View Full Version : Warforged question

2018-08-23, 06:55 AM
Can someone cast heat metal on a warforged?

2018-08-23, 07:00 AM
If in composite or heavy plating I would definitely think they could be affected by the spell. If in the darkwood core (unarmored) then possibly not but since they get crazy armor even in that mode I see the DM still letting it work.

Since warforged are still UA play test material, a lot of this will be subject to DM discretion.

2018-08-23, 07:03 AM
I would say no. It says a manufactured metal object is the target. A war forged is a manufactured composite creature. Even it’s arnor is integrated within it. But that’s my two cents.

2018-08-23, 02:20 PM
If I had a warforged player use the integrated armor, definitely. It functions like armor so it can be Targeted like armor.
While we are think about it what about shocking grasp.

2018-08-23, 02:39 PM
By raw yes.
If I were dm I'd say no. At least on basis that it's part of them and they are not wearing it.. like its part of their body

2018-08-23, 02:43 PM
Would it work on a iron golem or animated armor?

2018-08-23, 04:19 PM
By raw yes.
If I were dm I'd say no. At least on basis that it's part of them and they are not wearing it.. like its part of their body

By RAW, no, Warforged is a creature, not an object. You can't cast Heat Metal on animated objects or iron golem either. It wouldn't do anything anyway, as the object itself isn't damaged, though it would be nice if the construct could grapple some creature for added fire damage.