View Full Version : Under the light of 7 moons

2018-08-18, 03:06 PM
It is the year 628 since the great heroes of the age rose up at the front a popular revolt againt the Count of Kommoragh who ruled his empire of monsters from his seat deep within the impenetrable black woods. It is after these woods that his empire took the name, Empire of the Woods.

The army of free humans, tired of being treated as chattel and in many cases even as cattle, fought many bloody battles against the better equipped and trained human agents and armies of the Count. The heroes tried to reason with many, begging them to aid the free humans. Some did follow their cause, others refused out of fear and others even opposed them looking to curry favour with the count. Many were also those who tried to assassinate the now nameless hero leading the army of free humans, some were monsters, while others were even humans. Friends, loved ones...traitors, for strong is the pull of gold and favour.

Through the sacrifices of many the heroes finally managed to push the Empire back to the black woods and even though the grand army that had been assembled should be jubilant laying siege at the gates of the enemy, the mood at the camp was subdued at best, history tells us, for even through many hard won victories, they had yet to face the monster armies of the Count.

For whatever reason the count was holding back. Some said he was scared, others that he was taunting them, that no matter what they did they would lose and the count was just trying to break their spirit in order to prevent any future revolts. Whatever the case, the momentum could not be lost and so, if the count would not come to meet them, the army of free humans would brave the woods and march upon the castle.

The trees would not burn and so the army marched through thick underbrush and away from the light of the sun. In short, it was a massacre. Whether it was magic, monsters, tactics or simply bad luck, only a fraction of tired, demoralised humans beaten half to death made it to the gates of castle Kommoragh, finding the gates wide open. It was decided that only the 5 heroes who were there at the start of it all would finish it. It was said that the count had a perverse sense of fairness and a small exhausted and battered army would only make it easier for the count.

No account exists of what happened inside castle Kommoragh. Those waiting outside heard the sounds of a great battle coming from the highest tower. After 3 days and 3 nights, silence fell within the castle and slowly a wounded and much aged man, the leader of the small band of heroes came out alone. He was never the same and would never speak of what happened within the castle.


Of course grandma has made you read the story plenty of times, but the merchants and teachers in the nearby village say this is only superstition and the aggrandisement of a democratic revolution against a demonised tyrant. The black woods, though dangerous, are regularly visited by hunters and woodsmen. No scout party has ever been able to find Castle Kommoragh and its fabled treasures and of course, no monsters have been found, in spite of the circulation of numerous stories, like the beastmen of Kragg Fod. You should know, you live right at the edge of blacks woods and if there were any monsters to be seen, youd have seen them.

But none of that matters really....next week is both your birthdays! Not only has grandma said that if you do all your chores beforehand (to her satisfaction she added, no Kippling ever accepts shoddy work) she would let you spend the night at Shir Morhan, the nearby town and she would give you a gold piece each! And you were allowed to drink since you were going to be 18! Never before has she allowed you to do anything like that. She said to get it all over with, she didnt seem nearly as excited about it as you felt. In fact she seemed a little bit sad and thoughtful. Her insults just hadnt had the usual spirit behind them and neither did her whacks with her favourite stick.


You have lived your short and uneventful life of nearly 18 years in the lee of the black woods, which have blessed you with bountiful hunting and gathering as well as amusement in the form of climbing high trees, hide and seek and the occasional bear or wolf that you had to run away from. The nearest village where you can do buy and sell for your daily and average needs is called Sherpton, population 125, and is mostly populated by farmers of sheepherders. A caravan passes once a week to buy the produce of the village and sell to the villagers what the village does not produce.

Further away is the town of Shir Morhan, a small trading town complete with 2 publicans, a market and other unsavoury activities, as your grandmore has warned you. Caravans from the southern desert come through Shir Morhan occasionally on their way to the capital of Mor Kanog.


But now morning has come, you have 4 days to prepare before your birthdays.

https://i1.wp.com/www.fantasticmaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/saemyyrfinalunlabelledwebpreview.jpg?resize=1024%2 C682

2018-08-20, 08:06 AM
rolls are rolled by: [roll*]1d20[/roll*] - you can roll whatever dice you want e.g. 4d6, 2d3, 6d8, 10d10.
Add any number to your dice roll: by saying plus or minus the number 4d6+3, 1d20-2 etc
to create spoiler: [spoiler*] TEXT TEX TEXT [/spoiler*]

Copy paste and remove asterisk

2018-09-18, 12:03 PM
Valerian's first order of business was to secure that grandma had an adequate supply of firewood for her hearth.
I'll make sure you stay cozy and warm Gran! I'll even stock the fireplace so you'll only need to strike a match!

chopping wood: [roll0]

After chopping wood most of the day Valerian sorted out the livestock, although an elderly goat and a grumpy pig did not nearly deserve the term, mucked out the pen and went to bed

the next day was dedicated in gathering food for the trip ahead. I bet there will be meat pies and root beer in the town Valeriana, the peddler last month said so!!

Valerian's daydreaming got him yelled at by Gran but he could not care less. The day of his visit to the big town was drawing near

2018-09-18, 12:14 PM
Valerie decided that she would help grandma with the house chores. She dusted all the shelves, swept the floor,aired the rooms and after she rushed to the kitchen and decided she will do all the cooking for today and the days to come. Dont you worry grandma me and Valerian will do everything we can so you can rest and to have no worries while we are gone.

roll cooking: [roll0]

The following days Valerie will pick up her basket and go to the woods to gather some fresh mushrooms and herbs. She will also try and maybe catch a rabbit or two so she can make her delicious stew for her birthday day!

roll survival gathering: [roll1]

roll survival hunting: [roll2]

2018-09-18, 03:35 PM
Day 1:

The cottage

Yes yes...very good. Less talking more chopping then. Youre both very excited taget out..ya know what out is? Just a place where more bad things can happen....

Grandmother said to Valerian and went back into the cottage mumbling and grumbling, something perhaps about her back and a bear as far as you could understand, not that it made much sense. Valerie inside the cottage was subject to her usual grumbling about how roughly the potatoes were chopped, how thick the blood sausage was and would have to cook for too long meaning tough skin that her poor teeth would make a martyr out of her while they were gone. She complained about her finger rush, though she seemed quite adept at handling the knife to chop the herbs that went into the stew.

Valerian chops the wood competently enough, the wood slowly accrues in a neat pile leaning on the cottage. Cleaning out the pens is indeed a grubby job and one deserving of a dip in the river only a mile away to wash off the smelll.

At the end of the day, both Valerie and Valerian fall asleep the second their heads hit the straw beds.

Day 2:

The woods

Valerie spied a very promising trail of healing herbs, as she starts gathering them she forgets herself and wanders off the path. As she does so, consumed with trying to pick out the herb, she fails to notice the boils developing on her hands and arms....poison oak...Distracted as she was at the prospect of going to the city for the first time, she completely forgot her training. Thankfully the sky is still high in the sky, a little after midday.

Unfortunately, she now finds herself off the usual paths and her hands, arms and feet covered in painful boils. Hunting is out of the question for a few days, as is any delicate work.

Food gathering choices:

Decide how many hours devoted to each and roll survival for each.

2018-10-07, 01:20 PM
Seeing his sister was taking a long time to gather herbs Valerian decided to take care of the food gathering. There was no way her tardiness would bar his way to the TOWN with all its imagined pleasures.

He got up early the next day and tried his hunt first in hunting and then in foraging. he hunted until midday has passed, and gathered herbs, berries and other edibles until the first hour of dusk.

roll hunting: [roll0]
roll foraging: [roll1]

After hours in the woods he started for home thinking "I'll make sure Valerie knows how I did her share of the chores! I'll make her buy me a meat pie AND a candied apple when we get to town"

2018-10-07, 01:53 PM
Valerie will first try to ease the boils with some amount of the healing herbs she is carrying. In order to achieve that she will try to find 2 rocks big enough to represent a bowl so she can put the herbs inside with water and make a poultise.
roll heal: [roll0]

After she covers the wounds Valerie will try to find the path for home before the sun sets.
roll survival: [roll1]

2018-10-08, 07:31 AM
Day 2

The cottage and surrounding area

Valerian is modestly successful in gathering and hunting. Some small game crossed his path, some of which he managed to catch, though no deer.

It would be far preferable to carry a nice big deer home and spend his time skinning and cutting the meat. Instead he must run around after scrawny rabbits and the like.

As he looks for spoor he finds a few bushes and fruit trees, though the fruit is of varying ripeness, but edible.

[roll0] rabbits are caught
[roll1] pounds of fruit and berries

By the end of the day the rabbits are skinned and bled. Will they be cooked or smoked?

The woods

It takes some time for Valerie to find any herbs suitable to make a poultice. Having found the herbs she finds a small stream running nearby after some looking. The cool water will help soothe her stinging hands and there are plenty of rocks around the stream to serve as a mortar.

These tasks are not easy to accomplish with hands afflicted with poison oak and many times Valerie has to dip her hands in the cool waters of the stream to soothe her aching boils. Finally she manages to grind down the herbs and add some water to make a mixture thick and muddy and using some strips of spare cloth from her bags she manages to apply the soothing mixture to her hands and arms.

The sun has started its slow journey towards night by the time she sets out. Having found the stream she has managed to re-orient herself successfully realising that she had veered off more than she intended. Under normal circumstances, she would be home before sunset, but the going is slow as she cannot use her hands. After about an hour in, the poultice has started to crack a bit and bits of it fall off as Valerie realises that the strips of cloth are peeling off. It takes some readjustment, a bit more cloth and time before the poultices are secure and she manages to be on her way once again.

The sun had just set and the wolfmoon, the first of 7 appeared in the night sky by the time she makes it home.

Gran is sitting in her rockingchair at the porch knitting by candlelight when Valerie walks up to the entrance of the cottage. She got up, looked at her muddy dress and the poultice on her arms and hands.

I didnt raise no gel silly enough to go out picking poison oak for herbs. Hope theres none left in that bag o yours and you had the sense to throw out everything else that was in it as well.

She said giving her a sharp rasp on the head and ushering her inside.

Peel off them bandages and lets see what the damage is then. Always tole you you should pick up the herb lore and healing but you want to go prancing about in the forest like some foolish maid. Leastwise you didn't use another poisonous fern or some such for a poultice.

The boils have indeed gone down a bit you see as Gran goes to her cabinet and fetches various herbs. She expertly mixes them in a mortar, adds water and fetches some clean bandages. The bandages soaked in the mixture feel blessedly cool on Valerie's abused skin.

Tomorrow you better not come back with more of that poison oak and better wash that baγ out before you handle it. Now go hit the hay afore you get any more bright ideas. It's the job of grandmothers to be happy when grandchildren give them things, but poison oak makes poor tea.

Cleaning chores done
wood gathered
4 rabbits skinned and bled
3 pounds of fruit

2019-01-07, 09:32 AM
The following day Valerian starts to make all the preparations for the Journey. Gathering Water skins, sharpening his axe and preparing his backpack. After filling his backpack with most of his belongings, he asks his grandma if she knows any good routes for the city and what he and his sister should be careful for . " Gran, I've never been to the city before, and I plan to spend as much time there as I can. Do you ken any signs and paths that will take us to the city faster?" he asked with interest.

After the talk with his grandmother, Valerian makes a final check on any produce or hides that are ready for sale in the town. Just because the journey will be for fun, there is no reason for the thieving peddler to get a share if Valerian will have to walk the distance to the market anyways.

out of game roll : 1d20

2019-01-07, 09:38 AM
On the next following days Vallerie will work very hard to prepare for the long expected birthday journey to the city!
The first thing she will do is make sure we have enough suplies for the journey. although the trip will be short Vallerie tries to prepare none perishable food such as bread,pies and cheese.
roll cooking: 1d20
After that she checks on her cloths wanting to look her best at the city. She inspects and sews as needed. She also checks on the sturdiness of both backpacks.

2019-01-07, 09:44 AM
testing roll system 1d20+0 the roll system does not work

2019-01-07, 10:39 AM
The cottage and surrounding area

As the excitement and anticipation that threw off youtregular ability to perform chores you had already accomplished thousandfold fades they settle back into a familiar rhythm and your excitement translates to eagerness. Sufficient supplies, firewood and herbs are gathered to see your grandmother off for the planned duration of the trip.

Your gear is well maintained and ready for the journey. The hides are packed in bundles wrapped in oilcloth to prevent humidity from spoiling them there are 7 bundles in all, 1 of wolf hides, 4 of rabbit furs, 1 bear pelt and 1 bundle of sheepskin. Valerie finding once more her familiar routine manages too cook enough for the journey to the big city, however, any more food would probably go bad by the time of the return journey.

On the last night before you set out your gran sits you both down to have a talk about the journey there and the Shir Morhan.

Sit yerselves down little Kiplings and listen to yer gran. It wont do you no good being of the age but I better not send you out without a word of warning. That way ifen ye come back like wet kittens, I can give you a good thump oer the 'ead and say I told ye so.

She gave a short weezing laugh which ended in a hacking cough that brought her back from her mirth.

Now, the first thing to remember is that on no account upon entering the city...should ye gape like freshwater bass or youll be baited and filleted beforen the nights out. The second thing ta 'member is that in all big cities everything is for sale except for the beer and the women, both of which one merely hired. You each be allowed one draft of beer, no more, or you'll soon be coming back with black eyes and empty purses. And y'aint allowed to hire any women.

Gran eyeballed Valerian at this point and lingered for a moment.

Third, don't go into no kinds of alleys, side streets, house of ill repute or any kind of establishment that aint facing a big road on at least two sides. And should any men comer over to you demanding purses or anything, remember, it takes more bravery to pick up yer feet and run than it do to try and die famous like fer facing down 2 bit street thugs.

Now, unless ye be having more questions take yerselves to bed. I've arranged for Mr. Cripkins to come and pick yer up at the crack o'dawn. Him and his cart are going to Shir Morhan to sell him own wares, but he owes me a favour from when him daughter was having that boy o'theirs and it were coming out wrong way, bless him little hear. Last of all, take this here purse and hide it down yer britches or something so it dont get stolen. You'll be staying there for 2 nights, hopefully not more, one day to make yer sales o' the hides and one fer yourselves. But mind you, the two gold coins are for your leisure, the rest is for the stay and food and whatnot and no leisure may be had before'n you've sold the lot! The hides are for selling and the money is to come back. And dont ye skimp me little things, I known ye since you were babes I'll kno ifen yer lying to me.

A small purse clinks lightly as she drops it on the table. Within are contained a few grubby coins, 2 gold dragons, 3 silver wolves and 15 copper crows.


2019-03-05, 03:00 PM
Valerie wants to speak with Gran

"Gran how much money does each bundle of hides cost? I want to make sure that no one cheats us. And please tell me the names of the merchants that we need to speak to. Just to be sure we get a fair deal."

On the day of the Journey asks the peddler information regarding the town, how big is it, where can we spend the night, and the name of a decent yet affordable inn. She also asks him to escort he siblings in town and take time from his route to ensure both the good selling of the hides and the finding of a good inn


After her talk she makes sure, having her longbow and her arrows at hand, that she is on guard in case something bad happens on the road. She tries to also make Valerian pay attention to the road but he is busy singing his heart out.

2019-03-05, 03:22 PM
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] they work...gamietai

2019-03-05, 03:24 PM
Valerian wakes up before the first light. His excitement is bubbling over and he can't wait to visit the town.

When the Peddler arrives, Valerian has a ton of questions regarding his travels and the town of Sir Morhan.

He starts by asking of news of the surrounding areas and villages but tries to stir the conversation towards "interesting" "funny" and "exotic" things that people see and do in the town.

Knowing full well that his Gran may hear about it from the peddler he tries to be circumspect about it.

diplomacy roll: [roll0]

After his talk he is watching the road dreamily while singing the wood cutter's song:

Oak logs will warm you well
That are old and dry
Logs of pine will sweetly smell
But the sparks will fly
Birchs long will burn too fast
Chestnut scarce at all sir
Hawthorn logs are good to last
That are cut well in the fall sir

Surely you will find
There's no compare with the hard wood logs
That's cut in the winter time

Holly logs will burn like wax
You could burn them green
Elm logs burn like smouldering flax
With no flame to be seen
Beech logs for winter time
Yew logs as well sir
Green elder logs it is a crime
For any man to sell sir

Surely you will find
There's no compare with the hard wood logs
That's cut in the winter time

Pear logs and apple logs
They will scent your room
And cherry logs across the dogs
They smell like flowers of broom
But ash logs smooth and grey
Buy them green or old, sir
And buy up all that come your way
They're worth their weight in gold sir

roll singing: [roll1]

2019-03-06, 07:58 AM
At the Cottage

Aye my little gel, I dinnay have the knowin' of the merchants...but I spec ye can get 5 of em dragons for the wolf hides...them's young wolves with thick short hairs and nary a hole between them. Handful a'silvers for each a' the rabbit bundles is all they might fetch. Leastwise tha's what I reckon Mr. Cripkin would bring me for'em

Now the bear, that took some doin and we got the dern thing whole, must be worth a pretty penny. But I 'avent the slightest how many o' them pretty pennies you gon get for it. Do yer best. She was a beastie she was. The sheepskins, aint many...ye can pay mr. cripkins with'em.. He can give'em to 'is ole wife to keep warm or sell em if he reckons he can get a price for em. So says I but what do I know ole' rusted knob am I, never been to the city. S'all I know mr. cripkins tells me and I dont know if trust him farther than I should throw him ta not overcharge me. He didn't seem too 'appy when I tole him you'd be doin tha sellin for us this yar. But tough nuggins says I to him and be proper or you'll nary have heard the last o' this crone. Ehhhehhhehhh

She gave a wheezing good hearted laugh as she spied Mr. Cripkins coming down the hill with a one horse cart. Though the cart itself was pulled in fact by a decently sized donkey. A guarantee of stable pace if not speed. He tipped his hat at all of you as he arrived and pulled the reins of the donkey muttering softly as he did so. The cart itself was loaded with a variety of bundles and boxes holding items to be mended and returned, herbs, jams, salted meats and a variety of other bits and bobs.

Mornin' thar...all ready fer the outtin'?

On the road with Mr. Cripkin

Both of you sit on the back of the cart, eventually managing to make yourselves comfortable by strategically arranging a variety of items in such a way that you can lie back on something soft or softer at least as the case may be. The sedate pace of the donkey, the rolling hills and creak of the cart quickly meld into a peaceful ride. The road is well travelled and you see many travellers, carts and wagons going up and down when you reach the main road. Mr. Cripkins occasionally greets another fellow traveller, getting the local gossip from those going the other way and giving the news of your small village in return. Generally he keeps to himself being used to travelling alone but engages in conversation easily enough.

The gossip consists of the usual tall tales of men wrestling bears, who got married and who has been fighting. Others speak of goblins stealing girls or food or attacking hunters. Stories of the latter have been growing more frequent but nobody has so far been able to find any first hand account or proof and so the rumours are always dismissed.

P'raps they'll send the goblins brigade in 'ere parts, poke around and be them obnoxious city basterds, live upon our kindness to protect us for two weeks, declare vict'ry havin done a gob's work and bugger back to their soft beds. As if we'll be believin' in gobbos and lord knows what else they'll dredge up frem the ole stories...next they'll tell us buggerbears are back....

The old peddler laughed boisterously at his own...poor joke and looked meaningfully at the siblings. Otherwise you get the image of many villages much like your own living life from day to day without much happening.

To valerie he says that the traders at Shir Morhan often change depending on the season and the demands of their shops down in Mor Kanog. The trader's quarter serves nearly all trades, those at least that are available in Shir Morhan and traders will gather around and set up their stalls to buy and sell, but asking is the best way to find the right person. The innkeeper of the Spoke and Wheel inn is a decent sort, his rooms are a bit more expensive but its worth it for having bars on the windows, a sturdy door and a trusty lock. That way you can leave your goods at the inn without risk of them being stolen or having to carry heavy packages about.

Mr. Cripkin says he'll be staying at this cousin's wife's brother's house for 3 nights but they only have 1 bed they can spare. If the Wheel and Spoke is too expensive, he's heard that the Honest Elf is cheaper and not likely that you'll be accosted so long as you keep to yourself, mind who you look at and keep your stuff about you at all times. If they're done by the end of the three days they can catch a ride back with him, otherwise they'll have to make their own arrangements.

And looking pointedly at Valerian he says:

An' I'm expresssly telling you young'un that the inn of the Red Hat and Cloak is to be off limits. That be no place for a young man innocent in the way a' temptation. Im specifically warning you off.

In a whisper he continued

And just so youz dont wander in all accident'like, if you find yourself near the Horse quarter on the right of the bell tower is where you should not go.

Mr. Cripkin winked and touched a finger to his nose knowingly. The rest of the day passed easily and as evening approached you settled off the side of the road in a comfortable patch of grass.

Saves youz a night at someone else's 'spense and ensures old lady maggy here dont sprain her poor leg in the dark. We'll be there no more than 2-3 hours once we're set off agin.

His estimate was true enough, just over two hours later after finishing a breakfast of bread warmed over the left overs of the fire and some hard cheese the little cart was passing under the gate of a small city. The bustle was regular for the city, it not being one of the big trading seasons such as for wheat or sheep, but for the two young siblings having left their lonely cottage for the first time it seemed as a huge tide of men, women and animals. Some shouting wares for sale, rooms or hot food for travellers. Mr Cripkin ignored it all with the air of a seasoned traveller and looked haughtily at the Valerie and Valerian.

Dontche be agog like that afore a fly land sin yer mouth and you get a hard knock on yer noggin. There's always some ill meaning basterd looking for village boys and girls to swindle. Dontcher make yerselves a mark or ye should not be surprised when you get the rough end of a stick or get slashed on your goods. Be careful now, find me back 'ere in 3 days time ta let me know if yer comin' or not.

He said as he stopped by a non-descript house.

The Spoke and Wheel be over there, down 2 roads on the right. Mr. Larkin be the proprietor, good man, tough but fair mind you. Say I sentchu and he'll do his best ta accomodate.

The city itselsf houses no more than 40,000 people. Its buildings are old with a small tower house in the middle for the ruling family. It is encircled by walls but most of the residents live around the immediate area and come within the city walls to work or buy their necessaries. The walls and two gates are not well kept as there has been no need for defence in centuries. Most houses within are made of a combination of wood and stone, representing the relevant wealth of the owner.

Close to the centre and around the trading quarter the houses are larger, sturdier and more well kept as are the roads.

2019-04-03, 08:57 AM
Filled with equal parts amazement at these wondrous developments and Chagrin towards the fact that his grandmother kept such a stupendous secret from him and his twin sister, Valerian takes refuge in his training.

The bear spirit, this so called guardian of the Kipplings, proved to be a harsh and unrelenting taskmaster, driving Valerian to the limits of his endurance and, more often than not, beyond. Luckily the years of chopping wood and toiling in the farmstead had gifted the young man with considerable physical prowess, preparing him for this punishing training regime of combat and physical exercise.

Although his instincts were not sharp enough yet to completely hold his own in a serious scrap, Valerian fought like a man possessed. When his blood was up his haymakers cracked against training logs, and sometimes against the guardian's thick hide as well.

When the days alloted to the siblings' training were done Valerian was anxious to start the hunt.

It is time I say. Time to go out in the forest and give these goblins and other beasties the business end of my fists and your wicked arrows Sister!

Oi, bear spirit! How can we get past the woods to hunt these scallywags?

2019-04-03, 12:34 PM
Valeria is confused and angry with her Grandmother as she thinks that they have already passed the age where they could hold this secret. She thinks that this was a breach of trust and showed a lack of confidence in the twins. She will definitely give the old Gran a talking to when they meet again.

As the training goes on, and the skills of Valeria with the bow increase dramatically, she takes some time off training in order to have a good talk with her brother concerning their upcoming hunt.

Listen close now brother and mind what I say:

Rule number one: Never rush in unless i give you the sign. The sign will be a Dove's Call. If we must be silent count your fingers on both hands 3 times

Rule number two: If any of us get caught the other uses the brain and not the brawn first

Rule number three: Don't stand between my hide and the beasties.

Rule number four: If things look tough and we have to run away listen for the sound of the horned owl

After the training days are over Valeria asks the spirit what they should do, after scolding her brother for rushing.

Great Bear spirit, do you think we are prepared ? Do you judge us strong enough to free our Gran? Where should we start ?

2019-04-11, 06:32 AM
Strong enough you shall not be young kiplings from my training, lest you experience the hunt and consume your enemies, you shall not grow stronger. Yet the trail to your grandmother is probably long and full of twists. You must judge yourselves your path and be not in a hurry.

The breaking of the seals will take many months, Liz was strong and I know her to be stubborn. Go and you may return when your travels require it once more, there are many books and weapons you are not ready with, with the powers of the Kipling family awakened you may eat almost anything that is not poisonous, yet as you go remember the cardinal rules of those of your clan.

1) Never eat the tongue of monsters
2) never eat the flesh of the abominations
3) you are hunters, not fools, patience and brains are your greatest weapons.

Yon portal will bring you below the earth, into the caves below where the magic of the barrier is weaker. There are still wards to turn enemies away yet these seem to have weakened with age or corruption. You will find your way through easily enough with this map.

The guardian gave Valeria a rolled up leather map, the skin was smooth yet the quality of the map showing an underground network of passages.

This map is old yet also your only guidance, many paths may be blocked or changes hence you shall have to find your own way. Also animals or monsters of any kind may have found their way into the tunnels, so you must go carefully. Of the outside lands, we may not know what has changed nor did we have accurate maps before. Yet this advice I may give you, you will come out in the middle of the territory of the goblins, they shall not expect you yet you will also be outnumbered. Tread carefully for it is the two of you against the world.

Do you require anything else before you commence your journey?

food stores, no food was available at the HQ, you have hunted and gathered outside the cave, you can carry 5 days supplies of dried meat, water and potatoes.