View Full Version : M&M 3e; Questions about "linked" modifier

Ken Murikumo
2018-08-24, 09:02 AM
So, i've done some searching, but found no solid answers. When you link 2 powers, do they have to be the same rank? Like a damage 5 linked to an affliction 5? Also, does the effect rank, for the sake of power level limits, count as the combined total or just one. Like the example above, would that be an effect rank of 10 or a 5?

2018-08-24, 10:08 AM
So, i've done some searching, but found no solid answers. When you link 2 powers, do they have to be the same rank? Like a damage 5 linked to an affliction 5? Also, does the effect rank, for the sake of power level limits, count as the combined total or just one. Like the example above, would that be an effect rank of 10 or a 5?
Linked effects don't have to be the same rank-- you could certainly have a Damage 10 power Linked to an Affliction 5, for instance. All the modifier does is make sure they trigger at the same time, use a single attack roll, and sometimes use the same save. Otherwise, you determine the cost, PL limits, and so on for each effect individually.

When figuring out how power level limits apply, you'd certainly use the higher of the two ranks-- the aforementioned Damage 10/Affliction 5 power would still have a maximum attack bonus of +10 for a PL 10 character. That being the case, there's no reason not to buy both powers up to the same rank, unless you're short on power points or using non-conventionally-offensive powers.

Ken Murikumo
2018-08-24, 11:28 AM
Neat! Thanks!