View Full Version : Dragons vs Giants (Ic)

2018-08-25, 09:12 AM
You are just beyound the edge of the treeline, concealed by the firs and their shadows, gazing at the log construction over a 1000 yards of stumps, the foot-corpses of the trees whose bodies are now the walls of the Hill giant Steading, the Palisade it commands, and have been the fuel spent to keep the Giants comfortably warm.

The palisade cuts across the foothill valley, controling thereby the mountain pass beyond. The Steading and the gate 100 ft east of it controls land bound traffic heading to and coming from the Alpine north.

It is not yet moonrise, the time when the theatrical Elders have commanded that you attack. You waited in the cave Their minions led you to during the day, and now you have positioned your self for the assualt to punish these giants for their arrogance. Your retainer is near and might prove useful later in shifting the destruction for the partchments the Elders require and any trinkets.

2018-08-25, 09:37 AM
So... murmurs Ajdaho, from where he lies among the pines. It seems the hour of our attack is nearly at hand. My I ask though if anyone has deigned to come up with anything further than rending their flesh beneath might and magic? While there are none there strong enough to stop such an effort it is rather exhausting.

2018-08-25, 10:02 AM

The map provided by the Elders is a bit old. It doesn't show the palisade that now runs from the southern corners (of rooms 7 and 14) out into the distance across the whole valley.

It also doesn't show the large pin holding giant goats to the north west or the large barns beyond them further north.

22 is an open court yard containing wolves.

2018-08-25, 08:12 PM
Arriving Sarabi would curl around a tree waiting for the hour at hand until a Dragon decided to speak up. Shaking her head she couldn't help but feel the arrogance of dragons with their inflated egos would cause issues; despite their raw power, they were flawed.

"You say that but why hire all of use if the giants don't have powerful creatures on their side? Before we go head first into danger it would be wise to scout ahead first. I for one am interested in the headspace inside."

Book Wombat
2018-08-27, 11:39 AM
Gnawing on a sheep she had found earlier Myla adds If you want I could burrow into the stronghold, It maybe be slow but would maybe bypass some defenses. from her place curled around a tree stump making her scales sparkle in the sunlight.

2018-09-05, 09:33 AM
(do you mean headcount, or ceiling height?)
(Sorry for lag, everyone in my household took a turn being sick.)

The moon is now rising. However you wish to attack, coordinated or not now is the time to begin...

When summoned for this mission, an Emissary if the Elders approached you with a ....gift.... Of sorts.
Two multicolored crystals. "Eat it before you consume the heart and brain of a powerful creature, and there is a chance that you may steal part of that power for yourself. You may share one with your retainer, or consume both and double your chances"

2018-09-06, 01:27 AM
Daran, eyes smoldering in the shade of the brush, hisses softly. "How would you feel," he says, "if we led thiss whole compound to panic a little before we attack? We could let the ssheep free, have the wolvess be disstracted by that, for their bassse nature will drive them to it."

Thendyr nods, "I could go and open the pen, great one. Just give me the sign."

"Yes," nods Daran. "Then, one of two thingss will happen. Either the brutess will come into the courtyard to ssee why the wolvess are acting up, in which casse I ssay we assssault them from above. They will be unlikely to carry their weaponss at thiss time. The other alternative iss that they do not come out. In that casse I say we finissh the wolvess firsst sso ass not to have to worry about them later. What ssay you?" At the prospect of blood, be it sheep, wolf or giant, a little spittle drips from his mouth, making the pointed, skewed teeth look all the more appaling.

2018-09-11, 08:22 AM
Very well, I suppose that makes enough sense, still we must depart quickly if we are to make it in time for this.

As he said this the mighty red dragon took a few paces forward, then launched itself into the air. The budding sorcerer on his back they made for the giants castle.

2018-09-11, 09:05 AM
"Let uss be off then." With that, Daran launched himself into the air toward the area just east of the compound, to lay in wait for Thendyr to open the gate to the sheeps pen and see whether the giants will come out or not.