View Full Version : The NPCs that no one asked for!

Mike Miller
2018-08-26, 12:35 AM
The NPCs that no one asked for!

In this thread, I'll be creating NPCs for no particular reason. Feel free to read through them, comment, critique, use them, point out mistakes, whatever. I'll add to it when I have the time, which will probably be rather randomly. They will vary from optimized well to not at all, depending on what strikes my fancy. For example, I know that I will be statting out an arcane ooze with max HD at some point.

I will be following creature advancement guidelines from the original Monster Manual in every way possible (meaning RAW) with the sole exception being that I will likely find at least some monsters that I want to advance in ways that the book doesn't allow (as in using class levels on a monster supposed to advance with HD only). I figure I will have a few posts and separate the entries by book or setting or something completely arbitrary.

Post 1: Intro and index

Size and Type:
Hit Dice:
Armor Class:
Base Attack / Grapple: +/+
Full Attack:
Space/Reach: ft/ ft
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities:
Saves: FORT +, REF +, WILL +
Abilities: STR , DEX , CON , INT , WIS , CHA
Challenge Rating:

Post 2: Monster Manual 1

Post 3: Monster Manual 2

Post 4: Monster Manual 3

Ambush Drake
Arcane Ooze

Mike Miller
2018-08-26, 12:37 AM
Monster Manual 1:

Achaierai Warblade 3

Size and Type: Large Outsider
Hit Dice: 6d8+3d12+36 (82)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 50 ft
Armor Class: 21 (-1 size, +2 DEX, +10 natural), touch 11, flat-footed 20
Base Attack / Grapple: +9/+19
Full Attack: 2 claws +14 (2d6+6) and bite +9 (4d6 +3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft/ 10 ft
Special Attacks: black cloud
Special Qualities: Darkvision, spell resistance 19; battle clarity (reflex saves), weapon aptitude, uncanny dodge, battle ardor (crit confirm)
Saves: FORT +12, REF +10, WILL +7
Abilities: STR 23, DEX 14, CON 18, INT 14, WIS 14, CHA 14
Skills: Balance +14, Climb +18, Diplomacy +7, Hide +7, Intimidate +5, Jump +26, Listen +11, Move Silently +11, Sense Motive +11, Spot +11, Tumble +4
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack, Improved Initiative
Challenge Rating: 8
5 Maneuvers known, 3 readied, 1 stance
I think a focus on Tiger Claw maneuvers for the massive jump check success would be decent. Not that three levels of warblade gets many maneuvers.
NOTE: Black cloud's DC is up to 17.

A tanky Allip

Size and Type: Medium Undead (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 12d12 (78)
Initiative: +5
Speed: fly 30 ft perfect
Armor Class: 15 (+1 DEX, +4 deflection), 15, 14
Base Attack / Grapple: +6/--
Full Attack: incorporeal touch +8/+3 (1d4 WIS drain)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Special Attacks: babble DC 17
Special Qualities: <unchanged>
Saves: FORT +4, REF +7, WILL +8
Abilities: STR --, DEX 12, CON --, INT 11, WIS 11, CHA 20
Skills: hide +16, intimidate +15, listen +15, search +8, spot +11
Feats: improved initiative, lightning reflexes, weapon focus (incorporeal touch), daunting presence, baleful moan
Challenge Rating: “5”

This seems like a cruel opponent, but it should be fine. Send a few of these and then you are talking serious wisdom drainage.

A nature loving Athach druid 8

Size and Type: Huge Aberration
Hit Dice: 22d8+132 (231)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 35 ft (dragonhide breastplate)
Armor Class: 23 (-2 size, +8 natural, +7 (+2 dragonhide breastplate)), 8 touch, 23 flat-footed
Base Attack / Grapple: +16/+31
Full Attack: +17/+12/+7/+2 with spear and also 2 spears at +17 all for 3d6+7 and bite +17 for 2d8+3
Space/Reach: 15 ft/ 15 ft
Special Attacks: poison DC 23
Special Qualities: <unchanged>
Saves: FORT +16, REF +6, WILL +18
Abilities: STR 24, DEX 12, CON 22, INT 10, WIS 17, CHA 9
Skills: climb +8, concentration +14, jump +17, listen +17, spellcraft +8, spot +17
Feats: normal feats + Mourning Mutate, Aberration Wild Shape, Assume Supernatural Ability
Challenge Rating: 12
Spells per day 6/5/4/4/2

Surprise druid! Not so dumb this time, eh Athach?

Mike Miller
2018-08-26, 12:38 AM
Monster Manual 2:

A Bladeling Rogue 5/Assassin 2

Size and Type: Medium Outsider
Hit Dice: 7d6+14 (38)
Initiative: +8
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 22 (+4 DEX, +4 chain shirt, +4 natural), 14 touch, 18 flat-footed
Base Attack / Grapple: +4/+4
Full Attack: +8 (using weapon finesse) (1d6/18-20 x2 Rapier)
Space/Reach: 5 ft/ 5 ft
Special Attacks: Razor Storm, sneak attack +4d6, Death Attack
Special Qualities: <unchanged>
Saves: FORT +3, REF +11, WILL +2
Abilities: STR 10, DEX 18, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 12, CHA 8
Skills: Bluff +9, Climb, +10, Craft (poison) +11, Hide +14, Jump +10, Listen +11, Move Silently +14, Spot +11, Swim +2, Tumble +14, Use Magic Device +9
Feats: Improved Initiative, Craven, Weapon Finesse
Challenge Rating: 9 (7 levels, LA+2)

More or less standard assassin, but best used in a group. Aim for the sneak attack and check out some fun poisons (http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=2714.0) to maximize the deadliness.

Mike Miller
2018-08-26, 12:39 AM
Monster Manual 3:

An Ambush Drake 7th level cleric of Tiamat

Size and Type: Medium Dragon
Hit Dice: 7d12+7d8+84 (161)
Initiative: +7
Speed: 40 ft, fly 30 ft (poor)
Armor Class: 19 (+3 DEX, +6 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 16
Base Attack / Grapple: +12/+16
Full Attack: Bite +16 (1d8+4 plus poison) and 2 claws +14 (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5/5
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, poison, Rebuke Undead
Special Qualities: <unchanged>
Saves: FORT +12, REF +5, WILL +12
Abilities: STR 19, DEX 16, CON 22, INT 7, WIS 15, CHA 7
Skills: Hide +17, Listen +12, Move Silently +13, Spot +12
Feats: Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Augment Summoning, Imbue Summoning
Challenge Rating: 9 [+3 from 7 levels of cleric (non-associated class levels), +1 from increased DC of poison/breath weapon]
Spells per day: 6/5+1/4+1/2+1/1+1

This cleric of Tiamat should be an interesting BBEG for a mid-level party. Throw a few 11 HD Ambush Drakes into the mix as guards at CR 7 (individually) and a few “normal” ones as mooks to get the party to start expending resources. It is worth noting the new DC for the poison and breath weapon for the Cleric of Tiamat is 19. I imagine this fellow summoning lots, but it could be amusing to have undead dragons with him as well.

A max HD Arcane Ooze

Size and Type: Gargantuan Ooze
Hit Dice: 45d10+360 (606)
Initiative: -5
Speed: 20 ft, climb 20 ft
Armor Class: 1 (lol)
Base Attack / Grapple: +31/+55
Full Attack: Slam +43 (3d6+12+2d6 acid)
Space/Reach: 20 ft/ 15 ft
Special Attacks: acid, constrict 3d6+12+2d6 acid, improved grab, spell siphon
Special Qualities: <unchanged>
Saves: FORT +17, REF +0, WILL +0
Abilities: STR 34, DEX 1, CON 34, INT --, WIS 1, CHA 1
Skills: <unchanged>
Feats: --
Challenge Rating: 16 (+7 from HD increases...although hard to believe this would be a CR 16)

NOTE: DC for spell siphon is now 29
What would you want a max HD arcane ooze for? If you really hate spellcasters, I suppose you could employ this. (I wrote this one up pretty late, so I may have an error here or there, hopefully not)

Mike Miller
2018-08-26, 12:40 AM
reserved for the possibility that I delve into the MM4 and/or 5 (which I don't really use frequently)

Mike Miller
2018-08-26, 12:41 AM
reserved for any other random books I pull monsters out of

2018-08-26, 04:17 AM
This reminds me when I just learned about giving monsters class levels and made a horribly unoptimized barbarian mimic. Good times.