View Full Version : DM Help Help tweaking the Way of the Cobalt Soul subclass from the Taldorei Campaign setting

2018-08-21, 02:00 PM
I'm not sure if this thread is better suited in the homebrew section, since it technically deals with homebrewed content but I'm posting it here because I've always got better answers from this section of the forum and this issue is more about balancing than homebrewing content, if I'm completely wrong to do so then inform me in the comment and I'll move it but for the moment here it shall stay.

Okay, now that the disclaimers out the way here is my issue; I quite recently began running a 6 player campaign using elements from the Taldorei Campaign setting, since we're all big critical role fans, for those who don't the Taldorei Campaign setting was designed by Matthew Mercer and contains a lot of homebrewed content centred around the land of Taldorei (where critical role is set). One of my players decided to roll a monk and take Way of the Cobalt Soul tradition from the campaign setting and had created an awesome character and backstory around this, everything was going fine, I worked his backstory and the Cobalt Soul into the main plot and he was really leaning heavily into the RP aspect of the subclass, that was until he actually got to use the Cobalt Soul class features. It became very apparent that the actual features of the subclass were underwhelming and severely underpowered, despite being thematically quite cool, this wasn't so much an issue at first as monks have a very powerful base toolkit, but eventually it became clear that he was much less effective than his other party members and he couldn't justify using any of the features over stunning strike. Its gotten to the point where he is incredibly frustrated and considering just rolling a new character, which would be a shame since he and the rest of the players are already heavily invested in his character arc. I've tried to fix the issue by creating some encounters specifically for his benefit (creatures with easily exploitable weaknesses, puzzles and mysteries involving lore/knowledge and various investigation scenarios to best benefit his class features) but alas he still doesn't contribute as much the others and I sympathise with his frustration.

I am left with a few potential options; I can just allow him to take the Open Hand or Drunken Master tradition and but keep him as a Cobalt Soul monk, just without the subclass to go with it, I can change his backstory completely to match a different subclass or even a completely different class (although this would be tricky since his backstory and character arc are heavily tied into the main story arc and it would be a pain to rewrite everything) or I can try to tweak/rework his existing subclass to make it more viable, preferably without hurting the thematic elements of the tradition cause I think they are really cool and important (I love Matthew Mercer and I do love this subclass it just isn't well balanced, I know that it is still being worked on by the creator but I can't wait around and hope that he fixes it before out next session)

I will propose some of my ideas for tweaks but will ultimately be referring to your guy's suggestions and ideas (I am using the most recently updated version of the class a base);

Mystical Erudition I genuinely don't have any problem with this, extra proficiencies and languages are pretty good, and work thematically with the class. While I think this feature could be more unique and have some more interesting uses I wouldn't really know what to do with it.

Extract Aspects This is the feature that is second most in need of tweaking, this feature rarely gets used and never to any great effect, which is a shame because its so cool in theory. Given that this is a limited use feature and the chances of you learning something useful from it are minimal to none, all it ends up doing is slowing down the game and making combat awkward, so the player basically never uses it. My proposed rework is to keep the trigger the same (land a hit with flurry of blows) but have it only teach you the creatures damage vulnerabilities, resistance and immunities (similar to the monster hunter ranger's Hunter sense) but also grant you advantage on intelligence checks to recall information about them (better synergy with Mystical Erudition). Finally allowing the monk to use this feature a number of times equal to there intelligence modifier would be more universally useful and simpler than gaining additional uses at certain levels. I'm also playing around with the idea of the monk dealing some addition psychic damage as they rip the knowledge straight out of the creature cause I think that would be cool, although I wouldn't know how to balance this or even if its a good idea, I'll leave it up to discussion.

Extort Truth The feature most in need of tweaking, dear god this feature is circumstantial at best and practically useless at worst which like extract aspects is a shame cause its such a cool feature in theory. This feature costs a ki point and IF the target fails the charisma save then it cannot tell a lie, its basically a single target zone of truth. The flaw with this feature comes from the fact that the target can just chose not to answer any questions, that's it, they can negate this feature by just no talking. What exactly is the point if the target knows they've been effected and can just not talk, you can't interrogate information out of people cause they can just not say anything and you can't do it subtly so that people don't notice, so what is the point exactly?! The only ways I can think to make this feature useful is to either compel the target to tell the truth to a limited number of questions or to give the feature a combat use as well; have it so that if a creature is effected by this feature they cannot hide there intent and the monk can easily read their movements, giving the target disadvantage on attacks made against the monk, or like extract aspects incorporate psychic damage somehow since its the same principal.

Mind of Mercury Extra reactions sounds great on paper until you realize that the monks only reactions are deflect missiles and opportunity attacks, for Mind of Mercury to be useful you either need to be targeted by multiple archers at once (which will only work once as they will stop shooting the monk after they catch an arrow) or if they are in combat with multiple enemies at once and they all decide to leave melee range of you (why would they do this?!). At least this feature has a niche use and becomes more useful with the next feature but that's 5 levels of being really subpar, also the ki cost is really taxing and in most cases not worth it (at least compared to stunning strike). My idea is either to give the monk a number of additional reactions per short rest (maybe equal to intelligence of dexterity modifier) that don't require ki points to use, maybe give the monk the ability to spend ki to use additional reactions after they've run out but even that is a bit complicated. Even giving the monk a number of additional free reactions per round doesn't sound too broken, just similar to legendary reactions. I dunno, I just feel like there is a better way to do this.

Preternatural Counter Kinda similar to the Drunken Master's Tipsy Sway feature but its free and you make the attack when a creature misses you. This feature is kind of simple but its the first solid combat feature that the subclass gets... At level 11. Obviously combos really well with Mind of Mercury although I feel like it should have come at the same level so that Mind of Mercury could be useful for longer. I don't think this needs any reworks since its already a good ability, especially with my rework of Extort Truth since it imposes disadvantage on attacks which means that more attacks will miss, but if anyone has any great ideas for this feature I'm open to them.

Debilitating Barrage A bit costly and I don't think it requires such a convoluted trigger but goddamn, imposing damage vulnerabilities onto a target or nullifying immunity sounds like it could be really powerful and it combos really well with extract aspects, this is probably the only truly great feature in the subclass, a shame that it comes right at the end.

What are your guys thoughts, critisisms and suggestions? This is an open discussion.
Thanks in advance!

2018-08-21, 07:19 PM
Matt has noticed the Cobalt Soul monk features are underpowered, and updated it in July.

Take a look, maybe it's what you want.

2018-08-22, 04:14 AM
Matt has noticed the Cobalt Soul monk features are underpowered, and updated it in July.

Take a look, maybe it's what you want.

The updated version is the one that I have been using and while it is an imporvemrnt over the original it is still a long way from being balanced. As I mentioned in my post; I'm sure Matt will eventually get around to perfecting the class as time goes on but until then I'd like to come up with some alternate features and tweaks, at least until I deem the official subclass to be viable.

2018-08-22, 05:32 AM
Extract Aspects
I'd suggest scaling the psychic damage at the same rate as cantrips, maybe impose a DC 10+CT knowledge check for the damage?

Extort Truth
Just go full Lasso of Truth, make the player roleplay the coercion. Opposed checks for deception and insight, maybe give the target disadvantage on the check to keep their mouth shut. Limit the number of checks before it wears off; 3 is more than reasonable, but you could also have it last a full minute filled with questions.
"No, you can't make me tell you about the secret volcano base... oops."
Opposed checks not to your liking? Every question prompts a Stunning Fist DC will save not to blurt it out.
Need it to do damage? Unanswered questions do psychic damage, scaling with level (think Geas, but only for telling the truth).

Mind of Mercury
Here's a handy guide to the wonderful world of reactions:
Master of Reactions: A Mini Guide (google it)
TLDR: take Polearm Master, Sentinel, and/or Mage Slayer feats

2018-08-22, 06:09 AM
Extract Aspects
I'd suggest scaling the psychic damage at the same rate as cantrips, maybe impose a DC 10+CT knowledge check for the damage?

Extort Truth
Just go full Lasso of Truth, make the player roleplay the coercion. Opposed checks for deception and insight, maybe give the target disadvantage on the check to keep their mouth shut. Limit the number of checks before it wears off; 3 is more than reasonable, but you could also have it last a full minute filled with questions.
"No, you can't make me tell you about the secret volcano base... oops."
Opposed checks not to your liking? Every question prompts a Stunning Fist DC will save not to blurt it out.
Need it to do damage? Unanswered questions do psychic damage, scaling with level (think Geas, but only for telling the truth).

Mind of Mercury
Here's a handy guide to the wonderful world of reactions:
Master of Reactions: A Mini Guide (google it)
TLDR: take Polearm Master, Sentinel, and/or Mage Slayer feats

I like your suggestion for scaling the psychic damage for extract aspect and imposing a save or check for the damage would make it less overpowered.

Opposing checks seems a bit complicated compared to a saving throw but I do worry that by forcing the target to tell the truth it might allow them to bypass a lot of the story and circumvent the investigation aspect, as they could just force someone to tell them the villain's entire secret plan or greatest weakness. It could be a little bit too exploitable and overpowered, although scrying magic is arguably a lot stronger so its up for debate.

As for Mind of Mercury, I am aware that there are feats that provide additional reactions but I decided not to mention them as I don't believe that a feature should require feats to be viable and also since the monk in my game is a Tabaxi and has had to put the ability score increases into intelligence, he hasn't been able to take any feats yet, although this may change in the future. I also have less of a problem with this feature, I'm more just concerned about the Ki cost and the limited applications of this feature before level 11, while some of the other abilities need more dramatic reworks this really just needs tweaking.

Seriously though, thanks for your suggestions! I'll have a mess around trying to incorporate the psychic damage and reworking the mechanics of Extort Truths.
Lets keep the suggestions coming!

2018-08-23, 05:39 AM
The way I read Extort Truth, it gives advantage on Charisma checks. So that means advantage on Persuasion or Intimidation to get the guy to not clam up. If a DM is not a sick about it, leave it up to the success or failure of that check. If the check fails, the guy can just not talk. If succeeds, roll with and let the guy give up some info.

It's DM dependent so YMMV.

2018-08-23, 06:04 AM
The way I read Extort Truth, it gives advantage on Charisma checks. So that means advantage on Persuasion or Intimidation to get the guy to not clam up. If a DM is not a sick about it, leave it up to the success or failure of that check. If the check fails, the guy can just not talk. If succeeds, roll with and let the guy give up some info.

It's DM dependent so YMMV.

That's a pretty good point, it basically gives you the benefits of the Friends spell, the only problem I see with this is that the target is aware that it is under the effect of the feature, unlike Friends where it only realizes after the spell ends, so the target will almost definitely turn hostile, which limits when you can use the feature (its not something that can be used socially, its basically restrained to interrogation). I suppose force truth telling and advantage on intimidation checks can be useful for those intense enemy interrogations and even torture if that's the kind of campaign you're running (It is in my case, but even so that is still an incredibly circumstantial ability and restricts the player to a single play style and in some cases I just can't justify a character giving up important information, for example in cases where they would rather die than give up the intel or if they are just not the kind of character that is easily intimidated.

2018-08-23, 02:42 PM
I think this subclass more just helps the monk do a specific out of combat role, which monk generally lacks otherwise. The monk has dex and wis and can do scouting work, similar to rogue (but less powerfully) but not the detective/investigator work a rogue can do. This subclass let's them do SOME of that work, but still less powerfully.

In term of the target knowing it is happening, I think you may be overly caught up on this. The monk is using their spiritual ki to manipulate the other person into truthfulness. I'd say it is just an interesting roleplay opportunity for the DM.

On a normal successful persuasion or Intimidation check, the target is persuaded or intimidated to give the answer. On a fail, the target usually knows player tried to intimidate or persuade them and are just unmoved or even now pissed off, etc. In this monk subclass' case, using ki, on a successful persuasion or Intimidation check, the target gives the answer AND feels some weird manipulation of their spirit/ki forcing them to tell the truth against their will (a la golden lasso), but on a fail target knows player tried SOMETHING WEIRD to manipulate them and can choose to not answer, etc., and also have a pissed off or weirded out reaction (or whatever DM imagines).

That is how I would DM it. It's really not a situation that is going to come up so often as to be gamebreaking or result in single player gameplay (not sure how you got there).

Overall, in my opinion, this is a subclass that needs some buy-in from the DM. Otherwise, DM should just not allow it and/or let them change to something else.

2018-08-23, 03:45 PM
I think this subclass more just helps the monk do a specific out of combat role, which monk generally lacks otherwise. The monk has dex and wis and can do scouting work, similar to rogue (but less powerfully) but not the detective/investigator work a rogue can do. This subclass let's them do SOME of that work, but still less powerfully.

In term of the target knowing it is happening, I think you may be overly caught up on this. The monk is using their spiritual ki to manipulate the other person into truthfulness. I'd say it is just an interesting roleplay opportunity for the DM.

On a normal successful persuasion or Intimidation check, the target is persuaded or intimidated to give the answer. On a fail, the target usually knows player tried to intimidate or persuade them and are just unmoved or even now pissed off, etc. In this monk subclass' case, using ki, on a successful persuasion or Intimidation check, the target gives the answer AND feels some weird manipulation of their spirit/ki forcing them to tell the truth against their will (a la golden lasso), but on a fail target knows player tried SOMETHING WEIRD to manipulate them and can choose to not answer, etc., and also have a pissed off or weirded out reaction (or whatever DM imagines).

That is how I would DM it. It's really not a situation that is going to come up so often as to be gamebreaking or result in single player gameplay (not sure how you got there).

Overall, in my opinion, this is a subclass that needs some buy-in from the DM. Otherwise, DM should just not allow it and/or let them change to something else.

That's a fair evaluation, I suppose I could run the feature like this, or even reword it so that this is how it functions. As for scouting and investigating, I know that this is what the subclass is meant for but I feel that some of the features need to be tweaked so that this can be done effectively. How some of the features function or are worded is a bit screwy and can make the features restrictive and circunstancial, thus why I want to tweak them not fully rework the subclass. So yeah, I'll probably run extort truths in a similar way for he way you recommended but I also need to tweak the combat features as well.

2018-08-23, 03:53 PM
and in some cases I just can't justify a character giving up important information, for example in cases where they would rather die than give up the intel or if they are just not the kind of character that is easily intimidated.

This is a 6th level ability that uses a resource and requires a successful skill check and you are still making it weaker than a first level charm person spell. At 6th level it should be as powerful as at least a 2nd level spell like Suggestion, Zone of Truth, if not a third level spell (though I do not see any 3rd lvl spells dealing with this subject).

I think you are just being to harsh. Giving away the precious info will probably not be as campaign breaking as you seem to fear. Let them use the ki, roll the dice, give a reasonable DC, and let thinks fall how they may.

We often advise players that failure can lead to fun outcomes. It is also true for DMs. Your failure will probably still be fun.

2018-08-23, 05:47 PM
This is a 6th level ability that uses a resource and requires a successful skill check and you are still making it weaker than a first level charm person spell. At 6th level it should be as powerful as at least a 2nd level spell like Suggestion, Zone of Truth, if not a third level spell (though I do not see any 3rd lvl spells dealing with this subject).

I think you are just being to harsh. Giving away the precious info will probably not be as campaign breaking as you seem to fear. Let them use the ki, roll the dice, give a reasonable DC, and let thinks fall how they may.

We often advise players that failure can lead to fun outcomes. It is also true for DMs. Your failure will probably still be fun.

That's a fair point but given the wording of the feature that is how it works, the feature specifies that the target can be dodgy or just not talk at all basically negating its use. That is the whole reason that I want to rework or reword it, that is literally why I made this thread XD