View Full Version : The Library of Leng [IC]

2018-08-27, 02:29 PM
The Library of Leng

The Oracle was a jerk, which surprised many of you. Having fought your way through hordes of modrons on Mechanus to rescue him, you found him basking in a ghostly hot tub, surrounded by several dozen unseen servants.

He was not amused you were there to rescue him, and nearly disappeared to annoy you all. Once you talked about Kenσs, the eternal Void, he stopped, as if, he had heard that name before.

And indeed he had, from ancient texts, the Oracle recalled several notable pieces of information, which is why you are now hiding behind several rocks in the Astral plane, that hd you from a monstrous behemoth, that stands implacable before the main doors.


You were told, specifically, not to mess with the golem. Which was why you were trying to find the side door into the Library of Leng. It was supposed to be near the pile of rocks you were hiding behind.

2018-08-27, 03:46 PM
Trexiat peers up and over the rocks at the behemoth he faced, whilst muttering a few utterances to himself, hoping to recognize it and it's weaknesses. Hopefully he'd never fight it, but his lifelong experience of suckitude taught him that anything that can happen, will happen, twice a day.

Aand I begin the game! :smallbiggrin:

Anywho, Trexiat is looking up at it, and using Quickened Universal Aptitude and Hidden Truth on himself. I don't need to roll to see if either succeeds (+105 check vs DC 55 and 75), but I trigger the Law of Resistance, soo... :|

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +2 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC

Now for that Knowledge Check. Assuming it's a construct, I have a base +38 to the check, and a +5/+10 from my utterances, which makes +53. I then take 10 on the roll (both because we're not threatened and because of my prestige as a Guildmaster in the Paragnostic Assembly.

Knowledge (Arcana): 63

2018-08-27, 05:14 PM

Dross slithers along to the top of the rock pile, his kobold form having given way to the bright scales of a tiny dragon. He peeks over the natural barrier, tail lashing at the sight of the golem, before darting back to the ground.

"Hesaidthere'dbeanentranceherehedid. Butthereisn't." Dross circles the area constantly as the words spill at once from his mouth. Watching his movements would make lesser beings than you grow dizzy. "Alsosaidnottofighttheguardian. Butfightingtheguardianlooksfunitdoes. Maybehe'swrongaboutthatheis. Wefightitdowe?"

Give thanks to the BB software that insists on inserting random spaces or there wouldn't even be separate sentences up there.

Current buffs:
Extended Alter Self (Mercury Dragon: https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1644938 (Don't sweat the attack calcs and fly speed is currently 260'))
Extended Heroics (Martial Study [Tornado Throw])
Mage Armor
Primal Instinct (+5 initiative, +5 knowledge, treat knowledge as trained)

2018-08-27, 07:35 PM

Trexiat searches for the entrance

This post was deleted earlier, but I rolled a 23, and took 20 to get 32.

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC

2018-08-27, 09:51 PM

"Please don't attack the golem, Dross." says Klaudis, his slow, patient voice everything that the kobold's is not. "Let's just keep looking for that door."

I'm just going to throw some dice and see what sticks here, because Klaudis isn't super well equipped to find secret doors.

Knowledge (Arcana):

Knowledge (Dungeoneering):


[roll3]Klaudis Liepins (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1639139)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Swiftblade, Level 20, Init 11, HP 196/196, Speed 50ft
AC 24, Touch 18, Flat-footed 18, Fort 14, Ref 17, Will 15, Base Attack Bonus +19,
Greatclub +30 (4d8+14, 19-20/x2)
Composite Longbow +24 (1d8+9, 20/x3)
Mithral Breastplate (+6 Armor, +6 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 28, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 24• 25% chance to ignore critical hits. (Light Fortification armor)
• endure elements spell effect. (Crystal of Least Adaptaton)
• +2 Spot checks. (Scout's Headband)
• Can move through difficult terrain at normal speed and without suffering any other
impairment. (Vanguard Treads)
• Unaffected by slippery ice, wet stones, or other surfaces where traction is a problem. (Vanguard Treads)
• +8 bonus on attempts to resist bull rushes and +4 bonus on grapple checks to resist a grapple attempt if that grapple would move to another square. (Vanguard Treads)
• Does not need to eat or drink. (Ring of Sustenance)
• Needs to sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. (Ring of Sustenance)
• Cast greater mighty wallop this morning, increasing the damage of Klaudis' greatclub by three effective size categories. 28 hour duration.
• Cast dragonsight this morning, granting the ability to see four times as well as a normal human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light; Darkvision effective out to 140 feet; half the normal penalties for distance on Spot checks; blindsense effective out to 70 feet. 28 hour duration.Klaudis will normally cast haste as a Swift action at the start of battle, gaining the following benefits:
• +1 on attack rolls.
• +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex.
• +30ft enhancement bonus to speed, stacks with the bonus from the Swift Surge (Ex) class ability.
• 50% concealment.
• 50% chance of ignoring targeted spells.
• Freedom of movement spell effect.
• May move across the surface of placid or flowing water, but not whitewater rapids or stormy water, by making two Move actions in a round. Immediately sinks any time he makes a single move action in a round or comes to a complete stop while traversing water.
• One additional Move or Standard action per round.

When Klaudis casts haste on himself the effect is Extraordinary rather than a continuous spell effect, and therefore cannot be dispelled by any means. It can still be countered as a spell at the moment of casting.

He will usually follow up by casting enlarge person as One-Round action, gaining the following benefits:
• +2 Size bonus to Strength.
• -2 Size penalty to Dexterity.
• -1 Size penalty to attack rolls and AC.
• Becomes Large size; space and reach increase to 10/10; equipment changes size accordingly.

2018-08-28, 12:16 AM
"Best to leave the golem alone for now until Trexiay determines what he knows about it."

Herald shrugs, his feathery wings furl around his body like a cloak.

"If you need any help searching for the door, give me a call. I'll be happy to provide assistance."

The hooded bird man, reinforce his defenses by shifting his skin to slightly tough scales in the event Dross's action agitates the golem to attack them (Minor shapeshift; 20 Temporary HP for 5 rounds; renewing every time it runs out).

2018-08-28, 03:06 PM

The transmuted wyrmling pulls out a wand and presses the tip to his ear. "Tell!" he says before stowing it back in his bandoleer.

listening lorecall, +4 insight to Listen, blindsense 30', blindsight 15'
"IfTrexiatknewhe'dtellushewould!" Dross says. "Trexiatknowseverythingbutnothathedoesn't. Thatmeansnooneelsedoes. Wecouldbethefirst!First!First!First!"

The kobold flies to the exterior wall. "Boringsecretdoorsareboring. Doesn'tmakeyourbloodraceitdoesn't. Nopumpahpumpahpumpahpumintheearsthereisn't." Dross flits from one part of the wall to another, constantly babbling about how much better it would be to fight, yet all the while using his voice to sound out the wall's surface, paying attention for any false note or voids that might be covered by an illusion.

If I can Aid Another on the Take 20 Search check: [roll0]
If there is an illusion and need a Will save, Moment of Perfect Mind: [roll1]

2018-08-28, 05:23 PM
As usual, this morning Kork Gran offered to share the heroes' feast from his horn of plenty with any of his fellow adventures who cared to join him.

The famed dwarven "hero" also took the precaution of using a couple of his other magical items to cast protective spells on himself. No reason to be foolhardy about this ...

"That Oracle guy seemed to know a thing or two so let's try this his way" Kork says.

He dons his blindfold of true darkness in case blindsight might reveal something that sight would not.

Heroes' Feast (immune to poison and fear; [roll0] temp hp; +1 morale to attack rolls and Will saves), 12 hr
Heart of Water (breathe water, swift action: freedom of movement), from eternal wand, 5 hr
Heroism (+2 morale on attacks, saves, skills), from eternal wand, 50 min
Blindfold: Blindsight 30' but blind

2018-08-29, 02:40 PM
As you all look around for the hidden door, Klaudis is the one who stumbles upon, placing a palm on the rocks to search, you suddenly all hear an audible *click*, whereupon a rod rises from the ground, a flickering emerald light pulses from within its crystalline surface, bathing everyone, and within a heartbeat, you another *click*.

Your body is sucked into the rod in an instant, a swirling vortex of energy, souls and material bodies in an immaterial maelstrom of ideas, thoughts, beliefs and dreams.

Suddenly, just as quickly as it happened, you are expelled, your body is shunted into the materium of a closed room, the walls a dark shade of jade.

A *pop* emanates from the rocks to the left, the Golem turns its head and squints, looking at the pile of rocks that had stood there for as long as the Golem could remember.

2018-08-29, 04:00 PM

Dross shivers as he is reconsistuted inside the room, shaking off the feeling that, for a split second, he might have been a pointy-eared dwarfbirdman. He checks himself to make sure he is properly scaled before his attention snaps to the complete absence of anything but them in the room.

"Libraries have books, they do. Piles of scrolls. Shelves, too. Statues, perhaps." Dross wastes no time testing the boundaries of their new space as he continues, ping-ponging around the room. "And wrinkled old hags that shhhhhhhhhhhh all the time. It's rude to shhhhhhh at someone when he's talking, it is. Did we find the wrong secret door? I knew we should have fought the golem, I did!"

2018-08-29, 04:07 PM

Putting his left foot down, Trexiat tries to diverge the temple of it's truths, cooing it softly with the language of truespeech.

Lore of the World is basically Stone Tell (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/stoneTell.htm)(with a CL equal to HD), except I can affect any inanimate object, essentially. Trexiat chooses to affect the floor. First he compliments the floor's lustrous shine, and that he really likes it. He then asks what the room's purpose is, if there are any traps in the room, how to get out of the room, if there are any hidden doors in the room, if there are any other creatures other than himself and his compatriots in the room, and if the floor in single :smallwink:.

Oh, and I get to ask for the location of anything within a mile. Trexiat asks for the location of the third piece of Occulus Incarnum.

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +2 DC

2018-08-29, 04:28 PM
You sense a slow, dormant surprise rising, ever so slowly, like the crest of a wave far out to sea.

It takes a moment, but it finally crashes, and subsides, a tone of trepidation rings the following answers:

My PURPOSE is to be a floor, but sometimes....NOT. You ask tooooo........FAST. Slow......DOWN. YES. You will be. There......ARE NO DOORS in the Library. *you feel slow amusement* OF COURSE.....not. OF COURSE.

The last question makes the floor ponder for a moment, and you get the sensation of a wizened old god thinking how to speak to a human for the first time in a long time. Eventually, you don't hear a response, but feel it. It pulses in a direction. directly to your right. (Your mind skips a beat, as if you hadn't been moved into this room, and you were still standing, hiding behind the rocks, the direction would be pointing towards the golem. But minds are a funny thing.)

2018-08-29, 05:00 PM

Dross twists through the air on his circuit around the round, tracing arcane gestures into his aerial performance just before his eyes glow, revealing the room's magical auras to his sight.

Detect Magic
Take 10 on Spellcraft to identify magical auras in the room: 36

2018-08-29, 05:25 PM

Derrk is not pleased by the abrupt relocation. He glances about, his vision enhanced by his mask, peeling away any and all illusions. He opens his mouth, speaking in a confident and authoritative voice.

"Be quick. I don't desire to linger here very long. Just tell me when you pick a fight you can't handle."

He doesn't move from where he had appeared, preferring to watch dispassionately.

Pretty passive spot, will probably only notice things hidden solely by illusion. Roll: [roll0]

2018-08-29, 10:22 PM
Kork is surprised to find the group seemingly trapped in a featureless room. "I hate to admit it but Dross has a point. I'd rather die fighting than suffocating. But maybe there's another teleport thing."

2018-08-30, 04:47 AM
Herald is not fazed by the strange translocation as he experienced a lot back in the past. He hovers slightly above the ground, bow in hand, constantly renewing his defenses as it runs out (Minor Shapeshift) and mutters a spell that enshrouds his being (Fortunate Fate - 3 hr 20 min) as he waits for the others to decipher the nature of the room.

2018-08-30, 05:47 PM

"Ok ok ok" Trexiat says "One at a time. What are you, when you're not a floor?"

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +2 DC

2018-09-04, 11:59 AM
You see 3 overwhelming aura's

First one is a modified version of Sanctum Halasters Teleport Cage, permanent, and Heightened.
Second is a Sanctum Heightened, permanent Wall of Force
Third is a Sanctum Heightened, permanent Symbol of Insanity

The stone does not answer Trexiat any further

2018-09-04, 12:23 PM

"Stuck!" He yaps excitedly. "Stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck! No hopping outside, no slipping between there is. Magical hopping is dangerous here, yes. No telling where you'd end up, or in what. Maybe who?"

"And on the walls," he motions to a part of the room, then yells at any who looks at any of the room's surfaces. "Don't look! They'll make you mad, they will."

"Too late for him, yes it is." Dross shakes his head at the one talking to the floor.

With another dance, Dross casts a spell on himself.

Conviction: +3 morale boost to saving throws

2018-09-06, 04:32 AM
Herald holds up a hand.

"Slow down. I know that you are worry about us triggering a trap by accident but let us keep a calm head as we deal with the obstacles presented. So we know the walls and the rooms are enchanted and are set to activate by certain spells and actions. Are there anything else you detected?"

2018-09-09, 10:49 PM
Having received an unsatisfactory response, Trexiat begins an inquisition on Dross.

"Shut up you daft kobold! What is so bad about this room?"

2018-09-09, 11:01 PM

At Trexiat's outburst, Dross does indeed go quiet before beginning a performance of a man trapped inside an invisible box.

2018-09-10, 06:38 PM

Dross notices the confused look on Herald's face. Dross's mouth twists as he glances to Trexiat, then back to Herald, then back to Trexiat, then detouring to Kork before going back to Trexiat and finally settling on Herald.

"There're walls of force, there are!"

2018-09-12, 08:21 PM
As you all ruminate at how to break through the stone, something appears before you, and a cloud of scintillating fog roils over you.


Each make 2 Ref saves vs breath attack DC 34 or suffer [roll0] and 11 essentia drain or Wisdom if you do not have essentia, for 1 hour.
Succesful save halves the essentia/wisdom drain

Also make 2 Will saves vs Dragons Frightful Presence DC 37 else be shaken for (4d6)[14] rounds

I'll get a map up, but they're 2 Gargantuan dragons, 40ft in front of you.
Oh, everything suffers -4 caster/initiator/etc level
Meldshapers receive a +4 bonus to meldshaping (effects your ability to invest as well)

Also, roll init.

Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EcEIZb8ONjfgmq1x9aRHjo8Kb3XmrrBIIOXZeIiU_-Y/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-09-12, 09:14 PM
Trexiat, having sustained the massive drain on his abilities, freezes up and becomes an object.

2018-09-12, 09:23 PM
The sharply dressed Derrk isn't exactly the fastest, and he doesn't get out of the way of the twin dragon breath quite in time. When the incarnum recedes he is left on the ground, his semi-draconic familiar on his chest.

2018-09-12, 09:51 PM
The wisdom drain proves too much for Kork (to anyones' surprise?), and he collapses to the floor.

2018-09-12, 09:55 PM
With his rationality robbed by the fog, Herald collapses onto the floor.

2018-09-12, 10:33 PM

The dragon's desire to explore the space of their new confines pays off as he finds himself a fair ways away from his more sedentary companions when the breath weapons hit. The extra space gives him time to react where others fall, using his metalic wings to deflect the brunt of one before diving for cover behind Kork for the other, possibly hindering the poor dwarf's own efforts in the process.

"I told you all, I did! Librarians are very rude, they are!"

2018-09-13, 12:25 AM

Despite their lack of manners, if these dragons are librarians (and they're in a library, so what else could they be?) they might be able to help them. After all, that's what librarians are supposed to do.

"We're sorry for making noises, we are," Dross addresses the massive creatures while darting to and fro, making sure one of the dragons is always between him and the other, "and I know how much this library means to you, I do! It has many rare and valuable... walls... it does! We are here to help protect it. It's true! Protect all libraries everywhere, we are! There is something here we need, there is. If we find it, your walls will all be safe. If we don't, then they won't. No more library. All gone! Will you helps us, will you?"

Hurried Diplomacy check (-10 modifier included)

2018-09-13, 06:28 PM

Without even uttering a sound Klaudis succumbs to the combined effect of the dragons' breaths. Like most of the others, the man lies in a comatose heap on the floor.

The rolls (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=23366327&postcount=524) did not go well.

Klaudis Liepins (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1639139)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Swiftblade, Level 20, Init 11, HP 84/196, Speed 50ft
AC 24, Touch 18, Flat-footed 18, Fort 14, Ref 17, Will 6, Base Attack Bonus +19,
Greatclub +30 (4d8+14, 19-20/x2)
Composite Longbow +24 (1d8+9, 20/x3)
Mithral Breastplate (+6 Armor, +6 Dex, +2 Deflect)
Abilities Str 28, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 0 (-4), Cha 24Currently helpless as a result of Wisdom damage.

• 25% chance to ignore critical hits. (Light Fortification armor)
• endure elements spell effect. (Crystal of Least Adaptaton)
• +2 Spot checks. (Scout's Headband)
• Can move through difficult terrain at normal speed and without suffering any other
impairment. (Vanguard Treads)
• Unaffected by slippery ice, wet stones, or other surfaces where traction is a problem. (Vanguard Treads)
• +8 bonus on attempts to resist bull rushes and +4 bonus on grapple checks to resist a grapple attempt if that grapple would move to another square. (Vanguard Treads)
• Does not need to eat or drink. (Ring of Sustenance)
• Needs to sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. (Ring of Sustenance)
• Cast greater mighty wallop this morning, increasing the damage of Klaudis' greatclub by three effective size categories. 28 hour duration.
• Cast dragonsight this morning, granting the ability to see four times as well as a normal human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light; Darkvision effective out to 140 feet; half the normal penalties for distance on Spot checks; blindsense effective out to 70 feet. 28 hour duration.Klaudis will normally cast haste as a Swift action at the start of battle, gaining the following benefits:
• +1 on attack rolls.
• +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex.
• +30ft enhancement bonus to speed, stacks with the bonus from the Swift Surge (Ex) class ability.
• 50% concealment.
• 50% chance of ignoring targeted spells.
• Freedom of movement spell effect.
• May move across the surface of placid or flowing water, but not whitewater rapids or stormy water, by making two Move actions in a round. Immediately sinks any time he makes a single move action in a round or comes to a complete stop while traversing water.
• One additional Move or Standard action per round.

When Klaudis casts haste on himself the effect is Extraordinary rather than a continuous spell effect, and therefore cannot be dispelled by any means. It can still be countered as a spell at the moment of casting.

He will usually follow up by casting enlarge person as One-Round action, gaining the following benefits:
• +2 Size bonus to Strength.
• -2 Size penalty to Dexterity.
• -1 Size penalty to attack rolls and AC.
• Becomes Large size; space and reach increase to 10/10; equipment changes size accordingly.

2018-09-13, 06:53 PM
Derrk doesn't move, but his familiar does. Rising onto its back legs and spreading its wings, the pseudodragon tips its head and looks at its massive cousins.

With a mental sqwack, it sends impressions of meekness, apology, and curiosity.

2018-09-14, 01:48 PM
One of them cants its head and pears at you with both eyes, like a predator looking at a prey, it's haunches were ready to pounce.

"Oh little thing, you know nothing, be gone from this place, lest we rend you piece by piece for an eternity."

The second one smiles, and then unleashes another breath attack.

And with that, it did pounce, leaping through the air, unleashing a salvo of lethal attacks your way. The second dragon moving closer, after it's companions attack.



Dross: (everyone else just takes the damage)
Attempt 1 Ref saves vs breath attack DC 34 or suffer [roll0] and 11 essentia drain or Wisdom if you do not have essentia, for 1 hour.
Successful save halves the essentia/wisdom drain.




[roll10] auto miss





Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EcEIZb8ONjfgmq1x9aRHjo8Kb3XmrrBIIOXZeIiU_-Y/edit?usp=sharing)

2018-09-14, 02:15 PM

Getting used to dodging their breath attacks, Dross darts around it, then feints just before the second dragon lands on top of him.

Counter Charge: Opposed Dex check: [roll0]

2018-09-14, 03:53 PM
Dross avoids the charge, and darts at the dragon, attempting to move it with carefully placed points of pressure, and leverage from his momentum, the first few miss, just not able to resist the dragons bulk, but then he trips the mighty beast, sending it a few feet in a direction to its surprise it lands on the floor befuzzled. Dross keeps moving, tripping the thing further and further, zipping, and barrel rolling in the air, slamming the mighty beast around the room like a piρata at a 6 year olds birthday party.

The dragon shrivels and starts to bleed, bloody smears appear upon the wall, it's wings tear, and it can barely hold onto consciousness as it's lifeblood is being beaten out of it by a tiny little dragon.

And then Dross moves onto the other dragon.

After what seems like way more than 6 seconds, Dross is the only one left standingflying, two gargantuan Dragon corpses lie against opposite walls, blood pooling around them.

2018-09-14, 04:35 PM

"I tried to be nice, I did," Dross says. "Even though you hurt my friends, I did. That's why…" the small wyrmling smiles "I'm happy you still choose to fight."

Tornado Throw!


In a flash, Dross darts forward and up and round and down and between the two dragons, building speed and momentum with each turn. His gauntlet flares as the air in the room rushes into a cyclone, centered around the beasts. First it gets warm, then sweltering, until it blazes, burning scaled flesh.

Dross breaks, bringing the much larger creatures with him, slamming them into ceilings and walls. "For Kork!" he yells. SLAM! "Herald!" CRASH! "Klaudis!" THUMP! "Trex!" CRACK! "Derrk!" SQLICK!

Around the room Dross spirals, giving his oppoenents a thorough tour of its surfaces. The sounds of impact, once soild and resonating, begin to turn wet and limp as the two gigantic bodies are ground down.

"For Ire!" And with a final throw, he splashes the two now-cooked-corpses against the far wall.

Dross looks to his fallen comrades, exhausted. He finds the wand of restoration on Herald's unconscious body, and sets to bringing his companions back.

2018-09-14, 06:12 PM
Herald rubs his head as he stands up, his wisdom restored by his own restoration wand held by Dross.

"Oh, my head. What happened? Last thing I saw was the fog then nothing."

He looks around and saw two dead dragon corpses.

"Did you kill these dragons all by yourself?"

2018-09-16, 01:44 AM
Standing up after being so weary, Trexiat gazes at his clothing... his oh-so wet clothing.

"What is this!? You insolent kobold ruining my precious clothing with your needless gore!" Sighing and checking himself, he does his best to squeeze out the stains, but to no avail.

2018-09-16, 01:54 PM
Derrk is not pleased when he awakes to his familiar poking at his face. He remains displeased as he uses the magic of his golden cape to rise up and five feet into the air.

2018-09-16, 02:40 PM

"I tried to talk to them, I did. But they said I didn't know anything. Of course I don't know anything. You don't go to a library if you already know, you don't. They were terrible librarians, they were. Not helpful at all. Good walls, though."

The morphed dragon sees Trexiat mourning over his ruined clothing. "I'm sorry, I am! Here!" Dross spins a dance around the half-elf and the blood and filth evaporate off his cloak, chainmail, and otherwise naked body.


2018-09-16, 02:57 PM
Kork rubs his eyes. "So … what the hell just happened?"

2018-09-16, 04:51 PM
"You saved us then. You have my gratitude."

Herald bows then holds out his hand.

"Can I have my wand back?"

2018-09-16, 07:03 PM

"Dross," says Klaudis. "I suspect that I owe you my life. Not to sound ungrateful, but you didn't happen to see a way out while you were liquefying those dragons, did you?"

2018-09-21, 10:21 AM
As you talk, the floor begins to get wet, water, starts to rise, you are not sure where it's coming from, but it is rising very fast.

2018-09-21, 12:09 PM
After asking the wand back and 10 ft from the ground, the first thing he does is cast conviction and true sight then use a freedom of movement scroll on himself after regaining his health with heal.

"There is no point staying idle. If you are too afraid to try something then I will."

Then, pulling out a wand of obscuring mist and using it to obscure a side that of a wall, he disintegrate the wall of force he obscured and pinpointed by his blindsight while moving through it after renewing his wards (minor shapeshifting).

2018-09-21, 07:33 PM
Trexiat D'Jath-Vlt

Glaring at the imprudent Raptoran, Trexiat says calmly "I am not scared, but perhaps you shouldn't be so foolish", and with that, Trexiat opens a gate to the elemental plane of fire on the floor, thus starting to drain the water.

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +2 DC
Conjunctive Gate: +2 DC

2018-09-21, 08:12 PM
Derrk positions himself near the top of the room, angled to easily look below. His familiar flaps up with him, a bit shaken by the draconic encounter, and perches on the sorcerer's outstretched arm. With his other arm, he draws a dark longsword, which weapon's design gave the impression of a bat.

"How are you doing on the glyph? I can attempt to dispel it, if none of you can competently do so."

As he speaks, he focuses his gaze and looks about. His eyes lose their color as he does so.

Move to the top(fly), draw my longsword to benefit from its 30' blindsight. Focusing my gaze with True Seeing to peer into the Ethereal Plane. You know, with my sensory enhancements, I probably shouldn't have dumped my perception.

2018-09-21, 08:16 PM
You cast the spell, and feel like it did something, but you can't tell.

You tell the universe there should be a gate there, it listens, but nothing happens.

The water is now thigh high.

2018-09-21, 08:40 PM
ignoring Trexiat, he focuses on the fog.

"Fire and wind that can blow away the fog that I create will help."

Herald looks at the group as he ascends higher. If they don't have the spell, he will blow it away with a gust of wind.

2018-09-21, 08:53 PM
Trexiat D'Jath-Vlt

Shrugging, Trexiat knows that there must be some sort of a spell blocking his utterances from forming. Knowing that, he steps out of the obscuring mist (from the side opposite to the destroyed wall) and forcibly removes the spells affecting his person.

Move: Leave Obscuring Mist
Standard: Reversed Spell Rebirth on self: The highest CL spell affecting Trexiat is now dispelled, no CL check needed.
Swift: Quickened Reversed Spell Rebirth: ^, but the 2nd highest CL spell affecting him, if any.

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +2 DC
Conjunctive Gate: +2 DC
Spell Rebirth: +4 DC

2018-09-21, 10:51 PM

"Why would you blow away the fog? If we can't see the symbols, the symbols can't harm us, they can't."

Dross flies into the fog bank, blissfully unconcerned with the rising waters.

2018-09-21, 11:01 PM
Derrk checks the progress of the water, lest it catch them off guard. His familiar does some calculations, determining first the area of the room, then its volume, the water's current depth and volume, the rate at which the water is rising, and an estimate of how long it would take to fill the room.

"Forget about the cloud and focus on the water. We've got a little under three minutes before it fills the place, and a little under two and a half before it gets my shoes wet. Start coming up with solutions, unless you want to spend gods-only-know how long hiding in a force cube."
You can do those calculations, or you can give me the numbers I need to do them. Dimensions of the room, depth of the water in the previous round, and depth of the water in this round.

2018-09-22, 12:32 AM

"Then we should remove a wall, we should. If the water can leave the room it will. Or it should. I think. If not, we can leave, we can. We need to get in the fog to get rid of the symbols to get rid of the wall to get rid of the water, we do.

"It's a shame, it is. They are nice walls."

2018-09-22, 01:03 AM
Herald withhold his spell

"Then you can make yourself useful and find out whether the wall is there or not."

He also casts control water to lower the depth of the water by 40 ft.

2018-09-24, 01:42 PM
The wall of force is destroyed in a spherical 10ft diameter from where the disintegration ray hit it, several seconds later however, it reappears.

The spell control water definitely works, but the water is merely displaced to the sides.

The water is now up to you waist (if you were standing on the floor)

Feel free to let me speed this up, or you can try more things

2018-09-24, 01:53 PM
Growing concerned, Kork uses an eternal wand to cast Heart of Water on himself.

Edit: Already cast that

2018-09-24, 01:58 PM
Swooping down closer to the others, his familiar clinging to his shoulder, he voices his concerns.
"The water is a secondary concern. We have two primary concerns: getting out of this room, and healing the damage incurred from the dragon attack. My familiar and I have sustained significant injury, by which I mean we are half flayed."

2018-09-24, 03:20 PM
Herald clicks his tongue as he tracks the disintegration ray he first sent into the wall partially succeededt.

"The wall regenerates. That's a useful piece of information. So we are not supposed to bring down the wall unless we can also disintegrate the outer layer at the same time."

The bird man tries his best to recover the warriors without wasting more magic (Either with touch of healing if below half HP)

2018-09-25, 05:40 PM

"We could strike in near-unison, one of us directly after the other." says Klaudis. "My magics are much smaller and more specialized than those of yourself and most of our companions, but I offer what muscle and bone I have. If one of you can take down the force wall, however briefly, the rest of us can strike with spell or steel and see what comes."

2018-09-25, 09:33 PM
Trexiat D'Jath-Vlt

Trexiat takes the moment of respite to heal himself. He says "Klaudius, I'll have you know that I am not well suited to this task. You do you, but I'll seek other methods of escape".

And with that, he uses Lore of the World to speak with the floor once more. "Floor, what can I, your humble servant, do to make you not a floor?"

Using GWoD + Quickened CWoD to give myself Fast Healing 35 for 4 rounds, healing myself completely.

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +4 DC
Conjunctive Gate: +2 DC
Spell Rebirth: +4 DC
Greater Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Critical Word of Nurturing: +4 DC

2018-10-04, 02:14 AM
Herald continues to "shave" the water from the group, pushing them to the either sides while putting the former healing scroll away.

"I could but even if we strike the wall at the same time, we will be the prime targets of the symbol which can cause more harm than good since it will render us all permanently insane. Unless, of course, some of us with the immense strength, who are powerhouses, attempt to break the wall. I can remove the infliction if that is the case."

The birdman turns to Derrk.

"Your familiar will only be a liability in a survival situation. You should shelter it somewhere safe until we can get out of this closed room."

2018-10-04, 10:20 AM
The wall gives a confused rumble, as if it did not understand your question

The water is speeding up, it will soon fill the room.

We can speed this up, cast what you will, but the room is about to fill up.

2018-10-04, 10:35 AM
Derrk scowls at Herald, and his familiar hisses a little. A telepathic message arrives from the pseudodragon, including impressions of annoyance and indignation, as well as some memories of various feats.

"Don't you call me a liability! I am smarter and wiser than yourself. Don't underestimate me. Now focus on the issues at hand."

2018-10-04, 03:44 PM

"Bicker bicker bicker! No, We must get out instead, we must!" Dross flies over near a corner and pulls out a wand. "Reject! Reject! Reject, I do!"

For the next seven minutes: Nullifies force effects in a 15' radius and automatically counters any spell with a force descriptor that overlaps its area (which should mean the entirety of three walls of force--two walls and the floor--are negated, not just the parts in the immediate area)

2018-10-05, 09:48 PM
If the walls of force go down, Kork attempts to hack at the stone wall with his adamantine greatsword.

ooc: Full power attack
attack [roll0], damage [roll1]
attack [roll2], damage [roll3]
attack [roll4], damage [roll5]
attack [roll6], damage [roll7]

2018-10-05, 10:17 PM
Klaudis follows suit, striking with all his worth in sync with Kork.

Swift action to cast haste on the group, Standard action to attack the wall, Full-Round action to full attack the wall, Power Attacking for -19/+38.

Attack 1:

Damage 1:

Attack 2:

Damage 2:

Attack 3:

Damage 3:

Attack 4:

Damage 4:

Attack 5:

Damage 5:
[roll9]Klaudis Liepins (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1639139)
Male Lawful Neutral Human Swiftblade, Level 20, Init 11, HP 196/196, Speed 80ft
AC 25, Touch 19, Flat-footed 18, Fort 14, Ref 18, Will 15, Base Attack Bonus +19,
Greatclub +31 (4d8+14, 19-20/x2)
Composite Longbow +24 (1d8+9, 20/x3)
Mithral Breastplate (+6 Armor, +6 Dex, +2 Deflect, +1 Dodge)
Abilities Str 28, Dex 18, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 18, Cha 24• 25% chance to ignore critical hits. (Light Fortification armor)
Endure elements spell effect. (Crystal of Least Adaptaton)
+2 Spot checks. (Scout's Headband)
Can move through difficult terrain at normal speed and without suffering any other impairment. (Vanguard Treads)
Unaffected by slippery ice, wet stones, or other surfaces where traction is a problem. (Vanguard Treads)
+8 bonus on attempts to resist bull rushes and +4 bonus on grapple checks to resist a grapple attempt if that grapple would move to another square. (Vanguard Treads)
Does not need to eat or drink. (Ring of Sustenance)
Needs to sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. (Ring of Sustenance)
Cast greater mighty wallop this morning, increasing the damage of Klaudis' greatclub by three effective size categories. 28 hour duration.
Cast dragonsight this morning, granting the ability to see four times as well as a normal human in low-light conditions and twice as well in normal light; Darkvision effective out to 140 feet; half the normal penalties for distance on Spot checks; blindsense effective out to 70 feet. 28 hour duration.
Cast haste gaining the below benefits. 28 round duration.
+1 on attack rolls.
+1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex.
+30ft enhancement bonus to speed, stacks with the bonus from the Swift Surge (Ex) class ability.
50% concealment.
50% chance of ignoring targeted spells.
Freedom of movement spell effect.
May move across the surface of placid or flowing water, but not whitewater rapids or stormy water, by making two Move actions in a round. Immediately sinks any time he makes a single move action in a round or comes to a complete stop while traversing water.
One additional Move or Standard action per round.
When Klaudis casts haste on himself the effect is Extraordinary rather than a continuous spell effect, and therefore cannot be dispelled by any means. It can still be countered as a spell at the moment of casting.
Klaudis will usually follow up by casting enlarge person as a One-Round action, gaining the following benefits:
• +2 Size bonus to Strength.
• -2 Size penalty to Dexterity.
• -1 Size penalty to attack rolls and AC.
• Becomes Large size; space and reach increase to 10/10; equipment changes size accordingly.

2018-10-05, 11:22 PM
Herald glares at the familiar, annoyed, stressed and solemn as images flooded into his head. He sends a "return package" to the familiar detailing their defeat and Dross saving them with his wand.

"Underestimate you? Hardly. This is not the time to gloat of our pride or declare mental superiority. This is not the ground we are acclaimed for our deeds. It is foreign ground where its forces are deadlier than anything we faced. What I suggested earlier is a optimal survival tactics if you can't contribute since this is what this library is about. Survival. Smarter or wiser, it would wise to be caution. Look at how where our pride got us. Defeated, our minds broken and having to have our draconic ally rescue us. Very shameful."

He cast spell immunity, greater on himself rendering himself immune to symbol of insanity and some other spells (will detail in OOC) as Dross brings down the force walls.

"You might want to do something to the real wall while its outer layer is down. I can bring your minds back if you succumb to the symbols."

With that, Herald sends another ray of disintegration to the part of the wall that two of his companion attacked at the same time that they swing their swords down on it.


2018-10-08, 11:46 AM
The water is now half way up the room.

The disintegration spell hits the wall, but then stops, fizzling with an acrid smoke at the point of impact. It has no affect.

Your attacks hit, but you can tell this is incredibly hard stone, and something else, the magic of your weapons is not working as expected with it.

Please roll/calculate attacks without the magical enhancements to your weapons, other magical effects, like haste, and bonuses to stats work just fine.

So for those already rolled/attacked, please give me the numbers in the OOC, sans the weapon enhancements.

2018-10-09, 04:56 PM
Trexiat D'Jath-Vlt

Trexiat shrugs his shoulders, knowing that the won't be of much use against these inanimate objects, for they do not have the guts to challenge him.

...In other words, they don't have truenames. Trexiat does, however, help his allies in the destruction of the cage.

Targeting Kork Gran with the Temporal Twist Utterance to give him an extra attack that doesn't stack with haste. If Kork is already Hasted, then he targets Klaudius.

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +4 DC
Conjunctive Gate: +2 DC
Spell Rebirth: +4 DC
Greater Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Critical Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Temporal Twist: +2 DC

2018-10-09, 05:26 PM
Kork feels inspired and able to take another swing at the damn (dam?) wall.

ooc: Does not include sword enchantment

attack [roll0], damage [roll1]

2018-10-11, 05:47 PM
Trexiat D'Jath-Vlt

As the water rapidly fills, Trexiat finds himself unable to swim. Extremely worried about his well being, he whips out his road and starts expending charges, his eyes dashing left and right for a solution that his apparently incompetent allies cannot find.

Standard: Activate Rod of Wonder (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rods.htm#wonder)
[roll0]: 10-40 gems jump out into the water and hit something away from the party 5d4 times.

Skill Rolls:
-Arcana: [roll1] (Is the water magical? Is it from an arcane source/item? If it's an item, what's the command word?)
-The Planes: [roll2] (Is the water from a different plane?)
-Architecture: [roll3] (Does the room have any weaknesses, or anything odd in particular?)
-Dungeoneering: [roll4] (Does this "flooding room trap" have any weaknesses or bypass mechanisms?)
-History: [roll5] (Has anybody famous ever escaped something like this? Has something like this ever existed? If it's an item, do I know any possible command words?)
-Nature: [roll6] (Is the water natural? If not, is there anything special about it?)
Concentration: [roll7] (To not entirely freak out. Of course this roll fails anyways...)
Spellcraft: [roll8] (Water source? Is it from a spell? If so, then identify)
Appraise: [roll9] (Appraise the room: How much money is the room-that's-going-to-hold-my-corpse cost?)
Search: [roll10] (Searching for unusual stuff)
Decipher Script: [roll11] (If I find anything unusual, find out what it is)
Spot: [roll12] (Searching for unusual stuff)

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +4 DC
Conjunctive Gate: +2 DC
Spell Rebirth: +4 DC
Greater Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Critical Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Temporal Twist: +2 DC

2018-10-11, 06:04 PM

Seeing Trexiat's head go underwater and his comrade's immediate panic, the mercury wyrmling dives from the roof of the chamber into the rising pool. He yanks off his necklace and lassos it over Trexiat's head--draping a thin bubble of fresh, breathable air around the truenamer's body--before rocketing back towards the shrinking air pocket above, himself no longer able to stay under indefinately.

I'm assuming that freedom of movement means Dross doesn't have to make swim checks as he can move "normally" underwater.

Of course, Trexiat's current amulet will be suppressed as long as he wears Dross's

2018-10-11, 06:58 PM
Seeing Trexiat go under, Derrk sighs and extends a closed fist. He magically raises the linguist out of the water and into the rapidly shrinking bubble of air.

"Somehow," he sighs again, "Somehow we are struggling with mundane water, if magically transported or created. The walls seem to be under the effects of tightly localized antimagic effects. If you cannot find a way to halt the water's advance, I will enclose us in a Resilient Sphere to buy us twenty-four minutes. Are there not divine spells of a dessicating nature that could annihilate some of this water?"

His familiar squawks at the divine caster(s).

Using Ring of Telekinesis to lift Trexiat. If the water reaches 20' from the ceiling or less, I will gather the others close and enclase us in a Resilient Sphere

2018-10-12, 11:05 AM
You smash into the wall, it resists. It resists like nothing else you have ever heard of, or seen before. You've seen adamantium, you've heard of other resilient materials, but this is something else entirely, the Library of Leng is truly a marvelous place to be made up of this substance.

But your attacks are powerful, and you chip away, and with your combined efforts, you shatter a brick.

It crumbles to dust as it falls apart, which is then sucked out of the room, as if the other side were a void.

And then, then the room shudders to a halt. Even the water stops, as if the whole room suddenly realized something big had happened, and all commotion, all noise, all the action that was happening, stopped, as if to let what was happening, precedence.

The floor speaks to Trexiat in a strained voice "What have you done!"

As quickly as everything stopped, each walls seems to buckle, ripple, as if dimensions had no rules, and they were folding in on themselves, each surface undulated...

And stopped.

The water in the room began to drain out of the hole you made, pulling its mass to that side of the wall as if there was no longer gravity to it, suddenly, Trexiat was no longer under water as he stood in the half of the room that was now dry. A vortex formed on the surface of the water facing Trexiat, it was vanishing at an exponential rate, and with a blink, and a heartbeat, had been sucked out like a Titan drinking from a straw.

The room was empty now, with a hole gaping wide, that was now much larger than before, several other bricks had torn free, and as you peer into the dark void on the other side, the room groans loudly for all to hear, and begins to tear itself apart.

With a loud crunch, bricks start to tear free, walls crumble, and the ceiling tears away, all being pulled away from you, as if you were surrounded by a spherical vacuum that pulled in all directions at once.

You all hang in space, the dark, and meaningless void stretches before you all, only able to see each other by the meager light that barely manages to fight the void back for a few feet of vision, the darkness is hungry, and your mind reels at the sight of such total, and utter emptiness.

2018-10-12, 11:22 AM

With Trexiat no longer in danger of drowning, Dross retrieves his necklace just as the room starts to disintegrate. Dross darts around, tempting the "falling" bricks to hit him and then dancing around and between the pieces, as if it was all a game.

"Neat!" The word is absorbed into the void like everything else as the final brick disappears. "Again! Again! Let's do it again, yes!"

2018-10-12, 04:48 PM
Trexiat D'Jath-Vlt

Trexiat scans the area and notes Derrk's observation. Touching the ground once more, he questions it yet again. "Hello again, my sweet partner". As Trexiat swoons the floor in conversation, he'll check for any signs of remembrance from their previous encounter.

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +6 DC
Conjunctive Gate: +2 DC
Spell Rebirth: +4 DC
Greater Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Critical Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Temporal Twist: +2 DC

2018-10-12, 05:12 PM
"Finally. We are free! I admit that the warping is really fun."

Herald nods at Dross's comment.

2018-10-12, 07:04 PM
Kork says "Alright! That is certainly better than drowning. But I feel like we're in the middle of nowhere … literally. This is supposed to be a library, so where are the books? Well, maybe we found Kenσs, the eternal Void - if so, now what?"

He pulls out his healing wand and begins to heal himself from the dragon breath damage.

2018-10-16, 10:20 AM
Hanging in the void, time becomes marred, it's hard to tell how long, or what has happened, the only thing changing were your companions, who moved, floating in the aether of the abyss.

The void suddenly changed, compacting, forcing everything in it to squash down, and you experience the wonder that is you, being stretched in two directions at once, as if a giant was pulling you apart from head to toe with it's hands, yet, there was no pain, and your body seemed to stretch off into the distance.

And with a pop, you all blink, and appear back at the rock where you were before you ever entered the Library.

2018-10-16, 11:05 AM
The sorcerer whirls about, scanning his surroundings with annoyance. His familiar nips about, annoyed as well.

"Shed scales and draconiaci faciant suspiriosis!" the dragonling hisses in silence, "This place is a maze of many dimensions!"

Derrk is inclined to agree with his smaller half's frustration as he checks the status of the enormous construct that had been guarding the front earlier.

"I'm tempted to show the construct my might, but I am uncertain of what I could do to it. Constructs tend to be immune to most raw magicks, which is what I mostly have, but I could duplicate a Flaywind Burst. If this thing is what I suspect it may be, though..."

I want to identify the construct, if possible. One of y'all may be far better at it, but I'll try.
My check: [roll0]
My familiar's aid another to get another +2: [roll1]

2018-10-16, 12:27 PM
You fail to identify the golem, perhaps the seer called it a Golem, because he didn't know what it was either?

2018-10-17, 08:23 PM
Kork says "All that for nothing? Not even for nothing, I should say, since we lost our access to the nothing.

Well, golems aren't too bright, right? Maybe we can lead it away from its post, then sneak inside."

2018-10-19, 09:31 PM
"Lead it away?" Derrk smiles, "I can do that. I'll just conjure up myself, fly over there but out of reach, and do something impressive, then lead it away. Yeah, that's something I can do. An illusion, but a potent one. Shall I?"

2018-10-20, 01:15 PM
With some careful searching, you manage to find the latch that bought you into the library, looks like you can enter it again, if you dare...

2018-10-26, 10:39 PM

At the rediscovery of the latch, Dross pounces on it. "We do get to do it again, we do!" he says with the excitement of a child just before he activates the device.

2018-10-26, 11:57 PM

"Dross," Klaudis says before the obold activates the trigger. "Please try not to make such a mess this time."

2018-10-27, 08:41 PM
Trexiat shrugs. After all, the kobold was doing the only thing he knew sane.

2018-10-29, 04:39 PM
Kork shrugs and follows.

2018-11-20, 03:31 PM
As you activate the trigger again, you feel the tell tale felling as before, and suddenly, as before, you are standing in the same room as before.

Except this time, one wall is covered by bloody smears of flesh and blood, at the floor, gibbets and viscera lie in a steaming pile.

2018-11-20, 04:54 PM
Derrk scans the scene and makes an observation.

"This environment and its events, they do not reset themselves," he decides, "With the exception, of course, of what we have already observed to reset."

He hesitates, then corrects himself.

"The environment doesn't completely reset itself."

2018-11-24, 01:40 PM
Trexiat D'Jath-Vlt

Trexiat scans the area and notes Derrk's observation. Touching the ground once more, he questions it yet again. "Hello again, my sweet partner". As Trexiat swoons the floor in conversation, he'll check for any signs of remembrance from their previous encounter.

Law of Resistance:
Universal Aptitude: +4 DC
Hidden Truth: +2 DC
Lore of the World: +6 DC
Conjunctive Gate: +2 DC
Spell Rebirth: +4 DC
Greater Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Critical Word of Nurturing: +4 DC
Temporal Twist: +2 DC

2018-11-26, 01:33 PM
Trexiat receives an annoyed sigh as the room begins to fill with water.