View Full Version : AD&D 2nd Ed Spell Jammer World book/books?

2018-08-23, 02:14 PM
My DM has been running a slightly modified version of the spell jammer world in pathfinder, but he is having some trouble finding a couple of the older books and some of the ones he has found online have been taken down. Does anyone here have any good links/ places online I could buy the books for him?

Lord Torath
2018-08-23, 03:17 PM
I've had a lot of success buying the Spelljammer books off of eBay.

Drive-thru RPG has several of the books available for sale, but I suspect you've already checked them out.

Which books in particular are you looking for? The Grey/Krynn/Realmspace books?

Edit: The Piazza (http://www.thepiazza.org.uk/bb/index.php) has a relatively active Spelljammer forum, with a fair bit of custom content, if your DM is looking for inspiration.