View Full Version : The Radiohead Appreciation Thread

2007-09-13, 04:02 PM
From Greenplastic.com:

"While no new Radiohead album is in sight, the band has been road testing new songs during their 2006 tour in Europe and North America. Since completing 2003's Hail to the Thief, Radiohead fulfilled their contract with EMI Records and where under no obligation to release another album.

Various members of the band have stated that there will be a new album, though just when it will be out is unknown. Ed O'Brien told Green Plastic that the band plans on doing some sessions with Nigel Godrich after the tour is over.

If we had to guess when the album will come out, it would be Summer/Fall 2007. Don't hold us to that. ;) "

I know this has been up there for a while now, but I am greatly anticipating the next Radiohead album. While it's hard to say what they'll end up doing, there are a few songs that they've played live, that I'd like to see make it onto the CD:

Nude (Big ideas - Don't Get Any)
4 Minute Warning

and, even though it's not very likely, Big Boots (Man o War).

Of course, I'd love to be pleasantly surprised by plenty of new songs, as well.

But, the focus of this thread is not just the new album, but rather just Radiohead, in general. Any avid listeners of the band out there? Would you like to discuss your feelings about them, what songs you'd like to hear on the new album, or simply songs that you just plain love? Let's discuss!

2007-09-14, 12:43 PM
Big fan here. Never been lucky enough to catch them live, I always seem to be too late or too broke. No idea what I'd want to see on the next album, though it might be nice for a happy song to be there, haven't had one of those from them in a while.... :smalltongue:

My strangest experience as a fan was talking with a guy I'd just met about music. He looked at me kinda shrewdly, then said 'let me guess, you a radiohead fan?' I still don't get how he did it. Answer me this - what does a radiohead fan look like??

2007-09-14, 02:55 PM
Unfortunately, I haven't had any opportunies to see them live, but I've heard it can be quite an experience. "There, There" was among the favorite performances of one of my friends who did get a chance to see them - which was interesting, because he didn't like that song very much prior to this show.

I've never heard of anyone making guesses about being a fan like that, though. From the way you describe it, it shoulds kinda weird.

2007-09-14, 05:41 PM
Radiohead? I may have watched an anime with a cutdown version of Paranoid Android as it's ending theme and listened to an album with a folk cover of Fake Plastic Trees.

Apart from that I've had no contact with them.

2007-09-15, 07:24 PM
Nude (Big ideas - Don't Get Any)
4 Minute Warning

What about 15 Step? It was by far my favourite of the enw songs when I first heard them (although the ones you mentioned are great as well). Id did seem to me that there weren't enough great new songs to make an entire album, but we'll see.

According to ateaseweb.com, the album is actually finished, but they haven't yet got a record deal to put it out. Still, I'm sure it will at least be pretty good when it comes out- they've taken enough time putting it out after all!

2007-09-15, 09:45 PM
Well, 15 Step is pretty good...

I think I'm just more excited about the others. However, it is growing on me.

2007-09-16, 12:41 AM
Big Radiohead fan here. Sadly haven't seen Radiohead live since the Amnesiac tour, so I can't comment on any new songs.

Personally, I couldn't pick a favourite Radiohead album, let alone a favourite song. Comparing the Bends to Kid A is like...well...apples and oranges. Sure they're similar in some ways, but different in so many other ways too.

Radiohead is just amazingly unique and groundbreaking and powerful...the adjectives just keep coming.

Would love to see them again, and would love to get a new album.

2007-09-16, 12:52 AM
I actually wasn't a Radiohead fan until I picked up Hail to the Thief on a whim a few years ago and then really got into them. I actually haven't seen them live...damn it. I really want to.

I love they way they construct songs for texture. Even while songs from an album like The Bends have wonderful melodies, their focus is mainly on texture, between the guitars and Yorke's voice (one of my favourite singers, actually).

2007-09-16, 12:22 PM
I first got into them with OKComputer, which I picked up around when Kid A and Amnesiac were being made. "Lucky" was my first favorite song, and after some more thorough listening, I kind of started to love the whole album. I really like what came after OKComputer, even more so, actually. The only stuff I don't enjoy is the really early stuff...

Pablo Honey just doesn't do it for me. My Iron Lung EP isn't one I really like, either.

2007-09-16, 10:58 PM
I've seen 'em live quite a few times, only once for their new stuff, but I can say, as someone's that grown out of them, they certainly put on a good show.

I certainly can pick the songs I still like after high school:
True Love Waits
How To Disappear Completely
A Punchup at a Wedding
Wolf At The Door
Pyramid Song (love love love the time signature)

Plus Johnny is teh hawt.

Thes Hunter
2007-09-17, 09:47 PM
I unfortunately have only seen them live right after Pablo Honey.

I feel their later stuff is far more original.

2007-10-03, 09:09 PM
Oh, snap.
