View Full Version : Will Durkon tell Belkar how he won?

2018-08-18, 11:40 PM
Belkar's feeling pretty psyched right now, and he doesn't seem to be at all suspicious about why Durkon* would have dropped the anti-life shell. What's more, the line "Where did my shoes go?" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0524.html) seems to indicate that dominated people don't retain great memories of the time they were dominated, so Hilgya might not know what happened - and the rest of the Order was unconscious.

For the purposes of this thread, let's assume Durkon is going to be brought back to life. And when he comes back, Belkar's going to be ready to gloat about his win, probably going out of his way to rub it in Durkon's face given how emotional he's been about the whole thing. Durkon might explain everything about the vampire and how he defeated it from within his own head, but - knowing Belkar's need for revenge to get closure, could a different course of action be more in-character?

I'm wondering if he'll just turn to Belkar and say "Aye, thank ye".

2018-08-19, 12:17 AM
Why would he? There's no narrative purpose, and it wouldn't really be interesting to see.

2018-08-19, 12:31 AM
Belkar's feeling pretty psyched right now, and he doesn't seem to be at all suspicious about why Durkon* would have dropped the anti-life shell. What's more, the line "Where did my shoes go?" (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0524.html) seems to indicate that dominated people don't retain great memories of the time they were dominated, so Hilgya might not know what happened - and the rest of the Order was unconscious.

For the purposes of this thread, let's assume Durkon is going to be brought back to life. And when he comes back, Belkar's going to be ready to gloat about his win, probably going out of his way to rub it in Durkon's face given how emotional he's been about the whole thing. Durkon might explain everything about the vampire and how he defeated it from within his own head, but - knowing Belkar's need for revenge to get closure, could a different course of action be more in-character?

I'm wondering if he'll just turn to Belkar and say "Aye, thank ye".

My money's on some variation of the "Aye, thank ye" scenario. Durkon's not big on disclosing these sorts of things things (hence why we didn't learn much about him before this), and it wouldn't do anything to help Belkar. Plus, Durkon genuinely thanking Belkar for realizing that the vampire wasn't him and setting him free would probably get to Belkar and his burgeoning conscience even more, in the same way that Durkon sacrificing himself to save Belkar in the first place did.

2018-08-19, 12:44 AM
Bunny senses say "Aye, and thank ye" is the most likely response to Belkar's gloating, but it's also possible his thanks will be a bit more heartfelt, since he knows that Belkar is the only one to have known all along that The Corpse Who Was Once Durkon was never actually Durkon.

There's also the chance that Belkar doesn't gloat, and is just glad to have the real Durkon back once he's rezzed. Those complicated feelings that he definitely doesn't have make it hard for me to tell if he'll gloat, celebrate, or play tsundere once he sees the real Durkon.

2018-08-19, 02:14 AM
Roy will figure it out.

Mike Havran
2018-08-19, 03:24 AM
Even though Belkar has pretty limited attention, he surely noticed how the vampire dismissed Antilife Shell and saw how he willingly laid bare his chest. It might not dawned on him right now, but I believe it will, at some point.

Might remain a secret only between Belkar and Durkon, though.

Darth Paul
2018-08-19, 11:33 AM
:durkon: Ye saved the world, lad, good job.

:belkar: S'yeah, right, if we had to depend on you the thing would've ended like 100 strips ago.

:durkon: (quietly smiles)

2018-08-20, 08:19 PM
Maybe. I could see Durkon considering it not to be important enough to elaborate on to them when he's back.