View Full Version : Roleplaying a tabaxi hexblade patron?

2018-08-27, 01:17 AM
im starting a new campaign at lv 5 .
my character is a tabaxi who is the only survivor from his pack being hunted. im taking 2 lvls as ranger and then he was found by his patron and im gonna go pure warlock i think from there on..
i want to find a patron that would make sense with a tabaxi and it has to ba a hexblade, but i do want a feiline connection...
any ideas?
thanks :)

2018-08-27, 01:27 AM
Hexblade IS the Patron.

Do you mean Pact as in Pact of the Chain, Pact of the Tome, or Pact of the Blade?

2018-08-27, 01:33 AM
i know that hex balde is the patron but i want to have a connection as to how and why he found it?

2018-08-27, 05:13 PM
Maybe it was a legendary weapon prophesied to end your former clan's oppressors but it's shattered. And it enters in a pact with you to find its missing shards. (If you're blade pact the weapon you call uses this as the hilt)

Or maybe it's an artifact owned by the now dead chief and you're trying to figure out how to use it.

Maybe it was a weapon used by your clan in the battle and possessed by a spirit of vengence. At first it seems to want the best for you but you find out it's just trying to make you strong enough to get revenge on the people who killed your clan whose spirits now possess the sword.

Maybe it's a blood hungry sword buried under your clan battleground, and as the blood of your clan soaks the ground it awakens. Now it calls to you as it feels familiar with you.

2018-08-27, 06:54 PM
Actually, "Hexblade" is not the name of a patron; it is a CATEGORY of patron. Similarly, if your patron is "The Fiend", you don't literally consort with a demon named "The Fiend". You consort with a specific, independent demon that may or may not factor in to how to role play the character (I prefer that it DOES factor in fairly heavily, but the mechanisms don't change at all).

Similarly, a Hexblade is a Warlock that has made a pact with an extremely powerful weapon (typically sentient or legendary). The Warlock may or may not ever come into contact with the sworn weapon, but that's largely up to you and your DM.

This is different than Pact of Chain/ Pact of Blade/ Pact of Tome, which is the BOON you get from your pact. This heavily shapes what the benefits of your pact will look like, but not who you made the pact with.

For example, you could call up Bill Gates (the patron) and ask him for an good book, a computer, or a pet (the pact boon). Alternatively, you could ask Charles Barkley (a different patron) for a good book, a computer, or a pet. The item you get from each patron might be completely different, because the patrons themselves are very different.

This is why Warlocks are a lot of fun to role play: it may be that you end up regretting the pact that you've made (my Warlock did). Your patron may have different ideas of what your deal means, or may have expectations you find unreasonable. Alternatively, your patron could be extremely generous. There's a lot of flexibility and adaptability to the Warlock, which is why they're my favorite class.

2018-08-27, 09:53 PM
Your patron weapon is (pick one) The Fang or the Claw. It's a powerful weapon, partially imbued with the very nature of the feline - subtle, lithe and deadly. It's the manifestation of the solitary hunter, the ambush, and the quick kill. Perhaps it was blessed by the Cat Lord himself..

2018-08-27, 09:59 PM
i know that hex blade is the patron but i want to have a connection as to how and why he found it?

You don't necessarily find a weapon - my character has been having recurring dreams of his patron for years. It's a legendary weapon that was created with a specific purpose in mind and want to achieve it. That's an reasonable way, or he finds a shard of it, or it's a legend in his tribe. At any rate, when he's most desperate, he sees it and accepts its bargain.

Points deducted for quoting MacBeth or the ThunderCats, unless it's that kind of campaign.

2018-08-28, 07:46 AM
As far as a patron, in 5th Edition some things aren't as fleshed out as they might have been in earlier editions yet, but ... Ubtao. Outsider who became a sort of deity.