View Full Version : Curse of Strahd Masquerade Ball Idea

Vox Silentii
2018-08-18, 06:40 PM
So i'm thinking about making a little twist to the regular CoS story line, since one of my players is running it for another group so he knows about everything i throw at him.

Strahd actually wanted the PC´s to attend his birthday, he does this each year (and the Barovians know about it? or maybe just the Vistani?)

The March of the Dead would maybe be fine dressed ghosts in masquerade outfits when it happens.

Then a big party in Ravenloft, everybody comes, because if they don't then Strahd will not be happy.

People know not to mess around in Ravenloft because strahd has eyes everywhere.

Everybody is in disguise, even main plot NPC's. Maybe even Strahd himself.

So i'm looking for ideas,

Will it be held in Castle Ravenloft or maybe outside it?

Tell me what you think and how i can make this work

2018-08-18, 06:57 PM
Oh yeah. Strahd should be there. Several vampires should be there. It's for his birthday, so any number of people can and should get charmed by every vampire in sight.

Strahd's top goal will be the current Tatyana, and might not care about PCs, but the other vampires might go for them.

2018-08-18, 07:08 PM
I think a good way to set the tone would be one of the party-goers freaks out, tries to run, only for Strahd to intercept and kill them before they can leave, and everyone else just looks the other way while Strahd drinks their blood, then very calmly orders the body carried off by a servant. Make it very clear that nobody wants to be here, but they're too terrified to leave and trying to would be likely be suicidal.

2018-08-18, 07:40 PM
I would really push the "birthday" idea until ultimatively the PCs recognize the date doesn't match up with his actual birthday but rather the day he became a vampire. The festivities would commence until Strahd remembers the day he became a vampire is also the day his lovely Tatjana killed herself to avoid being with him. And then he would go on a rampage, murdering quite a few guests.

Alternatively you could have a few "lucky" guests being forced to dress up as Tatyana and Sergei. Sergei would be killed by Strahd and Tatyana be forced to jump off the castle. If the girl playing her refuses, Strahd would instead murder any guests.

Will it be held in Castle Ravenloft or maybe outside it?

Maybe not go as far. The place is dangerous and somewhat depends on the group's level. Maybe just add a burgomaster's mansion to Barovia town and invite people there. But then people could just claim living there and Strahd would be unable to enter. So maybe the castle IS the right location.

Vox Silentii
2018-08-18, 08:36 PM
Alternatively you could have a few "lucky" guests being forced to dress up as Tatyana and Sergei. Sergei would be killed by Strahd and Tatyana be forced to jump off the castle. If the girl playing her refuses, Strahd would instead murder any guests.

Ooo! Maybe even have like a little theater style moment where he play himself and other "Lucky" guests get to be sergei and tatyana.
He would be over-acting of course.

2018-08-19, 10:05 AM
I really feel like the ego on the guy who said "I am the land" would not allow the celebration of himself to occur anywhere besides castle Ravenloft.

The spells Hideous Laughter and Irresistible Dance should be used abundantly to make sure everyone is....having fun.

I agree that it should be a haunting, slow roll of horror. Nobody wants to be there, a few displays of power and enforcement of his rules, and then because it's Strahd it won't go the way he wants a bunch of people will die.

Sounds fun!

2018-08-19, 10:28 AM
Personally, I would go for a strict "no violent demonstration from the vampires" theme.

Strahd doesn't *need* to be immediately violent to make his point. Have everyone be free to run if they wish so... knowing they will be dealt with once the festivities are over. In a nice, bloody manner.

Would also be interesting if Strahd, to keep himself entertained, had made so that none of the disguised people at the party can recognize each other, and that he and his vampire cohorts will attend the party in disguise. Which means that no one know who the vampires are... not even the other vampires. Strahd himself assumes he will be able to determine who his allies and enemies are from their behavior alone.

2018-08-19, 01:42 PM
The idea further provides opportunity for a murder mystery. Maybe going into my idea of the in character roleplaying of "who killed 'Sergei' and 'Tatyana' before the actual finale"?

2018-08-19, 01:54 PM
Personally, I would go for a strict "no violent demonstration from the vampires" theme.

Strahd doesn't *need* to be immediately violent to make his point. Have everyone be free to run if they wish so... knowing they will be dealt with once the festivities are over. In a nice, bloody manner.

Would also be interesting if Strahd, to keep himself entertained, had made so that none of the disguised people at the party can recognize each other, and that he and his vampire cohorts will attend the party in disguise. Which means that no one know who the vampires are... not even the other vampires. Strahd himself assumes he will be able to determine who his allies and enemies are from their behavior alone.

Then there's the matter of the PCs, though. They can always go '**** it, we're not going, we know Strahd's gonna try to kill us anyway.'

The consequences for that need not be violence to PCs, though, as Strahd could always munch some important NPCs while they're not there.