View Full Version : Immortals And Insanity [IC]

2018-08-19, 10:47 AM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?566790-Immortals-And-Insanity-OOC&p=23306496#post23306496)

You arise from your tomb. The casket top sloughs off, revealing your well-preserved form.

You take your time, to reassert your control of yourself. It's been a long while since you've moved at all.

Soon, though, you gather at the center of the pyramid, finding your companions... Well, those that survived the long sleep.

Converse, plan. Ready yourselves for ruling the world again.

2018-08-19, 03:24 PM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

There was a lurching intake of breath as Zuriel stirred all at once for the first time in who knew how long. They bolted upright where they lay into a sitting position, their long, dextrous fingers grasping the sides of the strange, stone coffin in which they had been interred. Then they remained there stock still with face tilted toward the ceiling for several minutes as their brain remembered how to exert control over their various faculties. Involuntarily impulses reasserted themselves first, then Zuriel consciously tightened their grip on the sides of the casket and pulled their form forward into a crouch. Their fine features curled into a grimace as pins and needles spread intensely into every limb and feeling fully returned. They ached...they hurt...but they were awake. They pulled their hood up against the light and stepped out of the tomb with growing confidence.

"Rrr...serr...servant?" they demanded to the silent halls. They were not used to being unattended, to have to debase themselves by performing mundane tasks in this way. But their belongings were reluctantly gathered up and Zuriel made ready to explore the rest of their surroundings. They lifted the signet ring on the middle finger of their right hand as if to remind themselves of something. "Where...am I?" they queried the empty air again as they rolled their aching neck. No answer forthcoming, they sharply liberated an ancient but still functional, dark wood crossbow from the wall and loaded a bolt into it. Someone was going to pay for this indignity.

They lithely stalked into the center chamber of this pyramid structure, becoming the first to arrive out of the group of awakened survivors.

Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

2018-08-20, 01:30 AM
Rahmek's eyes snap open. Both body and mind are sluggish from his long sleep, but feeling is flooding back into the lizardfolk's form. He lies there for a time, arms crossed, face pensive. He is alive, preserved for what must have been over a hundred years. But then, the realization strikes him. His precious cult will have probably withered to nothing without it's gold scaled champion. His body thrashes twice, convulsing with rage and purpose, and Rahmek, Gold Scaled, rises from his casket. He hisses a command in draconic, and his faithful companion rises in similar fashion from its own grave. The work is quickly re-begun, as Rahmek gathers his possessions, straps on his weapons once more, his lips tracing ancient intonations, rites of vengeance.

They stride through the pyramid, robes whipping up the dust of the ancient passages, the air whistling with desert prayers. Soon, he enters the pyramid's central chamber sighing as his eyes light on the first of his new companions. Khrem slithers in behind him, coiling to a stop at his side. "I had hoped for an army of the faithful, not more nobles to babysit."

2018-08-20, 01:39 AM
As you come to the central room, you hear metallic clanking the scuffle of bone on stone. Servants file in, just three to start, withered away to bone, but preserved by fell magic. They begin to set the tables, arranging chairs and other furniture to be sat upon.

2018-08-20, 07:43 AM
Nolon awoke, disoriented and sore. He slowly climbed his way out of his casket and looked around him. He had to get those stiff joints moving again. He took a step forward and fell forward. But instead of falling he rolled. Using the momentum from the tumble he managed to get back onto his feet. He was glad nobody was around to see that. He eventually made his way down the corridor into the room where a couple others had already gathered. Servants were already starting to ready the place. Nolon sat down at a table without a second thought. He looks over to his new companions and waves them over. "Hhhhrrrouuu....." That wasn't quite right. His voice must not have woken up yet. He cleared his throat. "Are you going to join me?" It still sounded breathy and thin, but at least the words were there.

Emperor Ing
2018-08-20, 02:33 PM
Xilexal was slow, and sluggish waking up. He was never a morning person, but today, it did not feel like all the tea in the Duchy could wake him up. Not like anything good ever happened in the day, anyways, whether it be some idiotic border skirmish, criminality or even bandit raid, something would always come up. Hence, his hesitation to rise out, but knowing that waiting around did no good either, he had no choice but to rise, limbs feeling as stiff and unmoving, exactly as he imagined a hundred years of lethargy would inflict. Though fortunately everything else appeared intact. He was curious what ruins the Duchy had fallen into, in his absence.

Shuffling into a fine dark blue robe with a silver trim, Xilexal made his way towards where he remembered a common room to be, and saw several others already assembled. Evidently the preservation process was imperfect, the servants were literally skeletons. He gave them a disapproving glare, but was too exhausted to do anything about it now, as he set a massive frame upon a chair.

All that's left? His husky voice asked simply.

2018-08-20, 03:06 PM
Two more entered, both decided to sit down at the newly furnished table. Shrugging, Rahmek followed suit, seating himself on a nearby stool. "All that's left in here, I suppose. As for outside, who can tell? he rasped, in answer to the Duke's question.

2018-08-20, 04:26 PM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

Besides a nearly imperceptible narrowing of their void-black eyes, Zuriel had ignored the jab the brightly-scaled lizard creature had thrown their way as soon as it entered the room. They did not yet understand the specifics of their situation and it was not smart to make enemies before they had a measure of relative strengths. As more awakened began to trickle into the main room, as well as a handful of skeletal servants, Zuriel crossed to the table and joined them. They had asked for servants to attend them, after all, so they found themself slightly mollified despite the unusual circumstances. The others seemed to be of, if not noble themselves, then perhaps the equivalent in some strange, barbarian culture. The gold-scaled lizard creature surely seemed used to projecting authority in a very familiar way. Perhaps they were in the company of like-minded individuals.

Zuriel approached the table, looked down their nose at it, and muttered an arcane syllable at one of the seats. The place cleared itself of dust and the seat pulled back slightly so that they could stand in front of it. They touched the pads of their fingers to the tabletop without letting their palms make contact and leaned slightly against it, studying the others. Then, in a dulcet, slightly accented voice, Zuriel began to speak. "Perhaps we should all introduce ourselves. Then we can see about ascertaining the exact circumstances we've woken up to and how, in fact, we came to be here in the first place." they said diplomatically. "I am Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale, first offspring of Earl Halcyon of Greycliffe, Magister of the Raven Empress." they inclined their head slightly in greeting, but did not lower their eyes.

Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

2018-08-20, 06:42 PM
At least the people here seemed to be not terrible. Perhaps this "Zuriel" was on to something. Introductions did seem to be in order. "Sir Roland Elane, head of the Elane Estate. I think. Maybe Nolon Elyra head entertainer, close confidant and holder of Whitehall Estate's ear. I haven't decided which one I like better, but I know its one of the two or maybe both. For now we can go with Nolon. He's much more fun." He didn't seem to be bothered by not knowing and instead looked around the room expectantly awaiting the other introductions. His entire being oozed with casual aloofness. Nothing really suggested that he was nobility or even anything close.

Emperor Ing
2018-08-20, 07:02 PM
Xilexal. He answers. Duke. Eleisa. He probably meant to say "Duke Xilexal of Eleisa" but he clearly is the strong, silent type, not one for words. I killed the previous Duke and took his place.

2018-08-20, 07:22 PM
Rahmek straightened up for a second. "Rahmek, Gold Scaled, the Desert's Fang, and spiritual leader of West Amral. At your service." he announced, before his postures slackened once more, including his elbow now resting on the table.

2018-08-22, 12:16 AM
The servants stand at attention, mandibles clicking bones creaking in the cool air.

The way to the outside is clear. While you've forgotten the exact layout of the pyramids you rest in, the labyrinthine nature is easily understood by minds such as yours, and it would not take more than an hour to find your way out.

Talk amongst yourselves, or leave. I do not have much to do till you leave.

2018-08-22, 01:51 AM
As the group sat silent, the lizardfolk's eyes drifted over to the skeletal servants that had attended them. Quietly, Rahmek spoke again. "Look. They wait for us, as our people do. I say it is time to retake the our places in this world." Then, he cocked his head towards the largest of those at the table, and his voice took on a lighter tone. "Also, I wasn't aware that's how succession worked in a Duchy. I thought it was hereditary."

Emperor Ing
2018-08-22, 02:03 PM
It was hereditary. He answered, putting a lot of emphasis on the 'was.' But we are people of power and influence. I propose an alliance. Combine our talents and resources to reclaim our lands, for ourselves and each other. The proposal was actually quite simple, as far as he could tell. He helps reclaim their lands, and they help reclaim his. What happens after that is up to them.

2018-08-22, 03:34 PM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

"Your ambition warms my heart." Zuriel deadpanned, "But does anyone know how we got here? Who, when, why?" they asked bluntly. It was perfectly reasonable that maybe the others might still be in the process of waking up and had overlooked such important details. "I am content with figuring this out as we go, but I want to put these questions on the table, so to speak. This is not normal for me. I believe that we have all been wronged in some way, and I would very much like to determine who is responsible." they explained, their hand curling into a fist where it lay on the table being the only outward sign of their anger. "An alliance, as long as it is partly to ascertain the answers to these questions, would be acceptable." they added in response to Duke Xilexal's proposal.

Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

2018-08-22, 06:27 PM
Nolon shrugged and looked around the room. "Can't say I have any idea, but then that seems to be the norm. At any rate we are all breathing and standing...er well sitting. If you all want to talk partnering up, then I'm listening." His placed his elbows on the table and rested his chin in his palms, looking rather amused with the situation despite the absurdity. Another amusing thought crossed his mind. "Besides, laying claim to a kingdom along the way sounds pretty fun and I can't say I've got any other plans."

Emperor Ing
2018-08-23, 11:54 AM
Hmph. You don't remember the cataclysm? Xilexal remarked. Our worlds were plagued with earthquake, drought, volcanoes, plague, and famine. Preservation to wait them out was our only means to avoid total extinction. He answered with all conviction. In fact, he had no idea, but did not know this consciously. Rather, his mind filled in the gaps of his memory, creating a plausible scenario that would explain their presence, even going so far as to create memories of interactions with refugees that probably neither happened, nor with people who ever existed.

The Duke then stood up and made to leave, but back the way he came. If we are to leave, then I must get my arms and armor.

2018-08-23, 10:08 PM
Rahmek watched as the Duke returned back down the pyramid. "Well, that's just disappointing. I was looking forward to watching him fight in a blue dinner robe." He quipped, before taking his own leave of the table. He surveyed the other two once more. The aasimar was chafing, that much was clear. They seemed the most "noble-ish" of the three, and downgrading from a viscountship to a creepy old pyramid was a serious jump, so the lizardfolk could hardly blame them. On the other hand, the half-elf seemed entirely comfortable of the situation. Rahmek's impression was that either Nolon was in way over his head, or Bardic Colleges were just really rigorous. With that thought, the Gold Scaled turned towards the exit, whistling to Khrem as he did so. "I'm a strong proponent of on the job learning, so I'll skip the rest of this meeting and wait for the rest of you at the exit, if there are no complaints."

2018-08-23, 10:09 PM
Rahmek begins to make his way for the exit. He'll be out of sight soon-join him?

2018-08-23, 10:48 PM
"Fine fine." The half elf waved a hand dismissively and put his feet back on the floor. He stood up. "I'll go find
my things and join you in a moment." Nolon did exactly that. He found his odds and ends possessions and made his way to the exit to meet back up with the others.

2018-08-24, 03:58 PM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

Zuriel touched two fingers to the middle of their forehead. The conversation had kickstarted their memory, but it wasn't enough. Something had happened. They were aware of that, but not the specifics. They were now aware that they had gone into that kind of hibernation...on purpose? They weren't sure if that meant "willingly" or not. "Apologies. I must have some kind of hibernation...hangover... My memory isn't what it should be. Hm." they said with the seeming disconcerted air of someone not used to their mind betraying them. "It will come back to me, I'm sure."

They had gathered their belongings on the way out of the sarcophagus room, so Zuriel waited while the others prepared to make way. While the others were about their business they scanned the walls for writing or pictographs...anything to give their punch drunk recollections more context.

Investigation: [roll0]
Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

2018-08-24, 10:41 PM
Something's not quite right. It's in the writing-it's all in order, of course, but the style is just... Off.

Except, wait-no, it's all fine. All fine.

Your attention to detail will probably snap you out of it... Later.

You all make your way to the outside. The sun is shining brilliantly down upon you as you step out of your pyramid. Looking behind you, you see the entrance smoothly closing, nearly invisible against the sands. In the distance, visible over the dunes, is a small settlement, centered around what appears to be an oasis, and directly east of you.

Emperor Ing
2018-08-25, 12:47 AM
Survivors of the cataclysm. Xilexal remarked as he laid eyes upon the settlement. He wished it was closer, knowing full well he was now in full armor plate, which was never fun to wear for extended periods of time, and certainly not in a desert. Shall we? He asked, gesturing with his black glaive, though he had every intention of allowing the less...militant members of the group to do the talking. Even assuming they spoke the same language.

2018-08-25, 09:34 AM
Nolon eyed the settlement. It looked more promising than wandering aimlessly in the desert. "Well I don't see any better alternatives, so I vote yes. Do we do that then? Voting?" He didn't really care if they were going to vote or not, just they did something at all. Nolon waved his hand around dismissing his own comment and waited for the others to respond.

2018-08-27, 04:27 AM
Rahmek sighed, breathing in the desert air home, he thought. But then he heard the others pointing out the settlement to the east, and a different thought entered his head. Converts. "As much as I like wandering around dunes, I thought some non-skeletal company would do us good."

2018-08-27, 01:57 PM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

The slender sorcerer said nothing, but apparently agreed with the course of action. They began walking across the sand dunes toward the settlement, hood brought up to protect delicate, white skin from the harsh sun. The Everlight Vale was much farther north (at least they guessed it was), cold and rainy and blanketed with forests and mist. So this was about as far from normal weather as they were used to. At least they had a cloak to protect them against the worst of the harsh, desert sun.

Zuriel couldn't remember if they had come to the desert in order to be put into hibernation like this. Why would they? Had the sarcophagus been moved here after the fact? This couldn't be all that remained of home, could it? There was a frustrating lack of answers.

Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

2018-08-29, 12:17 AM
You hear, in the back of your minds, a brief whisper. The voice seems to belong to that of Mephet'ran, the Light of Truth.

Don't worry... They won't recognize you for what you are...

The message is followed by a hearty chuckle, as you reach the settlement. You find yourselves looking down on the people that are passing by-people seem to have gotten shorter, considering you tower over them by at least a foot. You attract no small amount of attention-tall, mysterious strangers tend to do that, though no one approaches you directly.

2018-08-29, 05:48 AM
Rahmek looks around at the townsfolk, then quickly compares their heights to that of Nolon. "Nobody panic" He whispered to the other three of the group. "I speak halfling."

Emperor Ing
2018-08-29, 07:22 AM
While Xilexal is and has always been a tall man, the extent to which he towered over these people just felt...silly.

Wonderful. He whispered rather strongly back to Rahmek. Ask for their leader.

2018-08-29, 09:36 AM
Nolon wasn't particularly tall to begin with, but he wasn't going to complain about suddenly being taller than the average townsperson. "Probably a good idea. I wonder how languages have changed since we've been gone. What new colorful sayings have become popular. And what phrases have fallen out of style."

2018-08-29, 10:06 AM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

Zuriel had lapsed into silence again, distracted by the voice in the back of their head and the name attached to it -- a name that held absolutely no significance to them yet they were still strangely sure the voice had belonged to it. They were used to being taller than many, but at a tad over six feet Zuriel wasn't exactly towering. Yet now they seemed to have a head or more over everyone in the crowd, as did all their fellows. Had they grown while they slept? Had the rest of the world gotten smaller? So many strange things to ponder. They were glad the others seemed to be taking things more in stride, and let them do the talking for now.

Besides, chatting with the peasantry wasn't exactly high on Zuriel's fun things to do list.

Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

2018-08-29, 03:26 PM
Rahmek looks around at the townsfolk, then quickly compares their heights to that of Nolon. "Nobody panic" He whispered to the other three of the group. "I speak halfling."

Rahmek, gain inspiration. I laughed out loud.

Rahmek approaches one of the shorter folk, and asks in halfling for their leader. The man doesn't understand, but when switching to common, nods. "Okay-yeah, I understand now. We've got a reeve in that big building in the center of town-you're not with the nobility?" he asks, apparently having assumed you're with the local government.

2018-08-29, 03:59 PM
The lizardfolk betrays no show of embarrassment at having assumed the townsfolk were halflings. At the man's second question, he merely points back at Viscount Zuriel. "They are the nobility."

Emperor Ing
2018-08-31, 10:46 AM
Xilexal rolls his eyes, being familiar with the term for a low-level community leader. At least they had developed their own hierarchy in their absence. Show us.

2018-08-31, 12:15 PM
Nolon was heavily amused by his companion's mistaking of the people for halflings, snickering to himself. He straightened up and presented his best nobility face when they were referred to as the nobility.

2018-08-31, 01:19 PM
The man nods again, and gives you some directions.

Unless you decide to press the issue about getting lead there personally, you set off, finding the reeve's home without much difficulty. It's a large building-at least, compared to the others about. Nothing much to what you're used to, but that's to be expected. A servant spots you through the window, and opens the door. "How may I help you? The good reeve Jambe is busy at the moment, so has no time for you."

2018-08-31, 01:33 PM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

"He will make time, servant. We will not be kept waiting outside this hovel." Zuriel looked down their nose at the one who answered the door. It had been some time since a peasant spoke to him with such disrespect, and it took an actual act of will on his part not to burn the man to ash on the reeve's filthy doorstep. "Go and tell him to receive us immediately."

Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

Emperor Ing
2018-08-31, 01:42 PM
He will receive us immediately. The armored giant replied, agreeing with Zuriel as he gave the servant a cold stare.


2018-08-31, 02:09 PM
The servant gulps, loudly, and says "Right away, um, sirs," before scurrying off.

You hear some muffled yelling after a few minutes pass, and a minute or two after that, the servant comes back. "I'm afraid, the, uh, reeve will not, um, be seeing..." he stammers out, looking mostly at Xilexal with fear in his eyes.

2018-08-31, 02:12 PM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

"Then we shall let ourselves in. Step aside." Zuriel said to the servant, then nodded to the armored giant next to him to lead the way. He didn't kill the servant, since after his first lapse of decorum the sniveling man had actually done exactly as asked. He didn't see any point in punishing the messenger when they could just go straight to this insufferable village headman.

Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

2018-08-31, 02:33 PM
The servant manages some weak protests, but does nothing to really stop you.

Inside, it's well-appointed, if a touch sparse. The reeve seems to hear you come in, and storms from his room, wearing nothing more than a plain pair of pants. "You! What are you doing in my home? William, I told you-" he begins.

I'm assuming one of you will probably cut him off. If not, I'll edit this.

2018-08-31, 02:46 PM
https://i.imgur.com/jV5hRRE.jpg Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale

"Quiet." Zuriel's voice betrayed a hint of anger for the first time at the reeve's lack of decorum. This whole situation was entirely intolerable. "Compose yourself before you say anything you will regret."

They lifted a trinket or bauble from a nearby table, some small piece of glass, and took a few steps closer to the reeve. "We will forgive your lack of hospitality, and allow you to rectify this embarrassing situation, should you mind yourself." they said as the little piece of glass in their hand frosted over with some kind of unnatural cold, cracked, and then shattered in their hand, sprinkling to the floor. A small demonstration.


Lord Zuriel, Viscount Everlight Vale (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1666501)
Fallen Aasimar Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 6 LN

AC 13 HP 38/38 Speed 30ft

Str 12 (1) Dex 16 (3) Con 14 (2) Wis 12 (1) Int 12 (1) Cha 18 (4)

Light Crossbow 20/20 +6 1d8+3 P
2 x Dagger +6 1d4+3 P
Chill Touch +7 2d8 Necrotic
Sacred Flame DC15 Dex Save -- 2d8 Radiant
Toll the Dead DC15 Wis Save -- 2d8/2d12 Necrotic

Darkvision (60 ft.)
Sorcery Points (6/6)

2018-09-02, 02:47 AM
The Gold Scaled was the last to enter the reeve's house, letting his allies take the lead. He settled against a wall, resting his elbow on the windowsill casually. However, his eyes betrayed his disinterested posture, as he scanned Jambe's tone and movements during the conversation. Also, he decided to nudge the process along a little, with a winning fanged grin as he did so. "By the way, if we end up killing you, who takes your place?"

Rollin' Insight to see how the reeve is reacting to all this.

Emperor Ing
2018-09-02, 02:52 AM
Xixecal chucked once at Zuriel's demeanor. Not what he was expecting, but he can see that he read the noble wrong. If anything, the Duke was starting to like them. Where is your leader? He asked further.

2018-09-02, 06:02 AM
It was a little ironic for someone who typically was the entertainment to be sitting back and watching the show. Though that was exactly what was happening and this was entertaining.

2018-09-02, 11:41 PM
The reeve initially objects, but quickly grows quiet, and even begins to shake a little. "I, uh... Yes. Whatever you desire, your lordships. Um... I have tea, from the northern lands-a specialty of their's, should you desire it..."

He's clearly terrified. You're not totally sure how he'd react, but judging by the jiggle at his belly and his cowering stance, he's no fighter, so even if he does turn violent... Not much of a concern.

In addition, he seems to be dealing with you perfectly honestly.

"I report to... To..." he says, struggling to remember on the spot. "To Duke Archibald. He in turn reports to Marquise Cox, and Cox reports to the king."

2018-09-04, 01:43 AM
"Good to know. By the way, do you happen to have a map of.. say, the kingdom? " Rahmek was beginning to wonder how far up the hierarchy these intimidation tactics would work.

2018-09-04, 07:57 PM
"Yes! Yes, of course, there's one hanging above the mantle," Jambe says, scurrying over to the room containing it. He looks, longingly, at the door, but keeping close behind, you deny him any opportunity to flee.

It is as he said-hanging above the mantle is a simple, and presumably accurate, map.

2018-09-04, 09:54 PM
"Well then, let's see how things are now." Rahmek studies the map, trying to find the old lands of the group.


2018-09-04, 09:57 PM
You're reasonably certain that you're looking at some form of compressed fiber, covered in ink. Probably spilled on it-someone should clean that, if possible. :P

You do not identify any familiar landmasses.

2018-09-04, 10:40 PM
Rahmek decides, on second thought, someone else should read the map. Using his superior bulk, he drags Nolon over to the mantle. "Here, read this."

2018-09-04, 10:52 PM
None of the landmasses look familiar.

There might be one or two things that vaguely look right, enough so you know it's the right world. But why have the lands changed so much? Was there some cataclysm that shifted the very earth?

2018-09-04, 11:30 PM
Nolon squirms abit at being manhandled. "What are you doing? Put me down! Oh!" He exclaims in surprise as he us placed in front of the map. He shrugged. Sure. Why not. "Alright. Let's see what we have here."



He furrowed his brow and muttered to himself as he studied the map. "Well this can't be right. Can it? This part here looks more or less like it should but these here...curious. So much must have changed, but what could cause this much change? " Nolon spun around sporting a confused look. He actually seemed to care about not knowing or understanding something now. "Something massive must have happened. So many things appear to have shifted or are differently shaped. Either that or they have terrible map making abilities nowadays."

Emperor Ing
2018-09-05, 01:25 AM

You present a used tablecloth, and presume us foolish enough to think it is a map?! Xilexal exclaimed, annoyed at the Reeve, not even being able to recognize the cloth as a map.


2018-09-16, 10:50 PM
Rahmek dismissed the map with a wave if the hand. "The map is obviously useless. Let's spend no more time on it." He turned towards the reeve, his tail whipping as he did so. It had the distinct impression of a snake constricting its prey. "What I want to know, my good man, is what the dust happened to humanity. You used to be a tall, proud people. A people who could make maps of any worth, who may not have been very good in a fight, but would fight to protect their homes nonetheless. What turned you all short, cowed, and geographically challenged? If you don't mind me asking."

2018-09-17, 10:12 AM
"Wh-what? What do you mean?" he says. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."

The servant knocks, almost too faintly to be heard, on the door frame, trying to avoid notice while drawing your attention. "Sir-I mean, sirs! Sirs, a courier has just arrived. The good Duke Archibald is going to be performing inspection. He is on his way, and will be here in a few hours."

Saving throw for Jambe: [roll0] [roll1] with disadvantage, but only DC 8.

Jambe looks faint, but manages to keep his feet.

2018-09-17, 02:08 PM
Nolon smiled. "Lovely, so the higher rung in the ladder will be coming to us. That certainly makes things much more convenient."

2018-09-19, 08:11 PM
"Wha-what? You cannot stay! If Archibald arrives and finds you here, I can't even imagine what he'll say!" Jambe says frantically.

2018-09-20, 01:15 AM
The protestions seem to amuse Rahmek. "Can't stay in the village, or in the building?"

Emperor Ing
2018-09-20, 02:29 PM
He should be honored. Xilexal replied. To bear witness to the rightful rulers of this land reclaim their lands. Ones who will hire actual cartographers. Amazing, what arts are lost in two hundred years.

2018-09-20, 06:46 PM
The protestions seem to amuse Rahmek. "Can't stay in the village, or in the building?"

"I... Well... You can't..." Jambe stammers, but seems to pull himself together a little, trying to comport himself with dignity. "If you are to stay, you must be sure to show the good Duke proper respect. I understand you feel... Territorial, but there is a system of government already in place that you must respect!"