View Full Version : Amonkhet, part one: Try to die!

2018-08-23, 10:10 AM
This is the first step on a journey you have prepared for all your life. The Trials! Some of you have doubts, or fears, but all of you have hope! To die in the trials is very little loss. The world has only a few short weeks left to it, anyway, and the Embalmed do not suffer as they wait. But the greatest prize awaits the victor: To spend eternity at the right hand of the God-Pharoah, annointed above even the Gods!

With both fear and excitement you await your audience with Oketra. You have all seen her before, some of you have spoken with her. She radiates benevolent strength and supportive, maternal love. She looks down at you with warmth and pride. If there is another emotion there, it is hidden behind her mask-like face.


These words are formal, almost stilted. They are the same she says to everyone, and not everyone comes back . She almost seems to sigh, but you aren't sure.

Whatever thought may have distracted you whisks away like the ten-foot gilded arrow, limned in yellow fire, that speeds in an arc to a large courtyard inside the monument where Oketra lives and oversees her viziers.

There is a clear path forward...

2018-08-23, 05:48 PM
Qyss is a towering Naga, from tip to tail weighing in at hundreds of pounds and nearly 20 feet of muscle and scale. He comfortably balances on a coil of tail and raises himself a few feet in height to watch the arc of the arrow more clearly. He nods his head with reverence to the God, then to the nearby fighters. Rivals.
"Let luck fade from the equation, and glory be the most deserving this day."
With that, he lowers his body to the ground and puts on a surprising turn of speed towards his objective, beelining for his best guess at where the arrow fell.

2018-08-23, 07:46 PM
Masud takes a moment to consider the words spoken. The task itself was simple, maybe even trivial. But as a trial there had to be a catch somewhere. Cartouche of Solidarity. Even a rudimentary understanding of the teachings of Oketra would be sufficient to understand. Working together with those we see as rivals and instead viewing them as equals, to be respected and worthy of the afterlife, was going to be the crux of the first trial. He did not know how exactly that would come into play. Before he had a chance to say anything a naga from his group charged off in the direction of the arrow. "Solidarity. That is the name of the game. We'll have to work together to pass these trials, or at the very least this one. We better follow him and make sure he doesn't get himself killed and prevent me...I mean us...from continuing." He takes off following the naga and hoping the others would follow as well.

2018-08-25, 08:27 AM
Neru shook a little. Her slim body, wrapped in her wings, seemed almost about to tumble into the sands. Oketra's presence was radiant, divine - gods will be gods - and inspiring, and it felt almost an undeserved honour to bask in such a presence.

She turned to see the rest of her group darting off, then sighed, bowed to her goddess, and took flight. She could easily have kept up with the others, but instead hung back, giving herself two hundred feet to play with in case anyone were attacked: she could rain down arrows with her bow while the others fought up close.

The bow itself was a masterpiece: a symbol dedicated to Oketra atop a fine-crafted bow-shaft, with a cord string attached which ideally would resist at least some cuts. She didn't know who had made it, but it had belonged to her trainer who had taught her almost everything she knew. His small tomb was built of the same stones that had crushed him to death in an accident; there hadn't been enough of his body left intact to reanimate. The rest of her god-devoted weapons were similarly well-made, and the three axes were the reason why she'd taken the uncommon focus of axe-fighting in her weapons training.

She remained silent for the moment, not within a real range to speak to any of the others. Her immediate thought was that she could easily have raced to the arrow alone, probably outmanoeuvred any attackers, and left the others behind, but of course that was exactly not the point. Instead, she flew above the others, watching out for anything that might approach them - when it did, she'd be ready long before it reached anyone.

2018-08-26, 02:11 PM
After a false start, you determinedly travel down a footpath in the general direction the arrow flew

You shortly see you will travel through a green patch in the manicured rockscape of the giant courtyard of Oketra's monument. There are large shrubs, the height of a human, that seem to be citrons and bergamot. Trellised figs and towering dates are also in evidence.

That isn't all, though... Neru sees them first. Vaguely humanoid shapes hiding in the shadows with clear intent to ambush

2018-08-27, 06:00 AM
Neru focused herself on one of the creatures in the shadows, and loosed an arrow towards it: apart from anything else it would alert her allies to the presence of the creatures, but she also intended to deal some damage to it.

Bonus action to kensai's shot, then [roll0] hit and [roll1] + [roll2] damage ([roll3] + [roll4] extra if critical).

2018-08-27, 07:00 AM
The shadowy figure shakes a fist at you as it and it's companions begin to arrange themselves for a full assault on the ground. Their identity is still unclear, though

2018-08-27, 06:24 PM
Qyss grinds to a half as the arrow whistles overhead. He turns to look back at the other initiates following, then draws his glaive and points at the shadowed figures preparing to fight.

"So this is where we cooperate. I hope you are prepared for battle brethren."
He draws himself up in height, holding the glaive in one hand and wrapping a single amber jewel around his second hand. His sandy scales rattle as he tastes the air.

"Let them come. They will break under my weight."

2018-08-27, 07:39 PM
Masud smiled as he saw the arrow fly overhead and the naga slow his pace. "Good. Now we test our abilities and cooperate." He raised his book, opening it and preparing to sling a spell or two. He glared arrogantly toward at the figures preparing to attack.

2018-09-01, 10:55 PM
Aliandra offers a sly smile as her party members sound off. She had manifested her glaive and spinning it theatrically around her self she flings a smokey green bolt of energy that closely resembled a snake striking

Eldritch blast
[roll0] attack
[roll1] damage

2018-09-02, 06:16 AM
Masud grinned and focused on one of the figures. With his book raised he uttered few curses to hinder it and released a beam of his own, though his was red.

Bonus. Casting Hex. Ability Chosen, Strength
Action Eldritch Blast

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage
[roll2] Hex

2018-09-02, 02:41 PM
The two magical attacks each find home on a different figure. As they flinch, you see they are less shadowy figures than animate creatures of shadow. They seem to be weilding nasty looking, single use crossbows, but you assume they have some kind of blades or clubs to fall back onI'll give this a little longer to see if anyone else responds, but I do check with threads at least daily.

2018-09-02, 03:37 PM
Qyss slithers rapidly forwards and closes the distance, putting himself in the center of the enemies. He lashes threateningly with the glaive and hisses. "No shadow will threaten me!" The air around him becomes searing in heat, and his pupils narrow to two vertical yellow slashes in black eyes. "Come!"

Dashing 60 feet, trying to get the enemies all within 10 feet of Qyss if possible, then raging. Any enemy within 10 feet takes 2 points of fire damage.

2018-09-03, 12:56 PM
Deleted due to macro error, see below

2018-09-03, 01:11 PM
Each of the shadows fires its crossbow at one of you!


everyone who was hit, make a Constitution save against poison

The shadows throw aside their crossbows and draw daggers l.

2018-09-03, 04:04 PM
Qyss snarls as the crossbow bolt sinks into him, yanking it out quickly. He didn't worry about poisons - they had little effect on him.
He ducks low before attempting to wrap around one of the shadows and begin squeezing, the aura around him flaring with heat again.
Immune to poison
Constrict attack. [roll0] Damage [roll1] potential crit: [roll2] If it hits, target is grappled and restrained, escape DC 12.
Bonus action deal 2 more damage to all enemies within 10 feet.

2018-09-03, 07:09 PM
Masud approached by about 10 ft. He was perfectly happy to let the others charge forward if they so desired, but he would want to stay back. The bolt had missed by a laughable margin. He raised his book once again and let out another beam, targeting the hexed form.


2018-09-04, 08:53 PM
Aliandra inspired by her reckless comrade moves up closer to the fight. While she runs she moves in serpentine patterns that almost look like some strange combat performance before flinging another green bolt towards the shadows

Move up 30ft and stack damage on the hexed shadow
[roll0] hit
[roll1] damage

2018-09-06, 08:37 AM
You can't combine two die types into one macro. Now I kniw I crossed out and sblocked to leave a record, because this happening twice is mildly suspicious.

One shadow has taken the brunt of the magical assault and seems tattered and noticeably hurt.

Another deftly dodges Qyss's attempt to grapple it to the ground.

On no apparent signal, all of them take their daggers and with a furious flurry, swarm onto Qyss!

Roll]1d20+4 1d4+2d6+2
Roll]1d20+4 1d4+2d6+2
Roll]1d20+4 1d4+2d6+2

At this point, all of them are clustered in front on Qyss and using their daggers. You noticed that these things can move fast.

2018-09-06, 08:39 AM
One shadow has taken the brunt of the magical assault and seems tattered and noticeably hurt.

Another deftly dodges Qyss's attempt to grapple it to the ground.

On no apparent signal, all of them take their daggers and with a furious flurry, swarm onto Qyss!

Roll]1d20+4 +[roll4]
[roll5] [roll6]+[roll7]
Roll]1d20+4 +[roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]+[roll12]
Roll]1d20+4 [roll13]+[roll14]

At this point, all of them are clustered in front on Qyss and using their daggers. You noticed that these things can move fast.

2018-09-06, 10:52 AM
Masud was not about to waste precious spell energy on getting the naga out of the fray. If he was going to charge in and make a target of himself, all the better for Masud. He let off another beam of energy against the hexed construct.


If it falls, Masud will use his bonus action to move the hex to one of the others.

2018-09-06, 05:56 PM
The Naga laughs wildly at their attempts to get through his scales. He raises the glaive over his head and cleaves downwards, the heat around him continuing to blast.
[ROLL]1d20+4[ROLL] [ROLL]1d8+4[ROLL]
Bonus action 2 fire damage to everyone within 10 feet.

2018-09-08, 09:53 AM
Aliandra closes the distance and positions herself to the side of the fight.

Arcane flame starts to boil from her hand as she stretches out her fingers in a fan and points her spell.

What's shadow without some light

[roll0] 1/2 damage on successful dex save

Angling the fan so that I dont hit our tank but hit the most amount of targets in the cone

2018-09-08, 05:03 PM
One of the shadows collapses into shadows under the Naga's blow. The others are looking heavily beaten by the sorcerers onslaught. They each attack one of the mages, their weak almost-minds enraged beyond the solidarity of purpose that you are here to prove in yourself.

[roll0] damage [roll1]


2018-09-11, 01:11 PM
Qyss shows no signs of slowing down, continuing to hack away with reckless abandon.

[roll0] [ROLL]1d10+4/[ROLL] potential crit:[ROLL]1d10+4/[ROLL]
Bonus action 2 fire damage to every enemy within 10 feet.

2018-09-11, 07:28 PM
Masud was not happy he got hit. He sent out another blast hoping to end their foes' futile attempt to take them down.


2018-09-13, 09:43 AM
Aliandra came face to face with the constructs now and attacks

[roll0] hit
[roll1] dmg

2018-09-14, 02:58 PM
Only Aliandra hits her target. It is nearly broken.

Each of the shadows repeat their attacks from the previous round. They realized, in their simple brains, that, separate, they cannot rejoin and are doomed to die apart if they cannot fight through their mistake.

Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]

Attack [roll2] damage [roll3]

2018-09-17, 11:15 AM
With a sudden shift in grip, Qyss slides his hands farther down the shaft of the glaive. His swings continue with reckless abandon, but the larger arcs taken by the weapon leave him open to more counterattack - as well as making his swings harder to avoid. The area around him continues to blaze with heat.
Reckless attack - adv on attacks, opponents also get advantage. Glaive [roll0] advantage [roll1] damage [roll2] potential crit: [roll3] (oops, shouldn't have added that +4, though it does't really matter atm)
bonus action 2 more damage to enemies within 10 feet.

2018-09-17, 11:03 PM
Aliandra moves to avoid the incoming blow but realizes that the trajectory wont place her on danger. In stark contrast to the raging serpentine cousin next to her she is eriely calm. Her strikes and movements calculated and enchanting rather than the pure monsterative power of the naga.

[roll0] hit

2018-09-18, 11:51 PM
Masud didn't even have to try to get out of the way. The shadow just couldn't seem to land a hit this time. He followed up with another tried and true beam of energy.


2018-09-19, 09:16 PM
Masud finishes the second shadow to falter, while Qyss destroys the final one. You can see the path of the arrow landed it on or near a podium on the horizon. The more thoughtful of you wonder why this shrine has so much space inside

2018-09-21, 09:55 PM
Aliandra rests her great sword and breathes for a moment with the threat in front of them handled.

So this shine is a tad bit on the large side would you agree? Hmmm I mean shrines are meant to inspire but this seems just unnessecary.

Aliandra takes a moment a investigates the shrine to see of she can find anything else odd or out of place.

2018-09-26, 07:57 AM
Masud agreed that the shrine had been odd large. He figured he may as well help check things out to make sure there wasn't some kind of trap or something.

2018-09-26, 01:49 PM
The way forward looks inviting. You think you can make out the golden gleam of the arrow. From the East and West of the pretenaturally extended courtyard, you see what look like two living wheels converge on your position.

roll initiative

2018-10-01, 10:53 AM
Aliandras eyes go wide at the sight of such strange creatures. She most assuredly was not expecting that.

Her instinct was to hurl another blast at the creature but then she regains her composure and casts something she had picked up in her travels

Casting crown of madness at one of the creatures

2018-10-08, 03:34 PM
Masud saw no reason to exert himself farther than he already had and continued to blast away after shifting his focus to the new obstacles to overcome.

BONUS ACTION, Move hex to one of these new things[roll0]

2018-10-11, 12:13 PM
As Qyss descends from the depths of his rage, he calms, electing to follow his companions silently. With the appearance of the odd wheel shaped creature, he pushes his way to the front of them and holds his glaive at the ready. His voice is fatigued, but he grinds out another challenging roar, his resonating voice shaking loose motes of dust that seems to chase and cling to their foe.
Casting Faerie Fire, DC 12 dex save. Trying to get as many creatures a spossible as possible into the 10 foot cube.

2018-10-13, 12:30 PM
One of the wheel-like creatures snarls in confusion as the spell of madness, designed for humanoids, fails to take hold.

The other is covered by glowing dust and much easier to hit.

Masud's blast of fell energy falls too far, even with the faerie fire aiding him.

The hexed wheel tramples Qyss and Masud, the glowing wheel tramples Aliandra.

you may make a reaction to either attack or attempt a dexterity save to save yourself

On Qyss [roll]1d20+6[roll] [roll0]
On Masud [roll]1d20+6[roll] [roll1]

On Qyss [roll]1d20+6[roll] (disadvantage) [roll]1d20+6[roll] [roll2]
On Aliandra [roll]1d20+6[roll](disadvantage) [roll]1d20+6[roll] [roll3]

2018-10-13, 12:38 PM
On Qyss
On Masud [roll2] [roll3]

On Qyss [roll4] (disadvantage) [roll5] [roll6]
On Aliandra 1d20+6(disadvantage) [roll7] [roll8]