View Full Version : Coming Soon: Ivor and Brazenburn Season 2!

2018-08-21, 11:45 AM
Yes, this is self-promotion. I am not ashamed of myself (much).

Do you like reading about chaotic, bizarre adventures, the least sane characters ever created, and entire campaigns going off the rails? If you do, (or even if you don't) stay tuned for Season 2 of the Saga of Ivor and Brazenburn!

Last year's issues (culminating in a PvP guerilla war) have been solved, and we are all hoping that this year's campaigns will involve less nasty and more funny exploits, occurring over nine months in two pre-written adventures. The first will be Storm King's Thunder (DM'd by Ivor_the_Mad), whih will be followed by Out of the Abyss (which I will DM).

The first posts should be up in mid-September on this forum. If anybody has comments, suggestions, or advice, please post them below.
We hope you enjoy the new write-ups of our crazy campaigns!

With thanks to anybody who reads our posts (and apologies to anybody who takes offense at them),

Ivor and Brazenburn.

2018-08-21, 11:50 AM
Just... Just no Dragon PCs with a swallow whole feat please

I suggest 2(two) Session zeros and have the campaign details on paper and have everyone sign it, sending them home a copy.

And disallow PVP, this is how campaign break.

Otherwise have fun, we are just an audience with unsolicited opinions

2018-08-21, 12:43 PM
Just... Just no Dragon PCs with a swallow whole feat please

I suggest 2(two) Session zeros and have the campaign details on paper and have everyone sign it, sending them home a copy.

And disallow PVP, this is how campaign break.

Otherwise have fun, we are just an audience with unsolicited opinions

I don't plan to create any Dragon PCs.

Obviously Session 0s will be useful. I think that may have been part of the problem with last year's campaigns. Good idea about the contracts; I'd not considered that.

PvP will most definitely by harshly disallowed.

The main goal of the table is, of course, to have fun. I just think that it might be fun for some other people to hear about it, so we post write-ups. Those that don't like it are entitled to their opinions, and I always want to hear from them (in case they have a valuable point to make). That's why I ask for people's comments, and am disappointed when I don't get many.

2018-08-21, 01:40 PM
This season I think we might try to RP a bit more and have a little less stupidity. No offense to out group but last year some people started to get a bit carried away with the ridiculousness and went of on tangents. I don't mine some jokes and randomness but we are going to try to keep it from getting out of hand. Also I think keeping the soul selling to a minimum would be a good idea. Thanks for the advice ErHo we will definitely use it.

2018-08-21, 02:33 PM
This season I think we might try to RP a bit more and have a little less stupidity. No offense to out group but last year some people started to get a bit carried away with the ridiculousness and went of on tangents. I don't mine some jokes and randomness but we are going to try to keep it from getting out of hand. Also I think keeping the soul selling to a minimum would be a good idea. Thanks for the advice ErHo we will definitely use it.

Actually, I think that part of the tangent-ness was caused more by roleplaying than lack of it. People rolled up chaotic characters and RP'd them too much, leading to distractions.

Also, if anybody had a favorite scene or thing we did last season, I'd be unbelievably grateful if you would give me some feedback on it. I really do want people's opinions, so don't be stingy with the comments!

2018-08-21, 02:39 PM
Everyone loves reading them and picking them apart, I think it comes with games that rely mostly on imagination.

The signatures arent so much a contract, more so just proof that they signed it because they read it! :smallbiggrin:

the secret fire
2018-08-21, 02:45 PM
I'm here for the genital mutilation.

the secret fire
2018-08-21, 02:50 PM
Also, if anybody had a favorite scene or thing we did last season, I'd be unbelievably grateful if you would give me some feedback on it. I really do want people's opinions, so don't be stingy with the comments!

That time you sold the soul of the PC whose player was not playing at the time, effectively killing the character. I have no recollection what the upshot of that act was, but it was fairly high on the list of knife-fight-at-the-games-store provocations I've seen over the years.

2018-08-21, 02:51 PM
Everyone loves reading them and picking them apart, I think it comes with games that rely mostly on imagination.

The signatures arent so much a contract, more so just proof that they signed it because they read it! :smallbiggrin:

Really? Do you know other people who say the same?

I'm not doubting you, just curious. You've made several comments talking about yourself in the plural; does this mean you've got affirmation on this topic from others?

I'm here for the genital mutilation.

I'm sure you are.

We'll try to steer clear of that for myriad reasons, not least the "for Tiamat's sake, why would you even consider such a thing!" side.

I do understand, though, that part of the appeal is that it's so controversial. We'll try to keep that, but practice it on NPCs only so that there isn't bad blood in the party.

2018-08-21, 06:25 PM
That time you sold the soul of the PC whose player was not playing at the time, effectively killing the character. I have no recollection what the upshot of that act was, but it was fairly high on the list of knife-fight-at-the-games-store provocations I've seen over the years.

That was definitely unfortunate. I certainly don't plan on repeating it, and the bad blood has been cleared away enough that I can admit that that particular scenario (and most of the events serving as catalysts to it) were completely my fault. We retconned that particular event, of course.

Anyone have other opinions? I know what we need to skip, what about stuff that people actually thought was good and would like us to keep in mind when playing/DMing?

Thanks for bearing with me so far, and thanks in advance for any future suggestions!

Grear Bylls
2018-08-21, 07:38 PM
Since there's no responses, I'll assume nobody reads this and nobody wants us to post more next year. Sorry for continually bothering you.

- You.

I don't think this is going to end well, given how the last games turned out. I just want to see how this ends, and I think a bunch of others will too. Or just ignore it. Some might enjoy it, but I want to see what happens.

But as long as you (and your group) enjoy yourselves, what do I care?

2018-08-22, 06:33 AM
I don't think this is going to end well, given how the last games turned out. I just want to see how this ends, and I think a bunch of others will too. Or just ignore it. Some might enjoy it, but I want to see what happens.

But as long as you (and your group) enjoy yourselves, what do I care?

Quite possible. We are taking steps to prevent that: explicit PvP bans, all character ideas must be run through the DM, using pre-written adventures only, multiple session 0s, and the kleptomaniac player agreed that it would be best for him to join a different group. Even then, though, it still could go bad. I sincerely hop it doesn't, and I'll be trying very hard not to let it, but it might. Pray for the best.

On the other hand, it's worth keeping in mind that we ran three campaigns last year, and only one of them actually went bad. It's akin to reading the news. The bad stuff gets reported and circulated to everybody when we ask for advice, and the good is forgotten. Our Curse of Strahd post was full off innocent silliness and nothing more, and my Ravnica campaign managed to ignore the disagreements and get the job done peacefully (maybe partially because I was the DM). People forget about those, though, because they don't have castrations, PvP assassinations, selling souls to Cthulhu, kleptomania, or a demented bard controlling the rest of his party.

2018-08-22, 12:22 PM
Really? Do you know other people who say the same?

I'm not doubting you, just curious. You've made several comments talking about yourself in the plural; does this mean you've got affirmation on this topic from others?

Evidenced by the responses here and in your previous threads. High read count and replies, read through them again and I do believe people here like to read them and pick them apart(not automatically a negative thing) as with every other build or campaign posted here.

2018-08-22, 12:39 PM
Evidenced by the responses here and in your previous threads. High read count and replies, read through them again and I do believe people here like to read them and pick them apart(not automatically a negative thing) as with every other build or campaign posted here.

Interesting. Actually, we get a high post view, but very few responses that aren't just new installments of the campaign. Still, I think you're probably right. This is great news!

2018-08-23, 05:52 AM
Anyone have other opinions? I know what we need to skip, what about stuff that people actually thought was good and would like us to keep in mind when playing/DMing?

Thanks for bearing with me so far, and thanks in advance for any future suggestions!

Does nobody seriously have an opinion on this?

We've gotten almost 200 views on this thread (as of right now), and yet nobody seems to want to answer this question. Is there just nothing that people really enjoyed hearing about?

2018-08-23, 07:16 AM
Does nobody seriously have an opinion on this?

We've gotten almost 200 views on this thread (as of right now), and yet nobody seems to want to answer this question. Is there just nothing that people really enjoyed hearing about?

Well in the attempt of being honest......

So I did follow and read your posts on your last campaign and I found myself being quite irritated by specifically your behaviour towards other players and the whole PVP scenario. However, I believe it may have been unoriginal that pointed out that you usually have quite whacky and bizarre sessions which the players at the table are all invested in. Plus the fact that on this thread you have already said you have taken on board that some of the issues were yours and have resolved these problems with the players, so my humble and unimportant opinion is literally mute.

Will I read anything you post for campaign 2......... absolutely, as some one pointed out as long as you are having fun as is every other member of the table the goal has been achieved.

Grear Bylls
2018-08-23, 07:43 AM
Does nobody seriously have an opinion on this?

We've gotten almost 200 views on this thread (as of right now), and yet nobody seems to want to answer this question. Is there just nothing that people really enjoyed hearing about?

Not really no. The attempts at self promotion by continual thread bumping is, to be frank, kind of obonoxious. If a ton of people loved your "wacky, bizarre adventure", tons would comment.

However, that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems many people tend to ignore it, probably because *gasp* they DONT enjoy it!?

I've got no problem with you posting campaigns, but begging for clicks and posts and views is really stupid

2018-08-23, 08:00 AM
I will read a few of your first reports to see if you and your group have matured, at all.

The previous Ivor / brazenburn crazy adventures eventually overwhelmed my patience with grief play and immaturity; but that should not stop you from (1) having fun and (2) posting to see if anyone is entertained. I didn't enjoy reading any number of the experiences that had me shaking my head. We went through zany stuff like that 40 years ago, to include a scene where an entire party of adventurers (all players drunk or stoned) were having an orgy with the corpses of slain undead things. I understand where it comes from. That sort of thing no longer amuses me, so I stopped visiting your threads after a while.

But why not post? Your group will be running two adventures that I own. I'll at least read your first few reports to see how your zany group gets started on them. You all seem to have fun; that factor does come through in your posts and it can be enjoyable to read.

What you need to stay away from is a post like "is this evil?" That kind of thread always goes wrong; if you have to ask the answer is usually yes.

If nothing else, I wish all of you fun. Boat loads of fun.

2018-08-23, 04:08 PM
This is actually what I was looking for when I asked for opinions. The comments are mostly negative (and my ego hates me for saying this), but that's probably good for me to know.

2d6Greataxe, I very much understand all your points, and of course my primary goal is to have fun. Hopefully this year's campaigns don't end up like last year's.

KorvinStarmast, obviously our group isn't meant to be serious, and of course a lot of what we do isn't going to be acceptable by some viewers. I'm willing to bet that a lot of our viewers have the same opinions as you: read in order to see if we continue to screw up, and likely quit once they've got a solid portfolio of examples. That's fine.

Sorry, Grear Bylls! I know I've intentionally made this thread the forum equivalent of clickbait, and yes, I have considered that people don't post because they don't enjoy our stuff. If so, that's well and good, but I still would like to get second opinions, so, yes, I've engaged in some thread bumping. My apologies. On the other hand, if you just don't like this, please just say so.

To make this even easier on you, I've provided a "Hate on Brazenburn" template below. Copy and paste as you will.

I, insert name here, hate the Ivor and Brazenburn threads. I'm sick of your constant self-promotion and on-table shenanigans, and pledge to never again make a positive comment on any of your endeavours. With no due respect, sir, please go die in a hole located near insert IRL hellhole.

There. Hope this helps you.

2018-08-23, 04:41 PM
KorvinStarmast, obviously our group isn't meant to be serious, and of course a lot of what we do isn't going to be acceptable by some viewers. I'm willing to bet that a lot of our viewers have the same opinions as you: read in order to see if we continue to screw up, and likely quit once they've got a solid portfolio of examples. That's fine. Actually, you seem to misunderstood my post. I will be interested to see how it goes, and if you have matured. Won't know that until you share the results of your zany adventures.

Let me repeat a part of my post that you seem to have glazed over.

But why not post? Your group will be running two adventures that I own. I'll at least read your first few reports to see how your zany group gets started on them. You all seem to have fun; that factor does come through in your posts and it can be enjoyable to read. Does that sound like my opinion is as you characterized it? No. What got my head shaking had more to do with the "is this evil" stuff that came with a number of the journals/narratives you all dumped on the forum as though you needed our rulings to decide. I was perhaps unclear in my prose.

KorvinStarmast, obviously our group isn't meant to be serious Yeah, I figured that out all by myself. :smallwink:
Just to let you know, after 40 + year of this, neither is my main 5e playing group. It is by all means a "beer and pretzels" kind of game. It is currently being DM'd by my older brother. All but one of the players in this group were present for the foray into 'orgy with undead' that I alluded to above. :smallwink:

As to your last post (and your response to some negative feedback) I got some advice from a lawyer friend about 20 years ago: never ask a question if you aren't ready for the answer, or aren't ready for a truthful answer. And in a court room, it was never ask a question to which you don't already know the answer. :smallwink:

Anyway, share your adventures or don't. Your call. Once posted on the internet, they become fodder for feedback. It's in the nature of the beast.

2018-08-23, 07:23 PM
Actually, you seem to misunderstood my post. I will be interested to see how it goes, and if you have matured. Won't know that until you share the results of your zany adventures.

Let me repeat a part of my post that you seem to have glazed over.
Does that sound like my opinion is as you characterized it? No. What got my head shaking had more to do with the "is this evil" stuff that came with a number of the journals/narratives you all dumped on the forum as though you needed our rulings to decide. I was perhaps unclear in my prose.
Yeah, I figured that out all by myself. :smallwink:
Just to let you know, after 40 + year of this, neither is my main 5e playing group. It is by all means a "beer and pretzels" kind of game. It is currently being DM'd by my older brother. All but one of the players in this group were present for the foray into 'orgy with undead' that I alluded to above. :smallwink:

As to your last post (and your response to some negative feedback) I got some advice from a lawyer friend about 20 years ago: never ask a question if you aren't ready for the answer, or aren't ready for a truthful answer. And in a court room, it was never ask a question to which you don't already know the answer. :smallwink:

Anyway, share your adventures or don't. Your call. Once posted on the internet, they become fodder for feedback. It's in the nature of the beast.

Oh. Yeah, I guess I did misunderstand it. This is a much more appealing attitude (at least to me).

I completely agree with your point on the "Is this evil?" posts. I've grown to loathe those more than pretty much anything else I've done recently. I certainly have no intention of clogging up forum space with those again.

I'll be sharing my adventures in future, and am completely aware that they may spawn feedback. Actually, I just wish that they'd spawn a little more (please?:smallfrown:)

Grear Bylls
2018-08-23, 07:48 PM
I, Grear Bylls, personally don't enjoy the Ivor and Brazenburn threads. I don't like your constant self-promotion, but don't mind your on-table shenanigans as long as your players don't, and pledge to leave a positive comment if I enjoy any of your endeavours. With all due respect, please tone down the over the top self promotions and consistent thread bumps, as people who enjoy them will promote you and bump your threads with actual posts.

Hmmm... seems more in line with the response I left.

2018-08-24, 03:37 PM
I, Grear Bylls, personally don't enjoy the Ivor and Brazenburn threads. I don't like your constant self-promotion, but don't mind your on-table shenanigans as long as your players don't, and pledge to leave a positive comment if I enjoy any of your endeavours. With all due respect, please tone down the over the top self promotions and consistent thread bumps, as people who enjoy them will promote you and bump your threads with actual posts.

Hmmm... seems more in line with the response I left.

Fight sarcasm with sarcasm, that's my motto.

However, that doesn't seem to be the case. It seems many people tend to ignore it, probably because *gasp* they DONT enjoy it!?

I, insert name here, hate the Ivor and Brazenburn threads. I'm sick of your constant self-promotion and on-table shenanigans, and pledge to never again make a positive comment on any of your endeavours. With no due respect, sir, please go die in a hole located near insert IRL hellhole.

There. Hope this helps you.

To be fair, though, you do have a point. If nobody other than me comments on this tread within the next three days, I'm willing to call it quits.

Here ye, hear ye. I make this proclamation in complete faith to ye, so listen well. If, by 4:35 Eastern American time on Monday the 27th of August, I shall cease to bump this thread at all.

That what you want to hear, Grear Bylls?

2018-08-27, 03:35 PM
No responses?

Oh well, I guess I need to keep my promise.

I’ll only post responses to other posts now.