View Full Version : Not sure what class to play in a desert hexcrawl.

2018-08-19, 02:05 PM
So we are having the proper session zero to start a new campaign on Tuesday, but I have read over the packet the dm sent out, and I have had a lot of trouble thinking about what class I want to play. (we are going to make characters in a group, but I think it is a decent idea to come to the table with some basic ideas.

So this is planning on being a full campaign, like at least a year, we are hoping to reach level 20 (we finished up the last one and have been running short games since). The world is low magic, lots of monsters but most people would have never seen a spellcaster in there life (the dm said that the point of this wasn't to restrict player options, it was make player casters feel more magical). We are in a desert, and the campaign start is with all on a job as caravan guards for traders crossing the desert. It is a hex crawl campaign. It's supposed to be kinda criticalrollish, especially with the way character backstory is implemented. Low magic items.

Any ideas? What would you play?

ps. Just in case I wasn't clear, magic is not limited in the campaign, i have talked with the dm, and she said that she was actually hoping some people would play them

2018-08-19, 03:20 PM
Tempest cleric.

2018-08-19, 03:55 PM
Deserts are a harsh environment. A ranger would go a long way to mitigate that harshness. Everybody loves a Gloom Stalker or Horizon Walker. But honestly Monster Slayer might fit a bit better and be just as hard. You could class your character as a mage hunter (a component of the Slayer build).

Desert Storm Herald Barbarian...

Sun Soul Monk...

Arcane Trickster...

Pyromancy Sorceror...

2018-08-19, 04:00 PM
Deserts are a harsh environment. A ranger would go a long way to mitigate that harshness. Everybody loves a Gloom Stalker or Horizon Walker. But honestly Monster Slayer might fit a bit better and be just as hard. You could class your character as a mage hunter (a component of the Slayer build).

That does sound good! makes sense for a ranger crossing the desert and all that, out of the three archetypes I would feel monster slayer the most (we aren't going to the underdark much, and the dm mentioned planar travel bassically not being a thing in this setting) I have heard a lot of bad things about rangers though, would a monster hunter be effective?

2018-08-19, 04:08 PM
The ranger archetype is meaningless here, just pick the one you like.
The key here is natural explorer desert (no halved traveling pace due to terrain, can't get lost, search for food while remaining alert) and goodberry (free food).

That alone is huge!
Favored enemy beasts could be impactful too.

2018-08-19, 04:11 PM
That does sound good! makes sense for a ranger crossing the desert and all that, out of the three archetypes I would feel monster slayer the most (we aren't going to the underdark much, and the dm mentioned planar travel bassically not being a thing in this setting) I have heard a lot of bad things about rangers though, would a monster hunter be effective?

Rangers are just fine. Talk to your DM and see if he will let you use the Revised Ranger rules. If he does, you'll never have a problem again. If Multi Classing is allowed, you might want to think about getting 2 levels in Barbarian or 2 in Monk at some point. You get a lot of bang for your buck from those front loaded levels.

2018-08-19, 04:21 PM
I played a Monster Hunter in an Al-Quadim game a while back.

In the desert setting, hunting for water and navigation are important jobs, and the Ranger handles that well. I forget what creature type genies fall under, but I remember having that and it was useful.

2018-08-19, 04:55 PM
Sorcerer has a great vibe in a dessert campaign.

2018-08-19, 05:06 PM
Druids are awesome in survival games.

Paladins are awesome in general.

Barbarians are fun.

Bards rule.


So yeah... basically anything. Someone in the party needs to make Goodberries somehow (feat, Druid, etc.), or someone needs to take that one Background which feeds the party, or I guess someone could be a Ranger (but yuck, not my favorite class this edition).

2018-08-19, 05:16 PM
The background won't do it. Desert doesn't qualify as a "place with water and the usual stuff".

Ranger is a must.
You can't get lost. And if you do... WIZARDRY!!

Pick ranger and magic initiate feat (find familiar)
Then go cleric. You can cleanse xit using the familiar to overcome the touch limitation.

Go light armour. Wearing metal on the desert is not a good idea.

2018-08-19, 05:32 PM
There is a bit of a difference between:

A) "classes the party should have in order to do well"


B) "the specific class you could have fun with, so long as part A is covered"

The party probably needs a ranger. It likely doesn't need five rangers.

2018-08-19, 09:28 PM
How about an Arcane Cleric that worships magic? Not a magic god mind you, bit literally magic itself.

You can take Magic Initiate: Wizard for Prestidigitation, Mage Hand and Find Familiar. They are all massively useful spells that don't need high Int to work, and it saves up your precious Arcane Initiate cantrips for scaling combat cantrips. I'm personally partial to Fire Bolt and Green Flame Blade because I'm a bit of a firebug, but obviously you can take your pick.

A dipped toe into Druid will get you Shillelagh for slightly better melee presence and Druidcraft a generally underrated toolbox of a cantrip.

2018-08-19, 09:40 PM
Primeval Guardian Ranger, refluffed as a giant cactus rather than a tree, is clearly the correct choice.

2018-08-19, 09:41 PM
Seems like a great opportunity to play a Storm Herald Barbarian. Folk hero of a local tribe, seeking their destiny on the sands. You’re familiar with the region, allowing your DM to give you helpful hints and exposition without having to shoehorn in an NPC.