View Full Version : Cliche beginnings to Campaigns

2018-08-23, 09:15 PM
Was up late watching DnD related videos on youtube and had the thought of starting a Cliche'd beginning campaign, and was looking for more cliches to interject to what I have right now...

The party awakens on a beach with amnesia after a shipwreck. Fires in the distance and sounds of fighting can be heard over the crash of the surf as the town guard can be seen heading towards the party to arrest them along with a few other survivors. After a brief stay in the town prison, they're brought before the King/Duke/ruler etc. and told they're needed to sail to a nearby group of islands to get help. Apparently they survived a God/Goddess' maelstrom at sea just as foretold by an ancient prophecy. On the way to the island in the Duke's galleon a sailor recognizes them and is amazed they survived their ill fated plan from the other night in a dockside tavern. Seems the party came to town in a caravan that arrived just before it was attacked. They holed up in a tavern before hatching a plan of stealing a ship and sailing out to sea to escape the besieged town.

Upon arrival at an island temple, they are ushered into antechamber, watching some priestesses carrying a catatonic woman out the door of a long hallway with 10 doors on either side with one more straight ahead at the very end. The priestesses return a short while later, leading the characters into said hallway to choose a side door to enter. There, the characters are to told by a hooded priestess to draw 7 cards from a 13 card Deck of Many Things. The first card drawn is always the Jester and the characters regain their memories at that moment... after the 7th card is drawn and resolved, the hood falls back from the priestess to reveal the face of the catatonic woman that was taken out of the room prior to the characters entering... She whispers "Save Me," before disappearing and her robes falling to the ground.

Amnesia, shipwreck, city under attack, in prison, summoned by the ruler, in a caravan, the tavern!, and a prophecy with a rescue mission thrown in for good measure... and that's just the beginning.

So what other cliches are there that I can add?

2018-08-23, 09:32 PM
The questgiver's betraying the party is a classic. Also, start with giant rats as the first fight, you have to.

2018-08-23, 10:29 PM
The questgiver's betraying the party is a classic. Also, start with giant rats as the first fight, you have to.

In a tavern's basement, obviously.

2018-08-23, 10:33 PM
They need an answer to an important question only a particular Sage can provide. He asks for thousands of gold pieces more than the party has but agrees to give the answer if they retrieve something held by a rival or monster for him first.

2018-08-23, 10:45 PM
They need an answer to an important question only a particular Sage can provide. He asks for thousands of gold pieces more than the party has but agrees to give the answer if they retrieve something held by a rival or monster for him first.

Bonus points, if the question is "what is the answer to life, the universe, and everything?"

...Just, imagine the look on the players' faces, when they accept and embark on a perilous journey, shed blood and tears and lose a companion or two on an adventure taking years (in-game), and then, after returning, are given the simple answer: "42" (assuming they don't know the reference).

In similar vein, the question being "where can we find X", and the answer being "oh, it's just around the corner, in my basement".

2018-08-24, 09:49 AM
Tropes mentioned and suggested are solid!

Now if you could involve the standard monsters as well.

Goblins, Orcs and Kobolds are interchangeable, they are always raiding caravans or holing up and attacking farms

2018-08-24, 10:23 AM
Need to allude to a powerful Wizard BBEG.

The Two Doors Two Guards riddle where one always tells the truth and one always lies.

A kidnapped princess needs rescuing from a tower, of course.

Obviously they'll eventually have to lead a revolution to overthrow this duke that they originally met with as they travel the streets and find that he is, in fact, corrupt.

Occasional cameos from a wise old wizard who's power is implied but never seen.

All the names should be insane. Tol'Var the Duke, Princess Irivaniallis, The Evil Wizard Balzorg, the elf named Silivarivarian who's OP AF.

There's so many great ones to choose from!