View Full Version : The worse game I have ever played for the computer.

2018-08-23, 05:17 PM

SO, I just found out that steam is giving For Honor away freely (with some caveats) for a few days so I downloaded it and started playing

5 hours later I realized ( only 3 missions into the game) that this game was complete and utter trash and never have I been as happy as I was that I DID NOT spend any money.

when they first released info about the game like 3 years ago I was pumped, it look like the Dynasty Warriors, but better graphics. Not only that but the game I always wanted dynasty warriors to be Only set in quasi Europe.

SO what I envision: it is me plowing through a bunch of grunts, fighting some elites and champions and having to duel lieutenants and generals. Unleash cool 'powers' like archer volleys, rallying banners, catapult launches, and other like stuff. and having more objectives that 'kill the enemy general'

what it actually is: TRASH. Every fight has to be a duel (every fight) that takes 3 or 4 minutes. the powers do not work 2/3 of the time IDK how many times my character died trying to lay down the healing banner to push wtf ever objective I am trying to attain and just standing there instead of doing what I want. I was so fregging pumped when I found out this game was free (60 bucks plus more money to play is too much for me, i'll take the limited free one please) SO now I am just sad. I know Dynasty warriors 9 is coming out, maybe that will be the game want it to be?

2018-08-23, 05:38 PM
If For Honour is the worst game you've ever played you've led a charmed life and have nothing to complain about. (Though I guess if you're going to play DW9 you've got a rude awakening in store....)

Also most of your complaints appear to be "I did not read or know anything about this game", which means that it not being what you expected is on you.

2018-08-23, 05:54 PM
If you got a Dynasty Warriors....anything from For Honor, a game marketed as a mostly multiplayer battle game, then the fault is on you for not doing follow up investigation before taking a dip. A game not meeting your expectations, your false expectations no less, making it "THE WORST EVER" seems a very low bar for quality. I think you need to up your standards.

2018-08-23, 07:23 PM
Anco's "Jump Jet" on the Atari ST.

2018-08-24, 10:13 AM
(Though I guess if you're going to play DW9 you've got a rude awakening in store....)

I'll be honest, DW9 is far better than I thought it would be. I had no good expectations (https://steamcommunity.com/app/730310/discussions/0/3377008022039940569/?ctp=2) going into that game and after finishing the first story I chose(I think it was cao cao's) my reaction was pretty much "Eh....Could've been worse".

I know some most people really really loathe DW9, but i think I still like 9 over 6....At least 9 attempted (albeit poorly) a bunch of new ideas. 6 was just...less...everything with the best Lu Bu story ever.

2018-08-24, 10:53 AM
I'll be honest, DW9 is far better than I thought it would be. I had no good expectations (https://steamcommunity.com/app/730310/discussions/0/3377008022039940569/?ctp=2) going into that game and after finishing the first story I chose(I think it was cao cao's) my reaction was pretty much "Eh....Could've been worse".

I know some most people really really loathe DW9, but i think I still like 9 over 6....At least 9 attempted (albeit poorly) a bunch of new ideas. 6 was just...less...everything with the best Lu Bu story ever.

The fact that it's a vast desert of useless tat with most of the movesets disabled so they can sell them back to you as DLC later didn't bother you?

Warriors games need to be relatively dense with stuff going on because the fun comes from prioritising which of the five places it feels like you need to be is most important right now.

2018-08-24, 11:53 AM

SO, I just found out that steam is giving For Honor away freely (with some caveats) for a few days so I downloaded it and started playing

5 hours later I realized ( only 3 missions into the game) that this game was complete and utter trash and never have I been as happy as I was that I DID NOT spend any money.

when they first released info about the game like 3 years ago I was pumped, it look like the Dynasty Warriors, but better graphics. Not only that but the game I always wanted dynasty warriors to be Only set in quasi Europe.

SO what I envision: it is me plowing through a bunch of grunts, fighting some elites and champions and having to duel lieutenants and generals. Unleash cool 'powers' like archer volleys, rallying banners, catapult launches, and other like stuff. and having more objectives that 'kill the enemy general'

what it actually is: TRASH. Every fight has to be a duel (every fight) that takes 3 or 4 minutes. the powers do not work 2/3 of the time IDK how many times my character died trying to lay down the healing banner to push wtf ever objective I am trying to attain and just standing there instead of doing what I want. I was so fregging pumped when I found out this game was free (60 bucks plus more money to play is too much for me, i'll take the limited free one please) SO now I am just sad. I know Dynasty warriors 9 is coming out, maybe that will be the game want it to be?

The game was never marketed as a Warriors game. Or even a single player game; it's a multiplayer game with a tacked on story.

Never had an issue with the powers not working. Since you seem to have issues with reading comprehension, basic research, and assuming you're right based on nothing, my diagnosis is you didn't have the ability unlocked in those matches yet and were mashing an ability that was on cooldown or unavailable and expecting it to work.

There are legitimate complaints to level at the game (balance is off with some characters, I hate how guard break counters work, and gear stats are actively detrimental to the experience), but "I wanted to warp reality for it to be an entirely different game and it didn't work, waaaah" isn't one of them.

2018-08-24, 12:01 PM
The worst game I ever played was fallout tactics. It was plenty fun but the matched games were broken. You could have rocket launchers, robots and supermutants but the most effective character was a human with all of their points dumped into unarmed combat. I played a game where a single character walked through a rocket, a shotgun and two machine guns on overwatch then systematically killed them all with superman punches.

The least fun was probably the Talos Principle. It starts out okay but the puzzles got longer and longer without becoming more interesting.

2018-08-24, 12:18 PM
Rise of the Robots for SNES, *shudder*
That is the worst.

2018-08-24, 12:19 PM
The fact that it's a vast desert of useless tat
I expected it to be even more of a vast desert with nothing in it.

At the very least, the scenery looks nice.

with most of the movesets disabled so they can sell them back to you as DLC later didn't bother you?

...you realize you don't have to buy the DLC right?

2018-08-24, 12:30 PM
...you realize you don't have to buy the DLC right?

Well yeah, you can buy one of the Warriors games that have them in by default instead. (Or just play Hyrule Warriors which lets face it is the best one anyway).

2018-08-24, 12:53 PM
Well yeah, you can buy one of the Warriors games that have them in by default instead.

....Or you could just not buy the DLC.

2018-08-24, 01:08 PM
....Or you could just not buy the DLC.

I think his point is: rather than buy a game with no content, why not buy a game with content?

Sure, don't buy the DLC...but why even buy the game? Why support bad game design and consumer unfriendly business practices?

2018-08-24, 01:59 PM
For Honor was definitely a huge disappointment. The move sets were sometimes clunky, character classes were horribly unbalanced, and for the longest time they did not have dedicated servers, meaning connections got dropped all the time. I understand that they do have servers now, but to me that's rather like closing the barn door after the horses have escaped and died of old age. Way too little, way too late.

Worst of all for me though, was that any mode larger than 1v1 inevitably devolved into trying to isolate and gang up on one opponent, which to me was absolutely no fun regardless of which side I was on.

There was one mode that kinda sorta was a (very) lite version Warriors game, though it's been long enough now that I can't remember what the different modes are called. Not coincidentally, it was my favorite mode.

2018-08-25, 08:44 AM
I expected it to be even more of a vast desert with nothing in it.

At the very least, the scenery looks nice.
Cue spit take.

2018-08-25, 09:01 AM
The worst game I ever played was fallout tactics. It was plenty fun but the matched games were broken. You could have rocket launchers, robots and supermutants but the most effective character was a human with all of their points dumped into unarmed combat. I played a game where a single character walked through a rocket, a shotgun and two machine guns on overwatch then systematically killed them all with superman punches.
Ghouls and mutants are strong. Super Mutants are strong enough that teams are only limited to one super mutant per team, mostly because muties can get a ton of drugs into their system. Dogs are potentially better unarmed combatants than humans because they cost less points. The only truly bad race is the Android, because it has crappy abilities, no perks, low shielding and a terrible character model.
The best characters are pretty much invariably heavily drugged up EN10 monsters that either use Cattle Prod in melee or Pancor Jackhammer in midrange. It's still broken, just in a different way. You can still use a variety of builds.
The most broken gear that is banned everywhere is the entire Energy Weapon tree, it penetrates pretty much all defense with great range.

2018-08-25, 02:36 PM
Claiming a game is the worst ever because of poor balance just seems like you're not trying very hard. There are a number of games so boring or simply broken that even getting deep enough into them to find balance issues seems like a stretch.
The biggest disappointment maybe, but not worst.

Really I don't even know where to start on something like that though. Any game worthy of being the worst is not a game I would have played long enough to remember a month later, let alone years later.
I'm going to say that the worst game(s) I've ever played have to be "mobile" games, because so many of them are little more than "wait for timer, click button." Not to say all mobile games are bad, but I think the highest concentration of bad games has to be on phones. Take many off a phone and put it on a console or PC and no one would even consider calling them games.

2018-08-25, 08:30 PM
There's an interesting point here, regarding the perception of a game vs. what it actually is. I don't get a big Dynasty Warriors vibe from the original game trailer, but a more recent trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDELaG1YreU) definitely has that vibe. And "beat up people with awesome powers" is a much easier selling point than "engage people in what's essentially a true 3D fighting game without involved joystick motions". And if that's what you're expecting, of course you'll be disappointed by the results.

2018-08-25, 09:46 PM
There's an interesting point here, regarding the perception of a game vs. what it actually is. I don't get a big Dynasty Warriors vibe from the original game trailer, but a more recent trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDELaG1YreU) definitely has that vibe. And "beat up people with awesome powers" is a much easier selling point than "engage people in what's essentially a true 3D fighting game without involved joystick motions". And if that's what you're expecting, of course you'll be disappointed by the results.

I watched the video and then a few others, having known nothing about the game except having heard the name. I could see where you could get a Dynasty Warriors feel from that and several of the other trailers, especially the cinematic trailers. It was like the 4th video I watched, a gameplay impressions video rather than anything offical, where the actual feel for the game can be seen.

They are both the same genre too. It seems like For Honor is just a very slow paced hack-n-slash, which is very much at odds with the genre as a whole. I could see where the game would be disappointing if you expected anything resembeling a traditional hack-n-slash.

2018-08-26, 02:24 AM
Star Wars Episode I is the worst game I ever finished, no contest there.
It had its weird charm and it was Star Wars and I was young and stupid. But it's a really terrible game.

2018-09-04, 05:48 PM
I've played many bad games that I don't even remember now, because I didn't play them for more than a couple of hours. Then there's the ones I never managed to run at all. Not even sure how to grade those.

But I have a list of games that were, let's say, very big disappointments, mostly because they followed from games I really loved. Neverwinter Nights 2 would head that list, along with Master of Orion 3. Fallout 4 would be another contender, but it's not nearly as bad as those two (and, to be honest, I was never that enamoured of 3). And Heroes of Might & Magic V - I'd loved the entire series up to then, but never even finished that one.

Avilan the Grey
2018-09-05, 09:09 AM
I have a pretty good track record, mainly because I know what I like, and I'm poor. So I can't take chances.
Honestly in my adult life the worst game I have ever played was Dragon Age 2.

When I was a kid in the late 80s and 90s? Back when we just circulated pirated cassette tapes with Commodore games on them I played a lot of crap, but I can't remember even 90% of all those games. After I started paying for games? Yes, I think DA2 was my biggest disappointment. Second? DA3. See a pattern here?

2018-09-05, 09:50 AM
Why did you buy DA3 when DA2 was such a disappointment? Smacks a bit of throwing good money after bad to me. (Personally I think both games are OK--a bit mediocre, but you get enough playtime out of them to make the purchase price worth it).

Worst games I've ever played? If we class "worst" as "most disappointing" regardless of the actual quality of the game, I'd vote X: Rebirth from Egosoft. It was just totally not what I wanted in an X game. Worst game overall probably goes to Battlecruiser 3000AD, though--what a bug-ridden heap of garbage *that* was.

Aotrs Commander
2018-09-05, 12:38 PM
For me, toss up for worst is between Star Trek New Worlds (the RTS), Perimeter and Pools of Radiance (the 3.0) version.

Most disappointing stills stands as the Last Twenty Minutes of Mass Effect 3.

2018-09-05, 03:25 PM
Worst game overall probably goes to Battlecruiser 3000AD, though--what a bug-ridden heap of garbage *that* was.

Yeah, I think that was one of those games I never got to run at all. It went "launch game - black screen - crash to OS". So if you found more bugs in it, you did better than me.

Avilan the Grey
2018-09-05, 03:43 PM
Why did you buy DA3 when DA2 was such a disappointment? Smacks a bit of throwing good money after bad to me. (Personally I think both games are OK--a bit mediocre, but you get enough playtime out of them to make the purchase price worth it).

Worst games I've ever played? If we class "worst" as "most disappointing" regardless of the actual quality of the game, I'd vote X: Rebirth from Egosoft. It was just totally not what I wanted in an X game. Worst game overall probably goes to Battlecruiser 3000AD, though--what a bug-ridden heap of garbage *that* was.

Because I wanted to play a female Qunari. Because their concept art was frakking amazing.
And then the engine they picked, and the art style, made all female qunaris not only look horribly horrible with white (or even any other color than pure black) hair, but they also all looked like sulking teenage girls instead of you know, this:

In fact, with every iteration of the game, although the technology, I guess, in theory, gets better, the actual character designs gets worse and worse. I mean the darkspawn in DAO looks amazing (but lo res). The darkspawn in DA2? They look like what would happen if you put either 1970's zombie movie zombies in armor, or WoW goblins in bondage gear.

2018-09-05, 09:49 PM
Did we all really forget about battle toads?

2018-09-05, 10:11 PM
I think I have successfully removed any memory of terrible games of past times. I vaguely remember magazine CDs having the worst crap for free. But I cannot honestly remember any specifics.

Most recently, Dragon's Dogma. That game's control schemes are bonkers imho.

2018-09-06, 02:56 AM
Yeah, I think that was one of those games I never got to run at all. It went "launch game - black screen - crash to OS". So if you found more bugs in it, you did better than me.

Oh, it started fine for me, but I found it mostly unplayable. Part of that was the UI that was apparently designed by throwing a bunch of menus at random on the screen, but mostly it was stuff like the game having a minimum limit of stuff that would attack you in every in-game hour, which was fine, so long as you were flying around--however, if you spent a few hours in a starbase repairing your ship, pretty much everything that would have attacked you if you'd been flying around for those hours would dogpile you as soon as you came out. Imagine Silent Hunter 3, only with a much worse interface and you literally get attacked by planes dropping bombs every 30 seconds, even if you haven't dealt with the previous attack wave.

I found it a shame, because (as my reference to Silent Hunter 3 there probably shows) it had the core of a really nice game that I could have enjoyed immensely.

Avilan the Grey
2018-09-06, 04:09 PM
Did we all really forget about battle toads?

Battle Toads is a cult classic. I don't think should be even on a top 100 of bad games.

2018-09-06, 06:39 PM
I found it a shame, because (as my reference to Silent Hunter 3 there probably shows) it had the core of a really nice game that I could have enjoyed immensely.

The entire series has that problem. I suspect everything Derek Smart has ever touched does.

2018-09-07, 04:15 PM
This is going WAY back, but I was recently watching videos of Amstrad CPC gameplay, and was reminded of Roland on the Ropes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6bJnZkNSQ8).

Warning: video contains flickering graphics, squeeky sound effects, jerky animation, and unbeatable levels.

Yes, I know this was the early 80s (and one of the very first games on the CPC), but even then I hated it (and when I tried to give it a fair go, it gave me a terrible headache), and the CPC was capable of so much better.

2018-09-24, 07:46 AM
Why didn't anybody mention Postal 3? Or it's just me who still remember of its existence

Delicious Taffy
2018-09-25, 04:54 PM
Most recently, Dragon's Dogma. That game's control schemes are bonkers imho.
I can't say anything about the PC version of it, but it works great on an Xbox 360 controller. The controls are straightforward and feel great.

The worst game I've played for the computer was probably Purble Place.

Avilan the Grey
2018-09-25, 05:26 PM
Why didn't anybody mention Postal 3? Or it's just me who still remember of its existence

Never played it. That's the idea.
Otherwise that truck racing game whatever it was called that was released without steering and collision detection will win Every. Time.

Edit: "Rigg Racer"? Maybe?

2018-09-25, 10:09 PM
Never played it. That's the idea.
Otherwise that truck racing game whatever it was called that was released without steering and collision detection will win Every. Time.

Edit: "Rigg Racer"? Maybe?

Big Rigs Over the Road Racing is the title you're looking for. And it did have steering, it was just that there was no way to actually lose control--your truck would move around the landscape like its wheels were stuck to the floor.

2018-09-25, 11:31 PM
Big Rigs Over the Road Racing is the title you're looking for. And it did have steering, it was just that there was no way to actually lose control--your truck would move around the landscape like its wheels were stuck to the floor.

It also had the charming bug where forward speed was capped - but reverse speed was not, meaning that you could easily move ludicrously fast in reverse. A patch activated the AI, causing the other truck to slowly move toward the goal line - and stop right before reaching it, because there was no "player loses" code in the game.

The whole thing was clearly an alpha build that got published.

Avilan the Grey
2018-09-26, 06:16 AM
Big Rigs Over the Road Racing is the title you're looking for. And it did have steering, it was just that there was no way to actually lose control--your truck would move around the landscape like its wheels were stuck to the floor.

Thanks for reminding me.
And as far as I remember it still holds the title as most broken game ever released at full price.

2018-09-26, 07:12 AM
Ride to Heck Retribution was also notoriously awful.

2018-09-26, 06:11 PM
And Heroes of Might & Magic V - I'd loved the entire series up to then, but never even finished that one.

Wait, so you liked Heroes of Might and Magic IV? Despite the AI? Despite the multiplayer games that took multiple minutes to pass the turn? Despite the initial version which couldn't even play the music right?

2018-09-26, 08:08 PM
Wait, so you liked Heroes of Might and Magic IV? Despite the AI? Despite the multiplayer games that took multiple minutes to pass the turn? Despite the initial version which couldn't even play the music right?

Whatever criticisms you can make about the AI in HoMM4, it didn't actively cheat like the AI in 5 did--literally pulling troops out of thin air to attack your home town when you'd blockaded their only source of them, for instance.

2018-09-30, 02:00 PM
I mean.... I kinda like it

2018-10-02, 04:46 PM
Stormrise, anyone? It was rushed out with major bugs and was pretty much unplayable.

2018-10-05, 12:53 AM
Limbo of the Lost