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View Full Version : The Many Faces of Endeca

2007-09-14, 05:57 AM
Hello, aloha, hola, and hello in any languages that I've been too lazy to learn it in. Those of you who've read Jaden's thread may be expecting this - I just thought I'd unleash Endeca on you all and see what happens.

Endeca is an established character that has had about three different versions, each of which I'll detail here.

Endeca Spellweaver, Chaos Magus


A young arctic elf with a smile on her face and inexplicably pink hair, Endeca is a source of both joy and stress for her friends around her. Endeca's small, slight frame is clad in her constantly-changing patchwork outfit, with her brain-eating familiar either in a bag of holding or on her shoulder. To any problem, her answer is a spell - and if she doesn't have the right one, the answer is a Wild Surge. With an utter disregard for her own safety, Endeca casts wildly, dances into the thick of fights, and pulls random levers and buttons for the fun of it.

At the same time, she's eternally happy and optomistic. As her friend Es once described her, "The only keeper of smiles and joy in the Companionship." With any problem, she believes that the solution is right at hand - if you look hard enough. She always tries to cheer someone up, help them out, or just be there for them to cry on.

Alone, however, is a different story. Without her friends near her, Endeca slips into fear and depression, jumping at every shadow. If left alone for too long, her more pleasant madness starts to turn in on itself, making her aggressive and scared - a dangerous combination for someone capable of leveling a town on accident. She also refuses to take part in the Reverie for reasons she won't tell anyone, instead sleeping as any human does - and waking up every night, screaming.

Endeca's intellect devourer is her familiar, and she has named him Snuggles. After she saved him from certain death by starvation, he became very attached to the elf, and worries about her constantly - to the point where he can and does go behind her back to try and keep her safe. While not good as of yet, Endeca's influence has improved him to Chaotic Nuetral.

The next version is in utter seriousness. She's in a serious campaign with an actual story that's going on right now. Her methods, however, are utterly rediculous. Why? Because she's Endeca.

Endeca Spellweaver, Kitten Magus

The only thing this Endeca has in common with her counterpart is the pink hair and the smile - almost everything else is completely different. With a definite and more solid grip on reality, Endeca is still the eternal optimist, even if she's forced to admit sometimes that a problem is impossible. While the other Endeca honestly tries to do good and meets with little success due to her unpredictability, this Endeca typically has more success in defending the weak and aiding the poor.

Endeca is known for her signature class of spells and chief obsession - kittens. Everything from her awe-inspiring Kitten Wave (imagine a tidal wave, composed of kittens) to her disturbing Fur From the Abyss, her combat repitoire involves something cute and furry every time.

Endeca is quite devoted to Sune, though she comes into conflict with the Firehair's clerics on occasion due to her tendency to classify "cute" as "beautiful". But she does her best to reduce collateral damage, protect both natural and artificial beauty, and strive for beauty as she sees it. Apparantly she's done well, as one of the priests of Sune is her husband.

Evil 'Deca
"Be afraid, child. Be very afraid."

A passionate genius with just a touch of madness, this Endeca has turned to evil to prove a -thesis-. After a long argument with the master of her Wizard's guild, Endeca decided to prove her point - that if the multiverse were destroyed, it would simply remake itself - by experimentation. Her rampage since then has continued without any end in sight or anyone's ability to stop her.

Far from an independant operator, Endeca often works with other groups or subverts them, accomplishing their short-term goals in order to destroy more. She has taken control of the Clockwork Legion (see Monster Manual Two) and uses the horrors as her personal vanguard - right before she follows up with the armies of the Abyss.

A master of epic spells of death and destruction, Endeca doesn't quite understand the concepts of party support or utility - any one of her spells is designed to kill, maim, or destroy. Nonetheless, her party sticks with her, partially not to be destroyed, but mostly because she gives them an excellent excuse to kill. Chillingly, she seems utterly without emotion about her activities - an impartial scientist merely proving a hypothesis.