View Full Version : Optimization Alchemist - Creating 5 pints of your own blood

2018-08-19, 07:13 AM
I am trying to build a Promethean Alchemist (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/alchemist/archetypes/paizo-alchemist-archetypes/promethean-alchemist-alchemist-archetype) for a PbP game here. As the archetype looses its bombs and mutagen, it relies heavily on its promethean construct to do its share of combat. When it dies, you need one pint of your own blood for every HD the construct had - plus its corpse.

We start at 6th level, so I'd need 5 pints or approx. 2.5 litres of blood, easily killing me in the process if I were to extract it in a single session - if realism is concerned anyway. Of course the DM could handwaive that because it is a ritual that takes a long time anyhow but where is the fun in handwaving everything?

1) Do you consider blood loss HP damage? Con damage/drain? Or would you decide this is just part of the ritual because the actual penalty is loosing 100 gp/HD similar to the familiar?

Personally I can see any position but ignoring the blood loss and pushing it into fluff territory is imho too easy. It should be a risky situation to get your weird friend back.

2) Are there any extracts that could be used to help your body create your own blood? Are there discoveries that might help in aiding the versimillitude of draining your own blood for a normal average human? it gets worse if your PC is a halfling for example.

Standard ideas are: Lesser Restoration, Cure X Wounds, (permanent enlarge person to octuple the amount of blood if you take the weight increase into consideration). Spontaneous healing, alchemical simulacrum, mummification/preserve organs.

3) How would such an alchemist fight effectively? Of course the archetype is not great but it must have SOME merit. After all, most companion classes are heavily featured when it comes to combat. It's just that the alchemist himself doesn't bring much to the table

It can be a beast but I want a few of the more outlandish discoveries like 2 vestigial arms and parasitic twin, basically he created the twin brother he always wanted in his own body. This turns him slightly very mad, but the then he built his homunculus friend whom he considers his most trusted friend and ally.

2018-08-19, 09:29 AM
I'll try to help with 1 & 2.
I'm not a PF player generally, but in 3.5, most monsters than drain blood without additional effects do Con damage.

If we're trying to simulate real life here, as a blood donor, you usually give 1 pint of blood at a time, which in game terms probably has a Fort save with a low DC (12? 14?) or take 1 point of Con damage, which you can recover by resting. For each additional pint at once, the DC would increase (+2 maybe) and the potential Con damage would increase (1d2 for 2 pints?), but you'd probably just do it at once (only one save per bloodletting session). Any spell that improves resting returns (in 3.5, Healthful Rest, Summon Elysian Thrush) will double your recovery rate from ability damage for cheaper than a Lesser Restoration.

An item that will really help you here is a Barrel of Preserving Pine (FoE p79), which is a barrel that preserves any liquid inside via Purify Food and Drink; it works on blood as written and prevents coagulation. 500g. Changing the container to a smaller size won't effect the price but would likely be welcome at lower levels unless you have a base in town for storage.

2018-08-19, 09:55 AM
I'll try to help with 1 & 2.
I'm not a PF player generally, but in 3.5, most monsters than drain blood without additional effects do Con damage.

Yeah, that is what I thought. Vampires do con damage too.

An item that will really help you here is a Barrel of Preserving Pine (FoE p79), which is a barrel that preserves any liquid inside via Purify Food and Drink; it works on blood as written and prevents coagulation. 500g. Changing the container to a smaller size won't effect the price but would likely be welcome at lower levels unless you have a base in town for storage.

Yeah, I found an item that is more expensive but also has more use: the blood reservoir of physical prowess. (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/blood-reservoir-of-physical-prowess/) I can basically use it to replace 4 points of con damage. Possibly the decision could be made that 1 point of con drain is 1 pint of blood. That wouldn't make the item OP but let's me play around with the freakish idea of buffing myself with my own blood in the mean time as well.

If I decide to get Alchemical Simulacrum at 8th level, I can just drain "mini-me". I can already see the character borderlining into chaotic evil.

2018-08-25, 11:29 AM
Could you Enlarge Person and/or Expansion yourself to increase the amount of blood in your body by a factor of 8 (or 256)?