View Full Version : New class crearion, feedback need please

2018-08-20, 02:31 AM
I whant to make a monk that can planes walker and make his monastric tradition on that. He rules his way on the karma and Dharma. He only looks for balance and he protected. please some ideas for the abilitis and a way to be balanced. It will be maked at the D&D 5e game. thansk for help and your time.

2018-08-20, 02:50 AM
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for. Some kind of Hindu-inspired monk with teleportation/plane-shifting powers? Monks already have an East Asian (mostly Tibetan Buddhist) theme and also get Astral Projection. Is that enough for you?

Creating homebrew classes and subclasses is tricky business, trickier than homebrewing races. One piece of advice I can give is to keep things as simple as you can. Also, don't try to pile on too many features (I'm definitely guilty of this now and again), or you'll end up with something that is too strong.

Looking at the monk, it seems your choice of monastic tradition grants you new features at 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th level. Keep in mind that you're getting another monk feature at 3rd (Deflect Missiles) and 6th level (Ki-Empowered Strikes), so the features granted by your subclass at those levels shouldn't be too strong. On the other hand, 11th and 17th level are usually major power spikes (more so for casters than martials), so those features should be a bit stronger.

I might think on this and come back with some concrete suggestions for abilities, but it would help to know what specifically you were aiming for.

2018-08-20, 03:00 AM
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for. Some kind of Hindu-inspired monk with teleportation/plane-shifting powers? Monks already have an East Asian (mostly Tibetan Buddhist) theme and also get Astral Projection. Is that enough for you?

Creating homebrew classes and subclasses is tricky business, trickier than homebrewing races. One piece of advice I can give is to keep things as simple as you can. Also, don't try to pile on too many features (I'm definitely guilty of this now and again), or you'll end up with something that is too strong.

Looking at the monk, it seems your choice of monastic tradition grants you new features at 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th level. Keep in mind that you're getting another monk feature at 3rd (Deflect Missiles) and 6th level (Ki-Empowered Strikes), so the features granted by your subclass at those levels shouldn't be too strong. On the other hand, 11th and 17th level are usually major power spikes (more so for casters than martials), so those features should be a bit stronger.

I might think on this and come back with some concrete suggestions for abilities, but it would help to know what specifically you were aiming for.

As I read I can only past to the astral plane, I whant to fisicaly walk to all the planes and can send "epic monsters" to their home planes to keed balance on the universe. Its complex, yes but can you lend me some ideas for the 3, 6, 11 and 17 levels please? I need to be balance or it cant work. thanks for the time.

2018-08-20, 03:05 AM
You should never carry a weapon or your karma will be affected.

Path of feeling less: you can't feel emotions, you can't be charm or frigthened and you can't have desventage from surprice attacks.

Level 3: Planar Martials

level 11: Planar Movement

level 17: Synergy With Planar

Karma: All this feats are eliminated if you are not "Unaligthmen", you can't damage inosent beings or beings without conscience that dosent harm you.*To keep these bonuses it is necessary not to lie, cheat, steal or interfere in livings life. You most stick to the rules of karma and the six samsāras. 3 hours of daily meditation and 3 hours of daily physical training to keep the bonuses without penalization. You can't Jugde or make a bound with any thing, you can't request anithing from no one and if you will reseive something from someone you accepted with no emotions, thats all you can do, you can't show emotions.A sixth sense is added to you to know if any creature you sense is bad or not, you can't alterate the course of the nature or interfere in with others paths, If some one is on need of your help and they don't request it, you could interfer only to preserve the balance on your planar existence.*

Karma: your score starts at 0, if you lose 0 you lose your bonus, if you raise 0 you lose your bonus.

Dharma: your score starts at 0, you can gain Dharma when you save, help or protect living things. You can spend une Dharma points to recover life equal to your monk level + your wisdom. You can spend Dharma points to recover ki points equal to 1/4 of your monk level + wisdom.

Training on the path of planar walking: you could train years represented in 2D4+1 to astral project you or others in to the other planars of space, when do so to a creature other than you, you should spend your Dharma exactly as the wis score of the creature and you can add the half as ki if you need to, the saving trow is 8 + your proficiency + your wisdom modifier.
If a creature fail the save it is transported to the other planar selected.
This is ONLY ideas for thes class, please help me with Ideas.

2018-08-20, 03:10 AM
Why do you need to make a new class for this? You can already do this using existing mechanics.


1. Do you want teleportation too, or just plane shifting? Because if you want plane shifting, asking your DM for a magic item or going for a spellcaster is probably your best bet.

2. By "and he protected", do you mean "he protects others" or "he is protected BY others"?

3. What level will you be starting at?

Build ideas so far:
An elven Horizon Walker (a Ranger subclass from Xanathar's Guide to Everything that focuses on planar-themed stuff) 20. Use the option presented in Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron to replace your elven weapon training with Expertise in one skill (choose athletics as that skill). Take Tavern Brawler at 4th level so that you can hit people with your fists (for half-decent amounts of damage) and protect people by grappling dangerous enemies with your bonus action, keeping them close to you and away from civilians and squishies. If you want to hit people with your fists from level 1, your DM doesn't allow content from Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron (odd considering that he is apparently allowing homebrewed content), you don't want to be an elf, or you don't want to spend an ASI on Tavern Brawler, be a variant human instead of an elf (so that you can get Tavern Brawler at first level) and pick up Expertise in athletics by starting as a Rogue and heading into Horizon Walker after your first level.

A Shadow Monk 20 that refluffs a few things to be more planar-themed. For example, you could say that your Darkness spell's effect comes from a temporary minor breach to the Plane of Shadow that you create and that Shadow Step is actually brief planar jaunt to the Plane of Shadow (provided that the mechanics of the spell don't change as a result of that refluffing (unless your DM explicitly tells you that you/he can change them).

Any Casting Class 20 (or 19/Monk 1 if you don't want to use an ASI on Tavern Brawler and want to hit things with your fists). This is likely your best bet to get the ability to plane shift on your own (and without the assistance of a magic item, which I recommend just asking your DM for as the end item to a quest or something), and if you don't want to punch stuff, I recommend being a Conjurer (Wizard subclass).

2018-08-20, 03:12 AM
and can send "epic monsters" to their home planes to keed balance on the universe
Look up a spell called "Banishment".

2018-08-20, 03:16 AM
Karma: All this feats are eliminated if you are not "Unaligthmen", you can't damage inosent beings or beings without conscience that dosent harm you.*To keep these bonuses it is necessary not to lie, cheat, steal or interfere in livings life. You most stick to the rules of karma and the six samsāras. 3 hours of daily meditation and 3 hours of daily physical training to keep the bonuses without penalization. You can't Jugde or make a bound with any thing, you can't request anithing from no one and if you will reseive something from someone you accepted with no emotions, thats all you can do, you can't show emotions.A sixth sense is added to you to know if any creature you sense is bad or not, you can't alterate the course of the nature or interfere in with others paths, If some one is on need of your help and they don't request it, you could interfer only to preserve the balance on your planar existence.*
This sounds like an Paladin of some kind. Maybe an Oath of Redemption Paladin?

Why is a person with that oath/code that you described adventuring, anyway? Isn't that, like, the opposite of what their oath/code tells them to do?

2018-08-20, 03:20 AM
Pefect! thats a good help, thanks for the help I apreciate it!

2018-08-20, 03:24 AM
A bit late to the party but from the first few posts my initial thought was that this could be made combining Four Elements Monk with Horizon Walker Ranger. As a bonus, both classes need exactly same ability scores to be 13 (dex and wis) in order to multiclass, so they're a match made in heaven in that respect.

2018-08-20, 03:28 AM
thanks man but I play a 2 players campain with a bard that will choise the stuff we need to do all that crazy stuff. I do this post to create a new class but I see that is to dificult xD I apreciate your time and thansk a lot.

2018-08-20, 03:36 AM
thanks man but I play a 2 players campain with a bard that will choise the stuff we need to do all that crazy stuff. I do this post to create a new class but I see that is to dificult xD I apreciate your time and thansk a lot.

Before you turn to creating a completely new class (trust me; I've been there, and I can tell it's hell of a job!), you should try and see if a specific concept can be fully realized using the existing classes.
I should know (something at least), I tried to create a warlord with the existing classes, but wasn't satisfied with the results, and then created a new class. If you're interested, you can find a link to it in my signature.

In my honest opinion, Horizon Walker (Ranger)/Way of Four Elements (Monk) would fit the concept perfectly, both flavorwise and mechanically.

2018-08-20, 04:00 AM
Yeah, generally it's better to work with the existing material. Creating a class is hard, I've tried before!

If you do want to create a custom monk subclass, generally you'll have the easiest time if you can take features from other classes and blend them into what you're looking for. The Horizon Walker ranger is one of the big ones that comes to mind, but also the Planeshift, Banishment, Banishing Strike spells, as well as other teleportation spells like Dimension Door. If I cobble something together quickly, maybe something like this:

3rd Level

Detect Portals - Taken verbatim from the Horizon Walker. This is your entry-level planar travel, before you are capable of traveling on your own power.

Planar Protection
You may spend 1 ki point to cast Protection from Evil and Good or Detect Evil and Good.

6th Level

Planar Smite
When you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack, you may spend 2 ki points to add 2d6 force damage to that attack. This extra damage scales with your Martial Arts die. Additionally, if the target of your attack is native to a different plane than the one you are on, and has been reduced to less than half their hit points, they must also pass a Charisma saving throw or be banished back to their home plane.

11th Level

Dimensional Step
You may spend 5 ki points to cast Dimension Door.
When you use your Step of the Wind feature, you may also teleport up to 10 feet to a place you can see on your turn.

17th Level

Cosmic Path
You may cast Planeshift once per long rest.

Now, I'm sure someone will come along and rip this apart. And to be fair, I threw it together pretty hastily, so it's probably got a lot of problems. I have no idea if the ki costs for the spell are fair or not.

2018-08-20, 09:16 AM
Yeah, generally it's better to work with the existing material. Creating a class is hard, I've tried before!

If you do want to create a custom monk subclass, generally you'll have the easiest time if you can take features from other classes and blend them into what you're looking for. The Horizon Walker ranger is one of the big ones that comes to mind, but also the Planeshift, Banishment, Banishing Strike spells, as well as other teleportation spells like Dimension Door. If I cobble something together quickly, maybe something like this:

3rd Level

Detect Portals - Taken verbatim from the Horizon Walker. This is your entry-level planar travel, before you are capable of traveling on your own power.

Planar Protection
You may spend 1 ki point to cast Protection from Evil and Good or Detect Evil and Good.

6th Level

Planar Smite
When you hit another creature with a melee weapon attack, you may spend 2 ki points to add 2d6 force damage to that attack. This extra damage scales with your Martial Arts die. Additionally, if the target of your attack is native to a different plane than the one you are on, and has been reduced to less than half their hit points, they must also pass a Charisma saving throw or be banished back to their home plane.

11th Level

Dimensional Step
You may spend 5 ki points to cast Dimension Door.
When you use your Step of the Wind feature, you may also teleport up to 10 feet to a place you can see on your turn.

17th Level

Cosmic Path
You may cast Planeshift once per long rest.

Now, I'm sure someone will come along and rip this apart. And to be fair, I threw it together pretty hastily, so it's probably got a lot of problems. I have no idea if the ki costs for the spell are fair or not.

thanks men, that was preaty good!