View Full Version : Pathfinder [Pathfinder] To optimize a Familiar ...

2018-08-24, 03:09 PM
Greetings Playground!

I've got this idea bouncing around in my head to craft a character around the Familiar, rather than to match the familiar to the Character. At this moment, I am not planning on this character ever seeing play. I just want to see where we can go with it. I have a concept in mind for level progression, but I am open to wards other ideas, provided they can show why it is a better option (assuming the character does see play). No, I am not really worried about being behind in spellcasting.

Race: Gnome
Favored Class: Shaman (+1/6 Hex per level)
1 Wizard (Spirit Binder) [Protector Familiar]
1 Witch (Beast-Bonded) [Patron Familiar: Wisdom]
2 Fighter (Eldritch Guardian)
16 Shaman (Crystal Tender) [Mammoth / Life Spirits]

Shaman was chosen to eventually turn the familiar into an animal companion (complete with all the familiar abilities normally gained), but that is far into the future and may not be part of the final build. I thought about using the variant multiclass options to pick up a sorcerer bloodline but none of them immediately appealed to me.

So, questions:
1) What role would you have the familiar serve?
2) What familiar would you pick?
3) What role would you have the character serve?
4) What feats would you focus on, or what would you change?