View Full Version : Roleplaying Runt

2018-08-18, 11:51 PM
Agate Cliff was born about 100 years ago. He died recently, surrounded by family and friends, and with a smile on his face.

He had two children, Agate the second, his son; and Sapphire, his daughter.

Sapphire had three children when she was twenty five; Jade, Timber, and Smoke.

Smoke had one child, at twenty three, named Agate the third. (He had high hopes for his son.)

Agate the third had six children. Agate the fourth, Sapphire the second, Thunder, Cloud, Bird, and Runt.

Agate the fourth is about thirty now, and has made quite a name for himself. Champion of the Cliff clan, and well on his way towards being known even away from the clan.

Sapphire the second, meanwhile, is a respected merchant. She trades in valuable furs and pelts, and has brought great wealth to her family.

Thunder is an aspiring mage, and is learning even now to subtly alter the weather for better fortunes for the Cliff clan.

Cloud is following in Thunder’s footsteps, though she has a more analytic and less instinctive bent for magic.

Bird is, in a word, a genius, developing some of the first prototype airships.

And Runt… Runt has low self-esteem.

This is about him.

Runt is the youngest of Agate the third’s six children, only twenty one years old. While being quite strong physically, he doesn’t really see himself that way, as his family and clan value nimbleness over brute force. Likewise, his family have always been big talkers, but Runt is more quiet, shy, and reserved. He feels like he doesn’t quite belong.

His great-great-grandfather, Agate the first, always had faith in him. He would tell him stories about the time he fought Acerak, or the time he had the perfect words for a giant (who couldn’t speak his language) or about his various friends. Notably, he would talk about Arkhen, the strongest man he ever knew. It always made Runt feel a little better.

Now, Runt is trying to move out in the world. He’s left the Cliff ancestral home, and is setting out to forge his own name. May the gods grant him speed.

For context, Agate the first was my character in the last campaign. He was your standard Rogue, dexterous, charming, all that. Runt, of course, grew up on stories both from and about Agate, and while he dreams of being just like him... He's clumsy. An oaf, by human standards, not just tabaxi standards. He lacks charm and panache, though he's far more observant than most of his family (including Agate the first).

I think it'll be fun to play someone who's so different, despite being related. Plus it'll give me a chance to shut my yap. :P

2018-08-19, 12:11 AM
Okay, but what alignment is he, and how much dpr will he be able to do at level 20?

In all seriousness, looks good. You've got lots of background for the DM to hook into, but your path isn't stifled. Your character is immature, so there's plenty of future growth potential.

2018-08-19, 12:21 AM
Okay, but what alignment is he, and how much dpr will he be able to do at level 20?

In all seriousness, looks good. You've got lots of background for the DM to hook into, but your path isn't stifled. Your character is immature, so there's plenty of future growth potential.

Neutral Good, most likely. Agate the original was Chaotic Good-though our group doesn't pay that much attention to alignment.

DPR is, assuming the DM approves Enforcer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?566793-Enforcer-A-Strongman-s-Rogue), is theoretically infinite. Beatdown is cool. (In practice, it'll be something like 3 or 4d8+10d4+15-Beatdown is great against low AC foes, but how many of those are there at level 20?)

And thank you! I wanted to hook myself into my old character, but not just make a clone. I do expect him to grow more self-confident during the campaign. Probably by standing up for others-drawing inspiration from Deku here, in that self-preservation instinct is present, but so far removed from the hero instinct as to effectively be gone.

2018-08-19, 07:27 PM
Every comment has been complimentary. Therefore, I have made the perfect character! BOW BEFORE ME! :P

In all seriousness, I’d love more feedback.

2018-08-19, 09:27 PM
Seems like a fine character. That said, I don’t see a whole lot of that backstory that’s at all relevant. The list of begots seems biblically unnecessary unless you expect your DM to utilize your family in the campaign, and beyond that all I really know about your actual character is that he’s a clumsy beefboi with low self-esteem.

I’m being critical for the sake of pointing out ways to improve. There should be a bit more to your character than his relationship with your prior. Just don’t take this as bashing, it really is a fine start.

2018-08-19, 10:39 PM
Well, I did want to get (for my own sake) the number of generations right.

But more on Runt...

He's fundamentally good-hearted. Like I said earlier, his first though is pretty much always going to be "How can I help?" or "How can I make the situation better?"

He's quick to praise others, and slow to insult (unless they REALLY tick him off/deserve it), except, of course, when it comes to himself.

Hm... I'm trying to write out more general statements, but am having difficulty. Like, I know how I'd play Runt. I just can't quite articulate it-if you care to suggest hypothetical scenarios, I could tell you how Runt would respond and why.

And I don't expect much family to be used, EXCEPT the direct relatives, mostly the siblings.

2018-08-19, 11:40 PM
Given the family theme of naming children after jewels or other natural occurrences, the name "Runt" seems like the odd one out. Runts are natural, and there's a "Bird" in there, but a runt doesn't have great connotations to be giving your kid. I'm curious as to the reason he ended up with it. Dismissive parents, nickname, or...?

Family history can be fun if the DM's on-board with it and not going into mental overload. Definitely gives some potential plot hooks for your guy!

2018-08-19, 11:43 PM
Given the family theme of naming children after jewels or other natural occurrences, the name "Runt" seems like the odd one out. Runts are natural, and there's a "Bird" in there, but a runt doesn't have great connotations to be giving your kid. I'm curious as to the reason he ended up with it. Dismissive parents, nickname, or...?

Family history can be fun if the DM's on-board with it and not going into mental overload. Definitely gives some potential plot hooks for your guy!

Unexpected child, and the parents already had so many kids... Plus he seemed small at first.

Agate and his wife regret the name, considering how Runt turned out, but they can hardly say "We screwed up, change your name" now, can they?

2018-08-20, 12:50 AM
Hm... I'm trying to write out more general statements, but am having difficulty. Like, I know how I'd play Runt. I just can't quite articulate it-if you care to suggest hypothetical scenarios, I could tell you how Runt would respond and why.

What are Runt's personal goals? Seeking something straightforward like fortune and fame is fine if you want to be flexible and fit whatever direction the DM's story goes, it's what I typically do for my own characters. That said, it helps to have something more concrete and personal. Is Runt simply out to be the world's greatest hero (ala Deku)? Does he have that kind of ambition? Is he hoping to live up to his family name, but knows that he can't do it the way his family traditionally would and wants to prove he can be just as great in his own way? Is he at all bitter? What are his hobbies and passions? Does he have any specific feelings on magic or religion?

I'm just throwing ideas at the wall to see if anything sticks. It's perfectly fine to have a simple, flexible character that you can develop their personality as the game goes on, so don't feel compelled to address all of this. I just wanted to engage in this conversation and see if there's any way I could help liven up your new character. :smallsmile:

2018-08-20, 01:07 AM
Personal goals... He wants to live up to the family name. He (as far as he knows) will never face as great a threat as Agate did, but wants to do the name proud, regardless of what comes his way. He might be a little bitter, depending on how his family acts (I'll talk to my DM about that).

He enjoys mechanical things. Little clockwork gizmos and gadgets-he's the kind of person who would take a pen apart and put it back together idly. He's (obviously) passionate about helping others.

Magic he views as a very useful thing, but nothing he has a knack for. It's like a toolset he doesn't understand-a potentially dangerous one, but a very valuable one too.

Religion... Agate has informed his clan's views on the gods, largely, and so Tyr is his go-to deity. However, he doesn't so much view Tyr as a god, and more like a hero-someone to aspire to be more like, someone to look to for guidance, but not necessarily someone to worship, per say.

Also, something that is GOING to come up-his views on alcohol!

He's never drank before in his life. He's a bit nervous about it, because he doesn't know what he'll be like drunk.