-08-31, 01:38 PM
*Round 2 Actions under Spell Bless +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects*
Lori will move keeping the undead between her and the house.
Attack: PH:[roll0] 18-20 OH:[roll1] 19-20, [roll2] 19-20
Damage: PH [roll3] OH: [roll4], [roll5]
if Crit: PH [roll6] OH: [roll7], [roll8]

2018-08-31, 05:26 PM
Jargangal you have heard of creatures that can change forms when they become undead. They feed on blood. And they dominate humans.


Lori, you finish off the undead woman outside, the sun does the rest. Its face changes completely, looking like century-old parchment.

Three soldiers go inside the building. These are war veterans, but still, they are terrified at the sight of the two beasts.

The other runs after the undead who attacked Jargangal.

Outside there's paranoia, some soldiers stab bodies that don't move.

2018-09-06, 12:44 PM
Ihztar rallies the soldiers closest to him. Then gesturing towards Jargangal, he commands one of them: Jeden, stick with this one, she's one to look for trouble. Assit her.

As he makes his way into the church he beckons two more soldiers: Aster, Samson. With me, and be on your guard. just before going inside, he focuses his mind towards the evil presence inside the building.

I'll record stuff expended on the sheet and keep track of it on each post for ease of reference.
Turn Undead: 1/7 daily uses
Smite Evil: 0/1 daily uses
1st lvl spells: Bless Divine Favor Enlarge Person Magic Weapon
2nd lvl spells: Bull's Strength Shield Other Spiritual Weapon
Maneuver: Leading the Attack

2018-09-06, 03:16 PM
You and your men move inside. There, two of your soldiers stand, weapons drawn, watching the fight between two monsters. One is a large wolf like creature with sabretooths and the other a shaggy but powerful dark wolf. The latter is clearly winning the fight.

I need a couple of fortitude saves from the wolf fo the negative levels DC 21

There's no sign of the other soldier that went in.

2018-09-06, 03:41 PM
You go on ahead, I will stick out here and keep an eye on things

2018-09-06, 08:55 PM
You and your men move inside. There, two of your soldiers stand, weapons drawn, watching the fight between two monsters. One is a large wolf like creature with sabretooths and the other a shaggy but powerful dark wolf. The latter is clearly winning the fight.

I need a couple of fortitude saves from the wolf fo the negative levels DC 21

There's no sign of the other soldier that went in.

OOC: [roll0] [roll1] (You can roll things like this on my behalf when it's for an animal I'm not controlling directly. Also for the wolf's attack rolls since I forgot. :smalltongue:)

Jargangal keeps casting spells from behind the front line, this time touching her old friend on the shoulder to bless him with Bull's Strength.

The wolf continues fighting back against its evil doppelganger.

2018-09-07, 04:32 AM
Jargangal, you ignore Izthar patronizing protective efforts and move in close to combat. Your wolf is holding its own against the beast, but the beast is wining. Pinning the wolf down with its powerful jaws.

You come closer and touch Izthaer's shoulder, granting him a boost to strenght.

Your wolf is strong and brave but you know the beast will soon be dismissed to its plane of existance.

The beast is sorrounded by soldiers

it becomes blurry and the dark shape of the beast disolves into a shadowy gas that starts moving along the wall to the altar.

2018-09-07, 07:05 PM
[Sorry, but you misunderstand - I meant that she was casting the spell on Izhtar, not the wolf.]

2018-09-08, 08:37 AM
[Sorry, but you misunderstand - I meant that she was casting the spell on Izhtar, not the wolf.]

Edited accordingly